Thursday, June 30
Gen 22: 1b-19
Mt 9: 1-8
St. Paul! The great traveler, the great preacher, the great lover of the Lord, the great victim for Jesus’ sake. On this day and every day, if at all possible, make time to read at leasat part of his Letters: Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, Galatians, Corinthians… we are Paulines after all and that must mean something!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Vitina Prato HFI (2002)—Carmela Mangiere (1989)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
June 29 With Pope Benedict XVI

"Even suffering is part of the truth of our life. Thus, trying to shield the youngest from every difficulty and experience of suffering, we risk creating, despite our good intentions, fragile persons of little generosity: The capacity to love, in fact, corresponds to the capacity to suffer, and to suffer together."
Pope Benedict XVI
June 29, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, June 29
Acts 12: 1-11
2 Tim 4: 6-8, 17-18
Mt 16: 13-19
***** 1907: Ordination of Bl. Alberione
Perfect souls spend their whole life serving others, sometimes serving in the usual sense, but sometimes also guiding, bearing the whims and weaknesses of others as Jesus did (VMC 494).
Sounds like our moms? Right?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Candida M. Tartaglione FSP (1972)—Maria Adelaide Antonione IAM (1973)—Sr. M. Pruissima Acenas FSP (1981)— Fr. Jesus Fuente SSP (1986)—Fr. Patrick Pennisi SSP (1990)—Vera Stracciati HFI (1991)—Sr. M. Guiseppina Iezzoni FSP (1998)—Sr. M. Giovannina Gramaglia PD (2009)—Sr. M. Immaculada Garcia PD (2010)—Luigi Genova HFI (2010)
Acts 12: 1-11
2 Tim 4: 6-8, 17-18
Mt 16: 13-19
***** 1907: Ordination of Bl. Alberione
Perfect souls spend their whole life serving others, sometimes serving in the usual sense, but sometimes also guiding, bearing the whims and weaknesses of others as Jesus did (VMC 494).
Sounds like our moms? Right?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Candida M. Tartaglione FSP (1972)—Maria Adelaide Antonione IAM (1973)—Sr. M. Pruissima Acenas FSP (1981)— Fr. Jesus Fuente SSP (1986)—Fr. Patrick Pennisi SSP (1990)—Vera Stracciati HFI (1991)—Sr. M. Guiseppina Iezzoni FSP (1998)—Sr. M. Giovannina Gramaglia PD (2009)—Sr. M. Immaculada Garcia PD (2010)—Luigi Genova HFI (2010)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
June 28, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, June 28
ST. IRENAEUS, Bishop, Martyr
Ge 19: 15-29
Mt 8: 23-27
The person who directs others should not pretend to apply to the same methods with each of those for whom he is responsible. Each soul should be respected and understood and the same directives should not be given to all indiscriminately (VMC 493).
Hmmm… You think I measure up to this standard?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Teresina Dadone PD (1989)—Sr. M. Rachele Pasini FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Celeste Di Girolamo FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Speranza Valenzuela FSP (1997)—Sr. Sira Borghetti FSP (2001)—Bro Matteo Toffani SSP (2003)
ST. IRENAEUS, Bishop, Martyr
Ge 19: 15-29
Mt 8: 23-27
The person who directs others should not pretend to apply to the same methods with each of those for whom he is responsible. Each soul should be respected and understood and the same directives should not be given to all indiscriminately (VMC 493).
Hmmm… You think I measure up to this standard?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Teresina Dadone PD (1989)—Sr. M. Rachele Pasini FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Celeste Di Girolamo FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Speranza Valenzuela FSP (1997)—Sr. Sira Borghetti FSP (2001)—Bro Matteo Toffani SSP (2003)
Monday, June 27, 2011
June 27, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, June 27
St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Doctor
Gen 18: 16-33
Mt. 8: 18-22
Our prayer must be simple and ascend to the Lord with faith and humility (APD 3).
Ascend to the Lord? Well, yes, that is traditional language. I rather prefer the concept of sharing with the Lord Who is not “above me, but is in me to the extent that He is me! Tricky concept? No. It’s what Baptism is about.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Severina Pellerino FSP (1981)—Sr. Rosa Capozzoli FSP (1997)—Fr. Angelo Castellotto SSP (1997)—Fr. Angelo Castellotto SSP (2006)—Fr. Felipe Del Valle SSP (2010)
St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Doctor
Gen 18: 16-33
Mt. 8: 18-22
Our prayer must be simple and ascend to the Lord with faith and humility (APD 3).
Ascend to the Lord? Well, yes, that is traditional language. I rather prefer the concept of sharing with the Lord Who is not “above me, but is in me to the extent that He is me! Tricky concept? No. It’s what Baptism is about.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Severina Pellerino FSP (1981)—Sr. Rosa Capozzoli FSP (1997)—Fr. Angelo Castellotto SSP (1997)—Fr. Angelo Castellotto SSP (2006)—Fr. Felipe Del Valle SSP (2010)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
15 Minutes Before the Blessed Sacrament...
15 minutes before the
Blessed Sacrament - the
most useful of our day!
June 26 - The Body and Blood of Christ
If there is one Church Feast more than another that Paulines should favor, it surely is this one. "You were born of the Eucharist," repeated Alberione and he reinforced his words by the endless hours he spent before the Blessed Sacrament from his earliest days until his retirement. Did he thus show more love and appreciation of the Lord's gift than any other Saint? There is some reason to think that he did and this is an aspect of our holy Founder mat deserves investigation.
The First Reading quotes the phrase that the Master used to deflect the temptations of Satan: "not by bread alone does one live but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." The meaning is that God gives life through "His word.(In Genesis the frequent use of the phrase "And God said" to mark the days of Creation might be taken to mean that God spoke his work into existence). Now we have the very Word of God in human form in Jesus of Nazareth who is also the true Bread from heaven.
The Responsorial Psalm repeats the same concepts as the First Reading - "word" and "wheat" are obvious connections. But even "word" itself is important. A good word can make us feel as pleased as a good meal - or even more pleased because the power of the word remains in our mind and heart. Moreover the Eucharist comes into existence by the word of God repeated by the celebrant.
The brief Second Reading from our holy Patron reminds us that it is Paul who gives us the first detailed statement of what took place at the Last Supper (1 Cor. 11, 23-27) - years before the Evangelists did. The Eucharist emerged from a Jewish context: speaking a blessing and breaking bread was characteristic of the Passover meal. At the Last Supper Christ took this rite and made it his own but the bread was now his Body and the cup of wine used at the Jewish Passover meal was his Blood. The Bread broken, the one Bread that is shared by many is the sign that effects community - one Bread, one Body.
Finally, the Gospel. It is sometimes said that John, unlike the other Evangelists, says nothing about the Eucharist in his otherwise extremely detailed description of events at the Last Supper. However the Eucharist is very much the subject of the intense discussion quoted here in his Chapter 6 - the Lord makes it clear what he is talking about and repeats it in detail which Mark, Matthew and Luke do not. It is the climax of the Master's mission: will his years of intense effort enable these people to at least TRY to grasp his meaning? Unfortunately, that does not happen. As Paulines we have to make some reparation to our Eucharistic Lord for the centuries of misunderstanding, neglect and sacrilege which have surrounded his greatest Gift to humanity. St. Alphonsus said that fifteen minutes before the Blessed Sacrament are more useful than any other pious practice. Let's make this thought our own!
~ June 2011 Concord
Blessed Sacrament - the
most useful of our day!
June 26 - The Body and Blood of Christ
If there is one Church Feast more than another that Paulines should favor, it surely is this one. "You were born of the Eucharist," repeated Alberione and he reinforced his words by the endless hours he spent before the Blessed Sacrament from his earliest days until his retirement. Did he thus show more love and appreciation of the Lord's gift than any other Saint? There is some reason to think that he did and this is an aspect of our holy Founder mat deserves investigation.
The First Reading quotes the phrase that the Master used to deflect the temptations of Satan: "not by bread alone does one live but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." The meaning is that God gives life through "His word.(In Genesis the frequent use of the phrase "And God said" to mark the days of Creation might be taken to mean that God spoke his work into existence). Now we have the very Word of God in human form in Jesus of Nazareth who is also the true Bread from heaven.
The Responsorial Psalm repeats the same concepts as the First Reading - "word" and "wheat" are obvious connections. But even "word" itself is important. A good word can make us feel as pleased as a good meal - or even more pleased because the power of the word remains in our mind and heart. Moreover the Eucharist comes into existence by the word of God repeated by the celebrant.
