Saturday, April 30
Acts 4: 13-21
Mk 16: 9-15
Eucharist and Bible form the apostolate of publishing and these two realities should never be separated in our lives (400).
For a Pauline (Priest, Brother or Sister) the daily Visit is indispensable. Pray that we all will not be so foolish as to neglect this great gift of our Founder.
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Tecla Cutrini FSP (1960)—Fr. Ugo Antonucci IJP (1991)—Sr. M. Salvina Pipus FSP (2008)—Jesus Valdes (1987)—Emilio A. Mamaril (2009)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
April 29, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, April 29
Acts 4: 1-12
Jn 21: 1-14>
Today people are more lazy than usual, but they still are curious about images. The one of Christ on His cross is an excellent image (FSP 32).
That was the Founder’s “today”. If the people in our time were just “lazy”, but believing! Unfortunately they are not and it seems that their physical and financial sufferings are having no positive effect either. So, let us pray…quite a bit for them.
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Carmelina Chilura FSP (1981)—Fr. Andrea Ferrero SSP (1985)—Bro Dante Colarieti SSP (1995)—Sr. Claudina Moccia FSP (2000)—Sr. M. Agnese Gabiotti FSP (2002)—Giuseppe Ursini HFI ( 2006)—Sr. Redenta Commentucci FSP (2007)—Sr. Cecilia Cazzato FSP (2009)—Federico Lebani HFI (2010)
Acts 4: 1-12
Jn 21: 1-14>
Today people are more lazy than usual, but they still are curious about images. The one of Christ on His cross is an excellent image (FSP 32).
That was the Founder’s “today”. If the people in our time were just “lazy”, but believing! Unfortunately they are not and it seems that their physical and financial sufferings are having no positive effect either. So, let us pray…quite a bit for them.
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Carmelina Chilura FSP (1981)—Fr. Andrea Ferrero SSP (1985)—Bro Dante Colarieti SSP (1995)—Sr. Claudina Moccia FSP (2000)—Sr. M. Agnese Gabiotti FSP (2002)—Giuseppe Ursini HFI ( 2006)—Sr. Redenta Commentucci FSP (2007)—Sr. Cecilia Cazzato FSP (2009)—Federico Lebani HFI (2010)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
April 28, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, April 28
Acts 3: 11-26
Lk 24: 35-48
Let us often make the Via Crucis and consider what Jesus suffered on the way to Calvary (RSP 261)
Quite right. And let us also remember our deceased members and members of our family for whom the indulgence gained can be of great help. Some day we also will need the charity of those surviving us.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Vincenzo Mancardi SSP (1973)—Sr. Margheerita Boetti FSP (1979)—Fr. Luigi Fanieri SSP (1982)—Fr. Angelo Noto IJP (1988)—Fr. Seergio Costamagna SSP (1993)—Sr. Ester Innocenti FSP (2003)—Fr. Giovanni Turco SSP (2007)—Sr. M. Agape Saccone PD (2008)—Fr. Ennio Ori (2009)—Amelia Aguirre IAM (2009)—Sr. Cristina Pieri FSP (2010)—Remedios D. Galinato (2006)
Acts 3: 11-26
Lk 24: 35-48
Let us often make the Via Crucis and consider what Jesus suffered on the way to Calvary (RSP 261)
Quite right. And let us also remember our deceased members and members of our family for whom the indulgence gained can be of great help. Some day we also will need the charity of those surviving us.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Vincenzo Mancardi SSP (1973)—Sr. Margheerita Boetti FSP (1979)—Fr. Luigi Fanieri SSP (1982)—Fr. Angelo Noto IJP (1988)—Fr. Seergio Costamagna SSP (1993)—Sr. Ester Innocenti FSP (2003)—Fr. Giovanni Turco SSP (2007)—Sr. M. Agape Saccone PD (2008)—Fr. Ennio Ori (2009)—Amelia Aguirre IAM (2009)—Sr. Cristina Pieri FSP (2010)—Remedios D. Galinato (2006)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 27, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, April 27
Acts 3: 1-10
Lk 24: 13-25
All your best talents, your physical strength, the force of your will, everything for the apostolate and for the Divine Master (FSP 41).
The Founder was speaking to the Daughters but what he said can make us think. Is it true that you are giving ALL of yourself or just enough to get by? And if “just enough”, how misguided you are! The more YOU give, the more the Master gives.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Pancrazio Demarie SSP (1954)—Bro Salvatore Fabio SSP (1954)—Pietro Deplano HFI (1991)—Salvatore D’Aprile HFI (2005)—Sr. Angela Cavalli FSP (2009)
Acts 3: 1-10
Lk 24: 13-25
All your best talents, your physical strength, the force of your will, everything for the apostolate and for the Divine Master (FSP 41).
The Founder was speaking to the Daughters but what he said can make us think. Is it true that you are giving ALL of yourself or just enough to get by? And if “just enough”, how misguided you are! The more YOU give, the more the Master gives.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Pancrazio Demarie SSP (1954)—Bro Salvatore Fabio SSP (1954)—Pietro Deplano HFI (1991)—Salvatore D’Aprile HFI (2005)—Sr. Angela Cavalli FSP (2009)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
April 26, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, April 26
Acts 2: 36-41
Jn 20: 11-18
Without Jesus there is no salvation and we must preach this continually following our Father, St. Paul, who boasted that he knew only Jesus and Jesus crucified (FSP 35).
Our modern world has found this out the hard way: now it has neither Christ nor Mammon, neither virtue nor riches. At least let us continue to understand this sad predicament and implore God’s mercy on so many misguided millions.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Cleric Stefano Bernardi SSP (1931)—Fr. Francesco Santacaterina SSP (1941)-- Fr. Vincenzo Testi SSP (1978)—Sr. M. Paolo Morbini FSP (1983)—Sr. Emerenziana Costa FSP (1988)—Fr. Ernesto Luchino SSP (1993)—Sr. M. Cleofe Piscitello PD (1996)—Sr. M. Tantina Ferrerya (1997)—Bro. Giulio Dell’Arciprete SSP (2002)—Fr. Francesco Mirti SSP (2006)—Sr. M. Loreta Gioacchini FSP (2007)—Carley Zoldan (1994)
Acts 2: 36-41
Jn 20: 11-18
Without Jesus there is no salvation and we must preach this continually following our Father, St. Paul, who boasted that he knew only Jesus and Jesus crucified (FSP 35).
Our modern world has found this out the hard way: now it has neither Christ nor Mammon, neither virtue nor riches. At least let us continue to understand this sad predicament and implore God’s mercy on so many misguided millions.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Cleric Stefano Bernardi SSP (1931)—Fr. Francesco Santacaterina SSP (1941)-- Fr. Vincenzo Testi SSP (1978)—Sr. M. Paolo Morbini FSP (1983)—Sr. Emerenziana Costa FSP (1988)—Fr. Ernesto Luchino SSP (1993)—Sr. M. Cleofe Piscitello PD (1996)—Sr. M. Tantina Ferrerya (1997)—Bro. Giulio Dell’Arciprete SSP (2002)—Fr. Francesco Mirti SSP (2006)—Sr. M. Loreta Gioacchini FSP (2007)—Carley Zoldan (1994)
Monday, April 25, 2011
April 25, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, April 25
Acts 2: 14, 22-23
Mt 28: 8-15
Mary shared more than anyone in the Passion and so, more than anyone, she experienced the joy of knowing that her Son had risen, glorious and immortal (APD 63).
What will it be like when you and I are “glorious and immortal”? We can hardly imagine anything except perhaps no physical or mental suffering. But, isn’t this more than enough? Does it matter WHERE we are as long as we are finally “free at last”?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Maddalena Guido PD (1975)—Sr. M. Emma Paruzzo PD (2000)—Sr. M. Caterina Tosone FSP (2005)—Sally Osborne (2009)
Acts 2: 14, 22-23
Mt 28: 8-15
Mary shared more than anyone in the Passion and so, more than anyone, she experienced the joy of knowing that her Son had risen, glorious and immortal (APD 63).
What will it be like when you and I are “glorious and immortal”? We can hardly imagine anything except perhaps no physical or mental suffering. But, isn’t this more than enough? Does it matter WHERE we are as long as we are finally “free at last”?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Maddalena Guido PD (1975)—Sr. M. Emma Paruzzo PD (2000)—Sr. M. Caterina Tosone FSP (2005)—Sally Osborne (2009)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
April 24, 2011
The real heroes of the Resurrection: the women who courageously went to the tomb and were first to hear the wonderful news!
April 24 - Easter Sunday
The Resurrection of the Lord
The "us" and "them" attitude is written into our human nature - we all like to feel part of the"gang." There's safety in number and the "gang " is probably right anyway. That was how Peter saw things - and with him 90% (at least) of the former Jews, not Christians. This great new religion is the divine development of God's plan ... for us Chosen People - praise the Lord! But then came the incident in today's First Reading - very unusual and indeed shocking. Peter, waiting for a meal, has a vision of "unclean" foods he is strongly invited to eat (Acts 10,9 ff). While he is still trying to work out the meaning of this incident he is called to the house of Corneilius and there in unusual circumstances he makes his profession of faith - but of a greatly-extended faith: "all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name." ALL - not just ex-Jews.
One requirement for being an Apostle was to have been a witness to the Resurrection and Peter underlines this: "... we who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead." Nothing could be more important. There are many great religions but only one claims that its Founder truly died and then - amazingly - rose from the tomb and was seen over a good stretch of time by hundreds. The Resurrection was the major plank of the early apostolic preaching and, not surprisingly, it is still being contested and contradicted. Nor is it just historical. Resurrection has to be a daily event if we are to look forward to living with the Lord forever: every moment of the day we want to "die" to ourselves, to our sinfulness, to our too-human nature. Every moment we should rise again and continue on at a higher level. Unfortunately this does not happen in too many cases and it is distressing to think of the number of "dead men and women) walking " abroad in today's world without any apparent understanding of the danger of their situation and the immense waste of the potential of their humanlives.
The Responsorial Psalm is a shout of joy in different keys - so to speak - a great "day" - the Lord's powerful " right hand" - the "rejected stone" which has become the foundation of a new and more glorious building. We have so little to rejoice in these days, we should do some rejoicing this Sunday - after all, we are talking of a joy that nobody can take from us. St. Paul, in the Second Reading, repeats our initial thought: we have "died" (the reference is to catechumens being plunged into the baptismal waters almost to drown if they did not emerge) and now our daily life " is hidden with Christ in God,' and so when Christ is revealed, and especially in the revelation at the end of time, we want to be there very visibly with him.
The Alternative Reading goes back to the Jewish custom of throwing out the old yeast and beginning again a new batch of bread - the thought is always the same: old to new in the Resurrection.
There is a choice of Gospel for this great Sunday. John gives some details not found elsewhere but perhaps the most important sentence is the last one: " Till that moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture , that he must rise from the dead." The Beloved Disciple makes no attempt to hide his blindness and the blindness of the others. How often these men had heard Jesus saying that the Son of Man would be mocked and scourged and crucified . . . but that then he would rise from the dead! Somehow they missed that final sentence and so were simply not ready for the Lord's wonders.
The place of women in the Resurrection is highlighted. Only they had the courage to go to the tomb to anoint the body of their loving hero - if they apostles had ventured out they would doubtless have been arrested and crucified! The women went. . . they saw . . . and they brought the Good News to the men! Perhaps we don't fully appreciate exactly what happened on that first Easter Sunday and in all the story of the Lord's encounters with woman. His mother was a woman. A woman anointed his feet and dried them with her hair. Apart from John, only women had the courage to stand by him on Calvary. It was to a woman - Mary Magdalen - he is first recorded as appearing and, not surprisingly, it was women who announced that he had done what he said: HE HAD RISEN!
