St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, November 9
Ez 47: 1-2, 8-9
1 Cor 3: 9-11, 16-17
Jn 2: 13-22

Cooperate with the Church by prayer for the Pope and priests and for vocations, through the example of your good life and through personal action (BM p. 172).

Father Tom: Which of these is the most important? All of them are, of course, but good example is the most effective. I can’t be sure that you pray or are interested in vocations, but I can—and do—see how you live. “Example speaks louder than words.”

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Egidia Marengo FSP (1968)—Renata Tosoni IAM (1996)—Sr. Rosaria Giannecchini FSP (1998)—Fr. Eleazar Jimenez SSP (1999)—Fr. Joseph Parella SSP (2009)— Nancy Carmichael (2005)—Elizabeth Martinez Bujol (1954)

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