The brief Second Reading from our holy Patron reminds us that it is Paul who gives us the first detailed statement of what took place at the Last Supper (1 Cor. 11, 23-27) - years before the Evangelists did. The Eucharist emerged from a Jewish context: speaking a blessing and breaking bread was characteristic of the Passover meal. At the Last Supper Christ took this rite and made it his own but the bread was now his Body and the cup of wine used at the Jewish Passover meal was his Blood. The Bread broken, the one Bread that is shared by many is the sign that effects community - one Bread, one Body.
Finally, the Gospel. It is sometimes said that John, unlike the other Evangelists, says nothing about the Eucharist in his otherwise extremely detailed description of events at the Last Supper. However the Eucharist is very much the subject of the intense discussion quoted here in his Chapter 6 - the Lord makes it clear what he is talking about and repeats it in detail which Mark, Matthew and Luke do not. It is the climax of the Master's mission: will his years of intense effort enable these people to at least TRY to grasp his meaning? Unfortunately, that does not happen. As Paulines we have to make some reparation to our Eucharistic Lord for the centuries of misunderstanding, neglect and sacrilege which have surrounded his greatest Gift to humanity. St. Alphonsus said that fifteen minutes before the Blessed Sacrament are more useful than any other pious practice. Let's make this thought our own!
~ June 2011 Concord
June 26, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, June 26
CORPUS CHRISTI—The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Dt 8: 2-3, 14-16
1 Cor 10: 16-17
Jn 6: 51-58
Jesus remains perpetually in the Eucharist. He is there alive and in truth. At any hour we come near, enter the church, adore Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life and stay with the Divine Master made victim (APD 1961)
A very worthwhile practice as we well know. But it must be accompanied by a reaching out to Jesus in another setting: in those in whom He now dwells waiting for us to tell them how they can serve Him better.
Pleas Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Antonio Anania IJP (1988)—Sr. M. Angiola Pecorelli PD (1994)—Carmelo Caramazza HFI (2006)—Sr. Hilda Eva Breve SGBP (2007)—Concetta Arcione HFI 92009)—Bro Luigi Montanaro SSP (2010)—Ralph Dorsey Johnson (1991)
CORPUS CHRISTI—The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Dt 8: 2-3, 14-16
1 Cor 10: 16-17
Jn 6: 51-58
Jesus remains perpetually in the Eucharist. He is there alive and in truth. At any hour we come near, enter the church, adore Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life and stay with the Divine Master made victim (APD 1961)
A very worthwhile practice as we well know. But it must be accompanied by a reaching out to Jesus in another setting: in those in whom He now dwells waiting for us to tell them how they can serve Him better.
Pleas Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Antonio Anania IJP (1988)—Sr. M. Angiola Pecorelli PD (1994)—Carmelo Caramazza HFI (2006)—Sr. Hilda Eva Breve SGBP (2007)—Concetta Arcione HFI 92009)—Bro Luigi Montanaro SSP (2010)—Ralph Dorsey Johnson (1991)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
June 25, 2011 Our 28th Wedding Anniversary

Today I want to thank God for a very special gift. Today marks 28 years of marriage to a wonderful man, husband and father to our children. I thank God for sending Michael to me, to love and watch over me and our children and for allowing me to love and watch over him in return. Through ups and downs, joys and sorrows, my husband has always been there for me and our girls. And so I thank God again for this wonderful gift and ask God to continue to remain at the center of our marriage that we may be safe and happy in His loving embrace forever.
Thank you God for 28 years of marriage to a wonderful man.
June 25, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, June 25
Gen 18: 1-5
Mt 8: 5-7
We in the Pauline Family want the full Gospel and we want to be entirely on the side of the Holy Father. Love for the Pope is absolutely necessary for us (VMC 481).
Our holy Founder must have foreseen that in our day the Holy Father would often be contested and insulted not just by those outside the Church but, even more, by those in it. We are witnessing new versions of Calvary every day that passes.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Ancilla Viola FSP (1998)—Sr. M. Erminia Richelmi FSP (2002)—Sr. M. Bernardetta D’Angelo PD (2002)—Fr. Enea Spinosa IJP (2007)—Julio Zicari HFI (2008)—Leda di Tommaso HFI (2009)
Gen 18: 1-5
Mt 8: 5-7
We in the Pauline Family want the full Gospel and we want to be entirely on the side of the Holy Father. Love for the Pope is absolutely necessary for us (VMC 481).
Our holy Founder must have foreseen that in our day the Holy Father would often be contested and insulted not just by those outside the Church but, even more, by those in it. We are witnessing new versions of Calvary every day that passes.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Ancilla Viola FSP (1998)—Sr. M. Erminia Richelmi FSP (2002)—Sr. M. Bernardetta D’Angelo PD (2002)—Fr. Enea Spinosa IJP (2007)—Julio Zicari HFI (2008)—Leda di Tommaso HFI (2009)
Friday, June 24, 2011
June 24, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, June 24
Is 49: 1-6
Acts 13: 22-26
Lk 57: 66-80
Obedience is first of all in the mind, putting the mind at the service of God (VMC 475).
Quite true in one sense: everything is first in the mind before it is an external action. But not so true always: sometimes our mind rebels against an order we receive and disobedience is first in our minds! We need a brief exam on this point.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Lorenzina Layog FSP (1991)—Sr. Ginetta Pistoia SGBP (1997)—Fr. Ottavio Cauli IJP (2002)—Paola Ninivaggi IAM (2009).
Is 49: 1-6
Acts 13: 22-26
Lk 57: 66-80
Obedience is first of all in the mind, putting the mind at the service of God (VMC 475).
Quite true in one sense: everything is first in the mind before it is an external action. But not so true always: sometimes our mind rebels against an order we receive and disobedience is first in our minds! We need a brief exam on this point.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Lorenzina Layog FSP (1991)—Sr. Ginetta Pistoia SGBP (1997)—Fr. Ottavio Cauli IJP (2002)—Paola Ninivaggi IAM (2009).
Thursday, June 23, 2011
June 23, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, June 23
Gen 16: 1-12, 15-16
Mt 7: 21-29
Some people want the advantage of “having vows” but are not concerned about keeping them. Sometimes the laziest religious are the ones hardest to satisfy (VMC 463).
This hardly applies to us. We have to earn our living by the sweat of our brows and the callouses or wrinkles on our hands. A very healthy situation and, if also vowed, perhaps the ideal one.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Domenico Sparacio SSP (2001))—Sr. M. Luisa Zambotti FSP (2007)
Gen 16: 1-12, 15-16
Mt 7: 21-29
Some people want the advantage of “having vows” but are not concerned about keeping them. Sometimes the laziest religious are the ones hardest to satisfy (VMC 463).
This hardly applies to us. We have to earn our living by the sweat of our brows and the callouses or wrinkles on our hands. A very healthy situation and, if also vowed, perhaps the ideal one.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Fr. Domenico Sparacio SSP (2001))—Sr. M. Luisa Zambotti FSP (2007)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
June 22, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, June 22
St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop
St. John Fisher, Bishop, Thomas More, Martyrs
Gen 15: 1-12, 17-18
Mt 7: 15-20
Many people love humility, but not humiliations. Many, too, love poverty, but not being deprived of things. If there is a sacrifice required…you can’t find them…or you find them busily occupied somewhere else (VMC 457).
No comment—just self-application!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Bro Benardo Blasi SSP (1968)—Fr. Anselm Vico SSP (1983)—Vincenzo Inbrunnone HFI (2002)—Marie Halcomb HFI (2002)
St. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop
St. John Fisher, Bishop, Thomas More, Martyrs
Gen 15: 1-12, 17-18
Mt 7: 15-20
Many people love humility, but not humiliations. Many, too, love poverty, but not being deprived of things. If there is a sacrifice required…you can’t find them…or you find them busily occupied somewhere else (VMC 457).
No comment—just self-application!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Bro Benardo Blasi SSP (1968)—Fr. Anselm Vico SSP (1983)—Vincenzo Inbrunnone HFI (2002)—Marie Halcomb HFI (2002)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
June 21, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, June 21
Gen 13: 2, 5-18
Mt 7: 6, 12-14
Love does not consist in desiring the consolations of God, but the God of consolations (FSP 41).
