Tuesday, January 31
2 Sm 18: 9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30-19:3
Mk 5:21-43
The best spiritual directors say very little, but what they (say) is exactly what we need (VMC 168).
Father Tom: What we need…but not always what we are prepared to accept… and so years go by and we still have not made the progress we should. As January comes to an end--forever-- how do we stand on this point?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Renato Canciani SSP (1976)—Vita Sorrento (AM (1981)—Bro Gaetano Kucich SSP (1984)—Sr. M. Lorenzina Flores Yanez FSP (1987)—Sr. M. Angelica Bondad FSP (1997)—Sr. M. Angelica Bondad FSP (1997)—Fr. Vincenzo Iannuzzi SSP (1999)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
January 30., 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, January 30
St. Aldegunais, St. Martina of Rome
2 Sm 15: 13-14, 30; 16: 5-13
Mk 5:1-20
As we look over old albums with photos of long-dead parents, relatives and friends, we should not only shed tears, but ask ourselves if we have sufficiently provided for their happiness with Masses, indulgences offered for them and many prayers (VMC 151).
Father Tom: Hopefully, the little booklet of the Stations of the Cross provided last November is still being used and frequently. It is impossible to do too much for the departed and it is very easy in our overly-optimistic age to do too little.
Prayer: Eternal rest grant unto the souls in Purgatory, Oh Lord, especially those who have most claim on my prayers, those in most in need, those who are abandoned and those who are forgotten. May they and all the faithful departed, through Your great love and mercy, rest in Your peace. Amen
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Michele Trappolini SSP (1978)—Fr. Eugenio Turci SSP (1986)—Fr. M. Pasqualina Colorizio FSP (1999)—Fr. Antonio Turci IJP (2002)—Fr. Angelo Segato (2005)—Fred Dolland—Walter Williams—Uncle Joe (no years).
St. Aldegunais, St. Martina of Rome
2 Sm 15: 13-14, 30; 16: 5-13
Mk 5:1-20
As we look over old albums with photos of long-dead parents, relatives and friends, we should not only shed tears, but ask ourselves if we have sufficiently provided for their happiness with Masses, indulgences offered for them and many prayers (VMC 151).
Father Tom: Hopefully, the little booklet of the Stations of the Cross provided last November is still being used and frequently. It is impossible to do too much for the departed and it is very easy in our overly-optimistic age to do too little.
Prayer: Eternal rest grant unto the souls in Purgatory, Oh Lord, especially those who have most claim on my prayers, those in most in need, those who are abandoned and those who are forgotten. May they and all the faithful departed, through Your great love and mercy, rest in Your peace. Amen
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Michele Trappolini SSP (1978)—Fr. Eugenio Turci SSP (1986)—Fr. M. Pasqualina Colorizio FSP (1999)—Fr. Antonio Turci IJP (2002)—Fr. Angelo Segato (2005)—Fred Dolland—Walter Williams—Uncle Joe (no years).
Sunday, January 29, 2012
January 29, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, January 29
Dt 18: 15-207
1 Cor 7: 32-35
Mk 1: 21-28
He began (Fr A.) began to pray for the Shepherdess Sisters in 1908, but they did not become a reality for 30 years (VMC 125).
Father Tom: We should do the same for the HFI and believe that the Divine Master will continue to assist and enlarge.
Personal Note: The Founder’s perseverance reminds me that sometimes God doesn’t answer prayers right away, that he wants us to continue to ask Him, even when it seems like He is silent. God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, keep us free from discouragement. Help us to persevere in our prayers to you, that you may not only give us what we desire, but also what is best for us, when it is best for us. Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Anthony Colella FSP (1985)—Sr. Assunta Gagliardelli SGBP (1987)—Fr. Desiderio Costa SSP (1989)—Sr. Providenza Arigo FSP (1989)—Sr. Providenza Arrigo FSP (1989)—Sr. M. Isaia Cendron PD (91997)—Fr. Paolo Solomon IJP (1997)- Bro Christopher Toppo SSP (2001)—Hernando Hurtaato HFI (2003)—Fr. Ugo Zecchin SSP (2004)—Br. Paulus Jate SSP (2005)—Felicitas Morales (2006)
Dt 18: 15-207
1 Cor 7: 32-35
Mk 1: 21-28
He began (Fr A.) began to pray for the Shepherdess Sisters in 1908, but they did not become a reality for 30 years (VMC 125).
Father Tom: We should do the same for the HFI and believe that the Divine Master will continue to assist and enlarge.
Personal Note: The Founder’s perseverance reminds me that sometimes God doesn’t answer prayers right away, that he wants us to continue to ask Him, even when it seems like He is silent. God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, keep us free from discouragement. Help us to persevere in our prayers to you, that you may not only give us what we desire, but also what is best for us, when it is best for us. Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Anthony Colella FSP (1985)—Sr. Assunta Gagliardelli SGBP (1987)—Fr. Desiderio Costa SSP (1989)—Sr. Providenza Arigo FSP (1989)—Sr. Providenza Arrigo FSP (1989)—Sr. M. Isaia Cendron PD (91997)—Fr. Paolo Solomon IJP (1997)- Bro Christopher Toppo SSP (2001)—Hernando Hurtaato HFI (2003)—Fr. Ugo Zecchin SSP (2004)—Br. Paulus Jate SSP (2005)—Felicitas Morales (2006)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
January 28, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, January 28
2 Sm 12: 1-7, 10-17
Mk 4: 35-41
I would like you to have a special characteristic: a holy joy, but not exaggerated. The note of joy is a wonderful attraction for young people (VMC 117).
Father Tom: The Founder was talking to early members of the Pastorelle or Shepherdess Sisters whose apostolate is mainly in parishes. But of course a note of joy is rarely out of place and I certainly wish that I and all of us had more of it!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Clara Capelletti SGBP 1973)—Fernanda M. Da Costa IAM (1973)—Fr. Gaetano Tedeschi IJP (1985)—Sr. Maria Cucchi SGBP (2001)—Luis Spalla HFI (2005)—Geraldine Gretchko (1987)—Hilario Zuniga (1972)
2 Sm 12: 1-7, 10-17
Mk 4: 35-41
I would like you to have a special characteristic: a holy joy, but not exaggerated. The note of joy is a wonderful attraction for young people (VMC 117).
Father Tom: The Founder was talking to early members of the Pastorelle or Shepherdess Sisters whose apostolate is mainly in parishes. But of course a note of joy is rarely out of place and I certainly wish that I and all of us had more of it!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Clara Capelletti SGBP 1973)—Fernanda M. Da Costa IAM (1973)—Fr. Gaetano Tedeschi IJP (1985)—Sr. Maria Cucchi SGBP (2001)—Luis Spalla HFI (2005)—Geraldine Gretchko (1987)—Hilario Zuniga (1972)
Friday, January 27, 2012
January 27, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, January 27
2 Sm 11: 1-4, 5-10
Mk 4: 26-34
The Sister Disciple will imitate in her life not only the great Eucharistic silence, but silence about others’ defects, about everything that could discourage, upset or make souls less at ease (VMC 105).
