Monday, February 28
Sir 17: 20-24
Mk 17-27
What is the supreme personality? What is the Pauline ideal? (VMC 341).
It is no longer I who live--it is Christ, living in me (Gal 2:20).
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Angela Teresa Bagnati FSP (1971)-- Filomena Zccheddu HFI (Feb 29, '76)--Sr. Joan Mary Raveto FSP (1978)--M. Giovanna Martina HFI (1987)--Sr. Adelaide Prunotto FSP (1989)-- Sr. Ilba Garcia 1998)-- Cosimao Corigliano HFI (1998)-- Sr. Amalia Milo FSP (1999) -- Sr. Bianca M.Zanoni FSP (1999)--Sttore Serli HFI (2003)--Rafael Juan Mangini HFI (2006)-- Sr. M. Fidelis Puebla Lobo FSP (2008)-- Rose Ann Ducote (Feb, 29, 1975)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
February 27, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, February 27
Is 49: 14-15
1 Cor 4: 1-5
Mt 6: 24-34
"Halfway members"? Half the heart in the Institute and half outside it? Halfhearted observance of the practices and the commitments? Halfhearted in everything. And you expect a whole-hearted reward from the Master? (APD 1960).
No comment!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Dominca Abbate PD (1973)-- Fr. Luigi Sbalzero IGS (1981)-- Sr. Genoveffa Sandri FSP (1986)-- Roberto Garcia HFI (1997)-- Sr. Enrica Tacconi FSP (1999)-- M. Antonietta Acarso !AM (2008)-- Consuelo (2003--no first name) -- Gary Palmer (2008)
Is 49: 14-15
1 Cor 4: 1-5
Mt 6: 24-34
"Halfway members"? Half the heart in the Institute and half outside it? Halfhearted observance of the practices and the commitments? Halfhearted in everything. And you expect a whole-hearted reward from the Master? (APD 1960).
No comment!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Dominca Abbate PD (1973)-- Fr. Luigi Sbalzero IGS (1981)-- Sr. Genoveffa Sandri FSP (1986)-- Roberto Garcia HFI (1997)-- Sr. Enrica Tacconi FSP (1999)-- M. Antonietta Acarso !AM (2008)-- Consuelo (2003--no first name) -- Gary Palmer (2008)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
February 26, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, February 26
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Sir 17: 1-15
Mk 10: 13-16
It is important to examine our character or our temperament in relation to others. The ability to adapt to the temperaments of others is a powerful tool for the apostolate (VMC 338).
This seems to need no comment, but it certainly needs self-examination and prayer to change -- we all need to change something.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Costantna Telada FSP (1981)-- Sr. M. Diamantina Russo FSP (1986)-- Sr. M. Rosaria Sabatino FSP (1987)-- Sr. Anselma De Stefanui FSP (1987)-- Sr. M. Candida Massimi FSP (2001)-- Sr. M. Antonietta Martini FSP (2003)-- Fr. Tiuseppe Barbero SSP (2003)-- Lucrezia Protano Checchina IAM (2008)
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Sir 17: 1-15
Mk 10: 13-16
It is important to examine our character or our temperament in relation to others. The ability to adapt to the temperaments of others is a powerful tool for the apostolate (VMC 338).
This seems to need no comment, but it certainly needs self-examination and prayer to change -- we all need to change something.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Costantna Telada FSP (1981)-- Sr. M. Diamantina Russo FSP (1986)-- Sr. M. Rosaria Sabatino FSP (1987)-- Sr. Anselma De Stefanui FSP (1987)-- Sr. M. Candida Massimi FSP (2001)-- Sr. M. Antonietta Martini FSP (2003)-- Fr. Tiuseppe Barbero SSP (2003)-- Lucrezia Protano Checchina IAM (2008)
Friday, February 25, 2011
February 25, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, February 25
Sir 6: 4: 5-17
Mk 10: 1-2
Jesus Christ is the Master Who has a special respect for the human person, helps it develop and directs it to share in God in time and in eternity (VMC 326).
And so the more we keep in touch with the Lord through prayer and reflection, the more we develop on earth as He wants us and the more we prepare for Paradise.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Rosa Usai HFI (1983)-- Sr. Maria Paola Fadda FSP (1985)-- Sr. M Ermenegilda Asolan PD (1985)-- Carolos Anibal Munoz HFI (1990)-- Sr. M. Giacinta Girordona FSP (1996)--Anna Namestnik HFI (2003)
Sir 6: 4: 5-17
Mk 10: 1-2
Jesus Christ is the Master Who has a special respect for the human person, helps it develop and directs it to share in God in time and in eternity (VMC 326).
And so the more we keep in touch with the Lord through prayer and reflection, the more we develop on earth as He wants us and the more we prepare for Paradise.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Rosa Usai HFI (1983)-- Sr. Maria Paola Fadda FSP (1985)-- Sr. M Ermenegilda Asolan PD (1985)-- Carolos Anibal Munoz HFI (1990)-- Sr. M. Giacinta Girordona FSP (1996)--Anna Namestnik HFI (2003)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
February 24, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, February 24
Sir 5: 1-8
Mk 9: 41-50
God is life! Don't destroy your body with too much work, but be aware of your limits and live within these. Using our bodies for God implies also not abusing them (VMC 325).