Or, perhaps better still, the God of no consolations, but rather the God who allows suffering to test what sort of love we have!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Claric Salvatore Murabito SSP (1936)—Fr. Federico Muzzarelli SSP (1956)—Fr. Giulio Molinari SSP (1965)—Fr. Michele Cazzulo SSP (1985)—Sr. M. Pierina Petrucci PD (1988)—Sr. Gioacchina Pasqualetti FSP (1989)—Fr. Vincent Siletti SSP (2000)
Gen 13: 2, 5-18
Mt 7: 6, 12-14
Love does not consist in desiring the consolations of God, but the God of consolations (FSP 41).
Or, perhaps better still, the God of no consolations, but rather the God who allows suffering to test what sort of love we have!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Claric Salvatore Murabito SSP (1936)—Fr. Federico Muzzarelli SSP (1956)—Fr. Giulio Molinari SSP (1965)—Fr. Michele Cazzulo SSP (1985)—Sr. M. Pierina Petrucci PD (1988)—Sr. Gioacchina Pasqualetti FSP (1989)—Fr. Vincent Siletti SSP (2000)
Monday, June 20, 2011
June 20, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, June 20
Gen 12: 1-9
Mt 7: 1-5
Try to balance prudence and zeal; see what is needed and get it with prudence, but also get advice to ensure we do not overreach ourselves (VMC 452).
We can apply this generic directive tour vocations efforts: study likely candidates (very few, but even one is fine!). Talk to them about media, family, prayer, spirituality etc. NOT ABOUT THE HFI unless they react very positively to these topics. Let time go by in prayer. See what their attitude is now. NO RUSH. Just ONE new member annually.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Agnesina Catone PD (1969)—Bro Gabriele Priori SSP (1996)—Msgr. Bittorio Ottaviani JP (1998)—Sr. M. Evangelina Baac Cabello PD (2000)-- Sr. M. Natalina Spada FSP (2003)—Sr. Provvidenza Dai Pré (2007)—Fr. Antonio Cerrone IJP (2009)—Matteo Pozzato HFI (2009)—Salvador Loera (1968)
Gen 12: 1-9
Mt 7: 1-5
Try to balance prudence and zeal; see what is needed and get it with prudence, but also get advice to ensure we do not overreach ourselves (VMC 452).
We can apply this generic directive tour vocations efforts: study likely candidates (very few, but even one is fine!). Talk to them about media, family, prayer, spirituality etc. NOT ABOUT THE HFI unless they react very positively to these topics. Let time go by in prayer. See what their attitude is now. NO RUSH. Just ONE new member annually.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Agnesina Catone PD (1969)—Bro Gabriele Priori SSP (1996)—Msgr. Bittorio Ottaviani JP (1998)—Sr. M. Evangelina Baac Cabello PD (2000)-- Sr. M. Natalina Spada FSP (2003)—Sr. Provvidenza Dai Pré (2007)—Fr. Antonio Cerrone IJP (2009)—Matteo Pozzato HFI (2009)—Salvador Loera (1968)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Humans at Their Best Are...

I found this image on the internet.
Humans at their best are a reflection of the Trinity.
June 19 - Trinity Sunday
There is an old saying: " Two's company, three's a crowd." But this is not always the case. If the "two" agree perfectly on every point, all is well. But if there is a disagreement, it is very useful to have a third to bounce ideas off and get some sort of decision instead of an endless argument.
On the other hand, three can also be in perfect agreement and we have a perfect example this Sunday; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Who first told us about this marvelous and profoundly mysterious phenomenon? The Son, of course! As we saw last year, he solved the ancient problem about the loneliness of God ("How can God be happy if He is alone?") but also scandalized the religious leaders (" God is ONE % He has no Son!")
The First Reading from Exodus shows the great Moses in dialog with God Who describes Himself as "merciful and gracious." Is this true? Of course. If God were not good in every sense He would be defective and . . . thus not limitless in His goodness. Any limit in God is inadmissible no matter how hard it is for us to understand Him.
"Glory and praise forever" - the Responsorial Psalm sets the right note and that will be our joy in Paradise: giving God and eternal standing ovation!
We are familiar with the phrase in the Second Reading: it is one of the opening greetings of the Mass.
The Gospel at first glance says nothing about the Trinity but, as we saw last year, if there is a "father" and a "son" then there is between father and son a mysterious but real bond of love, tenderness, admiration and satisfaction. Among humans, of course, not always - what else is new? But when humans are at their best, then we see on earth a tiny reflection of the tremendous, infinite stream of love, satisfaction and admiration existing forever between the Three Persons.
June 19, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, June 19
Ex 24: 4-9
2 Cor 13: 11-13
Jn 3: 16-18
WE are made in the image of God: the will reminds us of the power of the Father; the Son lights our mind with the light of reason; the Spirit warms our hearts (RSP 122)
But there is even more: The Trinity is IN our lives! At Baptism not only the Son comes to be with us, but so does the Father and the Holy Spirit! If we could only grasp the reality of that Infinite Presence in our souls! How much God must love us!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Filippina BAdanelli FSP (1938)—Fr. Ettore Diamantini SSP (1981)—Deolinda Coelho Mahleiro IAM (1984)—Sr. Filippina Maria Santella FSP (1989)—Alberto Tellevi HFI (1990)—Sr. Elisa Sulpizio FSO (1993)—Bro Tarcisio Monticone SSP (1994)—Sr. Marina Giobbe FSP (2002)—Sr. Marcelina Apdua FSP (2004)
Ex 24: 4-9
2 Cor 13: 11-13
Jn 3: 16-18
WE are made in the image of God: the will reminds us of the power of the Father; the Son lights our mind with the light of reason; the Spirit warms our hearts (RSP 122)
But there is even more: The Trinity is IN our lives! At Baptism not only the Son comes to be with us, but so does the Father and the Holy Spirit! If we could only grasp the reality of that Infinite Presence in our souls! How much God must love us!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Filippina BAdanelli FSP (1938)—Fr. Ettore Diamantini SSP (1981)—Deolinda Coelho Mahleiro IAM (1984)—Sr. Filippina Maria Santella FSP (1989)—Alberto Tellevi HFI (1990)—Sr. Elisa Sulpizio FSO (1993)—Bro Tarcisio Monticone SSP (1994)—Sr. Marina Giobbe FSP (2002)—Sr. Marcelina Apdua FSP (2004)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Concord Magazine June 2011
Best viewed in Google Chrome. You can view the magazine in another window (with larger print) by pressing the icon in the far right hand corner of the gray border of this post.
June 18, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, June 18
2 Cor 12: 1-10
Mt 6: 24-34
We should follow the “Way, Truth, Life” method in our practices of piety (FSP 41).
How? It think first of all that we should ascertain the “Truth” about ourselves and our prayer: is it truly Pauline? Can it be improved? So also “Way”--- is the way I am living in line with my commitment? Finally, “Life”—is there a certain energy in my day and a readiness to reach out strongly to potential new members?
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Maria Fresco FSP (1992)—Sr. Tereina Veglio FSP (1993)—Sr. M. Bibiana Ravina PD (1999)—sr. M. Egidia Vitale FSP (2000)—Bro Giuseppe Epaminonda SSP (2003)—Adele Cocchieri HFI (2008)—Florence Candela (1934)
2 Cor 12: 1-10
Mt 6: 24-34
We should follow the “Way, Truth, Life” method in our practices of piety (FSP 41).
How? It think first of all that we should ascertain the “Truth” about ourselves and our prayer: is it truly Pauline? Can it be improved? So also “Way”--- is the way I am living in line with my commitment? Finally, “Life”—is there a certain energy in my day and a readiness to reach out strongly to potential new members?
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Maria Fresco FSP (1992)—Sr. Tereina Veglio FSP (1993)—Sr. M. Bibiana Ravina PD (1999)—sr. M. Egidia Vitale FSP (2000)—Bro Giuseppe Epaminonda SSP (2003)—Adele Cocchieri HFI (2008)—Florence Candela (1934)
Friday, June 17, 2011
June 17, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, June 17
2 Cor 11, 18: 21-30
Mt. 6: 19-23
The center of spiritual life is Jesus and we have to form a heart, a mind and a life in Jesus if we want to be really consecrated (174, 1957).