Father Tom: See my comment of yesterday. And let me reflect a while on my own lack of silence which has not been helpful to me or to anyone else.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Msgr Alfred Fernandez IJP (1983)—Sr. Anna Rinaldi FSP (1996)—Fr. Giuseppe Manzo IJP (2002)—Sr. M. Lia Chirone FSP (2003)—Sr. Amabile Zappardo FSP (2004)—Charles Piampiano (1978)
2 Sm 11: 1-4, 5-10
Mk 4: 26-34
The Sister Disciple will imitate in her life not only the great Eucharistic silence, but silence about others’ defects, about everything that could discourage, upset or make souls less at ease (VMC 105).
Father Tom: See my comment of yesterday. And let me reflect a while on my own lack of silence which has not been helpful to me or to anyone else.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Msgr Alfred Fernandez IJP (1983)—Sr. Anna Rinaldi FSP (1996)—Fr. Giuseppe Manzo IJP (2002)—Sr. M. Lia Chirone FSP (2003)—Sr. Amabile Zappardo FSP (2004)—Charles Piampiano (1978)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
January 26, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
I'm sorry I'm so late today. Things got away from me.
Thursday, January 26
2 Tim 1: 1-8
Mk 4: 21-25
The Sister Disciple is to be distinguished by her practice of loving and active silence—a silence founded on love and not on contempt or mood, or any natural tendency, but rather on the love of God (VMC 105).
Father Tom: An excellent rule for all of us! So many things we should not have said or should have said differently or should have first listened to the other party! Have we forgotten that at the judgment we will have to render an account?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Francesca Masala FSP (1980)—Amabile Grando HFI (1987(=)—Fr. Ansellmo Viano SSP (1996)—Sr. M. Oliva Cattapan PD (1998)—Pietro Secchiaroli HFI (2001)—Agerico Boncan (1999)—Anthony J. Madeline (1980)—May Dwojacki (1976)—Emille Brunelle HFI (2008)—Douglas Patton (2011)
Thursday, January 26
2 Tim 1: 1-8
Mk 4: 21-25
The Sister Disciple is to be distinguished by her practice of loving and active silence—a silence founded on love and not on contempt or mood, or any natural tendency, but rather on the love of God (VMC 105).
Father Tom: An excellent rule for all of us! So many things we should not have said or should have said differently or should have first listened to the other party! Have we forgotten that at the judgment we will have to render an account?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Francesca Masala FSP (1980)—Amabile Grando HFI (1987(=)—Fr. Ansellmo Viano SSP (1996)—Sr. M. Oliva Cattapan PD (1998)—Pietro Secchiaroli HFI (2001)—Agerico Boncan (1999)—Anthony J. Madeline (1980)—May Dwojacki (1976)—Emille Brunelle HFI (2008)—Douglas Patton (2011)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
January 25, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, January 25
Acts 22: 2-16
Mk 16: 15-18
Let your day be a Eucharistic Day, consecrated on a single point: the most holy Host (VMC 103).
Father Tom: The word of advice is for the Sister Disciples but does it not concern all of us? Ideally, we spend the first half of the day thanking the Master for the morning Eucharist, and the second half preparing for the next morning. This can be done by frequent invocations and by stopping, if possible, to recite some longer prayer.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Giuseppe Chisea (1991)—Sr. M. Emiliana Saertor PD (2000)—Bro. James De Feo SSP (2000)—Fr. Valentino Gambi SSP (1002)
Acts 22: 2-16
Mk 16: 15-18
Let your day be a Eucharistic Day, consecrated on a single point: the most holy Host (VMC 103).
Father Tom: The word of advice is for the Sister Disciples but does it not concern all of us? Ideally, we spend the first half of the day thanking the Master for the morning Eucharist, and the second half preparing for the next morning. This can be done by frequent invocations and by stopping, if possible, to recite some longer prayer.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Giuseppe Chisea (1991)—Sr. M. Emiliana Saertor PD (2000)—Bro. James De Feo SSP (2000)—Fr. Valentino Gambi SSP (1002)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
January 24, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, January 24
ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, Bishop, Doctor
2 Sm: 6: 12-19
Mk 3: 31-35
The Sister Disciples consecrate themselves to adore the Divine Master in the Blessed Sacrament so that “Thy kingdom come” may become a reality and especially through the media (VMC 95).
Father Tom: Good point. “Thy kingdom come” can never be a reality unless it is effected through prayer—but the prayers of the SSP members. Leaving the praying to the Sisters while we do the work is what the Founder would call “a ruinous illusion.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Blessed Timothy M. Giaccardo, SSP (1948)-- Fr. Angelo Fenoglio SSP (1980)-- Sr. M. Gabriela Raccosta PD (2001)—Sr. Giulia Fontan FSP (2005)
ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, Bishop, Doctor
2 Sm: 6: 12-19
Mk 3: 31-35
The Sister Disciples consecrate themselves to adore the Divine Master in the Blessed Sacrament so that “Thy kingdom come” may become a reality and especially through the media (VMC 95).
Father Tom: Good point. “Thy kingdom come” can never be a reality unless it is effected through prayer—but the prayers of the SSP members. Leaving the praying to the Sisters while we do the work is what the Founder would call “a ruinous illusion.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Blessed Timothy M. Giaccardo, SSP (1948)-- Fr. Angelo Fenoglio SSP (1980)-- Sr. M. Gabriela Raccosta PD (2001)—Sr. Giulia Fontan FSP (2005)
Monday, January 23, 2012
January 23, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, January 23
St. Vincent, Deacon, Martyr
2 Sm: 5: 1-7, 10
Mk 3: 22-30
Women today must form today’s people and provide for their needs using today’s means (VMC 73).
Father Tom: The founder probably had it in mind, in 1932, the Daughters of St. Paul. What would he say of today’s wives and mothers? Probably some similar but applying it to family life and human life, where the need formation is far greater than it was 80 years ago.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Gabriella Ambrogio FSP (1994)—Sr. Maria della Croce Cavalleris PD (1949)—Bro Mario Eustaquio de Fonseca SSP( 1995)—Bro Ramiro Morales SSP (2004)—Fr. Alessa ndro Marengo SSP (2006)
St. Vincent, Deacon, Martyr
2 Sm: 5: 1-7, 10
Mk 3: 22-30
Women today must form today’s people and provide for their needs using today’s means (VMC 73).