Concord April 2011
April 24 - Easter Sunday
The Resurrection of the Lord
The "us" and "them" attitude is written into our human nature - we all like to feel part of the"gang." There's safety in number and the "gang " is probably right anyway. That was how Peter saw things - and with him 90% (at least) of the former Jews, not Christians. This great new religion is the divine development of God's plan ... for us Chosen People - praise the Lord! But then came the incident in today's First Reading - very unusual and indeed shocking. Peter, waiting for a meal, has a vision of "unclean" foods he is strongly invited to eat (Acts 10,9 ff). While he is still trying to work out the meaning of this incident he is called to the house of Corneilius and there in unusual circumstances he makes his profession of faith - but of a greatly-extended faith: "all who believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name." ALL - not just ex-Jews.
One requirement for being an Apostle was to have been a witness to the Resurrection and Peter underlines this: "... we who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead." Nothing could be more important. There are many great religions but only one claims that its Founder truly died and then - amazingly - rose from the tomb and was seen over a good stretch of time by hundreds. The Resurrection was the major plank of the early apostolic preaching and, not surprisingly, it is still being contested and contradicted. Nor is it just historical. Resurrection has to be a daily event if we are to look forward to living with the Lord forever: every moment of the day we want to "die" to ourselves, to our sinfulness, to our too-human nature. Every moment we should rise again and continue on at a higher level. Unfortunately this does not happen in too many cases and it is distressing to think of the number of "dead men and women) walking " abroad in today's world without any apparent understanding of the danger of their situation and the immense waste of the potential of their humanlives.
The Responsorial Psalm is a shout of joy in different keys - so to speak - a great "day" - the Lord's powerful " right hand" - the "rejected stone" which has become the foundation of a new and more glorious building. We have so little to rejoice in these days, we should do some rejoicing this Sunday - after all, we are talking of a joy that nobody can take from us. St. Paul, in the Second Reading, repeats our initial thought: we have "died" (the reference is to catechumens being plunged into the baptismal waters almost to drown if they did not emerge) and now our daily life " is hidden with Christ in God,' and so when Christ is revealed, and especially in the revelation at the end of time, we want to be there very visibly with him.
The Alternative Reading goes back to the Jewish custom of throwing out the old yeast and beginning again a new batch of bread - the thought is always the same: old to new in the Resurrection.
There is a choice of Gospel for this great Sunday. John gives some details not found elsewhere but perhaps the most important sentence is the last one: " Till that moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture , that he must rise from the dead." The Beloved Disciple makes no attempt to hide his blindness and the blindness of the others. How often these men had heard Jesus saying that the Son of Man would be mocked and scourged and crucified . . . but that then he would rise from the dead! Somehow they missed that final sentence and so were simply not ready for the Lord's wonders.
The place of women in the Resurrection is highlighted. Only they had the courage to go to the tomb to anoint the body of their loving hero - if they apostles had ventured out they would doubtless have been arrested and crucified! The women went. . . they saw . . . and they brought the Good News to the men! Perhaps we don't fully appreciate exactly what happened on that first Easter Sunday and in all the story of the Lord's encounters with woman. His mother was a woman. A woman anointed his feet and dried them with her hair. Apart from John, only women had the courage to stand by him on Calvary. It was to a woman - Mary Magdalen - he is first recorded as appearing and, not surprisingly, it was women who announced that he had done what he said: HE HAD RISEN!
Concord April 2011
April 24, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, April 24
Acts 10: 34-43
Col 3: 1-4
Jn 20: 1-9
Let our soul be pervaded with deep joy and exultation and a feeling of perpetual praise to the Savior
Or, perhaps less exalted, but also more practical, with a sense of satisfaction that we have spent Lent well and, in that senses, have “risen” many times.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Bro Paolo Yamano SSP (1982)—Sr.M. Fiorella Portale PD (1990)—Fr. Pio Bertino SSP (1994)—Sr. Paula M. Simoes FSP (1999)—Sr. Modesta Cana FSP (2006)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
April 23, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, April 23
Readings at choice of the Celebrant
Mary Suffered in union with Jesus—we call her the co-Redemptrix and she fulfilled this task from the crib to Calvary (BM 387)
All of us can—and should—accept this role as Paulines: our “Save the Dying” devotion lead us constantly to remember and pray earnestly for those who are dying unprepared at that very moment. It is a great and truly essential practice.
NOTE: You can find out more about our Save the Dying apostolate by pressing the “Save the Dying” link in my pages section.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Renato Mencarini HFI (1988)—Bro Giovanni Moretto SSP (1999)—Sr. M. Alessandra Tavella PD (2002)—Fr. Carmine Caputo SSP (2002)—Sr. M. Gabriella Bartolotta FSP (2007)—Sr. M. Maria Luisa Benigni FSP (2009)—Ann Teterytcz (1995)
Readings at choice of the Celebrant
Mary Suffered in union with Jesus—we call her the co-Redemptrix and she fulfilled this task from the crib to Calvary (BM 387)
All of us can—and should—accept this role as Paulines: our “Save the Dying” devotion lead us constantly to remember and pray earnestly for those who are dying unprepared at that very moment. It is a great and truly essential practice.
NOTE: You can find out more about our Save the Dying apostolate by pressing the “Save the Dying” link in my pages section.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Renato Mencarini HFI (1988)—Bro Giovanni Moretto SSP (1999)—Sr. M. Alessandra Tavella PD (2002)—Fr. Carmine Caputo SSP (2002)—Sr. M. Gabriella Bartolotta FSP (2007)—Sr. M. Maria Luisa Benigni FSP (2009)—Ann Teterytcz (1995)
Friday, April 22, 2011
April 22, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, April 22
***Fast and Abstinence
Is 52: 13-53:12
Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9
Jn 18: 1-18, 42
”Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”
Jesus had confidence in His Father and that is the example He sets us—trust, accept, thank and praise the Father at every moment in every circumstance.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Myriam Cerinna FSP (1978)—Cesira Lovato IAM (1992)—Arturo Bolanos SSP (1999)
***Fast and Abstinence
Is 52: 13-53:12
Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9
Jn 18: 1-18, 42
”Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”
Jesus had confidence in His Father and that is the example He sets us—trust, accept, thank and praise the Father at every moment in every circumstance.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Myriam Cerinna FSP (1978)—Cesira Lovato IAM (1992)—Arturo Bolanos SSP (1999)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, April 21
Is 61: 1-9
Lk 4: 16-21
“It is done.” It is a victory statement. Jesus drank his bitter chalice to the last drop and now heaven opens before Him and us and He shows the way of salvation to all humanity.
Even for you and me there are moments when the challenge to continue on the right road tests every ounce of strength and resistance we have. But that is precisely where we separate the men from boys. Lord Jesus, be with us when we are tempted to abandon the struggle.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Saverio Vanzo SSP (1935)—Fr. Michele Vitale IJP (1996)—Ina Crema HFI (2010)
Is 61: 1-9
Lk 4: 16-21
“It is done.” It is a victory statement. Jesus drank his bitter chalice to the last drop and now heaven opens before Him and us and He shows the way of salvation to all humanity.
Even for you and me there are moments when the challenge to continue on the right road tests every ounce of strength and resistance we have. But that is precisely where we separate the men from boys. Lord Jesus, be with us when we are tempted to abandon the struggle.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Saverio Vanzo SSP (1935)—Fr. Michele Vitale IJP (1996)—Ina Crema HFI (2010)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
April 20, 2011 With Blessed Father Albereione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, April 20
Is 50: 4-9
Mat 26: 14-25
”My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” This mysterious cry of a Son always loved and supported by His Father-and yet, perhaps not for a brief instant. We too have to hold on to the Father when darkness assails us… and this can happen any time
Certainly, in the circumstances of modern life, we would have to say that it happens all the time! Lord help us, we perish!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Attiliio Scipioni IJP (1987)—Francesco Melotto HFI (1991)—Sr. M. Dina Braglia FSP (1992)—Fr. Salvtore Strazzuso IJP (1997)—Sr. M. Vincenzina Fea PD (1998)—Sr. M. Elisabetter Roagna FSP (2004)—Sr. M. Rosalia Tonin FSP (2005)—Bro Timothy Tirkey SSP (2009)—Tecla Boado (2005)
Is 50: 4-9
Mat 26: 14-25
”My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” This mysterious cry of a Son always loved and supported by His Father-and yet, perhaps not for a brief instant. We too have to hold on to the Father when darkness assails us… and this can happen any time
Certainly, in the circumstances of modern life, we would have to say that it happens all the time! Lord help us, we perish!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Attiliio Scipioni IJP (1987)—Francesco Melotto HFI (1991)—Sr. M. Dina Braglia FSP (1992)—Fr. Salvtore Strazzuso IJP (1997)—Sr. M. Vincenzina Fea PD (1998)—Sr. M. Elisabetter Roagna FSP (2004)—Sr. M. Rosalia Tonin FSP (2005)—Bro Timothy Tirkey SSP (2009)—Tecla Boado (2005)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April 19, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, April 19
Is 49: 1-6
Jn 13: 31-33, 36-38
“I thirst!” This cry from the lips of Jesus is not only a physical suffering, but a moral suffering: so many millions wandering their way heedlessly through life! This was also the original name of our 9-point Prayer: “For Those Who Thirst For Souls As Jesus Does.”
And I suppose all of us have to put the embarrassing question: how thirsty am I—and what am I actually DOING about it?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Immacolata Di Marco FSP (1968)—Rosetta Sebatiani HFI (1993)—Fr. Ettero Cerato SSP (1995)—Fr. Sergio Lino IJP (2000)—Giusepe Patruno HFI (2002)—Sr. Santina De Santis FSP (2003)—Sr. M. de Sacro Cuore Carrara PD (2004)—Marta Manfredini IAM (2005)—Vincenzo Giampietro HFI (2009)
Is 49: 1-6
Jn 13: 31-33, 36-38
“I thirst!” This cry from the lips of Jesus is not only a physical suffering, but a moral suffering: so many millions wandering their way heedlessly through life! This was also the original name of our 9-point Prayer: “For Those Who Thirst For Souls As Jesus Does.”
And I suppose all of us have to put the embarrassing question: how thirsty am I—and what am I actually DOING about it?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Immacolata Di Marco FSP (1968)—Rosetta Sebatiani HFI (1993)—Fr. Ettero Cerato SSP (1995)—Fr. Sergio Lino IJP (2000)—Giusepe Patruno HFI (2002)—Sr. Santina De Santis FSP (2003)—Sr. M. de Sacro Cuore Carrara PD (2004)—Marta Manfredini IAM (2005)—Vincenzo Giampietro HFI (2009)
Monday, April 18, 2011
April 18, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, April 18
Is 42: 1-7
Jn 12: 1-11
“Behold your mother!” From the cross, Jesus proclaimed His mother as universal Mother of all humanity, personified in John (FSP 41)
And what a gift the Lord gave us! To us poor banished children of the first Eve, He gave a supremely grate lady. How is my devotion to Mary? How is yours?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Benigna Angelino FSP (1979)—Anastasia Porcu IAM (1990)— Fr. Rafael Castaneda SSP (1998)—Ramona Grace Herron Cadenhead (1968)
Is 42: 1-7
Jn 12: 1-11
“Behold your mother!” From the cross, Jesus proclaimed His mother as universal Mother of all humanity, personified in John (FSP 41)
And what a gift the Lord gave us! To us poor banished children of the first Eve, He gave a supremely grate lady. How is my devotion to Mary? How is yours?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Benigna Angelino FSP (1979)—Anastasia Porcu IAM (1990)— Fr. Rafael Castaneda SSP (1998)—Ramona Grace Herron Cadenhead (1968)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It's Sunday! 4-17-11 (Palm/Passion Sunday)
Jesus the king... riding on a donkey, sold for the price of a slave!