This we can accomplish not by reading or study, but by constant contact all day long with the Master who never departs from our side Let’s have invocations, dialog, questions, gripes…even tears…He uses everything to make us like Himself.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Andreina Messa PD (1988)—Sr. Corradina Mariotti FSP (1995)—Sr. m. Esdra Bianchi FSP (1999)—Fr. Carlo Bagatta SSP (2006)—Hugo Carlos Barradas HFI (2006)—Gaetano Butera HFI (2007)—Sr. Anna Maria De Simone FSP (2009)—Geroge Mosebarger (1988)— Justina Quinto (1969)
2 Cor 11, 18: 21-30
Mt. 6: 19-23
The center of spiritual life is Jesus and we have to form a heart, a mind and a life in Jesus if we want to be really consecrated (174, 1957).
This we can accomplish not by reading or study, but by constant contact all day long with the Master who never departs from our side Let’s have invocations, dialog, questions, gripes…even tears…He uses everything to make us like Himself.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Andreina Messa PD (1988)—Sr. Corradina Mariotti FSP (1995)—Sr. m. Esdra Bianchi FSP (1999)—Fr. Carlo Bagatta SSP (2006)—Hugo Carlos Barradas HFI (2006)—Gaetano Butera HFI (2007)—Sr. Anna Maria De Simone FSP (2009)—Geroge Mosebarger (1988)— Justina Quinto (1969)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
June 16, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, June 16
2 Cor 11: 1-11
Mt. 6: 7-15
Jesus was the great lover of Poverty, from His birth in miserable surroundings to His final bed on the cross (VMC 437).
We should occasionally take a look at our possessions to see if there is something we have had for a longtime, but never used. If there is, some poor person out there is in need of it and we must not keep him or her waiting!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Lina Zoppi FSP (1985)—Sr. M. Olga Ambrosi FSO (1997)—Sr. Beniamina M. Miletta FSP (2001)—Teresa Ceppa HFI (2006)-- Sr. Beatrice Censi SGBP (2007)—Sr. M. Giuliana Dalese FSP (2009)—Sr. FAustina Giaretta Parodi FSP (2009)—Sr. Faustina Giaretta Parodi FSO (2010)
2 Cor 11: 1-11
Mt. 6: 7-15
Jesus was the great lover of Poverty, from His birth in miserable surroundings to His final bed on the cross (VMC 437).
We should occasionally take a look at our possessions to see if there is something we have had for a longtime, but never used. If there is, some poor person out there is in need of it and we must not keep him or her waiting!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Lina Zoppi FSP (1985)—Sr. M. Olga Ambrosi FSO (1997)—Sr. Beniamina M. Miletta FSP (2001)—Teresa Ceppa HFI (2006)-- Sr. Beatrice Censi SGBP (2007)—Sr. M. Giuliana Dalese FSP (2009)—Sr. FAustina Giaretta Parodi FSP (2009)—Sr. Faustina Giaretta Parodi FSO (2010)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
June 15, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, June 15
2 Cor 9: 6-11
Matt 6: 1-6; 6-18
Our mystical crucifixion involves three nails: Poverty, Chastity and Obedience (VMC 425)
The Founder is writing about the Religious Life where it is easier to measure if we are or are not living as we should. However it can be applied also in the Institute. It’s just a matter of taking it seriously—and recalling that failure to do so is a double sin—Lord, have mercy on us!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Ligina Nizzardi FSP (1986)—Fr. Pietro Ciccioli IJP (1988)—Sr. Giulia Culasso FSP (1992)—Sr.M. Fausta Bossi FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Sebastiana Gallinaro PD (1996)—Bro Luca Speranza SSP (1998)—Fr. Corrado Santi SSP (1999)—Edward McParland (2005)
2 Cor 9: 6-11
Matt 6: 1-6; 6-18
Our mystical crucifixion involves three nails: Poverty, Chastity and Obedience (VMC 425)
The Founder is writing about the Religious Life where it is easier to measure if we are or are not living as we should. However it can be applied also in the Institute. It’s just a matter of taking it seriously—and recalling that failure to do so is a double sin—Lord, have mercy on us!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Ligina Nizzardi FSP (1986)—Fr. Pietro Ciccioli IJP (1988)—Sr. Giulia Culasso FSP (1992)—Sr.M. Fausta Bossi FSP (1994)—Sr. M. Sebastiana Gallinaro PD (1996)—Bro Luca Speranza SSP (1998)—Fr. Corrado Santi SSP (1999)—Edward McParland (2005)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
June 14, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, June 14
2 Cor 8: 1-9
Mat 5: 43-48
Through our vows we transform our passions into virtues and into apostolic action—this is the secret of eternal happiness (VMC 424).
Interesting thought: not just keeping our vows (negative), but using our consequently improved lifestyle to pray and work for Pauline projects. The more we improve, the more effective we are, whatever about externals.
Please Pray for our Deceased:Ven. Canon Francesco Chiesa(1945—Fr. Mario Ganndolfil SSP (1997)—Albina Furfaro HFI (2004)—sr. Sebastiana Careglio FSP (2010)—Generoso Tralit (2003)—Anna Mennella (2006)
2 Cor 8: 1-9
Mat 5: 43-48
Through our vows we transform our passions into virtues and into apostolic action—this is the secret of eternal happiness (VMC 424).
Interesting thought: not just keeping our vows (negative), but using our consequently improved lifestyle to pray and work for Pauline projects. The more we improve, the more effective we are, whatever about externals.
Please Pray for our Deceased:Ven. Canon Francesco Chiesa(1945—Fr. Mario Ganndolfil SSP (1997)—Albina Furfaro HFI (2004)—sr. Sebastiana Careglio FSP (2010)—Generoso Tralit (2003)—Anna Mennella (2006)
Monday, June 13, 2011
June 13, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, June 13
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Priest and Doctor
2 Cor 6: 1-10
Matt 5: 38-42
*** 1896 Birthday of Blessed Giaccardo
The Catholic Press is the idea that guides my life, reigns in my mind, in my will, in my heart. To form myself as an apostle of the Press I pray with special fervor and struggle with passion. (Fr. Giaccardo’s “Diary”)
We are also part of that great process and our value iswhatwe are and how we are faithful to our commitments, NOT where we are
in the Pauline Family.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Bonifacis Del Bene PD (1960)—Sr. M. Teresa Raffa PD (1984)—Fr. Leonardo Minervini IJP (1985)—Sr. M. Vittoria Pigato FSP (1988)—Sr. M. Giovanna Rondinelli PD (1990)—Sr. Luiza Yamada FSP (1995)—Sr. M. Immacolatina Turrina FSP (1995)—Sr. M. Lourdes Dalle Molle SGBP (2006)—Steve Candela (1918)—David Slovacek (2003)
ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, Priest and Doctor
2 Cor 6: 1-10
Matt 5: 38-42
*** 1896 Birthday of Blessed Giaccardo
The Catholic Press is the idea that guides my life, reigns in my mind, in my will, in my heart. To form myself as an apostle of the Press I pray with special fervor and struggle with passion. (Fr. Giaccardo’s “Diary”)
We are also part of that great process and our value iswhatwe are and how we are faithful to our commitments, NOT where we are
in the Pauline Family.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Bonifacis Del Bene PD (1960)—Sr. M. Teresa Raffa PD (1984)—Fr. Leonardo Minervini IJP (1985)—Sr. M. Vittoria Pigato FSP (1988)—Sr. M. Giovanna Rondinelli PD (1990)—Sr. Luiza Yamada FSP (1995)—Sr. M. Immacolatina Turrina FSP (1995)—Sr. M. Lourdes Dalle Molle SGBP (2006)—Steve Candela (1918)—David Slovacek (2003)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
We Have Stumbled Thru'
We have stumbled thru'
life - aided by the Spirit
June 12 - Pentecost Sunday
The Holy spirit used to be called "the forgotten God," but that changed significantly around the middle of the last century and there was a tremendous outpouring of divine power and love on millions of Catholics as the great Charismatic Movement healed and energized lives in ways that no one could have expected.
The First Reading today will, therefore, ring with an authenticity which most other Readings do not have: "Come, Holy Spirit! You are not an abstraction I hear about in church and just barely believe or understand. You are a stupendous Reality, if not for me personally then certainly for my friends and relatives whom I have seen transformed before my eyes!"
That happened to the Apostles and their followers. These cowardly and ignorant men ran out into the streets (forgetting that the Romans might pick them up) and amazed themselves and all who heard them!
The Responsorial Psalm is perhaps best understood as a series of gasps of love and admiration as the mind of the Psalmist of centuries ago is flooded with light and he struggles to put into limited human words the surge of emotion and understanding in his spirit.