Father Tom: The founder probably had it in mind, in 1932, the Daughters of St. Paul. What would he say of today’s wives and mothers? Probably some similar but applying it to family life and human life, where the need formation is far greater than it was 80 years ago.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Gabriella Ambrogio FSP (1994)—Sr. Maria della Croce Cavalleris PD (1949)—Bro Mario Eustaquio de Fonseca SSP( 1995)—Bro Ramiro Morales SSP (2004)—Fr. Alessa ndro Marengo SSP (2006)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
A Different Lifestyle?
A different lifestyle?
Poverty - no needless expense
Obedience - including meetings
Chastity - over to you!
January 22 - 3rd. Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Sunday we have a perennially-valuable message: it is not enough to make our Profession and then "rest on our laurels," so to speak. Every day you and I must ask ourselves: is my lifestyle really different from people who mightn't know what Profession is? Have we lost our idealism as the years pass and our miracles are few and far between? Do we even regret that we have not joined "something better?"
All this is possible and so we have to hear and heed the call of the Prophet, Jonah, in the First Reading. Certainly the people of Nineveh did - even the sheep and cattle were forbidden to eat and drink and had to wear sackcloth!! The point is clear: Every day we have ask ourselves if we are doing better. If the answer is "no" then ... we are doing worse. Not to go forward. . . is to go bac. The Institute member has a prayer life but that is not enough (haven't we always prayed fairly well?). We must act, first being faithful to our daily duties and then reaching out in a quiet but consistent way to share the good news of our membership with others. NEVER STOP!
The Responsorial Psalm - as we would expect - confirms the thought in the Reading: "I want to reform, Lord, so " let me know your ways and teach me your paths." And the Lord will - if we really want to know.
For once, the Second Reading combines well with the general theme of the Mass: St. Paul has sense of urgency - "the time is growing short." Actually, as we have reflected several times, he got his schedule wrong and the return of the Lord he expected scale it's happening all the time and especially it's happening all the time to the huge numbers of unfortunate people - millions of Catholics among them - who are very dubiously prepared to die. Our SAVE THE DYING devotion should be at the center of each member's life: "Jesus Master, have mercy on those dying unprepared at this time." We can say that very usefully all day long.
The Gospel continues the event of last Sunday's. John's disciples have joined Jesus wherever he was living at the time and most of all - regardless of the place - they have come under the tremendous influence and fascination of this special Man. So when he strolls by the Sea of Galilee and calls them. . . they leave everything and follow him. The Gospel writer may have possibly slightly dramatized this significant event, but ... they left their nets and followed him.
I don't wish to stress the obvious too frequently but... in one way or another the Lord also called YOU. That's why you're in the Institute, no matter how prosaic your actual call seems to you. Very well, have you left your "nets" vis. a) other devotional practices that you liked up to then ? (Ask me about this if there is a problem), b) too much reading instead of action? c) Any other "good work" which, however, is not specifically Pauline?
~ January 2012 Concord
Poverty - no needless expense
Obedience - including meetings
Chastity - over to you!
January 22 - 3rd. Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Sunday we have a perennially-valuable message: it is not enough to make our Profession and then "rest on our laurels," so to speak. Every day you and I must ask ourselves: is my lifestyle really different from people who mightn't know what Profession is? Have we lost our idealism as the years pass and our miracles are few and far between? Do we even regret that we have not joined "something better?"
All this is possible and so we have to hear and heed the call of the Prophet, Jonah, in the First Reading. Certainly the people of Nineveh did - even the sheep and cattle were forbidden to eat and drink and had to wear sackcloth!! The point is clear: Every day we have ask ourselves if we are doing better. If the answer is "no" then ... we are doing worse. Not to go forward. . . is to go bac. The Institute member has a prayer life but that is not enough (haven't we always prayed fairly well?). We must act, first being faithful to our daily duties and then reaching out in a quiet but consistent way to share the good news of our membership with others. NEVER STOP!
The Responsorial Psalm - as we would expect - confirms the thought in the Reading: "I want to reform, Lord, so " let me know your ways and teach me your paths." And the Lord will - if we really want to know.
For once, the Second Reading combines well with the general theme of the Mass: St. Paul has sense of urgency - "the time is growing short." Actually, as we have reflected several times, he got his schedule wrong and the return of the Lord he expected scale it's happening all the time and especially it's happening all the time to the huge numbers of unfortunate people - millions of Catholics among them - who are very dubiously prepared to die. Our SAVE THE DYING devotion should be at the center of each member's life: "Jesus Master, have mercy on those dying unprepared at this time." We can say that very usefully all day long.
The Gospel continues the event of last Sunday's. John's disciples have joined Jesus wherever he was living at the time and most of all - regardless of the place - they have come under the tremendous influence and fascination of this special Man. So when he strolls by the Sea of Galilee and calls them. . . they leave everything and follow him. The Gospel writer may have possibly slightly dramatized this significant event, but ... they left their nets and followed him.
I don't wish to stress the obvious too frequently but... in one way or another the Lord also called YOU. That's why you're in the Institute, no matter how prosaic your actual call seems to you. Very well, have you left your "nets" vis. a) other devotional practices that you liked up to then ? (Ask me about this if there is a problem), b) too much reading instead of action? c) Any other "good work" which, however, is not specifically Pauline?
~ January 2012 Concord
January 22, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, January 22
Jn 3: 1-5, 10
1 Cor 7: 29-31
Mk 1: 14-20
Priests must die to complete their mission and their mission is complete when, after having many times offered the sacrifice of the Mss, they make a sacrifice of their lives (VMC 64).
Father Tom: Needless to say, that sacrifice must begin long before we make the trip to the cemetery and that, in fact, is the hard part. When am I going to live like a real priest rather than a man who has been ordained?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Vincenzo Bernardini IJP (1990)—Sr. Giovannina Deano FSP (1991)—Sr. M. Gabriella Massariol PD (1996)—Sr. M. Marcelina Monticelli FSP (2002)—Sr. M. Stella Degni FSP (2006)
Jn 3: 1-5, 10
1 Cor 7: 29-31
Mk 1: 14-20
Priests must die to complete their mission and their mission is complete when, after having many times offered the sacrifice of the Mss, they make a sacrifice of their lives (VMC 64).