This advice may seem unusual, coming from such a tireless worker as Fr. Alberione, but in fact he lived within his limits, even if they were pretty broad ones and that's also what you and I must do.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Augusta Omiccioli HFI (1993)-- Sr. M. Giustina Rossi FSP (1999)-- Maria Pia Basciani HFI (2006)
Sir 5: 1-8
Mk 9: 41-50
God is life! Don't destroy your body with too much work, but be aware of your limits and live within these. Using our bodies for God implies also not abusing them (VMC 325).
This advice may seem unusual, coming from such a tireless worker as Fr. Alberione, but in fact he lived within his limits, even if they were pretty broad ones and that's also what you and I must do.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Augusta Omiccioli HFI (1993)-- Sr. M. Giustina Rossi FSP (1999)-- Maria Pia Basciani HFI (2006)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
February 23, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, February 23
St. Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr
Sir 4: 11-19
Mk 9: 38-40
Let's not be shrunken little souls, but strong people open to the love of God at all times (VMC 311).
Does that describe you? I think so. Ow many thousands have heard about HFI but did not join? How many hundreds joined and left! We're the few, the proud...the Paulines!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Lina Conte IAM (1983)-- Sr. M. Lilia Ranieri FSP (1990)-- Sr. M. Corrradina Panella PD (1996)-- Sr. M. Silvana Guerriero FSP (1998)-- Fr. PIetro Burgio IJP (1999)-- Sr. Clelia Bianco FSP (2000)-- Sr. Concettina Borgogno FSP (2003)-- Sr. Stefanina Busso FSP (2003)-- Fr. Nocola Rutzu IJP (2005)-- Fr. Leo Sartor SSP (2007)-- José Guadalupe Paredes HFI (2008)-- Caroline Denise Baak (1971)
St. Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr
Sir 4: 11-19
Mk 9: 38-40
Let's not be shrunken little souls, but strong people open to the love of God at all times (VMC 311).
Does that describe you? I think so. Ow many thousands have heard about HFI but did not join? How many hundreds joined and left! We're the few, the proud...the Paulines!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Lina Conte IAM (1983)-- Sr. M. Lilia Ranieri FSP (1990)-- Sr. M. Corrradina Panella PD (1996)-- Sr. M. Silvana Guerriero FSP (1998)-- Fr. PIetro Burgio IJP (1999)-- Sr. Clelia Bianco FSP (2000)-- Sr. Concettina Borgogno FSP (2003)-- Sr. Stefanina Busso FSP (2003)-- Fr. Nocola Rutzu IJP (2005)-- Fr. Leo Sartor SSP (2007)-- José Guadalupe Paredes HFI (2008)-- Caroline Denise Baak (1971)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February 22, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, February 22
1 Pt 5: 1-4
Mt 16: 13-19
The Pope, successor of Peter, has received the power to each the truth but also to guide the zeal of all according to the particular needs of the times (DA 107).
The present Holy Father is doing just that having encouraged the use of the media by the clergy and having called a special Synod of Bishops for 2012 to discuss this question.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Caterina Servello PD (1982)-- Sr. M. Genoveffa Gallina PD (1983)--Msgr. Umberto Florenzain IMP (1987)-- Sr. Edvige Gasparini FSP (1992)--Sr. M. Rosina Pucci PD (1992)-- Bro Dionisio Burlon SSP (2205)--Iolanda Brach HFI (2008)-- Sr. M. Rosanna Cavallin FSP (2009)-- Agusto Ambrogioni HFI (2009)--Maria Zunigo (1941)
1 Pt 5: 1-4
Mt 16: 13-19
The Pope, successor of Peter, has received the power to each the truth but also to guide the zeal of all according to the particular needs of the times (DA 107).
The present Holy Father is doing just that having encouraged the use of the media by the clergy and having called a special Synod of Bishops for 2012 to discuss this question.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Caterina Servello PD (1982)-- Sr. M. Genoveffa Gallina PD (1983)--Msgr. Umberto Florenzain IMP (1987)-- Sr. Edvige Gasparini FSP (1992)--Sr. M. Rosina Pucci PD (1992)-- Bro Dionisio Burlon SSP (2205)--Iolanda Brach HFI (2008)-- Sr. M. Rosanna Cavallin FSP (2009)-- Agusto Ambrogioni HFI (2009)--Maria Zunigo (1941)
Monday, February 21, 2011
February 21, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, February 21
St. Peter Damian, Bishop, Doctor
Sir 1: 1-10
Mk 9: 14-29
If the driver loses control of the car the consequences can be serious. Much more serious are the consequences when we lose control of ourselves (VMC 308).
This thought keeps recurring. Is there someone out there who needs more self-control and is reluctant to admit it? Perhaps that "someone" is YOU?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Angela Yamanochi FSP (1982)-- Fr. Francesco Amoroso IJP (1989)-- Sr. Albana Tonin FSP (2002)-- Frank McGrady (1979)
St. Peter Damian, Bishop, Doctor
Sir 1: 1-10
Mk 9: 14-29
If the driver loses control of the car the consequences can be serious. Much more serious are the consequences when we lose control of ourselves (VMC 308).
This thought keeps recurring. Is there someone out there who needs more self-control and is reluctant to admit it? Perhaps that "someone" is YOU?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Angela Yamanochi FSP (1982)-- Fr. Francesco Amoroso IJP (1989)-- Sr. Albana Tonin FSP (2002)-- Frank McGrady (1979)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
February 20, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, February 20
Lev 19: 1-2, 17-18
1 Cor 3:16-23
Mt 5: 38-48
Why do you not have vocations? Because you have not properly explained your role in the Church (VMC 277).
