Monday, May 31, 2010
May 30, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Monday, May 31
Zep 3: 14-17
Romans 12: 9-16
Luke 1:39-56
Ah, my favorite Marian feast! Mary goes OUT on an important journey. Let ME (Father Tom) speak this time instead of our holy founder. It's been almost three months since the little promotion booklets were mailed out. How many have you approached? Many? A few? None? Please read again the third question in the rite of Profession.
Zep 3: 14-17
Romans 12: 9-16
Luke 1:39-56
Ah, my favorite Marian feast! Mary goes OUT on an important journey. Let ME (Father Tom) speak this time instead of our holy founder. It's been almost three months since the little promotion booklets were mailed out. How many have you approached? Many? A few? None? Please read again the third question in the rite of Profession.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Christian Self Mastery by Basil W. Maturin

Unfortunately, we cannot click to look inside. However if you go to where I got the image, you will be able to do so.
Christian Self-Mastery was recommended to me by my confessor during a spiritual direction and confession session. I am not very far into it yet, but what I have read has been very helpful and enlightening. It is written by Basil W. Maturin and published by Sophia Institute Press.
From the back cover:
This is the book you need for those times in your life when even your most strenuous efforts to follow Christ end in frustration. Christian Self-Mastery explains why following Him can sometimes be so difficult—and how you can start now to make progress even in the most vexing areas of your life...”
“A thought-provoking guide to bringing all of life into conformity with Christ. Essential reading for everyone who wants to overcome sin. ~Patrick Madrid”
May 30, 2010 Inspiration From Bits & Pieces
May30, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Sunday, May 30
Proverbs 8: 22-31
Romans 5: 1-5
John 16: 12-15
Let your heart be the tabernacle of the Trinity and let the words you say, the activities that you carry out, be inspired by the Trinity in your heart (AAP 1959)
An interesting, but true statement: we carry the TRINITY in our lives, not just our Divine Master and Father! A "Glory Be to the Father..." should often be on our lips. As we give honor to the Trinity, the Trinity will not fail us.
Proverbs 8: 22-31
Romans 5: 1-5
John 16: 12-15
Let your heart be the tabernacle of the Trinity and let the words you say, the activities that you carry out, be inspired by the Trinity in your heart (AAP 1959)
An interesting, but true statement: we carry the TRINITY in our lives, not just our Divine Master and Father! A "Glory Be to the Father..." should often be on our lips. As we give honor to the Trinity, the Trinity will not fail us.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
May 29, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Saturday, May 29
Jude 17: 20-25
Mark 11: 27-33
Mary is truly blessed because she believed and so everything that had been promised has been accomplished in her (AAP 1959)
True. And this raises the issue--for me and for you--would we accomplish more especially in terms of new people if we believe more in our own vocation, in the value of the Institute, in the plan of God for others He wants us to find?
Jude 17: 20-25
Mark 11: 27-33
Mary is truly blessed because she believed and so everything that had been promised has been accomplished in her (AAP 1959)
True. And this raises the issue--for me and for you--would we accomplish more especially in terms of new people if we believe more in our own vocation, in the value of the Institute, in the plan of God for others He wants us to find?
May 28, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Friday, May 28
1 Peter 4:7-13
Mark 11: 11-25
"Apostolate" means to do wht Mary did: she gave the world Jesus, Way, Truth and Life (FSP)
Our way of giving is different but the Gift is the same. First we possess the master, then we reach out in some way we are comfortable with. Before and after, we pray and perhaps make some sacrifice.
1 Peter 4:7-13
Mark 11: 11-25
"Apostolate" means to do wht Mary did: she gave the world Jesus, Way, Truth and Life (FSP)
Our way of giving is different but the Gift is the same. First we possess the master, then we reach out in some way we are comfortable with. Before and after, we pray and perhaps make some sacrifice.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
May 27, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Thursday, May 27
St. Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop
1 Peter 2: 205, 9-12
Mark 10: 46-52
Mary was the strong woman and is the ideal of the strong woman. Imagine yourself to be Mary. (APD, 1960)
Come to think of it, are there any really WEAK women? Not, certainly in the HFI. So now let them imagine themselves to be Mary...going OUT at the Visitation. There are people out there waiting to be evangelized Find them!
St. Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop
1 Peter 2: 205, 9-12
Mark 10: 46-52
Mary was the strong woman and is the ideal of the strong woman. Imagine yourself to be Mary. (APD, 1960)
Come to think of it, are there any really WEAK women? Not, certainly in the HFI. So now let them imagine themselves to be Mary...going OUT at the Visitation. There are people out there waiting to be evangelized Find them!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
May 26, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Wednesday, May 26
1 Peter 1: 18-25
Mark 10: 32-45
Live like Mary with a profound faith, firm hope, ardent charity, constant prudence and love for sanctity. (AAP 1957)
Well! The Founder is certainly setting the bar as high as it will go! Perhaps we should make a choice: just pick ONE of these ideals and work on it (like working on ONE fault)?
1 Peter 1: 18-25
Mark 10: 32-45
Live like Mary with a profound faith, firm hope, ardent charity, constant prudence and love for sanctity. (AAP 1957)
Well! The Founder is certainly setting the bar as high as it will go! Perhaps we should make a choice: just pick ONE of these ideals and work on it (like working on ONE fault)?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
May 25, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Tuesday, May 25
St. Bede the Venerable, priest, doctor
St. Gregory VII, Pope
St. Mary Magdalen de' Pazzi, virgin
1 Peter 1: 10-16
Mark 10 28-31
If we want to reach Jesus Christ and arrive at the "Christ lives in me," then Mary is the easy, brief, sure and perfect way (MCS p. 439)
Christ lives in me," is a reaity for all the baptized who are not in serious sin. So we have taken the first step. Subseqauent steps can be taken with the examination of conscience and a steady effort to improve (and the effort is 9/10th of what God wants).
St. Bede the Venerable, priest, doctor
St. Gregory VII, Pope
St. Mary Magdalen de' Pazzi, virgin
1 Peter 1: 10-16
Mark 10 28-31
If we want to reach Jesus Christ and arrive at the "Christ lives in me," then Mary is the easy, brief, sure and perfect way (MCS p. 439)
Christ lives in me," is a reaity for all the baptized who are not in serious sin. So we have taken the first step. Subseqauent steps can be taken with the examination of conscience and a steady effort to improve (and the effort is 9/10th of what God wants).
Monday, May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Monday, May 24
1 Peter 1:3-9
Mark 10:17-27
The consecrated life is an effort to be close to Mary and to imitate her hoping to be equally close to her in heaven (AA58 p. 20)
True, but our holy Patron is St. Paul. It will never do if we "stay at home" (so to speak) and expect things to happen. As I said already, I love the picture of Mary "going OUT" to visit Elizabeth!
1 Peter 1:3-9
Mark 10:17-27
The consecrated life is an effort to be close to Mary and to imitate her hoping to be equally close to her in heaven (AA58 p. 20)
True, but our holy Patron is St. Paul. It will never do if we "stay at home" (so to speak) and expect things to happen. As I said already, I love the picture of Mary "going OUT" to visit Elizabeth!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
May 23, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Sunday, May 23
Acts 2: 1-11
Romans 8:8-17
John 14:15-26
Don't say: "We know as much as we have studied." We know, first of all, as much as we have prayed. (AAP p. 145)
The two sorts of knowledge, of course, are not the same, but the Founder is underlining the need to refer to the Lord frequently even in situations where the next move seems perfectly obvious. God has His plans too!
Acts 2: 1-11
Romans 8:8-17
John 14:15-26
Don't say: "We know as much as we have studied." We know, first of all, as much as we have prayed. (AAP p. 145)
The two sorts of knowledge, of course, are not the same, but the Founder is underlining the need to refer to the Lord frequently even in situations where the next move seems perfectly obvious. God has His plans too!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
May 22, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Saturday, May 22
{Easter Weekday; Acts 28: 16-31; John 21: 20-25B}
Mary listened to the words she heard from Jesus and meditated on them in her heart (FSP 43).