April 17 - Palm Sunday
The first five Sundays of Lent are seen as a continuous preparation for the Easter mystery of Christ's death and Resurrection. In past times the celebration of Lent was extended backwards for several weeks but since the reform of the Second Vatican Council it begins with Ash Wednesday which both believers and non-believers continue to see as a day when all Christians acknowledge themselves to be sinners.
On Palm Sunday we have an introductory Gospel, reminding us of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is marked by jubilation - misplaced - on the part of the people (Jesus has no intention of beginning a revolution against the occupying Romans. His goal is far more extensive than that). It is marked by the anger of his enemies who finally realize that he has stolen their thunder - so to speak. It is a triumphant procession, albeit a very minor one physically, but only in the sense that his agonizing death on the cross is triumphant.
There are many levels of meaning in all these prayers and actions. And, it has to be said regretfully, there are too many people who have largely ignored the meaning of Lent and are coming to celebrate something which for them is mostly a memory of their childhood or perhaps something secondary and superstitious. But the mercy of God bears patiently with our ignorance year after year, hoping against hope to save some of the millions out there living in darkness and the shadow of death.
It is interesting to note that scholars link this page of the Gospel with the story of Moses in the Old Tesatment. The parallel is to be found in Exodus 4:20, where we read that "Moses took his wife and his sons, put them on a donkey and set out with them for Egypt. On the orders of God he is going to confront Pharaoh and his court and will have some rather violent contacts with him and the magicians, but he begins these contacts in this low- key way and this also is how the Lord also approaches his clash with evil.
In the Mass, the First Reading is the third of the "Servant songs already mentioned. All three of these highlight the connection between what happens to the Servant and what happens to Christ. This particular poem describes Christ's sufferings and his reaction, but also the ever-present protection by his Father. The Responsorial Psalm is an obvious continuation of the same theme.
In the Second Reading, St.Paul in Philippians apparently quotes an ancient hymn describing the general approach of the Savior: essentially all-powerful in every way, he seems to make a point of becoming weak and "walked the path of obedience all the way to the cross." And so he is now forever to be honored and his name to be esteemed above all others.
In the Gospel, scholars point out some special references. The ancient incident associated with the 30 pieces of silver is found in Exodus 21: 32where it is described as the price of a slave. Jesus was valued at the same level! The remainder of the text is well-known to us and needs no special commentary. Scholars, however, point out that although we should reflect deeply and often on the Lord's terrible sufferings, concentrating on the pain leads to a misunderstanding of what really happened on Calvary. This can be corrected by combining it with the Second Reading where the power of God was triumphant in and through weakness.
April 17 - Palm Sunday
The first five Sundays of Lent are seen as a continuous preparation for the Easter mystery of Christ's death and Resurrection. In past times the celebration of Lent was extended backwards for several weeks but since the reform of the Second Vatican Council it begins with Ash Wednesday which both believers and non-believers continue to see as a day when all Christians acknowledge themselves to be sinners.
On Palm Sunday we have an introductory Gospel, reminding us of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is marked by jubilation - misplaced - on the part of the people (Jesus has no intention of beginning a revolution against the occupying Romans. His goal is far more extensive than that). It is marked by the anger of his enemies who finally realize that he has stolen their thunder - so to speak. It is a triumphant procession, albeit a very minor one physically, but only in the sense that his agonizing death on the cross is triumphant.
There are many levels of meaning in all these prayers and actions. And, it has to be said regretfully, there are too many people who have largely ignored the meaning of Lent and are coming to celebrate something which for them is mostly a memory of their childhood or perhaps something secondary and superstitious. But the mercy of God bears patiently with our ignorance year after year, hoping against hope to save some of the millions out there living in darkness and the shadow of death.
It is interesting to note that scholars link this page of the Gospel with the story of Moses in the Old Tesatment. The parallel is to be found in Exodus 4:20, where we read that "Moses took his wife and his sons, put them on a donkey and set out with them for Egypt. On the orders of God he is going to confront Pharaoh and his court and will have some rather violent contacts with him and the magicians, but he begins these contacts in this low- key way and this also is how the Lord also approaches his clash with evil.
In the Mass, the First Reading is the third of the "Servant songs already mentioned. All three of these highlight the connection between what happens to the Servant and what happens to Christ. This particular poem describes Christ's sufferings and his reaction, but also the ever-present protection by his Father. The Responsorial Psalm is an obvious continuation of the same theme.
In the Second Reading, St.Paul in Philippians apparently quotes an ancient hymn describing the general approach of the Savior: essentially all-powerful in every way, he seems to make a point of becoming weak and "walked the path of obedience all the way to the cross." And so he is now forever to be honored and his name to be esteemed above all others.
In the Gospel, scholars point out some special references. The ancient incident associated with the 30 pieces of silver is found in Exodus 21: 32where it is described as the price of a slave. Jesus was valued at the same level! The remainder of the text is well-known to us and needs no special commentary. Scholars, however, point out that although we should reflect deeply and often on the Lord's terrible sufferings, concentrating on the pain leads to a misunderstanding of what really happened on Calvary. This can be corrected by combining it with the Second Reading where the power of God was triumphant in and through weakness.
April 17, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, April 17
Is 50: 4-7
Phil 2: 6-11
Mt 26: 14-27: 66
“Today you will be with me in Paradise. -- a word full of consolation for all of us, even the worst sinners (FSP 39)
Paradise? We have all notions about it, but within our earthly context—and so inadequate and incorrect. “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard what great things God has prepared…”
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Emilio Battaglia SSP (1963)—Fr. Isoddoro Selvo SSP (1987)—Sr. Rosetta Zanchetta FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Barnardina Giaccardo PD (1997)—Sr. M. Vincecnzina Bonvissusto FSB (1999)—Sr. Enrica Viviam FSP (2003)—Fr. Bruno Crnaroli IJP (2003)—Sr. M. Dionisia Abba’ PD (2005)—Fr. Valerio Misssori IJP (2010)
Is 50: 4-7
Phil 2: 6-11
Mt 26: 14-27: 66
“Today you will be with me in Paradise. -- a word full of consolation for all of us, even the worst sinners (FSP 39)
Paradise? We have all notions about it, but within our earthly context—and so inadequate and incorrect. “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard what great things God has prepared…”
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Emilio Battaglia SSP (1963)—Fr. Isoddoro Selvo SSP (1987)—Sr. Rosetta Zanchetta FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Barnardina Giaccardo PD (1997)—Sr. M. Vincecnzina Bonvissusto FSB (1999)—Sr. Enrica Viviam FSP (2003)—Fr. Bruno Crnaroli IJP (2003)—Sr. M. Dionisia Abba’ PD (2005)—Fr. Valerio Misssori IJP (2010)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Blessed Timothy Giaccardo Slide Presentation
Blessed Timothy Giaccardo, Ssp
View more presentations from Margaret Charles
I know this isn't, strictly speaking, a video, but I love Blessed Timothy Giaccardo and I didn't know where else to put it, so here it is. I hope you enjoy it.
God bless, in Jesus Master through Mary Queen of Apostles and St. Paul,
April 116, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, April 16
Ez 37:2-128
Jn 11:45-56
“Father forgive them…” Jesus wants to save those who are putting him to death. If He prays for us when we offend Him, how much more He is ready to forgive us when we ask for pardon (FSP 39).
Quite Right. The problem may be that we are all—by serious sin—putting the Lord to death so we can have confidence in His forgiveness while we try to limit the need for forgiveness.
PRAYER: Lord, Jesus, our Divine Master, do not let us take for granted the great love and mercy You showed us in Your death on the cross. Instead let us be grateful, loving children of God, serving Him will all our heart, mind, will and strength. Thank You Jesus, for your supreme sacrifice on our behalf. Amen
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Ignazio Rossi SSP (1934)—Sr. Caterina Carbone FSP (1970)—Fr. Paolo Marcellino SSP (1978)—Sr. Vincenzina Vassallo PD (1981)—Msgr Giuseppe Franciolini IJP (1989)—Fr. Pietro Borrano (1993)—Sr. Caterina Di Francesco FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Rosa Tilli FSP (2000)—Sr. Anne Mattapalli FSP (2002)—Anna Natkus (1961)—Maria Espeanza Gartierrez (2009)
Ez 37:2-128
Jn 11:45-56
“Father forgive them…” Jesus wants to save those who are putting him to death. If He prays for us when we offend Him, how much more He is ready to forgive us when we ask for pardon (FSP 39).
Quite Right. The problem may be that we are all—by serious sin—putting the Lord to death so we can have confidence in His forgiveness while we try to limit the need for forgiveness.
PRAYER: Lord, Jesus, our Divine Master, do not let us take for granted the great love and mercy You showed us in Your death on the cross. Instead let us be grateful, loving children of God, serving Him will all our heart, mind, will and strength. Thank You Jesus, for your supreme sacrifice on our behalf. Amen
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Ignazio Rossi SSP (1934)—Sr. Caterina Carbone FSP (1970)—Fr. Paolo Marcellino SSP (1978)—Sr. Vincenzina Vassallo PD (1981)—Msgr Giuseppe Franciolini IJP (1989)—Fr. Pietro Borrano (1993)—Sr. Caterina Di Francesco FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Rosa Tilli FSP (2000)—Sr. Anne Mattapalli FSP (2002)—Anna Natkus (1961)—Maria Espeanza Gartierrez (2009)
Friday, April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, April 15
Jer 20: 10-13
Jn 10:31-42
From the cross Jesus pronounced seven words full of wisdom, goodness, love, mercy and power—words that inspire us with great confidence (FSP 39)
And I suppose you and I have to ask what is the effect of our words; at the end of the day have we said even one thing well and with wisdom, goodness and love? Let’s check back on yesterday.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Imelde Ontivero PD (1978)—Fr. Settimio Sirito SSP (1982)—Bro Carmelo Miatto SSP (2002)—Sr. Bridgit Maliakel FSP (2004)
Jer 20: 10-13
Jn 10:31-42
From the cross Jesus pronounced seven words full of wisdom, goodness, love, mercy and power—words that inspire us with great confidence (FSP 39)
And I suppose you and I have to ask what is the effect of our words; at the end of the day have we said even one thing well and with wisdom, goodness and love? Let’s check back on yesterday.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Imelde Ontivero PD (1978)—Fr. Settimio Sirito SSP (1982)—Bro Carmelo Miatto SSP (2002)—Sr. Bridgit Maliakel FSP (2004)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April 14, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, April 14
Gen 17: 3-9
Jn 8: 51-59
Poverty is not just for the beginning of each of our activities. It must continue with us and each of us must die poor (VMC 432).