I notice that these words occurred during a Course of Exercises the Founder gave to the Daughters in the USA -- in 1946. Is it still true for us or have conditions so drastically changed that nobody is listening to us anyway?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Natalia Accattino HFI (1984)-- Sr. M. Teresa Binello PD (1985)-- Bro Luigi Toffoletto SSP (1993)-- Sr. M. Aurelia Colesso PD (1996)-- Sr. Gregorina Baroni FSP (1999)-- Palmira Teixeira Goncalves IAM (2001)-- Giuseppina Galiano IAM (2002)-- Sr. Elena Ravotto FSP (2004)-- Fr. Enrico Lazzarini IJP (2008)-- Fr. Marsilio Galli IJP (2009)-- Baltazar Valdes (1927)--Ray Clark (no year)
Lev 19: 1-2, 17-18
1 Cor 3:16-23
Mt 5: 38-48
Why do you not have vocations? Because you have not properly explained your role in the Church (VMC 277).
I notice that these words occurred during a Course of Exercises the Founder gave to the Daughters in the USA -- in 1946. Is it still true for us or have conditions so drastically changed that nobody is listening to us anyway?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Natalia Accattino HFI (1984)-- Sr. M. Teresa Binello PD (1985)-- Bro Luigi Toffoletto SSP (1993)-- Sr. M. Aurelia Colesso PD (1996)-- Sr. Gregorina Baroni FSP (1999)-- Palmira Teixeira Goncalves IAM (2001)-- Giuseppina Galiano IAM (2002)-- Sr. Elena Ravotto FSP (2004)-- Fr. Enrico Lazzarini IJP (2008)-- Fr. Marsilio Galli IJP (2009)-- Baltazar Valdes (1927)--Ray Clark (no year)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 19, 2011 with Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, February 19
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Heb 11: 1-7
Mk 9: 2-13
If you have become a saint in whatever years the Lord gave you, you have lived long enough. And your life has been too short if you have failed in this central task (APD 1957).
That seems to say it let's get down to this holiness business while we still have time!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Orsola Crespan PD ( 1934)-- Sr. M. Silverstra Boscariol FSP (1966)-- Fr. Pierino Marazza SSP (1986)-- Sr. Carmelina Gado FSP (1985)-- Fr. Teresio Pesce SSP (1986)-- Fr. Virginio Passarin SSP (1988)-- Gioconda Giannotta HFI (1991)-- Sr. M. Rosangela Fruttero PD (1995)-- Alfonso Ricca HFI (2005)-- Sr. Emilia Emilia Menale FSP (2008)
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Heb 11: 1-7
Mk 9: 2-13
If you have become a saint in whatever years the Lord gave you, you have lived long enough. And your life has been too short if you have failed in this central task (APD 1957).
That seems to say it let's get down to this holiness business while we still have time!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Orsola Crespan PD ( 1934)-- Sr. M. Silverstra Boscariol FSP (1966)-- Fr. Pierino Marazza SSP (1986)-- Sr. Carmelina Gado FSP (1985)-- Fr. Teresio Pesce SSP (1986)-- Fr. Virginio Passarin SSP (1988)-- Gioconda Giannotta HFI (1991)-- Sr. M. Rosangela Fruttero PD (1995)-- Alfonso Ricca HFI (2005)-- Sr. Emilia Emilia Menale FSP (2008)
Friday, February 18, 2011
February 18, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, February 18
Gen 11: 1-9
Mk 8: 34-9:1
The idea is the beginning of every internal and external activity. It is essential to get control of our minds, if we are to get control of our minds in time and in eternity (VMC 254).
This point has been made many times. Sometimes in moments of stress our mind runs uncontrollably. Not to worry. Calm down and begin again to take charge of it.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Cecilia Calabresi FSP (1999)-- Sr. Maria de Lourdes Belem FSP (2009)-- WM D. McParland (2003)
Gen 11: 1-9
Mk 8: 34-9:1
The idea is the beginning of every internal and external activity. It is essential to get control of our minds, if we are to get control of our minds in time and in eternity (VMC 254).
This point has been made many times. Sometimes in moments of stress our mind runs uncontrollably. Not to worry. Calm down and begin again to take charge of it.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Cecilia Calabresi FSP (1999)-- Sr. Maria de Lourdes Belem FSP (2009)-- WM D. McParland (2003)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
February 17, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, February 17
Seven Founders of Order of Servites
Gen 9: 1-13
Mk 8: 27-33
If we leave out the action of Providence, life does all meaning and becomes an existence tossed about by physical forces and by human evil. But it is not like that. God and His Providence are always in charge (VMC 250)
So also in your life and mine: we are not alone or forgotten by our good God. Ever.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Clorinda Serfilippo FSP (1973)-- Antonietta Mancuso IAM (1984)-- Sr. M. Pierina Cordero FSP (19990)-- Domenico Arenzan HFI (1995)-- Fr. Carlo Boano SSP (1998)-- Barbara Rubino IAM (1998)-- Sr. M. Onesima Chiavassa PD (2004)-- Sr. M. Frumenzia Manuli PD (2007)-- Sr. M. Viola Lauria Pantano FSP (2009)-- Alfio Bartolini HFI (2009)-- Fr. Remo Quanta IJP (2009).