What about doing the same thing?
{Easter Weekday; Acts 28: 16-31; John 21: 20-25B}
Mary listened to the words she heard from Jesus and meditated on them in her heart (FSP 43).
What about doing the same thing?
Friday, May 21, 2010
May 21, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Friday, May 21
St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions
Acts 25: 13-21
John 21: 15-19
Be devoted to the Queen of Apostles, the kind mother who loves all her children but especially those devoted to the special service of God.
This is good advice not just for this month, but for ever day: a prayer to Mary first thing in the morning, a deliberate attempt to pray briefly to her during the day, a final prayer at night. All God's gifts come to us through her.
St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions
Acts 25: 13-21
John 21: 15-19
Be devoted to the Queen of Apostles, the kind mother who loves all her children but especially those devoted to the special service of God.
This is good advice not just for this month, but for ever day: a prayer to Mary first thing in the morning, a deliberate attempt to pray briefly to her during the day, a final prayer at night. All God's gifts come to us through her.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
May 20, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Thursday, May 20, 201
St. Bernardine of Siena, priest
Acts 22:30, 23: 6-11
John 17: 20-26
Redemption began with Mary's "yes" to the angel and redemption continues to be applied through Mary, distributor of graces.
That's a powrful combination: God the Spirit sending His gifts through Mary. She it is who obtains favors and confers blessings, even if we never think of her. But wouldn'ty it be good manners to thank her every now and then?
St. Bernardine of Siena, priest
Acts 22:30, 23: 6-11
John 17: 20-26
Redemption began with Mary's "yes" to the angel and redemption continues to be applied through Mary, distributor of graces.
That's a powrful combination: God the Spirit sending His gifts through Mary. She it is who obtains favors and confers blessings, even if we never think of her. But wouldn'ty it be good manners to thank her every now and then?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 19, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Wednesday, May 19
Acts 20: 28-38
John 17: 11-19
The Holy Spirit talks in silence. When we are free from concerns and gossip and useless news...then the Holy Spirit with His serene and penetrating voice speaks to the soul (APD 1957, 233).
"Free from concerns: is hardly possible for HFI people with their many family challenges. So we do the best we can do, is to listen more carefully--the Spirit can speak also in a thunderstorm!
Acts 20: 28-38
John 17: 11-19
The Holy Spirit talks in silence. When we are free from concerns and gossip and useless news...then the Holy Spirit with His serene and penetrating voice speaks to the soul (APD 1957, 233).
"Free from concerns: is hardly possible for HFI people with their many family challenges. So we do the best we can do, is to listen more carefully--the Spirit can speak also in a thunderstorm!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
May 18, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Tuesday, May 18
St. John 1, Pope and Martyr
Acts 20-27
John 17: 1-11
We can also stop the Holy Spirit, giving into small things that slow the work of the Spirit in us. (FSP 164)
Is the work of the Spirit slowed for us and for others because we are reluctant to approach ppotential new members? Now, THAT really upsets the Spirit Who wants to sanctify these people in the Institute, but is not allowed.
St. John 1, Pope and Martyr
Acts 20-27
John 17: 1-11
We can also stop the Holy Spirit, giving into small things that slow the work of the Spirit in us. (FSP 164)
Is the work of the Spirit slowed for us and for others because we are reluctant to approach ppotential new members? Now, THAT really upsets the Spirit Who wants to sanctify these people in the Institute, but is not allowed.
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 17, 2010 Inspiration From Blessed Father Alberione
"Mary acquired a very special relation with God. The blood of Jesus, the heart of Jesus and the body of Jesus are formed by the blood of Mary. By adoring the blood, the sacred wounds and the heart of Jesus, we adore something proceeding from Mary which was assumed by the Son of God."