Father Tom: Needless to say, that sacrifice must begin long before we make the trip to the cemetery and that, in fact, is the hard part. When am I going to live like a real priest rather than a man who has been ordained?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Vincenzo Bernardini IJP (1990)—Sr. Giovannina Deano FSP (1991)—Sr. M. Gabriella Massariol PD (1996)—Sr. M. Marcelina Monticelli FSP (2002)—Sr. M. Stella Degni FSP (2006)
Saturday, January 21, 2012
January 21, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, January 21
ST AGNES, Virgin, Martyr
2 Sam 1: 1-27
Mk 3: 20-21
The existence, the virtue and the value of our priesthood derive from the priesthood of Jesus Christ. He chooses priests as instruments to allow Him to speak and encourage others (VMC 58)
Father Tom: Indeed. But the value of our speech and encouragement is given by our prayer. Our talents and possibilities of speaking and encouraging may be limited. Our prayer need never be.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Annita Firmo FSP (1974)—Sr. M. Franca Janiello FSP (1987)—Sr. Fancisca Trettel SGBP (1993)—Fr. Giuseppe Bistolfi (1999)-- Sr. M. Gesuina Quaranta FSP (2001)—Rose Teterycz (1985)
ST AGNES, Virgin, Martyr
2 Sam 1: 1-27
Mk 3: 20-21
The existence, the virtue and the value of our priesthood derive from the priesthood of Jesus Christ. He chooses priests as instruments to allow Him to speak and encourage others (VMC 58)
Father Tom: Indeed. But the value of our speech and encouragement is given by our prayer. Our talents and possibilities of speaking and encouraging may be limited. Our prayer need never be.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Annita Firmo FSP (1974)—Sr. M. Franca Janiello FSP (1987)—Sr. Fancisca Trettel SGBP (1993)—Fr. Giuseppe Bistolfi (1999)-- Sr. M. Gesuina Quaranta FSP (2001)—Rose Teterycz (1985)
Friday, January 20, 2012
January 20, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, January 20
Sts Fabiano, Pope and Martyr and Sebastiano, Martyr
1 Sam 24: 3-21
Mk 3: 13-19
It is our heavenly Father Who wends vocations to the various branches. He is the Father, Jesus is the Brother and the Holy Spirit is our inspiration (VMC 51).
Father Tom: Isn’t it difficult to convince ourselves that we have been called? What call? “I did most of the work myself and had to grit my teeth to stay the course in the beginning?”
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Giuditta Benzo PD (1972)—Sr. Teresa Maria Hernandez FSP (1977)—Sr. Assunta Moyano FSP (1978)—Sr. Panacea Bragliola FSP (1993)—Sr. M. Deilma Franco Quitiani FSP (1999)—Bro Cirilo Pena SSP (2001)—Fr. Humberto Aguilar SSP (2001)
Sts Fabiano, Pope and Martyr and Sebastiano, Martyr
1 Sam 24: 3-21
Mk 3: 13-19
It is our heavenly Father Who wends vocations to the various branches. He is the Father, Jesus is the Brother and the Holy Spirit is our inspiration (VMC 51).
Father Tom: Isn’t it difficult to convince ourselves that we have been called? What call? “I did most of the work myself and had to grit my teeth to stay the course in the beginning?”
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Giuditta Benzo PD (1972)—Sr. Teresa Maria Hernandez FSP (1977)—Sr. Assunta Moyano FSP (1978)—Sr. Panacea Bragliola FSP (1993)—Sr. M. Deilma Franco Quitiani FSP (1999)—Bro Cirilo Pena SSP (2001)—Fr. Humberto Aguilar SSP (2001)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
January 19, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, January 19
1 Sam 18: 6-9
Mk 3: 7-12
We should try to understand and esteem the life and work of each Pauline Family branch and be mutually helpful with prayer and collaboration. Egotism and selfishness can destroy much of their effectiveness (VM 46(3) ).
Father Tom: This commentary, made in 1960, will always be relevant as long as our Family is composed of human beings (which, if I am not mistaken, it is!)
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Margherita Berlotto PD (1965)—Sr. Massima Serinelli PD (1990)—Sr. Maria Ines Cavagnoli SGBP (1993)—Matteo Zaccaria HFI (1994)—Fr. Dino Pacini IJP (1995)—Fr. Govanni Piscopo IJP (1995)—Sr. M. Salvatoris Rosa PD (1998)—Bro Florindo D’Ascenzo SSP (2001)—Bro Gabriele Scionti SSP (2003)—Sr. Alessandra Salvadé SSP (2005)—Maria Assunt(a) Giudice IAM (2005)—Sr. Augusta Bernardini
1 Sam 18: 6-9
Mk 3: 7-12
We should try to understand and esteem the life and work of each Pauline Family branch and be mutually helpful with prayer and collaboration. Egotism and selfishness can destroy much of their effectiveness (VM 46(3) ).
Father Tom: This commentary, made in 1960, will always be relevant as long as our Family is composed of human beings (which, if I am not mistaken, it is!)
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Margherita Berlotto PD (1965)—Sr. Massima Serinelli PD (1990)—Sr. Maria Ines Cavagnoli SGBP (1993)—Matteo Zaccaria HFI (1994)—Fr. Dino Pacini IJP (1995)—Fr. Govanni Piscopo IJP (1995)—Sr. M. Salvatoris Rosa PD (1998)—Bro Florindo D’Ascenzo SSP (2001)—Bro Gabriele Scionti SSP (2003)—Sr. Alessandra Salvadé SSP (2005)—Maria Assunt(a) Giudice IAM (2005)—Sr. Augusta Bernardini
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
January 18, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, January 18
1 Sam 17: 32-51
Mk 3: 1-6
We should talk preferably of the work the Pauline Family does and much less about the work done by A, B, C. This way of speaking shows the Family is united and is one special entity (VMC 44).
Father Tom: If it were not for the Family, A, B, or C might not be a member of anything and might have produced nothing! Sobering thought.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Tito Della Bartola SSP (1972)—Fr. Armando Gualandi SSP (1982)—Fr. Armando Giovannini SSP (1991)—Benito Filemon Villa HFI (1996)—Mario Pietrofeso HFI (2004)—Sr. M. Luisa Fallado PD (2006)—Vincencz Lionetti IAM (2009).
1 Sam 17: 32-51
Mk 3: 1-6
We should talk preferably of the work the Pauline Family does and much less about the work done by A, B, C. This way of speaking shows the Family is united and is one special entity (VMC 44).
Father Tom: If it were not for the Family, A, B, or C might not be a member of anything and might have produced nothing! Sobering thought.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Tito Della Bartola SSP (1972)—Fr. Armando Gualandi SSP (1982)—Fr. Armando Giovannini SSP (1991)—Benito Filemon Villa HFI (1996)—Mario Pietrofeso HFI (2004)—Sr. M. Luisa Fallado PD (2006)—Vincencz Lionetti IAM (2009).
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
January 17, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, January 17
1 Sam 16: 1-13
Mk 2: 2-28
The Church teaching on the Communion of Saints is very applicable to the Pauline Family among whose members there is a life-giving circulation of merits and mutual assistance. However this requires that we be united in mind, heart and will (VMC 43).
Father Tom: This calls for a far more detailed commentary. The merits are not necessarily the property of those who visibly reach individuals. The Divine Master is always the main Evangelizer (more of this anon.)