St. Paul knew all about the Spirit - it drove him over hill and dale for about thirty years, in spite of endless challenges and quite a few failures to tell everyone he met about "the great things God has prepared for those who love Him." In the Second Reading he explains to his perhaps puzzled Corinthian converts that if they believe in his teaching that faith comes not from their own intelligence but is the result of the Spirit's action which is also a unifying one ("Jews or Greeks, slaves or free"). This is true also of us today. Reading the Scriptures or perhaps some other spiritual writing suddenly we see something new or we see something old in a different light. The Spirit is never far away!
The Gospel brings us back to the first Easter Sunday when the Master appears suddenly in the Upper Room (doubtless to the surprised and perhaps even scared gasps of his disciples - after all, they had run out on him!). This is a magnificent moment:the Lord "showed them his hands and his side," - he remains the Savior though changed externally. Then he appoints them - these unworthy men - to represent him (!), to tell his story to the world and - incredibly - to possess his power to forgive the sins of others in his name! Who could be worthy of such a commission? Certainly not the disciples who were of painful ordinariness. And certainly not the rest of us who have in the Church the privilege of succeeding them. So we end the Sunday on a note of high rejoicing: in spite of everything we have stumbled through life aided by the Spirit and some day we hope through His mercy to stumble over the threshold of Paradise!
life - aided by the Spirit
June 12 - Pentecost Sunday
The Holy spirit used to be called "the forgotten God," but that changed significantly around the middle of the last century and there was a tremendous outpouring of divine power and love on millions of Catholics as the great Charismatic Movement healed and energized lives in ways that no one could have expected.
The First Reading today will, therefore, ring with an authenticity which most other Readings do not have: "Come, Holy Spirit! You are not an abstraction I hear about in church and just barely believe or understand. You are a stupendous Reality, if not for me personally then certainly for my friends and relatives whom I have seen transformed before my eyes!"
That happened to the Apostles and their followers. These cowardly and ignorant men ran out into the streets (forgetting that the Romans might pick them up) and amazed themselves and all who heard them!
The Responsorial Psalm is perhaps best understood as a series of gasps of love and admiration as the mind of the Psalmist of centuries ago is flooded with light and he struggles to put into limited human words the surge of emotion and understanding in his spirit.
St. Paul knew all about the Spirit - it drove him over hill and dale for about thirty years, in spite of endless challenges and quite a few failures to tell everyone he met about "the great things God has prepared for those who love Him." In the Second Reading he explains to his perhaps puzzled Corinthian converts that if they believe in his teaching that faith comes not from their own intelligence but is the result of the Spirit's action which is also a unifying one ("Jews or Greeks, slaves or free"). This is true also of us today. Reading the Scriptures or perhaps some other spiritual writing suddenly we see something new or we see something old in a different light. The Spirit is never far away!
The Gospel brings us back to the first Easter Sunday when the Master appears suddenly in the Upper Room (doubtless to the surprised and perhaps even scared gasps of his disciples - after all, they had run out on him!). This is a magnificent moment:the Lord "showed them his hands and his side," - he remains the Savior though changed externally. Then he appoints them - these unworthy men - to represent him (!), to tell his story to the world and - incredibly - to possess his power to forgive the sins of others in his name! Who could be worthy of such a commission? Certainly not the disciples who were of painful ordinariness. And certainly not the rest of us who have in the Church the privilege of succeeding them. So we end the Sunday on a note of high rejoicing: in spite of everything we have stumbled through life aided by the Spirit and some day we hope through His mercy to stumble over the threshold of Paradise!
June 12, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, June 12
Acts 2: 1-11
1 Cor 12: 3-13
Jn 20: 19-23
As the Father sent His Son as apostle to the world, so on the day of our Profession we have received a trust and need to feel the responsibility (SP, 1949).
Feel it on the day of Profession? Perhaps not. We may be too wrapped up in our own concerns. Feel it later? Yes, we should, but the awareness of our responsibility is something we have to learn over a period. And a rather sobering lesson it is.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Elsa de Jesus Marins IAM (1980)—Diega Augello IAM (1993)—Sr. Margherita M. Corini FSP (1997)—Sr. M. Vincenza Ferrero PD (1998)—Sr. Alessia Giannotti FSO (2001)—Dorothy Linebarger (2010)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
June 11, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, June 11
***Mass and Office in CEREMOINIES OF THE HOLY FAMILY INSTITUTE (as used at the Triduum)
Acts 11: 21b-26; 13: 1-3
Mt 10:7-13
Our Lady said a first and final “yes at the Annunciation. We say it twice: a) at the Profession and b) as the suffering of life makes us cry and doubt all we have done up to then (VMC 419).
True. There is even a little booklet called “The Second ‘Yes’. Reprinted twice, I think. Very useful.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Felicita Dogliani FSO (1937)—Sr. M. Lorenzina Aristi FSP (1985)—Sr. M. Rosa Savioli PD (1998)—Sr. M. Rosaria Paolicelli FSO (2009)—Sr. M. Concetta Dall’Ingna FSP (2010).
***Mass and Office in CEREMOINIES OF THE HOLY FAMILY INSTITUTE (as used at the Triduum)
Acts 11: 21b-26; 13: 1-3
Mt 10:7-13
Our Lady said a first and final “yes at the Annunciation. We say it twice: a) at the Profession and b) as the suffering of life makes us cry and doubt all we have done up to then (VMC 419).
True. There is even a little booklet called “The Second ‘Yes’. Reprinted twice, I think. Very useful.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Felicita Dogliani FSO (1937)—Sr. M. Lorenzina Aristi FSP (1985)—Sr. M. Rosa Savioli PD (1998)—Sr. M. Rosaria Paolicelli FSO (2009)—Sr. M. Concetta Dall’Ingna FSP (2010).
Friday, June 10, 2011
June 10, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, June 10
Acts 25: 13-21
Jn 21: 15-19
Even the Sister who remains in the convent has a great influence on souls if she lives her religious life well (VMC 412).
So have we from our homes. But why? And how? Because, remember it or not, all peoples are united in their common humanity, affecting each other for good or ill. We are a special part of the unity and affect the lives of all others! We cannot cut ourselves off, so let’s make sure that we constantly add good thoughts, words and actions!
Let us Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Celeste Falletti PD (1980)—Sr. M. Giovanna Zannoni PD (1996)—Sr.. M. Teresa Orgas FSP (2000)—Sr. Casimira Golin FSP (2002)—sr. Mary Grace Lopes PD (2008)—Sr. M. Gabriella Cambelli FSP (2009)—Sr. Elisea Scarpa FSP (2010)
Acts 25: 13-21
Jn 21: 15-19
Even the Sister who remains in the convent has a great influence on souls if she lives her religious life well (VMC 412).
So have we from our homes. But why? And how? Because, remember it or not, all peoples are united in their common humanity, affecting each other for good or ill. We are a special part of the unity and affect the lives of all others! We cannot cut ourselves off, so let’s make sure that we constantly add good thoughts, words and actions!
Let us Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Celeste Falletti PD (1980)—Sr. M. Giovanna Zannoni PD (1996)—Sr.. M. Teresa Orgas FSP (2000)—Sr. Casimira Golin FSP (2002)—sr. Mary Grace Lopes PD (2008)—Sr. M. Gabriella Cambelli FSP (2009)—Sr. Elisea Scarpa FSP (2010)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
June 9, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, June 9
St. Ephrem, deacon, doctor
Acts 22: 30; 23:6-11
Jn 17: 20-26
Unfortunately, however, as the years pass, we convince ourselves that we have many merits! (VMC 383).
Although apparently taken out of context, this brusque Alberionian comment is still relevant. Celebrating anniversaries we can feel very self-satisfied—fatal mistake. Our judgment is almost always too lenient for sin and too generous for our good work. “When you have done all you should do, say, ‘We are useless servants.’”.
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. Emanuella Marini FSP (1934)—Anna Candileno IAM (1985)—Sr. Maria Delpiano FSP (1987)—Sr. M. Arcangela Severino FSP (1995)—Cosima Capoccia HFI (2002)—Emma Atzori IAM (2003)—Sr. Cecilia Virano FSP (2007)—Sr. M. Natalina Sanson FSP (2009)
St. Ephrem, deacon, doctor
Acts 22: 30; 23:6-11
Jn 17: 20-26
Unfortunately, however, as the years pass, we convince ourselves that we have many merits! (VMC 383).