These days poverty is probably the easiest virtue to exercise—but yet we must be vigilant: do I REALLY need this or that article even if I can afford it?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Secondina Cavalleris PD (1984)—Msgr Luigi Carli IJP (1986)—Sr. M. Roberta Di Fulvio PD (1990)—Bro Dominick Cicconi SSP (1998)—Sr. M. Pacis Gervino-Promis FSP (2001)—Bro Giovanni Diaco SSP (2001)—sr. Alessandrina Tartaglia FSP (2003)—Sr. Ernestina Mangiarotti FSP (2008)—Sr. Elviro Amicangioli SCBP (2009)—Candida Albano (19??)—Adam F. Burnieika (1981)
Gen 17: 3-9
Jn 8: 51-59
Poverty is not just for the beginning of each of our activities. It must continue with us and each of us must die poor (VMC 432).
These days poverty is probably the easiest virtue to exercise—but yet we must be vigilant: do I REALLY need this or that article even if I can afford it?
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Secondina Cavalleris PD (1984)—Msgr Luigi Carli IJP (1986)—Sr. M. Roberta Di Fulvio PD (1990)—Bro Dominick Cicconi SSP (1998)—Sr. M. Pacis Gervino-Promis FSP (2001)—Bro Giovanni Diaco SSP (2001)—sr. Alessandrina Tartaglia FSP (2003)—Sr. Ernestina Mangiarotti FSP (2008)—Sr. Elviro Amicangioli SCBP (2009)—Candida Albano (19??)—Adam F. Burnieika (1981)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, April 13
St. Martin 1, Pope, Martyr
Dn 3: 14-20
Jn 8: 31-42
There are two altars on Calvary: one of the cross and the other is the heart of Mary, pierced by a sword of sorrow. She was fully united to the intentions of Jesus—glory to God and peace to people (RSP 264-265).
This could be a thought for us also: perhaps we don’t think always of uniting our pain to the pain of Jesus and Mary and especially as we approach Holy Week.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Clara Cantamessa PD (1976)—Sr. M. Cesira Nagata PD (1986)-- Sr. Liliana Fava SGBP (1989)—Daniele Pennati, Gabriellite (2007)—Valentino Dorazi HFI (2008)
St. Martin 1, Pope, Martyr
Dn 3: 14-20
Jn 8: 31-42
There are two altars on Calvary: one of the cross and the other is the heart of Mary, pierced by a sword of sorrow. She was fully united to the intentions of Jesus—glory to God and peace to people (RSP 264-265).
This could be a thought for us also: perhaps we don’t think always of uniting our pain to the pain of Jesus and Mary and especially as we approach Holy Week.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Clara Cantamessa PD (1976)—Sr. M. Cesira Nagata PD (1986)-- Sr. Liliana Fava SGBP (1989)—Daniele Pennati, Gabriellite (2007)—Valentino Dorazi HFI (2008)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
April 12, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, April 11
Nm 21: 4-9
Jn 8: 21-30
Every morning at the Mass Jesus makes His Sacrifice newly present and I clasp His cross as I renew my Profession—even if I have been Perpetual for many years (VMC 425).
This comment is adapted from something similar that the Founder said about himself—can apply well to us also.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Severino Banfo SSP )1942—Sr. M. Ferdinanda Nova PD ( 1958)—Fr. Egidio Gnata SSP (1972)—Sr. Mariangela Simoni SGBP (1988)—Sr. M. Efrem Passarin PD (2003)00 Pietro Pishedda, Gabrielite (2008)—Fr. Wilfred Paschen IJP (2008)—Fr. Mario Oppus IJP (2009).
Nm 21: 4-9
Jn 8: 21-30
Every morning at the Mass Jesus makes His Sacrifice newly present and I clasp His cross as I renew my Profession—even if I have been Perpetual for many years (VMC 425).
This comment is adapted from something similar that the Founder said about himself—can apply well to us also.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Severino Banfo SSP )1942—Sr. M. Ferdinanda Nova PD ( 1958)—Fr. Egidio Gnata SSP (1972)—Sr. Mariangela Simoni SGBP (1988)—Sr. M. Efrem Passarin PD (2003)00 Pietro Pishedda, Gabrielite (2008)—Fr. Wilfred Paschen IJP (2008)—Fr. Mario Oppus IJP (2009).
Monday, April 11, 2011
April 11, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, April 11
St. Stanislaus, Bishop, Martyr
Who is the perfect member? The one who is distinguished by the complete reproduction of the life of Christ in him or her (VMC 408).
The Founder of course, is always speaking of Religious but the basics are the same for everyone. We appear at our judgment as souls possessing or not possessing the life of Christ. May He be very merciful to us!
Please Pray For Our Deceased:Cleric Petrucci SSP (1941)—Sr. Cesira Morano FSP (1985)—Sr. Rosa Marcelli FSP (1987)—Bro Tito Fabela SSP (1994)—Sr. Saveria Onesi FSP (1996)—Peter Burrell (1979)
St. Stanislaus, Bishop, Martyr
Who is the perfect member? The one who is distinguished by the complete reproduction of the life of Christ in him or her (VMC 408).
The Founder of course, is always speaking of Religious but the basics are the same for everyone. We appear at our judgment as souls possessing or not possessing the life of Christ. May He be very merciful to us!
Please Pray For Our Deceased:Cleric Petrucci SSP (1941)—Sr. Cesira Morano FSP (1985)—Sr. Rosa Marcelli FSP (1987)—Bro Tito Fabela SSP (1994)—Sr. Saveria Onesi FSP (1996)—Peter Burrell (1979)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Blessed Timothy Giaccardo: Growth...and problems
Growth...and problems
Blessed Timothy
The life of every Saint has many things to teach us because they are made of the same clay as we are and encounter many of the same difficulties. Nevertheless their reaction to their challenges are usually more indicative than prescriptive because they have lived in different times and are in fact different people.
When, therefore, we read the Diary of Blessed Timothy we must remember that he was a highly emotional man, more intelligent than most, product of a pious family and with a rural background. For this reason, 'some of this thoughts and reflections may appear to us as exaggerated. And to some extent they are. But, we might ruefully reflect, how much better that than the sort of reactions to the Church and to spirituality that we hear all around us today!
We begin with a thought which unfortunately is very rare today:
O Jesus, will I save my soul? Will I come to live with you in Paradise and enjoy a blessed eternity? Will I become a priest . . . in Hell! Jesus, I tremble when I see myself so proud; I tremble at my laziness, my carelessness, my lack of reflection, of good heart, of initiative: Jesus, my sins,my pride,0 Jesus where will they lead me? Jesus, pardon. Jesus cleanse me. Jesus become a deeper part of me.
At this time he is continuing with his studies in the Seminary of Alba and the Spiritual Director ( Fr Alberione), who has begun the future Pauline Family a few years previously, has been - not surprisingly - speaking to the students about his work.
/ see reawakened in me an interest in the Good Press. I have a stronger spirit of prayer, of lively faith and of confidence in the Eucharistic Jesus, Former of clerics . . . I have begun to see more clearly my mission for the Press Apostolate and I have become more enthusiastic about it..
. . . My convictions are taking firmer shape a little at a time - the work of grace and psychology; now after a long time,I feel myself totally taken by the Good Press.
The Catholic Press is the queen of my life, an idea which is becoming more detailed and firm, the lady of my life, of my will, of my heart, the sun which drives away all other ideas. I pray for the Press and with unusual fervor so as to prepare myself to be a good apostle of the Press.
I have begun to realize that the Press is the actual mission of Jesus Christ which, through faith in Jesus Christ, penetrates civil (= secular) society as a promotion of the Gospel, and so it is a mission proper to the priesthood and the Church needs missionaries of the Press.
But then his sensitive nature takes over for a moment.
But I tremble when I see my pride which is stopping the action of God and paralyzing my cooperation with His grace. I feel the need to abandon myself to Mary, to cleanse myself, to ask others to pray for me ... How much less good my pride could let me do; indeed, 0 Jesus, I tremble at the thought that my pride may drive me to Hell. Will I follow you, 0 Jesus? Will I be faithful to you? . . . Jesus, I put my trust only in you and in Mary.
The cloud has passed and he reflects more calmly:
/ am as proud as a peacock . . . is the Lord really calling me to a Congregation for the Good Press? At the natural level I am certain he is . . . but it could also be that the Lord is preparing me for a collateral vocation . . . These are days of divine revelation: if the Lord is calling me then I need a profound conviction of the greater value in our times of the written word as compared with the regular (priestly) mission. Truly it requires a deeper knowledge, a higher holiness, a more profound humility . . . In addition, have I the strength and the spiritual energy and the humility to resist the contrary counsel of my Superiors and be satisfied with a permission wrung reluctantly from them as I follow the voice of God?
We are talking of beginning a great work in the Church and it needs extraordinary sacrifices. If God lets me know that it is His will that I be a missionary of the Good Press, then I embrace this apostolate and I remain indifferent about my future, meaning I put in the hands of God my (future)social position, the (advantages of ) common life, of one place rather than another, of my whole future life on earth
... but I don't really know this yet. (He appears to be contrasting the socially-approved parish clergy of his time with the sort of difficult existence he would have in this new Movement.)
Does the Lord want me first to be an Apostle and then a priest, or first a priest and then an Apostle of the Press? They are saying: Apostle of the Press but no priestly ordination or an ordained priest whose main work will be the Press? . . . How should I act in practice? Lord Jesus (give me) clarity, formation, enunciation . . Jesus, these days are yours and we are talking of your glory, of the Church, of so many souls, of my spiritual health . . . Jesus I tremble like a leaf because of my pride, break it, Jesus; I hold tightly to my mother, Mary, I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and I trust only you, Jesus in the Eucharist,who died on the cross for me and for the Church.
All this may strike us as excessive introspection but we are talking of a time when the Catholic priesthood was esteemed perhaps more than any other profession and when an ex-student remained an "ex" for the rest of his days, a species of failure. Ironically, this is true even in our Godless times. Every time someone writes about John Hume, a most distinguished Irish politician and one of the major factors in the present improved circumstances in Northern Ireland, the first item mentioned is that he was formerly a student for the priesthood!
Thus we can understand Joseph's perplexity and hesitation. Of course Fr Alberione was involved all along as his Spiritual Director (although Father insisted that he had never forced anyone to follow him). But, as the old saying goes, there are more ways to kill a cat than choking it with butter.
My second conference with the Spiritual Director on the question of my vocation. My view: the need for an apostolate of the Press, of a Religious Congregation still to be begun and how the apostolate of the Press is superior to the ordinary priestly ministry for the current needs of the Church ... all this is becoming part of my life.
The Church. The Spiritual Director requires that all his students renounce their own judgment and leave God to work freely.
. . . the Spiritual Director remarked that Ordination is necessary only to obtain the optimum effect (anyone can do the practical work), but he didn't convince me. He told me to think and pray about my decision because even he is not quite satisfied that his House is where I should be at this time.
He spoke to me about the grave problems of his work at this time because both laity and clergy seem to be against him. This made me very happy and convinced that his work is blessed by God and will certainly succeed. I told him that from the very beginning of his work I had felt I had to be part of it and that I loved it with a special affection, and he told me that when he had invited me to enter the Seminary (after they had met when Fr. Alberione was helping out in Joseph's parish) he also had felt a special closeness to be and saw me as a future priest who would work for the Church and the Pope and perhaps at that stage we would become intimate friends and speak familiarly to each other. ( Joseph uses the Italian phrase: "darci del tu" i.e. use the "tu" form of "you" for intimates and inferiors, instead of the formal "lei" used with strangers or superiors.)
Blessed Timothy
The life of every Saint has many things to teach us because they are made of the same clay as we are and encounter many of the same difficulties. Nevertheless their reaction to their challenges are usually more indicative than prescriptive because they have lived in different times and are in fact different people.