Seven Founders of Order of Servites
Gen 9: 1-13
Mk 8: 27-33
If we leave out the action of Providence, life does all meaning and becomes an existence tossed about by physical forces and by human evil. But it is not like that. God and His Providence are always in charge (VMC 250)
So also in your life and mine: we are not alone or forgotten by our good God. Ever.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Clorinda Serfilippo FSP (1973)-- Antonietta Mancuso IAM (1984)-- Sr. M. Pierina Cordero FSP (19990)-- Domenico Arenzan HFI (1995)-- Fr. Carlo Boano SSP (1998)-- Barbara Rubino IAM (1998)-- Sr. M. Onesima Chiavassa PD (2004)-- Sr. M. Frumenzia Manuli PD (2007)-- Sr. M. Viola Lauria Pantano FSP (2009)-- Alfio Bartolini HFI (2009)-- Fr. Remo Quanta IJP (2009).
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
February 16, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, February 16
Gen8: 6-22
Mk 8: 22-26
In the consecrated life there is great peace, if it is lived well (AAP 1957).
Actually, the original of this spoke of the "religious" life so perhaps it doesn't quite apply. But it is possible to be at peace with oneself, even in the midst of the noise and confusion of family duties. The secret is to STOP for a minute a least every now and then and renew your orientation.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Alberto Vidal HFI (1987)--Sr. M. Carolina Bordino FSP (1988)-- Santino Giovanrosa, Gabrielite (2004)--Dominador Quinto (1936)-- Billie Ruth Baack (1998)
Gen8: 6-22
Mk 8: 22-26
In the consecrated life there is great peace, if it is lived well (AAP 1957).
Actually, the original of this spoke of the "religious" life so perhaps it doesn't quite apply. But it is possible to be at peace with oneself, even in the midst of the noise and confusion of family duties. The secret is to STOP for a minute a least every now and then and renew your orientation.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Alberto Vidal HFI (1987)--Sr. M. Carolina Bordino FSP (1988)-- Santino Giovanrosa, Gabrielite (2004)--Dominador Quinto (1936)-- Billie Ruth Baack (1998)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February 15, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, February 15
Gen 6: 5-8; 7: 1-5
Mk 8: 14-21
Preach about Jesus much more, interpreting His words as He used to interpret them, explaining the greatest truths in simple language (221).
A lot of today's preaching is social justice and concern for the poor--and who could fault that? But what about justice for the Church and concern for the really poor--so many people living in very obvious sin and apparently liking it? And dying in that situation.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Angelica Castellani FSP (2001)-- Sr. Giovanna Dal Borgo SGBP (2003)-- Laura Perrucci HFI (2003)-- Sr. M. Ignazia Scano PD (200(0-- Marilyn Pauley HFI (2001)-- Josephine Diedeich (2003)
Gen 6: 5-8; 7: 1-5
Mk 8: 14-21
Preach about Jesus much more, interpreting His words as He used to interpret them, explaining the greatest truths in simple language (221).
A lot of today's preaching is social justice and concern for the poor--and who could fault that? But what about justice for the Church and concern for the really poor--so many people living in very obvious sin and apparently liking it? And dying in that situation.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Angelica Castellani FSP (2001)-- Sr. Giovanna Dal Borgo SGBP (2003)-- Laura Perrucci HFI (2003)-- Sr. M. Ignazia Scano PD (200(0-- Marilyn Pauley HFI (2001)-- Josephine Diedeich (2003)
Monday, February 14, 2011
February 14, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, February 14
Gen 4: 1-15, 25
Mk 8: 11-13
Preaching is fruitful if it frequently involves the Four Last Things and links other subjects to them. As soon as we forget where we came from and where we are going, we lose our way (VMC 216).
This seems obvious and yet we frequently find ourselves working for goals that have little or nothing to do with the basics. What are my goals just now? Are they the ones I should have?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Claudia Da Sois SGBP (1957)-- Sr. M. Carmela Ferrero PD (1975)-- Sr. M. Tomasina Pica PD (1993)-- Sr. M. Celeste Paccione FSP (1998)-- Sr. M. Ignazia Bella Gamba PD (2000)-- Fr. Luigi Rossi IJP (2000)-- Sr. M. Amabile Atzori PD (2002)-- Sr. Gabriella Dal Vecchio SCBP (2008)-- Luigi Barria HFI (2008) Herminio N. Diosomito (1994)
Gen 4: 1-15, 25
Mk 8: 11-13
Preaching is fruitful if it frequently involves the Four Last Things and links other subjects to them. As soon as we forget where we came from and where we are going, we lose our way (VMC 216).
This seems obvious and yet we frequently find ourselves working for goals that have little or nothing to do with the basics. What are my goals just now? Are they the ones I should have?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Claudia Da Sois SGBP (1957)-- Sr. M. Carmela Ferrero PD (1975)-- Sr. M. Tomasina Pica PD (1993)-- Sr. M. Celeste Paccione FSP (1998)-- Sr. M. Ignazia Bella Gamba PD (2000)-- Fr. Luigi Rossi IJP (2000)-- Sr. M. Amabile Atzori PD (2002)-- Sr. Gabriella Dal Vecchio SCBP (2008)-- Luigi Barria HFI (2008) Herminio N. Diosomito (1994)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
February 13, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, February 13
Sir 15: 15-20
1 Cor 2: 6-10
Mt 5: 17-37
Love of self obstructs grace. When hearts are full of self-love, of passions, they are full of earth. Jesus and self-love cannot co-exist. one who is full of self is not full of God (PP III p. 36).