Although apparently taken out of context, this brusque Alberionian comment is still relevant. Celebrating anniversaries we can feel very self-satisfied—fatal mistake. Our judgment is almost always too lenient for sin and too generous for our good work. “When you have done all you should do, say, ‘We are useless servants.’”.
Please Pray for Our DeceasedSr. Emanuella Marini FSP (1934)—Anna Candileno IAM (1985)—Sr. Maria Delpiano FSP (1987)—Sr. M. Arcangela Severino FSP (1995)—Cosima Capoccia HFI (2002)—Emma Atzori IAM (2003)—Sr. Cecilia Virano FSP (2007)—Sr. M. Natalina Sanson FSP (2009)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
June 8, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, June 8
Acts 20: 28-38
Jn 17: 11-19
”Apostolate” means to give and communicate what is good. There is the apostolate of example, of prayer, of suffering, of communications (FSP 41).
n important list. And perhaps “suffering” is the most important item on the list—it gives no consolations, no visible results and so is a perfect offering unspoiled by our pride or selfishness.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Margherita Caporaletti FSP (1948)—Sr. M. Agostina Pili FSP (1978)—Sr. M. Agata Bernardini FSP (1983)—Sr. M. Teresa Ragusa SGBP (1984)—Sr. M. Rafaella Kothumpuchira FSP (2001)—Sr. M. Carmine Castellana FSP (2005)
Acts 20: 28-38
Jn 17: 11-19
”Apostolate” means to give and communicate what is good. There is the apostolate of example, of prayer, of suffering, of communications (FSP 41).
n important list. And perhaps “suffering” is the most important item on the list—it gives no consolations, no visible results and so is a perfect offering unspoiled by our pride or selfishness.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Margherita Caporaletti FSP (1948)—Sr. M. Agostina Pili FSP (1978)—Sr. M. Agata Bernardini FSP (1983)—Sr. M. Teresa Ragusa SGBP (1984)—Sr. M. Rafaella Kothumpuchira FSP (2001)—Sr. M. Carmine Castellana FSP (2005)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
June 7, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, June 7
First Tuesday of the month—The Holy Souls in Purgatory
Acts 20: 17-27
Jn 17: 1-11
In the morning sit at the feet of the Divine Master and say: “You are the Way. I want to follow your steps, imitate your example. You are the Truth--enlighten me. You are the Life—give me your grace.
But…why only in the morning? We can recite this great little prayer every hour!
Let Us Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Albertna Gemina, PD (1977)—Maria Bianchini HFI (1983)—Sr. Cecilia Andorno AP (1999)—Mary Jane Leahy HFI (2006)—Ed Mahoney, Mae Stevens (no years)
First Tuesday of the month—The Holy Souls in Purgatory
Acts 20: 17-27
Jn 17: 1-11
In the morning sit at the feet of the Divine Master and say: “You are the Way. I want to follow your steps, imitate your example. You are the Truth--enlighten me. You are the Life—give me your grace.
But…why only in the morning? We can recite this great little prayer every hour!
Let Us Pray for Our DeceasedSr. M. Albertna Gemina, PD (1977)—Maria Bianchini HFI (1983)—Sr. Cecilia Andorno AP (1999)—Mary Jane Leahy HFI (2006)—Ed Mahoney, Mae Stevens (no years)
Monday, June 6, 2011
June 6, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, June 6
St. Norbert, Bishop
First Monday of the month—St. Paul
Acts 19: 1-8
Jn 16: 29-33
We are called to live in the Church and for the Church, wild olives grafted onto the living Eucharistic Lord, reflecting on and nourishing ourselves with the Gospel in the spirit of St. Paul (Abundantes, 95)
A strenuous program! Let us put it into practice by not only receiving the Eucharist but—as already frequently mentioned—keeping in very close touch with the Lord during the day. The Gospel? Perhaps turning over the pages till we find a helpful Passage? The Lord is in the Gospel too!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Eleonora Baldi FSP (1991)—Fr. Paolo Della Monica IJP (1995)—Chiarina Feffeti IAM (2000)—Fr. Luigi Spallanzani IJP (2007)—John Costello (1968—Angelina Candela (1946)—Violet McGready (1985)—Michael Joseph Beirne (1998)
St. Norbert, Bishop
First Monday of the month—St. Paul
Acts 19: 1-8
Jn 16: 29-33
We are called to live in the Church and for the Church, wild olives grafted onto the living Eucharistic Lord, reflecting on and nourishing ourselves with the Gospel in the spirit of St. Paul (Abundantes, 95)
A strenuous program! Let us put it into practice by not only receiving the Eucharist but—as already frequently mentioned—keeping in very close touch with the Lord during the day. The Gospel? Perhaps turning over the pages till we find a helpful Passage? The Lord is in the Gospel too!
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Eleonora Baldi FSP (1991)—Fr. Paolo Della Monica IJP (1995)—Chiarina Feffeti IAM (2000)—Fr. Luigi Spallanzani IJP (2007)—John Costello (1968—Angelina Candela (1946)—Violet McGready (1985)—Michael Joseph Beirne (1998)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Real Meaning of Obedience
For those of us who observed the Ascension on Thursday, here is the Seventh Sunday of Easter synopsis/explanation.
The real meaning of
Obedience - doing the
Will of God
June 5 - 7th. Sunday of Easter
No surprise that there should be a note of eager expectation in today's Readings - Pentecost is just around the corner. But, we must not forget the great Man who preceded the Spirit and promised to send the Spirit: our Divine Master. This is clear from the Opening Prayer ( which rarely gets the attention it deserves even though it frequently sets the tone of the rest of the liturgy). Today it does just that and especially in the magnificent alternative Prayer: "Eternal Father . . . your Son has saved us in history by rising from the dead so that, transcending time, he might free us from death."
The First Reading continues on from last Sunday as Luke recounts how the little band of Jesus' followers returned from the scene of the Ascension to await the fulfillment of his promise. The Responsorial Psalm has a note of confident expectation but not over-confident - the fulfillment of the divine promise has not yet appeared to sweep the first Christians off their feet. We find this same tone in the Second Reading: rejoice, yes, but because "you share in the sufferings of Christ." Things will be different in a short time but for now there is the moment of expectation.
John the Evangelist wrote a Gospel like the other three but markedly different - no onder his symbol is an eagle, while the other three are represented by animals. This extract is part of the Lord's farewell discourse at the Last Supper. Outside the supper-room his enemies are planning his death and he knows it, but there is no fear in his voice only affection for his doubting followers and full awareness of his own identity and of the perfection with which he has lived his earthly life. That life is now corning to an end but only to be restored and to expand to infinity after his Resurrection. An interesting phrase in this extract from John 17 is: "Now this is eternal life that they should know you, the only true God and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." The word "know" in this context really means to "love" or even "to be part of." We are not destined to travel around Paradise admiring effigies and portraits of God but will be actual sharers in His divine life. And how will this happen? We believe it will happen if we prepare to be part of Him on earth. And how do we prepare? By doing His will in our daily lives. Living to the best of our knowledge and ability the way He wants during our so-called "ordinary" days (not so ordinary when we realize their potential !)_we enter eternity already sharers in the life of God because we have identified with His wishes to the best of our ability.
The real meaning of
Obedience - doing the
Will of God
June 5 - 7th. Sunday of Easter
No surprise that there should be a note of eager expectation in today's Readings - Pentecost is just around the corner. But, we must not forget the great Man who preceded the Spirit and promised to send the Spirit: our Divine Master. This is clear from the Opening Prayer ( which rarely gets the attention it deserves even though it frequently sets the tone of the rest of the liturgy). Today it does just that and especially in the magnificent alternative Prayer: "Eternal Father . . . your Son has saved us in history by rising from the dead so that, transcending time, he might free us from death."
The First Reading continues on from last Sunday as Luke recounts how the little band of Jesus' followers returned from the scene of the Ascension to await the fulfillment of his promise. The Responsorial Psalm has a note of confident expectation but not over-confident - the fulfillment of the divine promise has not yet appeared to sweep the first Christians off their feet. We find this same tone in the Second Reading: rejoice, yes, but because "you share in the sufferings of Christ." Things will be different in a short time but for now there is the moment of expectation.