When, therefore, we read the Diary of Blessed Timothy we must remember that he was a highly emotional man, more intelligent than most, product of a pious family and with a rural background. For this reason, 'some of this thoughts and reflections may appear to us as exaggerated. And to some extent they are. But, we might ruefully reflect, how much better that than the sort of reactions to the Church and to spirituality that we hear all around us today!
We begin with a thought which unfortunately is very rare today:
O Jesus, will I save my soul? Will I come to live with you in Paradise and enjoy a blessed eternity? Will I become a priest . . . in Hell! Jesus, I tremble when I see myself so proud; I tremble at my laziness, my carelessness, my lack of reflection, of good heart, of initiative: Jesus, my sins,my pride,0 Jesus where will they lead me? Jesus, pardon. Jesus cleanse me. Jesus become a deeper part of me.
At this time he is continuing with his studies in the Seminary of Alba and the Spiritual Director ( Fr Alberione), who has begun the future Pauline Family a few years previously, has been - not surprisingly - speaking to the students about his work.
/ see reawakened in me an interest in the Good Press. I have a stronger spirit of prayer, of lively faith and of confidence in the Eucharistic Jesus, Former of clerics . . . I have begun to see more clearly my mission for the Press Apostolate and I have become more enthusiastic about it..
. . . My convictions are taking firmer shape a little at a time - the work of grace and psychology; now after a long time,I feel myself totally taken by the Good Press.
The Catholic Press is the queen of my life, an idea which is becoming more detailed and firm, the lady of my life, of my will, of my heart, the sun which drives away all other ideas. I pray for the Press and with unusual fervor so as to prepare myself to be a good apostle of the Press.
I have begun to realize that the Press is the actual mission of Jesus Christ which, through faith in Jesus Christ, penetrates civil (= secular) society as a promotion of the Gospel, and so it is a mission proper to the priesthood and the Church needs missionaries of the Press.
But then his sensitive nature takes over for a moment.
But I tremble when I see my pride which is stopping the action of God and paralyzing my cooperation with His grace. I feel the need to abandon myself to Mary, to cleanse myself, to ask others to pray for me ... How much less good my pride could let me do; indeed, 0 Jesus, I tremble at the thought that my pride may drive me to Hell. Will I follow you, 0 Jesus? Will I be faithful to you? . . . Jesus, I put my trust only in you and in Mary.
The cloud has passed and he reflects more calmly:
/ am as proud as a peacock . . . is the Lord really calling me to a Congregation for the Good Press? At the natural level I am certain he is . . . but it could also be that the Lord is preparing me for a collateral vocation . . . These are days of divine revelation: if the Lord is calling me then I need a profound conviction of the greater value in our times of the written word as compared with the regular (priestly) mission. Truly it requires a deeper knowledge, a higher holiness, a more profound humility . . . In addition, have I the strength and the spiritual energy and the humility to resist the contrary counsel of my Superiors and be satisfied with a permission wrung reluctantly from them as I follow the voice of God?
We are talking of beginning a great work in the Church and it needs extraordinary sacrifices. If God lets me know that it is His will that I be a missionary of the Good Press, then I embrace this apostolate and I remain indifferent about my future, meaning I put in the hands of God my (future)social position, the (advantages of ) common life, of one place rather than another, of my whole future life on earth
... but I don't really know this yet. (He appears to be contrasting the socially-approved parish clergy of his time with the sort of difficult existence he would have in this new Movement.)
Does the Lord want me first to be an Apostle and then a priest, or first a priest and then an Apostle of the Press? They are saying: Apostle of the Press but no priestly ordination or an ordained priest whose main work will be the Press? . . . How should I act in practice? Lord Jesus (give me) clarity, formation, enunciation . . Jesus, these days are yours and we are talking of your glory, of the Church, of so many souls, of my spiritual health . . . Jesus I tremble like a leaf because of my pride, break it, Jesus; I hold tightly to my mother, Mary, I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and I trust only you, Jesus in the Eucharist,who died on the cross for me and for the Church.
All this may strike us as excessive introspection but we are talking of a time when the Catholic priesthood was esteemed perhaps more than any other profession and when an ex-student remained an "ex" for the rest of his days, a species of failure. Ironically, this is true even in our Godless times. Every time someone writes about John Hume, a most distinguished Irish politician and one of the major factors in the present improved circumstances in Northern Ireland, the first item mentioned is that he was formerly a student for the priesthood!
Thus we can understand Joseph's perplexity and hesitation. Of course Fr Alberione was involved all along as his Spiritual Director (although Father insisted that he had never forced anyone to follow him). But, as the old saying goes, there are more ways to kill a cat than choking it with butter.
My second conference with the Spiritual Director on the question of my vocation. My view: the need for an apostolate of the Press, of a Religious Congregation still to be begun and how the apostolate of the Press is superior to the ordinary priestly ministry for the current needs of the Church ... all this is becoming part of my life.
The Church. The Spiritual Director requires that all his students renounce their own judgment and leave God to work freely.
. . . the Spiritual Director remarked that Ordination is necessary only to obtain the optimum effect (anyone can do the practical work), but he didn't convince me. He told me to think and pray about my decision because even he is not quite satisfied that his House is where I should be at this time.
He spoke to me about the grave problems of his work at this time because both laity and clergy seem to be against him. This made me very happy and convinced that his work is blessed by God and will certainly succeed. I told him that from the very beginning of his work I had felt I had to be part of it and that I loved it with a special affection, and he told me that when he had invited me to enter the Seminary (after they had met when Fr. Alberione was helping out in Joseph's parish) he also had felt a special closeness to be and saw me as a future priest who would work for the Church and the Pope and perhaps at that stage we would become intimate friends and speak familiarly to each other. ( Joseph uses the Italian phrase: "darci del tu" i.e. use the "tu" form of "you" for intimates and inferiors, instead of the formal "lei" used with strangers or superiors.)
Fifth Sunday of Lent!
It's Sunday!
April 10 - 5th. Sunday of Lent
This Sunday marks a distinct advance on last Sunday in the sends that we were thentalking of "giving light" to people in darkness, but today there is something more tremendous: GIVING LIFE to a dead man! And we remember the other story of the sisters when Martha - always the active element - prepares a mealfor the Lord, but Mary just listens to his words:this time she sits at home while Martha is granted the incredible joy of seeing her brother restored to life. Which sister do you identify with?
The First Reading, from the Prophet Ezekiel, brings us back to some of the darkest days of the Chosen People, what we call the "Babylonian captivity." The pagan king, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, marched against Jerusalem, forced the people to surrender and carried into exile into Babylon royal officials and some of theupper classes among whom was Ezekiel. Later, in 587 B.C, he laid siege to Jerusalem and destroyed it. It was a bad time for the Jews but Ezekiel continued to reassure them that, in spite of everything, their exile was not at an end but at a turning-point. This Reading prepares Ezekiel's fellow-exiles for the coming new age. This is all the more true for us today because in our case the new times have arrived, we are living in them and Christ is living in us since Baptism. We are condemned to death but assured of True Life forever.
The Responsorial Psalm confirms the First Reading - the words are well known to us - and are self-explanatory.
The Second Reading, from our holy Patron's Letter to the Romans, provides the clearest and most informative commentary on the entire liturgy of this Sunday. Oncewe are baptized, the Spirit of Jesus is living in us and with us and we have perfectly clear ideas of what the future holds: it holds a pledge of resurrection and life without end. Jesus does not see death as the end but rather as the indispensable entry into LIFE or, perhaps better, the continuation and unfolding of the divine life we have right now. At death we don't really GO anywhere - we are already there and death just reveals our reality! Good for us but always we must have a thought for our less-fortunate brothers and sisters who may well have long since lost contact with the Lord and so are exposed to enter suddenly into life without end but not, unfortunately, a life of happiness: rather a life of at least short-term delay and suffering not to talk of - which God forbid - a life of endless death.
In the Gospel, Christ tells Martha: "Your brother will rise again," and she trusts him totally. As we have just reflected, he says this also to us but not in the same way. Martha did not know what to expect next. We do. It is with the entire Church that he raises his voice in prayer to the Father . When a parish has adult baptisms this becomes clearer. The Church says to the newly-baptized: "Lazarus, come out!" And then: "Unbind him and let him go." The newly-baptized adult is wonderfully
freed from all sin by this tremendous gift of God and of the Church.
Christ is also "deeply-moved" as he contemplates the tomb of Lazarus.
Lazarus. This Is not a merely human reaction but expresses the profound sorrow of Christ, the God-man, for what sin has done to human beings. The First Creation - Adam and Eve - has substantially failed. Now Christ - and Mary - have the long- drawn-out task of salvaging what they can from the wreckage of a misguided humanity.
There are many other interpretations of this particular Gospel but they all come to the same conclusion: the incredible blindness of us men and women and the equally-incredible love and concern of our heavenly Father.
On particular aspect of the call to Lazarus is the call going out at this time of the year for Catholics to return to the Church and, most of all, to the make of a good Confession. Something is being accomplished - these calls are being heard and in the big cities Confessions are all around the clock. Still, there is always room for more improvement and one of our major intentions for these special Sundays must be that many poor sinners - the words are the words of our Lady of Fatima as she showed Hell to the little children - will return to their anxious and loving Father and begin in advance to celebrate the joy of Easter.
April 10 - 5th. Sunday of Lent
This Sunday marks a distinct advance on last Sunday in the sends that we were thentalking of "giving light" to people in darkness, but today there is something more tremendous: GIVING LIFE to a dead man! And we remember the other story of the sisters when Martha - always the active element - prepares a mealfor the Lord, but Mary just listens to his words:this time she sits at home while Martha is granted the incredible joy of seeing her brother restored to life. Which sister do you identify with?
The First Reading, from the Prophet Ezekiel, brings us back to some of the darkest days of the Chosen People, what we call the "Babylonian captivity." The pagan king, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, marched against Jerusalem, forced the people to surrender and carried into exile into Babylon royal officials and some of theupper classes among whom was Ezekiel. Later, in 587 B.C, he laid siege to Jerusalem and destroyed it. It was a bad time for the Jews but Ezekiel continued to reassure them that, in spite of everything, their exile was not at an end but at a turning-point. This Reading prepares Ezekiel's fellow-exiles for the coming new age. This is all the more true for us today because in our case the new times have arrived, we are living in them and Christ is living in us since Baptism. We are condemned to death but assured of True Life forever.
The Responsorial Psalm confirms the First Reading - the words are well known to us - and are self-explanatory.
The Second Reading, from our holy Patron's Letter to the Romans, provides the clearest and most informative commentary on the entire liturgy of this Sunday. Oncewe are baptized, the Spirit of Jesus is living in us and with us and we have perfectly clear ideas of what the future holds: it holds a pledge of resurrection and life without end. Jesus does not see death as the end but rather as the indispensable entry into LIFE or, perhaps better, the continuation and unfolding of the divine life we have right now. At death we don't really GO anywhere - we are already there and death just reveals our reality! Good for us but always we must have a thought for our less-fortunate brothers and sisters who may well have long since lost contact with the Lord and so are exposed to enter suddenly into life without end but not, unfortunately, a life of happiness: rather a life of at least short-term delay and suffering not to talk of - which God forbid - a life of endless death.