Full of self? Shown by anger at rebukes, readiness to talk about one's life and accomplishments, dislike or even contempt for others, taking the best place, getting one's name in public etc. Easy to recognize the fault. VERY difficult to eliminate it.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Paola Cordero FSP (1991)-- Sr. Teofila Pordon FSP (2004)
Sir 15: 15-20
1 Cor 2: 6-10
Mt 5: 17-37
Love of self obstructs grace. When hearts are full of self-love, of passions, they are full of earth. Jesus and self-love cannot co-exist. one who is full of self is not full of God (PP III p. 36).
Full of self? Shown by anger at rebukes, readiness to talk about one's life and accomplishments, dislike or even contempt for others, taking the best place, getting one's name in public etc. Easy to recognize the fault. VERY difficult to eliminate it.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Paola Cordero FSP (1991)-- Sr. Teofila Pordon FSP (2004)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
February 12, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, February 12
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Gen 3: 9-24
Mk 8: 1-10
The greatest misfortune for anyone is always pride, while the greatest good fortune is humility (MCS p. 419).
The founder would not have understood the phrase "one-liner" but once in a while he delivered a zinger-this is an example.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Tommaso Dragone SSP (1974)-- Sr. M. Luigina Nanni PD (1976)-- Alejandro Sanchez SSP (1979)-- Sr. M. Celina Bonini FSP (2007)-- Walter Fortuna HFI (2008)
And please pray for the repose of the soul of Michelle Babineau, a young girl who, after struggling for several months with cancer went to eternal life yesterday, on the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. May Our Blessed Mother lead her directly to her Son, Jesus and eternal happiness. Please pray also for Michelle's family and friends. May God bless you.
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Gen 3: 9-24
Mk 8: 1-10
The greatest misfortune for anyone is always pride, while the greatest good fortune is humility (MCS p. 419).
The founder would not have understood the phrase "one-liner" but once in a while he delivered a zinger-this is an example.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Tommaso Dragone SSP (1974)-- Sr. M. Luigina Nanni PD (1976)-- Alejandro Sanchez SSP (1979)-- Sr. M. Celina Bonini FSP (2007)-- Walter Fortuna HFI (2008)
And please pray for the repose of the soul of Michelle Babineau, a young girl who, after struggling for several months with cancer went to eternal life yesterday, on the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. May Our Blessed Mother lead her directly to her Son, Jesus and eternal happiness. Please pray also for Michelle's family and friends. May God bless you.
Friday, February 11, 2011
February 11, 2011 Our Lady of Lourdes

The dwelling of my soul is cramped--expand it, God, so that You may enter it. It is in ruins--restore it. Some things about it must offend your eyes--I confess it and I know it. But who will cleanse it? Whom shall I call on but you? Cleanse me from my secret sins, Lord, and keep me from the sins of others." ~St. Augustine
Personal Prayer: Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pure and undefiled to the end. Please intercede for us to God, that He may heal us of our sinfulness. Please pray for us to God that we may obtain purity of intention, of will, of mind and of heart and that we may never allow ourselves to be sullied by serious sin (or any sin) again. In Jesus our Divine Master...Amen.
February 11, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, February 11
Our Lady of Lourdes
Gen 3: 1-8
Mt 7: 31-37
After a time of relaxation comes a weakening of the will: everything becomes costly. Eventually we have just the memory of the day we made our commitment--the commitment itself has disappeared (APD 1957).
But not--unfortunately-our responsibility to observe our commitment. If we have slipped a bit, let's get back on trace. Our commitment binds us seriously.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Sr. M. Lucia Melchiori FSP (1944)-- Fr. Gino Caffarri SSP (1968)-- Sr. Giovanna M. Ricca FSP (1976)-- Sr. M. Filomena Crea PD (1984)-- Fr. Thoma Cheruvil SSP (1990)--Giuseppina Pigiona HFI (2002)-- Anna Maria Mazzoni IAM (2003)-- Sr. M. Lucis Scurti FSP (2006)
Our Lady of Lourdes
Gen 3: 1-8
Mt 7: 31-37
After a time of relaxation comes a weakening of the will: everything becomes costly. Eventually we have just the memory of the day we made our commitment--the commitment itself has disappeared (APD 1957).
But not--unfortunately-our responsibility to observe our commitment. If we have slipped a bit, let's get back on trace. Our commitment binds us seriously.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Sr. M. Lucia Melchiori FSP (1944)-- Fr. Gino Caffarri SSP (1968)-- Sr. Giovanna M. Ricca FSP (1976)-- Sr. M. Filomena Crea PD (1984)-- Fr. Thoma Cheruvil SSP (1990)--Giuseppina Pigiona HFI (2002)-- Anna Maria Mazzoni IAM (2003)-- Sr. M. Lucis Scurti FSP (2006)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, February 10
Gn 18-25
Lk 10: 38-42
*1924: Foundation Day of the Sister Disciples
Not much prayer? Not much progress either. (VMC 215).
Perhaps in the SSP we tend to forget that and either vaunt our accomplishments or--just as likely today--say we have none, ignoring the relevance of prayer. But prayer is the only thing! With it alone we can get quite a lot done. Without it we are simply fooling ourselves.