John the Evangelist wrote a Gospel like the other three but markedly different - no onder his symbol is an eagle, while the other three are represented by animals. This extract is part of the Lord's farewell discourse at the Last Supper. Outside the supper-room his enemies are planning his death and he knows it, but there is no fear in his voice only affection for his doubting followers and full awareness of his own identity and of the perfection with which he has lived his earthly life. That life is now corning to an end but only to be restored and to expand to infinity after his Resurrection. An interesting phrase in this extract from John 17 is: "Now this is eternal life that they should know you, the only true God and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." The word "know" in this context really means to "love" or even "to be part of." We are not destined to travel around Paradise admiring effigies and portraits of God but will be actual sharers in His divine life. And how will this happen? We believe it will happen if we prepare to be part of Him on earth. And how do we prepare? By doing His will in our daily lives. Living to the best of our knowledge and ability the way He wants during our so-called "ordinary" days (not so ordinary when we realize their potential !)_we enter eternity already sharers in the life of God because we have identified with His wishes to the best of our ability.
Go Therefore and Make Disciples
"Go, therefore,
and make disciples"
June 2 - Ascension of the Lord
The liturgy for this Sunday is very beautiful and detailed but perhaps we don't appreciate it as much as we should. In a sense the Ascension is a sort of anti- limax: the excitement of Easter and the Resurrection is over and the Master slips away leaving his followers at a considerable loss - little did they anticipate what would happen on the first Pentecost Sunday!
St. Luke gives us the First Reading, a continuation of his Gospel ("the first book"). The Lord explains what is going to happen "in a few days," but - true to form - those who are with him ignore that bit of information and get back to their old theme: "when are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel"? Some people never learn and among these are the disciples. All they want is a great earthly kingdom to be established by the marvellous Man from Galillee ... in which they will have the top jobs. Only the coming of the Spirit will straighten out their thinking - and not even then - they finally accepted a spiritual kingdom but wanted it to be exclusively for Jews!
The Responsorial Psalm needs no special explanation but one hopes that the local choir will sing something on these lines and not some inapplicable piece of music. The music people can make for a beautiful celebration or a very distracting one. The Second Reading finds St. Paul in one of his more serene Letters, telling the Ephesians who Jesus was and what was his final destiny: to be with the Father forever in the supreme position of power and glory. It seems self-evident to us now but the Ephesians - like all Paul's other converts - had to strain somewhat to understand exactly who this Jesus was. I often try to imagine the expression on the faces of his listeners as Paul told them of the remarkable powers of the Master . . . but had to confess that he had died, crucified. But why ... if he were so powerful? St. Paul would have replied in terms familiar to us today and quoted in the Reading . . . but what did the Ephesians (and all the others) think? Our admiration grows for our holy Patron who came up daily against this lack of understanding.
The Gospel, as given, seems obvious enough. But if you take up your copy of St. Matthew you will see that it does not follow immediately from the preceding text which in fact brings us back to the first Easter Sunday. Actually this is also true of Mark and Luke where the time element of the Lord's appearance and farewell varies considerably though the broad outlines are the same. Even Luke's Gospel condenses events like the others and this explains why he goes over the same ground but more thoroughly in his "Acts" - as we have just mentioned in the First Reading.
and make disciples"
June 2 - Ascension of the Lord
The liturgy for this Sunday is very beautiful and detailed but perhaps we don't appreciate it as much as we should. In a sense the Ascension is a sort of anti- limax: the excitement of Easter and the Resurrection is over and the Master slips away leaving his followers at a considerable loss - little did they anticipate what would happen on the first Pentecost Sunday!
St. Luke gives us the First Reading, a continuation of his Gospel ("the first book"). The Lord explains what is going to happen "in a few days," but - true to form - those who are with him ignore that bit of information and get back to their old theme: "when are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel"? Some people never learn and among these are the disciples. All they want is a great earthly kingdom to be established by the marvellous Man from Galillee ... in which they will have the top jobs. Only the coming of the Spirit will straighten out their thinking - and not even then - they finally accepted a spiritual kingdom but wanted it to be exclusively for Jews!
The Responsorial Psalm needs no special explanation but one hopes that the local choir will sing something on these lines and not some inapplicable piece of music. The music people can make for a beautiful celebration or a very distracting one. The Second Reading finds St. Paul in one of his more serene Letters, telling the Ephesians who Jesus was and what was his final destiny: to be with the Father forever in the supreme position of power and glory. It seems self-evident to us now but the Ephesians - like all Paul's other converts - had to strain somewhat to understand exactly who this Jesus was. I often try to imagine the expression on the faces of his listeners as Paul told them of the remarkable powers of the Master . . . but had to confess that he had died, crucified. But why ... if he were so powerful? St. Paul would have replied in terms familiar to us today and quoted in the Reading . . . but what did the Ephesians (and all the others) think? Our admiration grows for our holy Patron who came up daily against this lack of understanding.
The Gospel, as given, seems obvious enough. But if you take up your copy of St. Matthew you will see that it does not follow immediately from the preceding text which in fact brings us back to the first Easter Sunday. Actually this is also true of Mark and Luke where the time element of the Lord's appearance and farewell varies considerably though the broad outlines are the same. Even Luke's Gospel condenses events like the others and this explains why he goes over the same ground but more thoroughly in his "Acts" - as we have just mentioned in the First Reading.
The Spirit is a Force for Action
The Spirit is a force for
ACTION - let's ACT!
It's Sunday!
May 29 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
This Sunday we can already hear the flutter of the Dove's wings. . . there are many anticipations of Pentecost, beginning with the First Reading. Phillip seems to be enjoying his new powers (We recall that at the Last Supper he actually wanted Jesus to show them the Father! Failing that, he will be content with some miracles!). It would be mistaken to think from the reference to Baptism - "only " Baptism - that these converts had not received the Spirit. We appear to be talking of something extra needed - the text does not say. Interesting to see Phillip evangelizing in Samaria - we recall the bad relations between the Samaritans and the Jews and indeed Phillip may have put his life in some danger. But his faith and zeal were rewarded.
The RespoBsorial Psalm needs no special comment except to wonder when today's Church will be able to raise a united voice of joy and praise without any reservations If you are like me, you must sometimes feel a sense of unreality: when will Catholics return en masse to the genuine practice of the faith? St. Peter, in the Second Reading, gives an answer to my question. He deals with the situation of the early Christians: persecution and sometimes death. How are they to react? First, they must not be afraid to witness to their faith and secondly they must endure their suffering with the example of Christ before them. We have a parallel situation. We must be ready to give witness not necessarily about our Catholic beliefs but about our beliefs in the Institute and its great advantages for a better married and spiritual life.
The Gospel is part of the Master's farewell discourse at the Last Supper. It introduces once again the concept of "Spirit" which Jesus will send to enlighten and strengthen this shaky followers. This great Spirit is also ours today and He is ready and willing to enlighten each of us according to our needs. We don't always turn to Him for inspiration and a spirit of enterprise so this Sunday may be a good time to reflect on our relationship. But not only reflection . . . what about some ACTION? Institute membership which is purely contemplative and never includes reaching out to others to share our Good News is not enough and our exam of conscience should take this into account. Paulines are . . . children of St. Paul and there has been no Saint in the history of the Church more outgoing than he was. It is not necessary to SUCCEED in our efforts - mostly we will fail. It IS necessary to TRY - and "to try is to succeed" in the eyes of God.
ACTION - let's ACT!
It's Sunday!
May 29 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
This Sunday we can already hear the flutter of the Dove's wings. . . there are many anticipations of Pentecost, beginning with the First Reading. Phillip seems to be enjoying his new powers (We recall that at the Last Supper he actually wanted Jesus to show them the Father! Failing that, he will be content with some miracles!). It would be mistaken to think from the reference to Baptism - "only " Baptism - that these converts had not received the Spirit. We appear to be talking of something extra needed - the text does not say. Interesting to see Phillip evangelizing in Samaria - we recall the bad relations between the Samaritans and the Jews and indeed Phillip may have put his life in some danger. But his faith and zeal were rewarded.
The RespoBsorial Psalm needs no special comment except to wonder when today's Church will be able to raise a united voice of joy and praise without any reservations If you are like me, you must sometimes feel a sense of unreality: when will Catholics return en masse to the genuine practice of the faith? St. Peter, in the Second Reading, gives an answer to my question. He deals with the situation of the early Christians: persecution and sometimes death. How are they to react? First, they must not be afraid to witness to their faith and secondly they must endure their suffering with the example of Christ before them. We have a parallel situation. We must be ready to give witness not necessarily about our Catholic beliefs but about our beliefs in the Institute and its great advantages for a better married and spiritual life.