Blessed James Alberione
The Holy Family Institute Annual Triduum 2010
Holy Family Institute Annual Triduum
Date: 09/17/2010
Time: 08:00 AM
Description: Please join us for our annual retreat (Triduum) Sept 17th, 18th and 19th, 2010. We'd love to see you there! For more information, call: 330-533-6646
Location: The National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon, North Jackson, Ohio
Date: 09/17/2010
Time: 08:00 AM
Description: Please join us for our annual retreat (Triduum) Sept 17th, 18th and 19th, 2010. We'd love to see you there! For more information, call: 330-533-6646
Location: The National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon, North Jackson, Ohio
The 9th Annual Immaculate Heart of Mary National Home School Parent Conference 2010
The 9th Annual Immaculate Heart of Mary National Home School and Parent Conference 2010
Date: 06/11/2010
Time: 09:00 AM
Description: Immacualte Heart of Mary Home Schooling Conference Friday, June 11, 2010 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Saturday, June 12, 2010 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. (Donations gratefully accepted) Free & Convenient Parking! Speakers include: Fr. Joseph Mary Brown, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, Fr. Daniel Gee, Fr. Thomas Longua, Fr. Frank Papa, Fr. Matthew Zuberbueler, Dr. Mary Kay Clark, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Dr. Catherine Moran, Mr. Dale Ahlquist, Mrs. Terry Arnold, Mrs. Laura Berquist, Mrs. Colleen Billing, Mr. Christopher Check, Prof. Sal Ciresi, Mr. Raymond de Souza, Mr. John Jalsevac, Mr. Michael Kalsheur, Prof. Brendan McGuire, Mrs. Belinda Mooney, and Prof. Joseph Pearce!
Location: Dulles EXPO & Conference Center (North Hall), Washington, DC/Dulles Airport, 4368 Chantilly Shopping Ctr.,Chantilly, VA 20153
Date: 06/11/2010
Time: 09:00 AM
Description: Immacualte Heart of Mary Home Schooling Conference Friday, June 11, 2010 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. Saturday, June 12, 2010 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. (Donations gratefully accepted) Free & Convenient Parking! Speakers include: Fr. Joseph Mary Brown, Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, Fr. Daniel Gee, Fr. Thomas Longua, Fr. Frank Papa, Fr. Matthew Zuberbueler, Dr. Mary Kay Clark, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Dr. Catherine Moran, Mr. Dale Ahlquist, Mrs. Terry Arnold, Mrs. Laura Berquist, Mrs. Colleen Billing, Mr. Christopher Check, Prof. Sal Ciresi, Mr. Raymond de Souza, Mr. John Jalsevac, Mr. Michael Kalsheur, Prof. Brendan McGuire, Mrs. Belinda Mooney, and Prof. Joseph Pearce!
Location: Dulles EXPO & Conference Center (North Hall), Washington, DC/Dulles Airport, 4368 Chantilly Shopping Ctr.,Chantilly, VA 20153
May 17, 2010 With Anonymous
May 17, 2010 With Blessed Father Alberione
Monday, May 17
Acts 19: 1-8
John 16: 29-33
Time of preparation for the Feast of Mary Queen of Apostles and for Penecost
The Holy Spirit is not idle in us, He guides our minds, hearts and wills. Follow Him with docility (FSP 105)
What a privilege! The President has "aides"...but we have God! And what does God want? Well, let's ask Him from time to time at least. he's always ready to answer, sometimes thorugh events, sometimes thrugh people...just pay attention!
Acts 19: 1-8
John 16: 29-33
Time of preparation for the Feast of Mary Queen of Apostles and for Penecost
The Holy Spirit is not idle in us, He guides our minds, hearts and wills. Follow Him with docility (FSP 105)
What a privilege! The President has "aides"...but we have God! And what does God want? Well, let's ask Him from time to time at least. he's always ready to answer, sometimes thorugh events, sometimes thrugh people...just pay attention!
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