PERSONAL THOUGHT: It is true. Prayer alone can work wonders and move mountains. This is a comfort to those of us who are limited for whatever reason in what we can actually do in a material or active manner. But those of us who can should also work toward our goal of making Jesus and his Gospel known...of spreading His good news. St. Augustine said it very well: Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. (Both of which are very true.)
Please Pray for our Deceased: Sr. Edoarda Marengo FSP (1982)-- Maria Viti HFI (1987)-- Fr. Calcedonio Ognibene IGP (1998)-- Sr. Maria Sol Clababarros FSP (2001)
Gn 18-25
Lk 10: 38-42
*1924: Foundation Day of the Sister Disciples
Not much prayer? Not much progress either. (VMC 215).
Perhaps in the SSP we tend to forget that and either vaunt our accomplishments or--just as likely today--say we have none, ignoring the relevance of prayer. But prayer is the only thing! With it alone we can get quite a lot done. Without it we are simply fooling ourselves.
PERSONAL THOUGHT: It is true. Prayer alone can work wonders and move mountains. This is a comfort to those of us who are limited for whatever reason in what we can actually do in a material or active manner. But those of us who can should also work toward our goal of making Jesus and his Gospel known...of spreading His good news. St. Augustine said it very well: Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. (Both of which are very true.)
Please Pray for our Deceased: Sr. Edoarda Marengo FSP (1982)-- Maria Viti HFI (1987)-- Fr. Calcedonio Ognibene IGP (1998)-- Sr. Maria Sol Clababarros FSP (2001)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, February 9
Gen 2: 4-9, 17
Mk 7: 14-23
The thought of Paradise must be the dominant one. It is this thought that changes a life from being lived to being lived purposefully (VMC 213).
As long, I suppose, as it is not a thought leading us to evade our responsibilities. The Thessalonians had that problem: Paul said "The Lord will return very soon..." so they sat around waiting! We must work and pray as long as there is breath in our body.
Let Us Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Alfredo Manera SSP (1941)-- Angeloa Urbain HFI (1986)-- Bro Domingos Lazzari SSP (2001) Lelio Toschi, Gabrielite (2010)
Gen 2: 4-9, 17
Mk 7: 14-23
The thought of Paradise must be the dominant one. It is this thought that changes a life from being lived to being lived purposefully (VMC 213).
As long, I suppose, as it is not a thought leading us to evade our responsibilities. The Thessalonians had that problem: Paul said "The Lord will return very soon..." so they sat around waiting! We must work and pray as long as there is breath in our body.
Let Us Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Alfredo Manera SSP (1941)-- Angeloa Urbain HFI (1986)-- Bro Domingos Lazzari SSP (2001) Lelio Toschi, Gabrielite (2010)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February 8, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, February 8
St. Jerome Emiliani, priest
St. Josephine Bakhita, virgin
Gen 1: 20-2:4
Mk 7: 1-13
We have to form ourselves on Christ: thinking as He would think, speaking as He wold speak, acting as He would act (VMC 212).
This is not unreal language. When I speak well, Christ speaks with me, so also when I think and act well. He wants to live over again in us His love for His Father.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Cleric Angelo Battaglia SSP (1951)-- Fr. D. M. Calogero Cascio IJP (1984)-- Fr. Lino Ruzzante SSP (1991)-- Bro Martino Zacconi SSP (1995)-- Sr. M. Cielo Porcella FSP (1996)-- Fr. Giuseppe Ferrari IJP (1996)-- Sr. Silvestra Coraddu FSP (1997)-- Sr. M. Gemma Fratipietro FSP (1999)-- Sr. Elisa M. Izzo FSP (2001)-- Sr. Pauqita Lackar FSP (2009)-- Bro Silvio Dante SSP (1999)
St. Jerome Emiliani, priest
St. Josephine Bakhita, virgin
Gen 1: 20-2:4
Mk 7: 1-13
We have to form ourselves on Christ: thinking as He would think, speaking as He wold speak, acting as He would act (VMC 212).
This is not unreal language. When I speak well, Christ speaks with me, so also when I think and act well. He wants to live over again in us His love for His Father.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Cleric Angelo Battaglia SSP (1951)-- Fr. D. M. Calogero Cascio IJP (1984)-- Fr. Lino Ruzzante SSP (1991)-- Bro Martino Zacconi SSP (1995)-- Sr. M. Cielo Porcella FSP (1996)-- Fr. Giuseppe Ferrari IJP (1996)-- Sr. Silvestra Coraddu FSP (1997)-- Sr. M. Gemma Fratipietro FSP (1999)-- Sr. Elisa M. Izzo FSP (2001)-- Sr. Pauqita Lackar FSP (2009)-- Bro Silvio Dante SSP (1999)
Monday, February 7, 2011
February 7, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Tom
Monday, February 7
First Monday of the month-- St. Paul
Gn 1: 1-19
Mk 6: 55-56
Many people fail to reach the a b c of holiness... because they fail to mortify themselves. And so also they do less good to others than they think (VMC 211).
The question is: which mortifications? For some it will be to speak less, for others eat less. Others again will struggle to control negative thoughts. Mothers of small children have ready-made mortifications all day long. Less TV will harm no one, etc. lent begins in 2 weeks-- time now to make plans.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Angelo Zappalorto SSP (1983)-- Fr. Nino Ansaloni IJP (1987)-- Sr. Bruna De Stefani FSP (1990)- Sr. Giovanna Pettinati FSP (1998)-- Sr. Enrica Orsini FSP (1999)-- Sr. M. Julianna Castelino PD (2004)
First Monday of the month-- St. Paul
Gn 1: 1-19
Mk 6: 55-56
Many people fail to reach the a b c of holiness... because they fail to mortify themselves. And so also they do less good to others than they think (VMC 211).