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Alfonsa Maretto PD (1984)—Sr. M. Stella Aignorini FSP (1986)—Fr. Vito Frassanito IJP (1998)—Sr. Anna Foschi SGBP (1999)—Sr. RAchele Binello FSP—Sr. M. Amabilis Casarotto FSP (2009)—Olga Falbo IAM (2010)
1 Sam 16: 1-13
Mk 2: 2-28
The Church teaching on the Communion of Saints is very applicable to the Pauline Family among whose members there is a life-giving circulation of merits and mutual assistance. However this requires that we be united in mind, heart and will (VMC 43).
Father Tom: This calls for a far more detailed commentary. The merits are not necessarily the property of those who visibly reach individuals. The Divine Master is always the main Evangelizer (more of this anon.)
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Alfonsa Maretto PD (1984)—Sr. M. Stella Aignorini FSP (1986)—Fr. Vito Frassanito IJP (1998)—Sr. Anna Foschi SGBP (1999)—Sr. RAchele Binello FSP—Sr. M. Amabilis Casarotto FSP (2009)—Olga Falbo IAM (2010)
Monday, January 16, 2012
January 16, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, January 16
1 Sam 15: 16-23
Mk 2: 18-22
In the Pauline Family the Society of St. Paul and the Daughters of St. Paul represent Jesus Truth. The Sister Disciples represent Jesus the Life. The Shepherdesses represent Jesus, the Way.
Father Tom: The Founder does not say where our Institute fits in because when he wrote in 1954 it was still in the distance. Where would YOU locate our Institute in the Pauline Family?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Michelina Perbellini PD (1962)—Fr. Luigi Fago IJP (1985)—Fr. Gregorio Del Pogetto SSP (1996)—Fr. Francesco Sirito SSP (1997)—Giuseppina Pauluzzi HFI (1998)—Sr. M. Pierluisa Vidano PD (2000)—Fr. Paolo Maeda SSP (2002)—Guadalupe Lozano IAM (2002)—Lucia Laghetto HFI (2009)
1 Sam 15: 16-23
Mk 2: 18-22
In the Pauline Family the Society of St. Paul and the Daughters of St. Paul represent Jesus Truth. The Sister Disciples represent Jesus the Life. The Shepherdesses represent Jesus, the Way.
Father Tom: The Founder does not say where our Institute fits in because when he wrote in 1954 it was still in the distance. Where would YOU locate our Institute in the Pauline Family?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Michelina Perbellini PD (1962)—Fr. Luigi Fago IJP (1985)—Fr. Gregorio Del Pogetto SSP (1996)—Fr. Francesco Sirito SSP (1997)—Giuseppina Pauluzzi HFI (1998)—Sr. M. Pierluisa Vidano PD (2000)—Fr. Paolo Maeda SSP (2002)—Guadalupe Lozano IAM (2002)—Lucia Laghetto HFI (2009)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The First Concern...
"Have the Vows" is Enough?"
"Have the vows" is enough? No! Have them... and LIVE THEM!
January 15 - 2nd. Sunday in Ordinary Time
When we joined the Institute we may have felt an initial sense of doubt or insecurity - what IS this "Institute" anyway? - then a gradual awareness of the Tightness of our decision and, finally, a conviction - more or less strong depending on the insights the Master gives us - that we were among the lucky ones in our church. We were called . . . they were not! It's as simple as that. " You did not choose Me, it was I who chose you."
Today's Readings have a similar message. The First Reading Highlights the young Samuel, born after his mother has long yearned for a son, dedicated to the Lord as she has promised,living in the Temple and in this Reading hearing a mysterious and repeated call which he finally answers properly. And we also may have had repeated calls before we finally got our thinking straight.
The Responsorial Psalm makes a point on which we have many times reflected: the secret of real success in life is to discover the will of God and to obey the will of God. Why? Because what God wills or wants for us in this time and place is the best thing possible. God is never confused about what should be done. His limitless awareness, His precise view of the entire sweep of human history, tell Him that for you at this time nothing could be more profitable.
In the Second Reading our holy Patron invites us to make the right choice of respect for our bodies which are meant to be the "instrument" - enlivened by our spirits - by which we find God's will and observe it. After Baptism our bodies are incorporated into Christ who wants to serve his Father through you and me just as he did in Palestine two thousand years ago. This is our great privilege - constant union with the Lord as he loves and serves his Father in and with us.
The Gospel highlights the transition from the Forerunner, John,to the Messiah. John's followers were good people in good faith and, as Jesus passes by, John indicates who he is and probably gives a sign to his disciples to find out more about him. There is then an interesting dialog: Jesus: "What do you want?" The disciples: "Where do you live, Rabbi?" So they are concerned about his behavior, his attitudes, and not just his teaching. And Jesus accepts the challenge: "Come and see." And they do and they are convinced.
We, too, went through these stages in our preparation for Institute membership, but the question is: how? Just letting the months and years pass, taking one step after another, but mostly with the intent of "being professed, having vows." Or instead turning our life over to God, profession or not, knowing that it is the living of the Institute lifestyle with conviction and for the love of God that counts, not just the recitation of the formula. Let's check back on our lives this Sunday and see where we are.
~ January 2012 Concord
January 15 - 2nd. Sunday in Ordinary Time
When we joined the Institute we may have felt an initial sense of doubt or insecurity - what IS this "Institute" anyway? - then a gradual awareness of the Tightness of our decision and, finally, a conviction - more or less strong depending on the insights the Master gives us - that we were among the lucky ones in our church. We were called . . . they were not! It's as simple as that. " You did not choose Me, it was I who chose you."
Today's Readings have a similar message. The First Reading Highlights the young Samuel, born after his mother has long yearned for a son, dedicated to the Lord as she has promised,living in the Temple and in this Reading hearing a mysterious and repeated call which he finally answers properly. And we also may have had repeated calls before we finally got our thinking straight.
The Responsorial Psalm makes a point on which we have many times reflected: the secret of real success in life is to discover the will of God and to obey the will of God. Why? Because what God wills or wants for us in this time and place is the best thing possible. God is never confused about what should be done. His limitless awareness, His precise view of the entire sweep of human history, tell Him that for you at this time nothing could be more profitable.
In the Second Reading our holy Patron invites us to make the right choice of respect for our bodies which are meant to be the "instrument" - enlivened by our spirits - by which we find God's will and observe it. After Baptism our bodies are incorporated into Christ who wants to serve his Father through you and me just as he did in Palestine two thousand years ago. This is our great privilege - constant union with the Lord as he loves and serves his Father in and with us.