In the Gospel, Christ tells Martha: "Your brother will rise again," and she trusts him totally. As we have just reflected, he says this also to us but not in the same way. Martha did not know what to expect next. We do. It is with the entire Church that he raises his voice in prayer to the Father . When a parish has adult baptisms this becomes clearer. The Church says to the newly-baptized: "Lazarus, come out!" And then: "Unbind him and let him go." The newly-baptized adult is wonderfully
freed from all sin by this tremendous gift of God and of the Church.
Christ is also "deeply-moved" as he contemplates the tomb of Lazarus.
Lazarus. This Is not a merely human reaction but expresses the profound sorrow of Christ, the God-man, for what sin has done to human beings. The First Creation - Adam and Eve - has substantially failed. Now Christ - and Mary - have the long- drawn-out task of salvaging what they can from the wreckage of a misguided humanity.
There are many other interpretations of this particular Gospel but they all come to the same conclusion: the incredible blindness of us men and women and the equally-incredible love and concern of our heavenly Father.
On particular aspect of the call to Lazarus is the call going out at this time of the year for Catholics to return to the Church and, most of all, to the make of a good Confession. Something is being accomplished - these calls are being heard and in the big cities Confessions are all around the clock. Still, there is always room for more improvement and one of our major intentions for these special Sundays must be that many poor sinners - the words are the words of our Lady of Fatima as she showed Hell to the little children - will return to their anxious and loving Father and begin in advance to celebrate the joy of Easter.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
It's Sunday!
April 3 - Fourth Sunday of Lent
There is a story of two men beside a beautiful lake, glinting in the morning sunshine. "Terrific day!" remarks one, "the water is just barely moving." "Water?" says the other, "that's what I wash in." "The sky is a beautiful blue," continues the first man, "it's reflected in the lake." " Blue?" asks the other man, "what's that ? And what is a 'lake' - "like a basin of water?" "The waves are coming in gently to the shore," continues the first man, "driven before the breeze." "Breeze" I understand," his friend replies, "but what are 'waves?'...
In this example, we are talking of someone who can see and someone blind from birth. And what a difference! This Sunday we find a similar theme: seeing and blindness, light and darkness.
This concept, however, is not to be found directly in the First Reading but it is there in part. The Lord sends Samuel to anoint a successor to the ill-fated Saul, first king of Israel, and Samuel looks approvingly at the fine young sons of a man called Jesse, concluding from the beginning that the one he is seeking is surely one of these. But he is wrong. He is seeing and judging without understanding the Lord's plans. As we are talking at this time of year of the admission of candidates to Baptism, there is a reference to the call of God for them and for each of us. Were we not all blind at our Baptism, knowing usually only how to cry as the cold water annoyed us? It took a long time for us to get an appreciation of God's special call and millions today are even less- appreciative and - as we have several times reminded ourselves -don't even know the date of their Baptism, not to talk of its meaning. In our case, of course, we have had the extra divine call to the re-affirmation of our Baptismal consecration when we became members of the Institute. And even there, how blind we frequently were, how slow to understand the goodness of God, "calling us out of (relative) darkness into His marvelous light." Yes, we had the special light to follow the choice of the Master for us - not a casual one but all forming part of an incredible plan going back not just to the day we came into the world but ... to all eternity! As long as God is God, He always wanted us to be called to human life, to be called to divine life in our Baptism and, finally, to reinforce that call with our entrance into the Institute.
The Responsorial Psalm ties in nicely with the general theme. We are not left to walk " in the valley of darkness" but have the constant care of our Good Shepherd - Jesus Christ. We are not always aware of this unceasing presence of the Lord in our lives - he is close to us, we are less close to him. Often it takes an effort even to turn to him for a short prayer, a brief acknowledgment. As a result we may act without invoking his guidance and that leads to more darkness as we wander down the wrong path through life.
St. Paul, in the Second Reading repeats the same theme. His converts were truly in 'darkness" - a special darkness in their case filled with pagan, demonic influences,. But now the light has shone into their lives and their duty is clear: show their new light in the way they live and (of course) in the way they try to enlighten others - light always shines backwards and forwards. Regretfully, today's baptized people -and, sadly, millions of Catholics - have rejected their original nlightenment and gone after very inadequate and artificial illumination. And modern- day apostles - priests and deacons – find themselves overwhelmed and perplexed: how can we get these people to understand that they are going nowhere but at the same time avoid alienating them? There is so little time to do this enlightening: ten minutes on Sundays with some people still coming to church as the celebrant is concluding his remarks and catechetical instruction outside the Mass depending so much on the parents. Clearly, we who are enlightened without any merit of ours, must try to encourage our less-fervent friends and neighbors to see that the Church makes sense and their way of life simply doesn't.
The Gospel is a beautiful story of the Lord's compassion but also of the very intelligent individual he heals. Far from being scared by the interrogation of the religious leaders, the former blind man challenges them. This was risky. They held the people in a species of bondage and already had threatened to throw out of the synagogue - our modern "excommunication" - anyone who acknowledged Jesus to be the Christ, the Anointed One, the Prophet. The former blind man had his priorities right: "I have been healed, this man did it and this is how he did it."
Good for him! How great it would be if all Catholics today were equally convinced! Unfortunately, the really blind men in this Gospel are the religious leaders who insist that they can see. And the great story concludes with the blind man falling down to worship the Lord - reminds us of the behavior of the tenth leper!
April 3 - Fourth Sunday of Lent
There is a story of two men beside a beautiful lake, glinting in the morning sunshine. "Terrific day!" remarks one, "the water is just barely moving." "Water?" says the other, "that's what I wash in." "The sky is a beautiful blue," continues the first man, "it's reflected in the lake." " Blue?" asks the other man, "what's that ? And what is a 'lake' - "like a basin of water?" "The waves are coming in gently to the shore," continues the first man, "driven before the breeze." "Breeze" I understand," his friend replies, "but what are 'waves?'...
In this example, we are talking of someone who can see and someone blind from birth. And what a difference! This Sunday we find a similar theme: seeing and blindness, light and darkness.
This concept, however, is not to be found directly in the First Reading but it is there in part. The Lord sends Samuel to anoint a successor to the ill-fated Saul, first king of Israel, and Samuel looks approvingly at the fine young sons of a man called Jesse, concluding from the beginning that the one he is seeking is surely one of these. But he is wrong. He is seeing and judging without understanding the Lord's plans. As we are talking at this time of year of the admission of candidates to Baptism, there is a reference to the call of God for them and for each of us. Were we not all blind at our Baptism, knowing usually only how to cry as the cold water annoyed us? It took a long time for us to get an appreciation of God's special call and millions today are even less- appreciative and - as we have several times reminded ourselves -don't even know the date of their Baptism, not to talk of its meaning. In our case, of course, we have had the extra divine call to the re-affirmation of our Baptismal consecration when we became members of the Institute. And even there, how blind we frequently were, how slow to understand the goodness of God, "calling us out of (relative) darkness into His marvelous light." Yes, we had the special light to follow the choice of the Master for us - not a casual one but all forming part of an incredible plan going back not just to the day we came into the world but ... to all eternity! As long as God is God, He always wanted us to be called to human life, to be called to divine life in our Baptism and, finally, to reinforce that call with our entrance into the Institute.
The Responsorial Psalm ties in nicely with the general theme. We are not left to walk " in the valley of darkness" but have the constant care of our Good Shepherd - Jesus Christ. We are not always aware of this unceasing presence of the Lord in our lives - he is close to us, we are less close to him. Often it takes an effort even to turn to him for a short prayer, a brief acknowledgment. As a result we may act without invoking his guidance and that leads to more darkness as we wander down the wrong path through life.
St. Paul, in the Second Reading repeats the same theme. His converts were truly in 'darkness" - a special darkness in their case filled with pagan, demonic influences,. But now the light has shone into their lives and their duty is clear: show their new light in the way they live and (of course) in the way they try to enlighten others - light always shines backwards and forwards. Regretfully, today's baptized people -and, sadly, millions of Catholics - have rejected their original nlightenment and gone after very inadequate and artificial illumination. And modern- day apostles - priests and deacons – find themselves overwhelmed and perplexed: how can we get these people to understand that they are going nowhere but at the same time avoid alienating them? There is so little time to do this enlightening: ten minutes on Sundays with some people still coming to church as the celebrant is concluding his remarks and catechetical instruction outside the Mass depending so much on the parents. Clearly, we who are enlightened without any merit of ours, must try to encourage our less-fervent friends and neighbors to see that the Church makes sense and their way of life simply doesn't.
The Gospel is a beautiful story of the Lord's compassion but also of the very intelligent individual he heals. Far from being scared by the interrogation of the religious leaders, the former blind man challenges them. This was risky. They held the people in a species of bondage and already had threatened to throw out of the synagogue - our modern "excommunication" - anyone who acknowledged Jesus to be the Christ, the Anointed One, the Prophet. The former blind man had his priorities right: "I have been healed, this man did it and this is how he did it."
Good for him! How great it would be if all Catholics today were equally convinced! Unfortunately, the really blind men in this Gospel are the religious leaders who insist that they can see. And the great story concludes with the blind man falling down to worship the Lord - reminds us of the behavior of the tenth leper!
April 10, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, April 10
Ez 37: 12-14
Rom 8: 8-11
Jn 11: 1-45
We have to be members not burdened with anything that could be called a vain ornament, but rather concentrating on our dependence on a God Who rewards or punishes us according to our life (VMC 493).
Know what the “vain ornaments” are? I guess they vary from person to person. Worth checking to see if we’ve got any!
Please Pray for Our Deceased Sr. M. Benardetta Amenta FSP (1987)—Sr. Carolina Lovato FSP (1999)—Sr.M. Danila Quiriti FSP (2000)—Sr. M. Nazaria Milanesio PD (2009)
Ez 37: 12-14
Rom 8: 8-11
Jn 11: 1-45
We have to be members not burdened with anything that could be called a vain ornament, but rather concentrating on our dependence on a God Who rewards or punishes us according to our life (VMC 493).
Know what the “vain ornaments” are? I guess they vary from person to person. Worth checking to see if we’ve got any!
Please Pray for Our Deceased Sr. M. Benardetta Amenta FSP (1987)—Sr. Carolina Lovato FSP (1999)—Sr.M. Danila Quiriti FSP (2000)—Sr. M. Nazaria Milanesio PD (2009)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
April 9, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, April 9
Jer 11: 18-20
Jn 7: 40-53
Who is the perfect member? The one who has most completely reproduced the life of Christ in himself or herself (VMC 408).
As the years pass and we become “Perpetuals” there is an overwhelming temptation to relax, to make concessions, to skip certain parts of the Statute. NO! We have to face a mopre rigorous judgment and it is very foolish to forget this.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Giuliana Sandri PD (1975)—Angelica Agudlo de Valencia HFI (1997)—Gualtiero Zucconi HFI (2003)—Fr. Biagio Giraudo SSP (2007)—Elizabeth Costello (1984)
Jer 11: 18-20
Jn 7: 40-53
Who is the perfect member? The one who has most completely reproduced the life of Christ in himself or herself (VMC 408).