The question is: which mortifications? For some it will be to speak less, for others eat less. Others again will struggle to control negative thoughts. Mothers of small children have ready-made mortifications all day long. Less TV will harm no one, etc. lent begins in 2 weeks-- time now to make plans.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Angelo Zappalorto SSP (1983)-- Fr. Nino Ansaloni IJP (1987)-- Sr. Bruna De Stefani FSP (1990)- Sr. Giovanna Pettinati FSP (1998)-- Sr. Enrica Orsini FSP (1999)-- Sr. M. Julianna Castelino PD (2004)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 6, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, February 6
First Sunday of the month-- the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Is 58: 7-10
1 Cor 2: 1-5
Mt 5:13-16
Either we make progress or we go from defect to defect--"But I made perpetual vows! Sure, and you have also perpetual defects!" (FSP 41 p. 101).
Fr. Alberione was no stand-up comedian, but once in a while he allowed himself a touch of humor as in this talk to the FSP. How are my defects since I made my Perpetuals? How are yours? Any progress?
Personal Prayer: Lord, Jesus, my Divine Master, whatever my state in life, please help me to strive to overcome my defects with the help of Thy grace. Purify my intentions and strengthen my will that all may be done for your greater glory and the sanctification of as many souls as possible, including my own. Amen
Please pray for our Deceased: Sr. M. Nazarena Bonfarnuzzo PD (1985)-- Fr.Dino Masini IJP (1995)-- Bro Rasarius Thuruthiparayil SSP (2003)-- Fr. Andres Arboleda SSP (2005)-- Sr. Pierpaola Taccaliti FSP(2007)-- Fr. Giordono Pasutto SSP (g009)--- Maruja Mamaril (2006)
First Sunday of the month-- the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Is 58: 7-10
1 Cor 2: 1-5
Mt 5:13-16
Either we make progress or we go from defect to defect--"But I made perpetual vows! Sure, and you have also perpetual defects!" (FSP 41 p. 101).
Fr. Alberione was no stand-up comedian, but once in a while he allowed himself a touch of humor as in this talk to the FSP. How are my defects since I made my Perpetuals? How are yours? Any progress?
Personal Prayer: Lord, Jesus, my Divine Master, whatever my state in life, please help me to strive to overcome my defects with the help of Thy grace. Purify my intentions and strengthen my will that all may be done for your greater glory and the sanctification of as many souls as possible, including my own. Amen
Please pray for our Deceased: Sr. M. Nazarena Bonfarnuzzo PD (1985)-- Fr.Dino Masini IJP (1995)-- Bro Rasarius Thuruthiparayil SSP (2003)-- Fr. Andres Arboleda SSP (2005)-- Sr. Pierpaola Taccaliti FSP(2007)-- Fr. Giordono Pasutto SSP (g009)--- Maruja Mamaril (2006)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
February 5, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, February
ST AGATHA, Virgin, Martyr
First Saturday of the month--Mary, Queen of Apostles
Heb 13: 15-21
Mk 6: 30-34
The person who is not determined to give him/herself totally to the Lord will always be unhappy (Ven. Sr Tecla Merlo).
Is it as simple as that? In the Religious Life, maybe. In our lives? What is your experience?
Please Pray for our Deceased: Sr. M. Caerina Rosso PD (1934)-- Ven Sr. Tecla Merlo, Foundress of FSP (1964)-- Sr. M. Colomba Bovicelli FSP (1991)-- Fr. Salvatore Bella IJP (1993)-- Bro José M. Lopez SSP (1998)-- Fr. Guglielmo Badenchini SSP ( 1998)-- Bro Maggiorino Caldellara SSP (2001)-- Sr. M. Angelica Baldi FSP (2006)-- Sr. M. Nazaarena Huerta Juarez FSP (2007)-- Sr. Veritas Iolanda Ferro SGBP (2008)-- Francesco Bertola HFI (2009)
ST AGATHA, Virgin, Martyr
First Saturday of the month--Mary, Queen of Apostles
Heb 13: 15-21
Mk 6: 30-34
The person who is not determined to give him/herself totally to the Lord will always be unhappy (Ven. Sr Tecla Merlo).
Is it as simple as that? In the Religious Life, maybe. In our lives? What is your experience?
Please Pray for our Deceased: Sr. M. Caerina Rosso PD (1934)-- Ven Sr. Tecla Merlo, Foundress of FSP (1964)-- Sr. M. Colomba Bovicelli FSP (1991)-- Fr. Salvatore Bella IJP (1993)-- Bro José M. Lopez SSP (1998)-- Fr. Guglielmo Badenchini SSP ( 1998)-- Bro Maggiorino Caldellara SSP (2001)-- Sr. M. Angelica Baldi FSP (2006)-- Sr. M. Nazaarena Huerta Juarez FSP (2007)-- Sr. Veritas Iolanda Ferro SGBP (2008)-- Francesco Bertola HFI (2009)
Friday, February 4, 2011
February 4, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, February 4
First Friday of the month-- the Sacred Heart
Heb 13: 1-8
Mk 6: 14-29
If you have an abundant prayer life, you will find a way to utilize the talents you have, few or many though they may be. Prayer/piety is the soul of every apostolate.