The Gospel is part of the Master's farewell discourse at the Last Supper. It introduces once again the concept of "Spirit" which Jesus will send to enlighten and strengthen this shaky followers. This great Spirit is also ours today and He is ready and willing to enlighten each of us according to our needs. We don't always turn to Him for inspiration and a spirit of enterprise so this Sunday may be a good time to reflect on our relationship. But not only reflection . . . what about some ACTION? Institute membership which is purely contemplative and never includes reaching out to others to share our Good News is not enough and our exam of conscience should take this into account. Paulines are . . . children of St. Paul and there has been no Saint in the history of the Church more outgoing than he was. It is not necessary to SUCCEED in our efforts - mostly we will fail. It IS necessary to TRY - and "to try is to succeed" in the eyes of God.
June 5, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, June 5
First Sunday of the month—the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Acts 1: 1-11
Eph 1: 17-23
Mt. 28: 16-20
Jesus said “Teach all nations.” Our duty is to fulfill this command as completely as we can with the mass media (MRA 154).
But not the media only—mechanical instruments which can impress but not convert. Without prayer we are just “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.”
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Nazarena Morando FSP (1984)—Fr. Franco Testi SSP (1991)—Sr. M. Massenzia Ianucci PD (1992)--Sr. Matelda Maurina FSP (1995)—Bro Bernardino Fuffoli SSP (1995)—Fr. Imerio Moscardo SSP (2007)—Rosa D’Agostino HFI (2008)—Sr. M. Pauline Mendes PD (2010)
First Sunday of the month—the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Acts 1: 1-11
Eph 1: 17-23
Mt. 28: 16-20
Jesus said “Teach all nations.” Our duty is to fulfill this command as completely as we can with the mass media (MRA 154).
But not the media only—mechanical instruments which can impress but not convert. Without prayer we are just “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.”
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Nazarena Morando FSP (1984)—Fr. Franco Testi SSP (1991)—Sr. M. Massenzia Ianucci PD (1992)--Sr. Matelda Maurina FSP (1995)—Bro Bernardino Fuffoli SSP (1995)—Fr. Imerio Moscardo SSP (2007)—Rosa D’Agostino HFI (2008)—Sr. M. Pauline Mendes PD (2010)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
June 4, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, June 4
First Saturday of the month—Mary Queen of Apostles
Acts 18: 23-28
Jn 16: 23-28
Our greatest need is to make Christ alive in us so that others may ‘read’ in our life the life of Christ and the Gospel. St. Paul: “It is no longer I who live, it is Christ living in me.”
We cultivate this divine life in us not only in “formal” prayer—Mass, Visit—but much more by our constant contacts with the Teacher. No need to call Him—He is closer to us than we are to ourselves—simply turn to Him as frequently as possible, dialoging all day long. Reading spiritual books? As you wish, but the Book to Read is Jesus.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Immacolata Arioni FSP (1969)—Michela Cabiddu HFI (1976)—Fr. Tomas Climaco SSP (1997)—Sr. M. Rosa Cappelletti FSP )2000)—Barbara Endress (1982)
First Saturday of the month—Mary Queen of Apostles
Acts 18: 23-28
Jn 16: 23-28
Our greatest need is to make Christ alive in us so that others may ‘read’ in our life the life of Christ and the Gospel. St. Paul: “It is no longer I who live, it is Christ living in me.”
We cultivate this divine life in us not only in “formal” prayer—Mass, Visit—but much more by our constant contacts with the Teacher. No need to call Him—He is closer to us than we are to ourselves—simply turn to Him as frequently as possible, dialoging all day long. Reading spiritual books? As you wish, but the Book to Read is Jesus.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. Immacolata Arioni FSP (1969)—Michela Cabiddu HFI (1976)—Fr. Tomas Climaco SSP (1997)—Sr. M. Rosa Cappelletti FSP )2000)—Barbara Endress (1982)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Concord Magazine May 2011
The Concord is our monthly mailing/magazine that we receive in the Holy Family Institute. I hope you enjoy it. Best viewed in Google Chrome. You can view the magazine in another window (with larger print) by pressing the icon in the far right hand corner of the gray border of this post.
June 3, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, June 3
CHARLES LWANGA & Companions, Martyrs
First Friday of the month—the Sacred Heart
Acts 19: 9-18
Jn 16: 20-23
”Disciple” (from the Latin discere means one who is learning and in our case, learning from Jesus, Way, Truth and Life.
We can learn a lot from books and, the more “learned” we are in that sense, the better. But we need to learn for ourselves, for our own spiritual progress and this comes only from keeping in touch constantly with the Divine Teacher.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Valeria Onesi FSP (1944)—Sr. Alfonsina Coraglia FSP (1986)—Sr. M. Leonia Molteni FSP (2008)—Sr. M. Rosalba Barbieri FSP (2009)—Simon Quinto (1948)
CHARLES LWANGA & Companions, Martyrs
First Friday of the month—the Sacred Heart
Acts 19: 9-18
Jn 16: 20-23
”Disciple” (from the Latin discere means one who is learning and in our case, learning from Jesus, Way, Truth and Life.
We can learn a lot from books and, the more “learned” we are in that sense, the better. But we need to learn for ourselves, for our own spiritual progress and this comes only from keeping in touch constantly with the Divine Teacher.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Valeria Onesi FSP (1944)—Sr. Alfonsina Coraglia FSP (1986)—Sr. M. Leonia Molteni FSP (2008)—Sr. M. Rosalba Barbieri FSP (2009)—Simon Quinto (1948)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
June 2, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, June 2
EASTER WEEKDAY (assumes Ascension transferred to Sunday)
SS. Marcellus and Peter, Martyrs
First Thursday of the month—the Guardian Angels
Acts 18: 1-8
Jn 16: 16-20
Focus your eyes on Jesus—He is the Teacher of virtues, holiness, doctrine. He aids our moral infirmities (APD 73).
How to do this? Constant short invocations for help, for light, for strength, for forgiveness, etc. These in general are more genuine and useful than anything else.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Eufrosina Luzzi PD (1945)—Fr. Basilio Enrici SSP (1955)—Sr. Luciana Negro FSP (1972)—Sr. M. Carmine Lancellotti FSP (1976)—Fr. Pasquale M. Di Filippo IJP (1995)—Sr. M. Assunta Asolan PD (1999)—Fr. Fedele Pasquero SSP (2001)—Sr. Gemma Nazzari SCBP (2002)—Sr. Giovannina Boffa FSP (2004)—Alfonso Tisi IJP (2005)
EASTER WEEKDAY (assumes Ascension transferred to Sunday)
SS. Marcellus and Peter, Martyrs
First Thursday of the month—the Guardian Angels
Acts 18: 1-8
Jn 16: 16-20
Focus your eyes on Jesus—He is the Teacher of virtues, holiness, doctrine. He aids our moral infirmities (APD 73).
How to do this? Constant short invocations for help, for light, for strength, for forgiveness, etc. These in general are more genuine and useful than anything else.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Eufrosina Luzzi PD (1945)—Fr. Basilio Enrici SSP (1955)—Sr. Luciana Negro FSP (1972)—Sr. M. Carmine Lancellotti FSP (1976)—Fr. Pasquale M. Di Filippo IJP (1995)—Sr. M. Assunta Asolan PD (1999)—Fr. Fedele Pasquero SSP (2001)—Sr. Gemma Nazzari SCBP (2002)—Sr. Giovannina Boffa FSP (2004)—Alfonso Tisi IJP (2005)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June 1, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

I found this image on the internet.
Wednesday, June 1
ST. JUSTIN, Martyr
First Wednesday of the month—St. Joseph
Acts 17: 15-22-18: 1
Jn 16: 12-15
So that all may follow only Him whom You, Father, in the immensity of Your love, have sent into the world proclaiming: “This is my beloved son, listen to Him.”
This is taken from our “Pauline Offering, and underlines the correct approach to helping people: first check with the Son and get His input, then see what WE can do.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:Sr. M. Spes Marengo PD (1958)—Sr. Giuditta Pagliana FSP (1995)—Fr. Stefano Lamera SSP (1997)—fr. Girolamo Sgambettera IMP (1999)—Sr. Rosalia Ciccarello FSP (2002)—Sr. M. Giovanna Grandi FSP (2004)—Sr M. Fiorentina Ceccon PD (2006)—Sr. M. Flfosina Anzalone FSP (2006)—Fr. Estanislao Conda SSP (2008)—Sr. M. Celsa Taricco PD (2008)
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