As the years pass and we become “Perpetuals” there is an overwhelming temptation to relax, to make concessions, to skip certain parts of the Statute. NO! We have to face a mopre rigorous judgment and it is very foolish to forget this.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Giuliana Sandri PD (1975)—Angelica Agudlo de Valencia HFI (1997)—Gualtiero Zucconi HFI (2003)—Fr. Biagio Giraudo SSP (2007)—Elizabeth Costello (1984)
Friday, April 8, 2011
April 8, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, April 8
Wis 2: 12-22
Jn: 7: 1-30
1960: Pontifical Approval of the Aggregated Institutes
What does it mean to conquer ourselves, our judgments and our ignorance so as to acquire the wisdom of the Master? (VMC395)
For this we need most of all prayer and faith—the ability to believe in the Lord speaking through some very ordinary human being. Great to talk about. Not so great to do.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Chiara Bertero FSP (1984)—Sr. M. Cecilia Fassio PD (1992)—Otello Antoni HFI (1997)—Sr. Jolanda Faraglia FSP (1998)—Msgr Piertro Santoro IJP (1998)—Angelo Ferracuti HFI (1998)—Sr. M. Michalangela Chemello PD (1999)—Bro Givoanni Schellino SSP (2001)—Bro Teresio Minelli SSP (2004)—Sr. M. Epifania Maraga FSP (2007)—Bro Mario Pezzato SSP (2007)
Wis 2: 12-22
Jn: 7: 1-30
1960: Pontifical Approval of the Aggregated Institutes
What does it mean to conquer ourselves, our judgments and our ignorance so as to acquire the wisdom of the Master? (VMC395)
For this we need most of all prayer and faith—the ability to believe in the Lord speaking through some very ordinary human being. Great to talk about. Not so great to do.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Chiara Bertero FSP (1984)—Sr. M. Cecilia Fassio PD (1992)—Otello Antoni HFI (1997)—Sr. Jolanda Faraglia FSP (1998)—Msgr Piertro Santoro IJP (1998)—Angelo Ferracuti HFI (1998)—Sr. M. Michalangela Chemello PD (1999)—Bro Givoanni Schellino SSP (2001)—Bro Teresio Minelli SSP (2004)—Sr. M. Epifania Maraga FSP (2007)—Bro Mario Pezzato SSP (2007)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 7, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, April 7
St. John Baptist de La Salle
First Thursday of the month—the Angel Guardians
Ex 32: 7-14
Jn 5: 31-47
Grow! Let’s grow! Jesus grew in wisdom, age and grace (VMC 393).
What growth do we seek? First, in prayer and the spiritual life. Then in an increase in our numbers. Easier said than done these very dark days, but… are we actually still TRYING? You’ve given up? What’s great about that?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Candida Lunedei PD (1946)—Sr. M. Alberta Franchini FSP (1982)—Sr. Clementina Menzani FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Carmine Cabezas Campayao FSP (1999)-- Sr. Rosina Stammena FSP (2003)—Sr. Chiara Guadagnin SGBP (2007)—Fr. Bernard (1995)
St. John Baptist de La Salle
First Thursday of the month—the Angel Guardians
Ex 32: 7-14
Jn 5: 31-47
Grow! Let’s grow! Jesus grew in wisdom, age and grace (VMC 393).
What growth do we seek? First, in prayer and the spiritual life. Then in an increase in our numbers. Easier said than done these very dark days, but… are we actually still TRYING? You’ve given up? What’s great about that?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Candida Lunedei PD (1946)—Sr. M. Alberta Franchini FSP (1982)—Sr. Clementina Menzani FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Carmine Cabezas Campayao FSP (1999)-- Sr. Rosina Stammena FSP (2003)—Sr. Chiara Guadagnin SGBP (2007)—Fr. Bernard (1995)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April 6, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, April 6
First Wednesday of the month—St. Joseph
Is 49: 8-15
Jn 5: 17-30
The idea of progress should never leave us—progress this day, this week, this month, this year. What progress have I made compared to last April? What progress have YOU made? (VMC 389)
(Guess I got the Founder mixed up with me in this quote…but it still makes sense! ~ Fr. Tom
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Francisca Saveria Anton PD (1967)—Sr. Bernardina Spadaccini FSP (1970)—Fr. Francesco Zecchinati SSP (1994)—Sr. Stefanina Lonardoni FSP (2003)—Sr. Teresa M. Musso FSP (2004)—Sr. M. Assunta Vadacherry FSP (2005)—Sr. M. Rosaura Ravera PD (2005)—Anna Butani IAM (2005)—Juan B. Cereno (1989)
First Wednesday of the month—St. Joseph
Is 49: 8-15
Jn 5: 17-30
The idea of progress should never leave us—progress this day, this week, this month, this year. What progress have I made compared to last April? What progress have YOU made? (VMC 389)
(Guess I got the Founder mixed up with me in this quote…but it still makes sense! ~ Fr. Tom
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Francisca Saveria Anton PD (1967)—Sr. Bernardina Spadaccini FSP (1970)—Fr. Francesco Zecchinati SSP (1994)—Sr. Stefanina Lonardoni FSP (2003)—Sr. Teresa M. Musso FSP (2004)—Sr. M. Assunta Vadacherry FSP (2005)—Sr. M. Rosaura Ravera PD (2005)—Anna Butani IAM (2005)—Juan B. Cereno (1989)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
April 5, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, April 5
St. Vincent Ferrer, priest
First Tuesday of the month—the Souls in Purgatory
Ez 47: 1-9, 12
Jn 5: 1-16
Jesus Lived of about 33 years, about 30 of them in the family and the workshop. He came to teach us but first he acted. When He taught for 2/3years He was telling what He had done and what we should do (VMC304).
Sounds food for us too. Surely we would not advise others if we ourselves had not first put our advice into action—our would we?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Enrica Minnucci FSP (1990)—Fr. Antonio Cagioni IJP(1990)—Sr. M. Valeria Tortone PD (1994)—Sr.M. Bogumilla Jedrzyka PD (1994)—Sr. M.Gemma Negrello FSP (2000)—Sr. Concettina Lee FSP (2004)—Sr. Marcellina Gaspari FSP (2005)-- Maria Tomassini HFI (2006)—Assunta Superchi HFI (2007)—Sr. M. Vitalina Martina PD (2008)
St. Vincent Ferrer, priest
First Tuesday of the month—the Souls in Purgatory
Ez 47: 1-9, 12
Jn 5: 1-16
Jesus Lived of about 33 years, about 30 of them in the family and the workshop. He came to teach us but first he acted. When He taught for 2/3years He was telling what He had done and what we should do (VMC304).
Sounds food for us too. Surely we would not advise others if we ourselves had not first put our advice into action—our would we?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Enrica Minnucci FSP (1990)—Fr. Antonio Cagioni IJP(1990)—Sr. M. Valeria Tortone PD (1994)—Sr.M. Bogumilla Jedrzyka PD (1994)—Sr. M.Gemma Negrello FSP (2000)—Sr. Concettina Lee FSP (2004)—Sr. Marcellina Gaspari FSP (2005)-- Maria Tomassini HFI (2006)—Assunta Superchi HFI (2007)—Sr. M. Vitalina Martina PD (2008)
Monday, April 4, 2011
April 4, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, April 4
St. Isidore, Bishop, Doctor
First Monday of the month-- St. Paul
Is 65: 17-21
Jn 4: 43-54
The Saints are all diligent workers and how much they did and what a variety of results they produced in proportion to their years on earth! They gave priority to prayer and this produced marvellous and lasting results (VMC 301).
How about us? Priority to prayer? Perhaps. But what ELSE can we do to distinguish ourselves from our brothers and sisters who are not specially committed? Are they doing MORE than we do? Good question.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Amabilis Barbero PD (1962)-- Matteo Ruiiu HFI (2005)-- Pedro Galan Asprec (no date)
St. Isidore, Bishop, Doctor
First Monday of the month-- St. Paul
Is 65: 17-21
Jn 4: 43-54
The Saints are all diligent workers and how much they did and what a variety of results they produced in proportion to their years on earth! They gave priority to prayer and this produced marvellous and lasting results (VMC 301).
How about us? Priority to prayer? Perhaps. But what ELSE can we do to distinguish ourselves from our brothers and sisters who are not specially committed? Are they doing MORE than we do? Good question.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Amabilis Barbero PD (1962)-- Matteo Ruiiu HFI (2005)-- Pedro Galan Asprec (no date)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A Thought For Lent...Or Any Other Time
A thought for Lent...
THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE has remained essentially the same down the centuries, but in our time it is having trouble making itself heard.
WHEN THE APOSTLES approached the pagans in the early days of the Church, their approach was straightforward: "Your lives are not what they should be. And you know it. So repent, reform, be baptized and give your day a great new meaning!" This concise and coherent message was truly "Good News to many people living in a world of many gods, human sacrifices and general brutality. And they responded, and the Christian religion brought great happiness and meaning to their lives.
IN OUR TIME we have another problem. Sometimes the question is asked:" Why is it that the Gospel - "the Good News" - seems to have lost its impact for Christians and most strikingly for Catholics? Why? Because before we preach the "Good News" we must first preach the Bad News: people are defective, sinful, have deformed lives and badly need to repent and begin all over again. AND SO THE CHURCH finds herself in a species of bind: nobody wants to listen to the Bad News because nobody wants to listen to bad news anyway, but also because people today are far from ready to admit that their lives need reforming - rather the opposite. They will tell us preachers of the Bad News to go and preach to ourselves - and feel very righteous about it. So we fall back on a message about the mercy of God which is good, because "Mercy" is God's middle name. But we cannot have mercy only. And does the practice of the Mercy of God Devotion not include also a good Confession? Back to square one. WE HAVE COME to Lent once again. In itself Lent is just a means to an end: a fast in preparation for the Feast of Easter. But we cannot reach the end without the means. If there is no preparation there can be no rejoicing. If there is no study you fail your exam. What has been happening in recent decades seems to be a variation of the old Roman custom: feasting followed by vomiting, promiscuity followed by abortion, dishonesty followed by further dishonesty and cover-ups - until the cover is blown as has been happening in recent times. In the end, all principles of right and wrong are forgotten. BUT CHRIST took it for granted that people do wrong - very wrong. And until people today
take it for granted that they are doing wrong, they simply will never be able to make
sense of Christ or his consoling message.
UNLESS THERE IS AWARENESS of personal sin, people find less and less reason for religion. STEP 1 - why ask for forgiveness, if there is nothing to forgive? STEP 2: - why turn to God at all? STEP 3: I myself AM God and what I think is the measure of right and wrong!
HOW DID WE GET into this crazy lack of awareness? It was a gradual process. About 40 years ago the news magazines began publishing articles about the "new permissiveness" - perhaps especially among Catholics who were happily being "liberated" by misinterpretations of Vatican Council 2. At that stage it was still news - all the ties had not yet been broken. Then came the so-called "breakthroughs" (might be much better named "breakdowns"): plays and movies with lewd speech and action. Words that good people rarely said in private and never in public, became commonplace. Protests were shouted down or ridiculed as being out of touch. It was an adolescent world - coming of age in just the wrong way - and, as parents have to live with turbulent teenagers, so the so-called "conservatives" had to live with these overgrown "teenagers" of the seventies.
AT THIS STAGE, the very liberating theory of "social" sins and "social" guilt began to be floated. YOU AND I are not to blame for what is going wrong in our lives. NO! SOCIETY is the culprit. Our BACKGROUND is the culprit.. Our DEFECTIVE GENES are what's wrong with us. We picked the WRONG GRANDPARENTS ... In a word: EVERYONE is to blame except us. Human nature can adapt to almost anything at the physical level and it appears the human conscience is equally adaptable to almost anything at the moral level. BUT JESUS took the opposite view. In an age when the people were satisfied with observing external correctness, he warned about loose THOUGHTS. In an age when DIVORCE was actually written into the Law ... he condemned it! In an age when hardly anyone remained unmarried ... he practiced celibacy." He laid it on the line: " if your tight eye is your downfall, pluck it out . . . if your hand is your difficulty, cut it off! No mention there of "social" sins or the sins of our fathers.