And so we cannot be too concerned about our own accomplishments--or the lack of them. Accomplishments can impress, but we need to share the Word, i.e. Jesus and that requires that He be present in us to begin with, through prayer and sacrifice.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Giuseppe Vessia IJP (2003)-- Antonietta Pittalis IAM (2009)-- Susan Berlo (1973)-- Norman Ray (1990)
First Friday of the month-- the Sacred Heart
Heb 13: 1-8
Mk 6: 14-29
If you have an abundant prayer life, you will find a way to utilize the talents you have, few or many though they may be. Prayer/piety is the soul of every apostolate.
And so we cannot be too concerned about our own accomplishments--or the lack of them. Accomplishments can impress, but we need to share the Word, i.e. Jesus and that requires that He be present in us to begin with, through prayer and sacrifice.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Fr. Giuseppe Vessia IJP (2003)-- Antonietta Pittalis IAM (2009)-- Susan Berlo (1973)-- Norman Ray (1990)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, February 3
St. Blaise, Bishop, Martyr
St. Angar, Bishop
First Thursday of the month--the Guardian Angels
Heb 12: 18-24
Mk 6: 7-13
An ideal is a clear, precise goal to be reached which concentrate on it all our spiritual, supernatural and physical powers (VMC 209).
For us the ideal is holiness but with a Pauline "color" meaning contemplation, yes, but contemplation in action either in family duties, work duties or Institute promotion. The practice of incessant short prayers is a major help in this process.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Cleric Agosgtino Zappalorto SSP (1933)-- Fr. Agostino Ghione SSP (1960)-- Sr. Gilma M. Alvarado FSP (1982)-- Msgr. Umberto Altomare IJP (1986)-- Fr. Francesco Bruno IJP (1991)-- Virginia Boil HFI (1993)-- Carmela M. Calzarano IAM (1995)-- Lidia Satta HFI (2005)
St. Blaise, Bishop, Martyr
St. Angar, Bishop
First Thursday of the month--the Guardian Angels
Heb 12: 18-24
Mk 6: 7-13
An ideal is a clear, precise goal to be reached which concentrate on it all our spiritual, supernatural and physical powers (VMC 209).
For us the ideal is holiness but with a Pauline "color" meaning contemplation, yes, but contemplation in action either in family duties, work duties or Institute promotion. The practice of incessant short prayers is a major help in this process.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Cleric Agosgtino Zappalorto SSP (1933)-- Fr. Agostino Ghione SSP (1960)-- Sr. Gilma M. Alvarado FSP (1982)-- Msgr. Umberto Altomare IJP (1986)-- Fr. Francesco Bruno IJP (1991)-- Virginia Boil HFI (1993)-- Carmela M. Calzarano IAM (1995)-- Lidia Satta HFI (2005)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 2, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, February 2
First Wednesday of the month--St. Joseph
Mal 3: 1-4
Heb 2: 14-18
Lk 2: 22-40
Each of us comes before the Master with considerable potential which musty be gradually developed in dialog with Him so that eventually the total person is at His service (VMC 208).
We have to find a balance: some time for quiet reflection (in ones room, not necessarily in church) and some time to put the reflections into action in our improved personal lives and improved contacts.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Bro. Stanislao Evangelista SSP (1972)-- Fr. Vito Minerva IJP (1978)-- Fr. Luis Bohorquez SSP (1991)-- Fr. Gino Pizzeghello SSP (1992)-- Sr. M. Immacolata Aiello FSP (1996)-- Anna Priore IAM (1998)-- Msgr Carlo Urru IJP (2002)-- Rosa Valdes (1943)
First Wednesday of the month--St. Joseph
Mal 3: 1-4
Heb 2: 14-18
Lk 2: 22-40
Each of us comes before the Master with considerable potential which musty be gradually developed in dialog with Him so that eventually the total person is at His service (VMC 208).
We have to find a balance: some time for quiet reflection (in ones room, not necessarily in church) and some time to put the reflections into action in our improved personal lives and improved contacts.
Please Pray for our Deceased: Bro. Stanislao Evangelista SSP (1972)-- Fr. Vito Minerva IJP (1978)-- Fr. Luis Bohorquez SSP (1991)-- Fr. Gino Pizzeghello SSP (1992)-- Sr. M. Immacolata Aiello FSP (1996)-- Anna Priore IAM (1998)-- Msgr Carlo Urru IJP (2002)-- Rosa Valdes (1943)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, February 1
Heb 12: 1-4
Mk 5; 21-43
First Tuesday of the Month--the Souls in Purgatory.
The first thing our prayer should do for us is to form us personally. Each of us appears before Christ with the great problem of him/herself and how to choose the right "way," get the "truth" of our situation and so live the right "life" (VMC 208).
This is a REAL prayer: not dashing off those in the Prayer Book, but dialoging with the Lord about ourselves. If time for dialog is limited we must try to make it by cutting back on other occupations. No dialog? No growth, no real progress.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Luningning Lopez IAM (1994)-- Corradina Adamo HFI (2004)-- Sr. M. Virginia Tenore PD (2006)-- Giancarlo Mancinforte HFI (2006)-- Emetria Adriano (1976)-- Ed Friloux-- Margie Riley-- Catherine Moorman (no years for these).
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