The Gospel highlights the transition from the Forerunner, John,to the Messiah. John's followers were good people in good faith and, as Jesus passes by, John indicates who he is and probably gives a sign to his disciples to find out more about him. There is then an interesting dialog: Jesus: "What do you want?" The disciples: "Where do you live, Rabbi?" So they are concerned about his behavior, his attitudes, and not just his teaching. And Jesus accepts the challenge: "Come and see." And they do and they are convinced.
We, too, went through these stages in our preparation for Institute membership, but the question is: how? Just letting the months and years pass, taking one step after another, but mostly with the intent of "being professed, having vows." Or instead turning our life over to God, profession or not, knowing that it is the living of the Institute lifestyle with conviction and for the love of God that counts, not just the recitation of the formula. Let's check back on our lives this Sunday and see where we are.
~ January 2012 Concord
January 15, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, January 15
1 Sam 3: 3-19
1 Cor 6: 13-20
Jn 1: 35-42
For more than 40 years I suffered from an interior anxiety—can we guarantee the unity of the different Pauline Family branches? This is a fundamental problem (VMC 40).
Father Tom: Unity? The great goal not only of the Pauline Family, but of the whole human race! And what a problem it is! Let’s try as best we can to make it a reality in our families and among our circle of friends.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Consolata Binello FSP (1948)—Sr. Paolina Magnani FSP( 2000)—Sr. M. Valentina Bedino PD (2000)—Fr. Vincenzo Marseglia IJP (2002)—Bro Harry Morgan FSC (2005)
1 Sam 3: 3-19
1 Cor 6: 13-20
Jn 1: 35-42
For more than 40 years I suffered from an interior anxiety—can we guarantee the unity of the different Pauline Family branches? This is a fundamental problem (VMC 40).
Father Tom: Unity? The great goal not only of the Pauline Family, but of the whole human race! And what a problem it is! Let’s try as best we can to make it a reality in our families and among our circle of friends.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Consolata Binello FSP (1948)—Sr. Paolina Magnani FSP( 2000)—Sr. M. Valentina Bedino PD (2000)—Fr. Vincenzo Marseglia IJP (2002)—Bro Harry Morgan FSC (2005)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
January 14, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, January 14
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Heb 4: 1-5
Mk 2: 1-12
I feel the responsibility, before God and before people, for the mission entrusted to me—and if He could have found a more unworthy and incapable individual He would have chosen that one.
Father Tom: Do we sit down to consider how we have fulfilled our responsibilities, to thank God for what we did well and to ask His pardon for the errors? Let’s take some time today for this special examination of life.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Teresa Congiu FSP 1961)—Sr. M. Leonilde Torrengo PD (1971)—Sr. Anna Caterina Tagliani FSP (1997)—Fr. Roberto Nunez IJP (2004)—Teresina Pallavicino FSP (2005)
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
Heb 4: 1-5
Mk 2: 1-12
I feel the responsibility, before God and before people, for the mission entrusted to me—and if He could have found a more unworthy and incapable individual He would have chosen that one.
Father Tom: Do we sit down to consider how we have fulfilled our responsibilities, to thank God for what we did well and to ask His pardon for the errors? Let’s take some time today for this special examination of life.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Teresa Congiu FSP 1961)—Sr. M. Leonilde Torrengo PD (1971)—Sr. Anna Caterina Tagliani FSP (1997)—Fr. Roberto Nunez IJP (2004)—Teresina Pallavicino FSP (2005)
Friday, January 13, 2012
What Do the Magi...
What do
■ the Magi
■ Christ's Baptism
■ Cana... mean to us?
January 8 - The Epiphany
Once again we come to a Feast I have already written about... TWICE! Can we find something new to say? Yes. The experts tell us that it is "a Feast of plenty" meaning that the three "mysteries " of Christ's life are celebrated together. This is not highlighted in the Mass liturgy but it is in the Office where we read in the Evening Prayer II (Canticle of Mary): Three mysteries mark this holy day: today the star leads the Magi to the infant Christ; today water is changed into wine for the wedding-feast; today Christ wills to be baptized by John in the river Jordan to bring us salvation.
This raises three questions: 1) What are the Magi to us? 2) What meaning can Christ's baptism have for us today? And 3) How can we relate to the Marriage Feast of Cana?
The point of the Visit of the Magi is that the Savior should be made know to the whole world - at least hypothetically - even as a child, from a small town and with his humanity from single family. He did not wish his birth to pass unnoticed but rather wished to be known by all because he had come to save all. The Magis' gifts are also symbolic: to God in the child they offer incense, to the man, myrrh and to the king, gold. As for us, the Magi are the first of countless people who have journeyed toward the Lord and we have to ask if we have made a similar journey and come away inspired and enlightened and ready to share what we have learned.
Our second question regards the meaning of Christ's baptism for us. In itself it involves not just Jesus but the Father Who speaks from Heaven and the Spirit appears descending like a dove. At his baptism Jesus is anointed Messiah and Redeemer and so the event confronts us with the Cross by which he accomplished his mission, and introduces us into the mystery of his death and resurrection in which we must share if we are to share in his heavenly beatitude.
Finally, we have the third element: the Wedding-Feast of Cana, which we can only briefly touch on because it involves much more than simply saving the young couple the embarrassment of not having wine, above all at a wedding, a major event in the life of the Palestinians. In fact we say that it prefigures the Last Supper which precedes the death and victory of Christ and so challenges us to say what our relationship is not only to the Eucharist but also to Jesus and Mary, both so much part of this great time of the year.
~January 2012 Concord
■ the Magi
■ Christ's Baptism
■ Cana... mean to us?
January 8 - The Epiphany
Once again we come to a Feast I have already written about... TWICE! Can we find something new to say? Yes. The experts tell us that it is "a Feast of plenty" meaning that the three "mysteries " of Christ's life are celebrated together. This is not highlighted in the Mass liturgy but it is in the Office where we read in the Evening Prayer II (Canticle of Mary): Three mysteries mark this holy day: today the star leads the Magi to the infant Christ; today water is changed into wine for the wedding-feast; today Christ wills to be baptized by John in the river Jordan to bring us salvation.
This raises three questions: 1) What are the Magi to us? 2) What meaning can Christ's baptism have for us today? And 3) How can we relate to the Marriage Feast of Cana?
The point of the Visit of the Magi is that the Savior should be made know to the whole world - at least hypothetically - even as a child, from a small town and with his humanity from single family. He did not wish his birth to pass unnoticed but rather wished to be known by all because he had come to save all. The Magis' gifts are also symbolic: to God in the child they offer incense, to the man, myrrh and to the king, gold. As for us, the Magi are the first of countless people who have journeyed toward the Lord and we have to ask if we have made a similar journey and come away inspired and enlightened and ready to share what we have learned.
Our second question regards the meaning of Christ's baptism for us. In itself it involves not just Jesus but the Father Who speaks from Heaven and the Spirit appears descending like a dove. At his baptism Jesus is anointed Messiah and Redeemer and so the event confronts us with the Cross by which he accomplished his mission, and introduces us into the mystery of his death and resurrection in which we must share if we are to share in his heavenly beatitude.