THEN THERE WAS the second way we lost awareness of sin: "Everybody's doing it." There's safety in numbers ... or is there? If all the pupils in your school fail their exam . . . perhaps the questions were too difficult. But then you hear that in another school 90% passed . . . numbers alone are not enough. If most of your friends no longer go to Mass regularly . . . does this make missing Mass acceptable? If many of your friends are sleeping around . . . does this make sleeping around acceptable? If some of your workmates are stealing regularly from the firm ... is it also ok for you to steal? The civil law doesn't say: thousands are breaking the speed-limit. Let's abolish it! The civil law doesn't say: tens of thousands are on drugs - let's make drugs legal (actually, as evidence that the breakdowns have by no means ended, marijuana is gradually making its legal way from State to State - how will that benefit society?).
FINALLY THERE IS A THIRD WAY we lose our awareness of sin: let's forget about it. Not so fast! Time heals everything? No. Time heals the MEMORY of what we did wrong but REALITY remains unchanged. As detection-methods improve, crimes of even forty years ago are being solved today and, whether we forget them or not, our crimes of many years ago are still there to accuse us. The physical event is long past. The spiritual and the necessity to straighten out the record will never change.
LETS STOP FOOLING OURSELVES No, not YOU, good member of the Institute, but rather your wayward sons and daughters, in-laws and out-laws, fourth cousins once removed, it's agonizing and heart-breaking for almost all of us - including me- to see our nearest and dearest making the greatest mistake of their lives: missing out on the amazing plans the Lord has made for them: an eternity of happiness after a life on earth, which - ironically - will be all the happier the more it is lived according to the Lord's love and concern. PRAY FOR THEM that they think of the past - at least once in a while. That's not done as often as it should be. Even when people go to Confession. "How long has it been? Oh, about thirteen years, Father." "And can you recall something special from those years?" "Well, no, Father. I'm divorced, of course, but it's perfectly legal. And now I'm much happier." "Do you go regularly to Mass? " "Yes, Father, during the school year with the kids but at other times I just can't make it'. . ." And on and on.
WE ARE OFTEN ASKED to put the past behind us. A good piece of advice but not where past sins are concerned - very dangerous advice. In their lifetimes all people do good and for that the Lord will reward them. But they also commit sin: the sins of youth, the sins of mature years, the sins of advancing years, sins of thought, of word, of action, of omission. Sins perhaps for which they walked free before the law but are still to be accounted for before God. Will those huge numbers out there - who are quite unaware that Lent has come or what it might mean - see Lent 2012? What question is more important to answer? What prayer can we say for them that is more merciful?
THE CHRISTIAN MESSAGE has remained essentially the same down the centuries, but in our time it is having trouble making itself heard.
WHEN THE APOSTLES approached the pagans in the early days of the Church, their approach was straightforward: "Your lives are not what they should be. And you know it. So repent, reform, be baptized and give your day a great new meaning!" This concise and coherent message was truly "Good News to many people living in a world of many gods, human sacrifices and general brutality. And they responded, and the Christian religion brought great happiness and meaning to their lives.
IN OUR TIME we have another problem. Sometimes the question is asked:" Why is it that the Gospel - "the Good News" - seems to have lost its impact for Christians and most strikingly for Catholics? Why? Because before we preach the "Good News" we must first preach the Bad News: people are defective, sinful, have deformed lives and badly need to repent and begin all over again. AND SO THE CHURCH finds herself in a species of bind: nobody wants to listen to the Bad News because nobody wants to listen to bad news anyway, but also because people today are far from ready to admit that their lives need reforming - rather the opposite. They will tell us preachers of the Bad News to go and preach to ourselves - and feel very righteous about it. So we fall back on a message about the mercy of God which is good, because "Mercy" is God's middle name. But we cannot have mercy only. And does the practice of the Mercy of God Devotion not include also a good Confession? Back to square one. WE HAVE COME to Lent once again. In itself Lent is just a means to an end: a fast in preparation for the Feast of Easter. But we cannot reach the end without the means. If there is no preparation there can be no rejoicing. If there is no study you fail your exam. What has been happening in recent decades seems to be a variation of the old Roman custom: feasting followed by vomiting, promiscuity followed by abortion, dishonesty followed by further dishonesty and cover-ups - until the cover is blown as has been happening in recent times. In the end, all principles of right and wrong are forgotten. BUT CHRIST took it for granted that people do wrong - very wrong. And until people today
take it for granted that they are doing wrong, they simply will never be able to make
sense of Christ or his consoling message.
UNLESS THERE IS AWARENESS of personal sin, people find less and less reason for religion. STEP 1 - why ask for forgiveness, if there is nothing to forgive? STEP 2: - why turn to God at all? STEP 3: I myself AM God and what I think is the measure of right and wrong!
HOW DID WE GET into this crazy lack of awareness? It was a gradual process. About 40 years ago the news magazines began publishing articles about the "new permissiveness" - perhaps especially among Catholics who were happily being "liberated" by misinterpretations of Vatican Council 2. At that stage it was still news - all the ties had not yet been broken. Then came the so-called "breakthroughs" (might be much better named "breakdowns"): plays and movies with lewd speech and action. Words that good people rarely said in private and never in public, became commonplace. Protests were shouted down or ridiculed as being out of touch. It was an adolescent world - coming of age in just the wrong way - and, as parents have to live with turbulent teenagers, so the so-called "conservatives" had to live with these overgrown "teenagers" of the seventies.
AT THIS STAGE, the very liberating theory of "social" sins and "social" guilt began to be floated. YOU AND I are not to blame for what is going wrong in our lives. NO! SOCIETY is the culprit. Our BACKGROUND is the culprit.. Our DEFECTIVE GENES are what's wrong with us. We picked the WRONG GRANDPARENTS ... In a word: EVERYONE is to blame except us. Human nature can adapt to almost anything at the physical level and it appears the human conscience is equally adaptable to almost anything at the moral level. BUT JESUS took the opposite view. In an age when the people were satisfied with observing external correctness, he warned about loose THOUGHTS. In an age when DIVORCE was actually written into the Law ... he condemned it! In an age when hardly anyone remained unmarried ... he practiced celibacy." He laid it on the line: " if your tight eye is your downfall, pluck it out . . . if your hand is your difficulty, cut it off! No mention there of "social" sins or the sins of our fathers.
THEN THERE WAS the second way we lost awareness of sin: "Everybody's doing it." There's safety in numbers ... or is there? If all the pupils in your school fail their exam . . . perhaps the questions were too difficult. But then you hear that in another school 90% passed . . . numbers alone are not enough. If most of your friends no longer go to Mass regularly . . . does this make missing Mass acceptable? If many of your friends are sleeping around . . . does this make sleeping around acceptable? If some of your workmates are stealing regularly from the firm ... is it also ok for you to steal? The civil law doesn't say: thousands are breaking the speed-limit. Let's abolish it! The civil law doesn't say: tens of thousands are on drugs - let's make drugs legal (actually, as evidence that the breakdowns have by no means ended, marijuana is gradually making its legal way from State to State - how will that benefit society?).
FINALLY THERE IS A THIRD WAY we lose our awareness of sin: let's forget about it. Not so fast! Time heals everything? No. Time heals the MEMORY of what we did wrong but REALITY remains unchanged. As detection-methods improve, crimes of even forty years ago are being solved today and, whether we forget them or not, our crimes of many years ago are still there to accuse us. The physical event is long past. The spiritual and the necessity to straighten out the record will never change.
LETS STOP FOOLING OURSELVES No, not YOU, good member of the Institute, but rather your wayward sons and daughters, in-laws and out-laws, fourth cousins once removed, it's agonizing and heart-breaking for almost all of us - including me- to see our nearest and dearest making the greatest mistake of their lives: missing out on the amazing plans the Lord has made for them: an eternity of happiness after a life on earth, which - ironically - will be all the happier the more it is lived according to the Lord's love and concern. PRAY FOR THEM that they think of the past - at least once in a while. That's not done as often as it should be. Even when people go to Confession. "How long has it been? Oh, about thirteen years, Father." "And can you recall something special from those years?" "Well, no, Father. I'm divorced, of course, but it's perfectly legal. And now I'm much happier." "Do you go regularly to Mass? " "Yes, Father, during the school year with the kids but at other times I just can't make it'. . ." And on and on.
WE ARE OFTEN ASKED to put the past behind us. A good piece of advice but not where past sins are concerned - very dangerous advice. In their lifetimes all people do good and for that the Lord will reward them. But they also commit sin: the sins of youth, the sins of mature years, the sins of advancing years, sins of thought, of word, of action, of omission. Sins perhaps for which they walked free before the law but are still to be accounted for before God. Will those huge numbers out there - who are quite unaware that Lent has come or what it might mean - see Lent 2012? What question is more important to answer? What prayer can we say for them that is more merciful?
April 3, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, April 3
First Sunday of the month—the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Sm 16:6-13
Eph 5: 8-14
Jn 9: 1-41
Who are the workers? All those who make a tiring effort: in prayer which brings the greatest blessings on society, in intellectual work, in the professions, in the ministry. Work is an obligation for everyone (VMC 300).
And what about retired folk? Are they working? Good questions. Why not ask them?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Giuseppina Avato PD (1933)—Sr. M. Annunziata Micca PD (1977)—Medina Twins (1951)—Peter Candela Jr. (1954)
First Sunday of the month—the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Sm 16:6-13
Eph 5: 8-14
Jn 9: 1-41
Who are the workers? All those who make a tiring effort: in prayer which brings the greatest blessings on society, in intellectual work, in the professions, in the ministry. Work is an obligation for everyone (VMC 300).
And what about retired folk? Are they working? Good questions. Why not ask them?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Giuseppina Avato PD (1933)—Sr. M. Annunziata Micca PD (1977)—Medina Twins (1951)—Peter Candela Jr. (1954)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
April 2, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, April 2
St. Francis of Paola, hermit
First Saturday of the month—Mary, Queen of Apostles
Hos 6: 1-6
Lk 18: 9-14
Diligent members are continually finding out new methods to advance in virtue and to be more successful in their apostolate (VMC 287).
This is not a matter only of natural ingenuity but perhaps even more of plenty of prayer for light and inspiration. Do we really believe that the Master is right there beside us, very anxious to help?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Marina Merz FSP (1963)—Fr. Salvatore Sallemi IJP (2006)
St. Francis of Paola, hermit
First Saturday of the month—Mary, Queen of Apostles
Hos 6: 1-6
Lk 18: 9-14
Diligent members are continually finding out new methods to advance in virtue and to be more successful in their apostolate (VMC 287).
This is not a matter only of natural ingenuity but perhaps even more of plenty of prayer for light and inspiration. Do we really believe that the Master is right there beside us, very anxious to help?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Marina Merz FSP (1963)—Fr. Salvatore Sallemi IJP (2006)
Friday, April 1, 2011
April 1, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, April 1
Lenten Weekday
Hos 14: 2-10
Mk 12: 28-34
For a successful 2011 Triduum on the new dates and with as many participants as possible!
More than a pious reflection, this intention touches the very heart of our annual meeting with its many challenges and sacrifices but also with its exceptional value for each of us. Don’t forget to invite a friend or neighbor this year.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Carlo Stella SSP (1973)—Bro Enrico Pantaleo SSP (1984)—Fr. Michele Leone IJP (2003)—Bill Davison—Mr. Lumpee—Rose Neimeyer (no years)
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