Finally, we have the third element: the Wedding-Feast of Cana, which we can only briefly touch on because it involves much more than simply saving the young couple the embarrassment of not having wine, above all at a wedding, a major event in the life of the Palestinians. In fact we say that it prefigures the Last Supper which precedes the death and victory of Christ and so challenges us to say what our relationship is not only to the Eucharist but also to Jesus and Mary, both so much part of this great time of the year.
~January 2012 Concord
Put Her High Honor Into Words? Impossible!
Put her high honor into words? Impossible!
It's Sunday!
January 1 - Mary the holy Mother of God
Our series of Sunday reflections is moving to a close and this,therefore, is the last time we will be meditating on this Feast of Our Lady. Let us do it with the impassioned words of a great Saint - words that we are familiar with from our annual celebration.
Mary, Mother of God, we salute you. Precious vessel, worthy of the whole world's reverence, you are an ever-shining light, the crown of virginity, the symbol of orthodoxy, an indestructible temple, the place that held him whom no place on earth can contain, mother and virgin. Because of you the holy Gospels could say: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (Matt. 21:9).
We salute you, for in your holy womb was confined him who is beyond all limitation. Because of you the holy Trinity is glorified and adored; the cross is called precious and is venerated throughout the world; the heavens exult; the angels and archangels make merry; demons are put to flight; the devil, that tempter, is thrust down from heaven; the fallen race of man is taken up on high; all creatures possessed by the madness of idolatry have attained knowledge of the truth; believers receive holy baptism; the oil of gladness is poured out; the Church is established throughout the world; pagans are brought to repentance.
What more is there to say? Because of you the light of the only-begotten Son of God has shone upon those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death (Lk. 1.79); prophets pronounced the word of God, the apostles preached salvation to the Gentiles; the dead are raised to life; and kings rule by the power of the Holy Trinity.
Who can put Mary's high honor into words? She is both mother and virgin. I am overwhelmed by the wonder of this miracle. Of course no one could be prevented from living in the house he had built for himself, yet who would invite mockery by asking his own servant to become his mother?
Behold, then, the joy of the whole universe. Let the union of God and man in the Son of the Virgin fill us with awe and adoration. Let us fear and worship the undivided Trinity as we sing the praise of the ever-virgin Mary, the holy temple of God, and of God Himself, her Son and spotless Bridegroom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
- From a homily by St Cyril of Alexandria at the Council
o/Ephesus where Mary was declared Mother of God.
~January 2012 Concord
It's Sunday!
January 1 - Mary the holy Mother of God
Our series of Sunday reflections is moving to a close and this,therefore, is the last time we will be meditating on this Feast of Our Lady. Let us do it with the impassioned words of a great Saint - words that we are familiar with from our annual celebration.
Mary, Mother of God, we salute you. Precious vessel, worthy of the whole world's reverence, you are an ever-shining light, the crown of virginity, the symbol of orthodoxy, an indestructible temple, the place that held him whom no place on earth can contain, mother and virgin. Because of you the holy Gospels could say: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (Matt. 21:9).
We salute you, for in your holy womb was confined him who is beyond all limitation. Because of you the holy Trinity is glorified and adored; the cross is called precious and is venerated throughout the world; the heavens exult; the angels and archangels make merry; demons are put to flight; the devil, that tempter, is thrust down from heaven; the fallen race of man is taken up on high; all creatures possessed by the madness of idolatry have attained knowledge of the truth; believers receive holy baptism; the oil of gladness is poured out; the Church is established throughout the world; pagans are brought to repentance.
What more is there to say? Because of you the light of the only-begotten Son of God has shone upon those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death (Lk. 1.79); prophets pronounced the word of God, the apostles preached salvation to the Gentiles; the dead are raised to life; and kings rule by the power of the Holy Trinity.
Who can put Mary's high honor into words? She is both mother and virgin. I am overwhelmed by the wonder of this miracle. Of course no one could be prevented from living in the house he had built for himself, yet who would invite mockery by asking his own servant to become his mother?
Behold, then, the joy of the whole universe. Let the union of God and man in the Son of the Virgin fill us with awe and adoration. Let us fear and worship the undivided Trinity as we sing the praise of the ever-virgin Mary, the holy temple of God, and of God Himself, her Son and spotless Bridegroom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
- From a homily by St Cyril of Alexandria at the Council
o/Ephesus where Mary was declared Mother of God.
~January 2012 Concord
January 13, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, January 13
ST. HILARY, Bishop, Doctor
Heb 3: 7-14
Mk 1: 40-45
Our life began in Jesus Christ and from the manger— “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth to men of goodwill” (VMW 19).
Father Tom: Every enterprise should begin like this and the successful ones do, even if the first steps are shaky and uncertain. But no enterprise can continue only with prayer—including HFI. Take tie out today to ask yourself what you are doing about Art. 36.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Berardetta Ferraris FSP (2002)—Gioia Keeney (2006)
ST. HILARY, Bishop, Doctor
Heb 3: 7-14
Mk 1: 40-45
Our life began in Jesus Christ and from the manger— “Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth to men of goodwill” (VMW 19).
Father Tom: Every enterprise should begin like this and the successful ones do, even if the first steps are shaky and uncertain. But no enterprise can continue only with prayer—including HFI. Take tie out today to ask yourself what you are doing about Art. 36.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Berardetta Ferraris FSP (2002)—Gioia Keeney (2006)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
January 12, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Thursday, January 12
Heb 3: 7-14
Mk 1: 29-39
Let us always be united with the Pope, with our superiors and among ourselves: a single directive, lived in enthusiasm and in union with the Holy Spirit (VMC 37).
Father Tom: this piece of advice goes back to 1952 when the Fouder led an Hour of Adoration for the Pauline Family. How does it fit into my life—and into yours? Are the lines of communication fully open in every situation?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Agide Pasotti IJP
Heb 3: 7-14
Mk 1: 29-39
Let us always be united with the Pope, with our superiors and among ourselves: a single directive, lived in enthusiasm and in union with the Holy Spirit (VMC 37).
Father Tom: this piece of advice goes back to 1952 when the Fouder led an Hour of Adoration for the Pauline Family. How does it fit into my life—and into yours? Are the lines of communication fully open in every situation?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Agide Pasotti IJP
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
January 11, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Wednesday, January 11
Heb 3: 14-18
Mk 1: 29-39
St. Paul admonishes us: The one who plants and the one who waters do not really matter. It is God that matters because He makes the plant grow. -1 Cor 3:7 (VMC 29).
Father Tom: True, but that does not mean that we can “plant” and “water” any old way. God always does His best—that’s how He is—so let’s be His imitators!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Celestina Giglione FSP (1949)—Sr. M. Lidia Zago FSP(1950)—Bro Alfonso Panaro SSP SSP (1972)—Sr. M. Carmelina Lamberti PD (2000)—Fr. Franco Pierini SSP (2001)—Sr. Belesilda Garialon FSP (2004)—Sr. Vittoria Magni FSP (2005)— Gloria Keeney (2006)
Heb 3: 14-18
Mk 1: 29-39
St. Paul admonishes us: The one who plants and the one who waters do not really matter. It is God that matters because He makes the plant grow. -1 Cor 3:7 (VMC 29).
Father Tom: True, but that does not mean that we can “plant” and “water” any old way. God always does His best—that’s how He is—so let’s be His imitators!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Celestina Giglione FSP (1949)—Sr. M. Lidia Zago FSP(1950)—Bro Alfonso Panaro SSP SSP (1972)—Sr. M. Carmelina Lamberti PD (2000)—Fr. Franco Pierini SSP (2001)—Sr. Belesilda Garialon FSP (2004)—Sr. Vittoria Magni FSP (2005)— Gloria Keeney (2006)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
January 10, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tuesday, January 10
Heb 2: 14-18
Mk 1: 29-39
The hand of God guided me from 1900 to 1960 (when the Founder completed the then new Retreat House in Ariccia and called a meeting of the early members) and the will of God has been done in spite of His unworthy and incapable instrument (VMC 18).
Father Tom: All of us need to look at our lives and note the two-fold element in them: the action of God (the way our life has unfolded) and our reaction: our marriage, our children and—very importantly-- our finding the Institute. What is my judgment on my life? What is yours on your life? Will the Lord judge you in the same way?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Bernardita Arcila FSP (1987)—Cesarino Carlini HFI (2008)—Sr. M. Veronica Varona FSP (2007)—Mary Kennedy (2005)
Heb 2: 14-18
Mk 1: 29-39
The hand of God guided me from 1900 to 1960 (when the Founder completed the then new Retreat House in Ariccia and called a meeting of the early members) and the will of God has been done in spite of His unworthy and incapable instrument (VMC 18).
Father Tom: All of us need to look at our lives and note the two-fold element in them: the action of God (the way our life has unfolded) and our reaction: our marriage, our children and—very importantly-- our finding the Institute. What is my judgment on my life? What is yours on your life? Will the Lord judge you in the same way?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Bernardita Arcila FSP (1987)—Cesarino Carlini HFI (2008)—Sr. M. Veronica Varona FSP (2007)—Mary Kennedy (2005)
Monday, January 9, 2012
January 9, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Monday, January 9
Is 42: 1-7
Acts. 19: 34-38
Matt 3: 13-17
”I often recite: ‘Father I am not worthy to be called your son…I have sinned against heaven and against you…make me one of your hired servants.” (VMC 17)
Father Tom: Can’t we all say this prayer? Yes. Do we in fact say it and mean it…I do personally, remembering my call. What about you?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Orsola Gattei PD (1947)—Lucia Melotto HFI (1994)—Michele Budetta HFI (1997)—Maria da Assuncao Pereira Pinto IAM (2001)—Fr. Anntonio Tacconi SSP (2008)—Fr. Giuliano Zoppi SSP (2009)—Sr. M. Giustina Larcher PD (2009)—Sr. M. Gesuina Mocci FSP (2010)
Is 42: 1-7
Acts. 19: 34-38
Matt 3: 13-17
”I often recite: ‘Father I am not worthy to be called your son…I have sinned against heaven and against you…make me one of your hired servants.” (VMC 17)
Father Tom: Can’t we all say this prayer? Yes. Do we in fact say it and mean it…I do personally, remembering my call. What about you?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Orsola Gattei PD (1947)—Lucia Melotto HFI (1994)—Michele Budetta HFI (1997)—Maria da Assuncao Pereira Pinto IAM (2001)—Fr. Anntonio Tacconi SSP (2008)—Fr. Giuliano Zoppi SSP (2009)—Sr. M. Giustina Larcher PD (2009)—Sr. M. Gesuina Mocci FSP (2010)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
January 8, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Sunday, January 8
Is 60: 1-6
Eph. 3: 2-6
Matt 2: 1-12
Sometimes the needs were urgent and there were no human hopes or resources to count on. We prayed and tried to eliminate sin from the House…and we received unexpected assistance (VMC 13).
Father Tom: PRAYER ALONE is not enough! Our main need is for more members and we must begin NOW, prudently and intelligently, to find just ONE before August!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Manuel Marques SSP (1990)—Fr. Paolo Cirio SSP (1990)—Sr. M. Guglielmina Butano PD (1995)—Sr. M. Cristina Barbieri FSP (1995)—Emilia Desiato HFI (1995)—Bro Crisostomo Canclini SSP (2000)—Angelo Falchi, Gabrielite (2004)—Sr. M. Angeles Lopez PD (2006)—Fr. Ermengildo Botti SSP (2006)—Ruth Helline (1986)
Is 60: 1-6
Eph. 3: 2-6
Matt 2: 1-12
Sometimes the needs were urgent and there were no human hopes or resources to count on. We prayed and tried to eliminate sin from the House…and we received unexpected assistance (VMC 13).
Father Tom: PRAYER ALONE is not enough! Our main need is for more members and we must begin NOW, prudently and intelligently, to find just ONE before August!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Manuel Marques SSP (1990)—Fr. Paolo Cirio SSP (1990)—Sr. M. Guglielmina Butano PD (1995)—Sr. M. Cristina Barbieri FSP (1995)—Emilia Desiato HFI (1995)—Bro Crisostomo Canclini SSP (2000)—Angelo Falchi, Gabrielite (2004)—Sr. M. Angeles Lopez PD (2006)—Fr. Ermengildo Botti SSP (2006)—Ruth Helline (1986)
Friday, January 6, 2012
January 6-7., 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Saturday, January 7
First Saturday of the month—Mary, Queen of Apostles
1 Jn. 5: 5-13
Lk 5: 12-16
We should be careful to avoid trying to twist God’s arm—so to speak—in an effort to get what WE want. Much wiser to pray, ask for light, and then apply our talents of mind and heart to find what we should do (VMC 8).
Father Tom: Very nice thought, but not too nice to put into practice. We say we believe in God but in practice we believe far more in ourselves. And so our lives are not lived to the full as God wants them. And we have only ONE life!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Ambrosina Vargas Suena FSP(1996)—Sr. M. Oliva Garcia Allende FSP (1997)—Fr. Vincenzo Caterino IJP (1997)—Fr. Giovanni Scalone IJP (2002)—Fr. Luigi Cristofani IJP (2009)—Sr. M. Sebastiana Miki FSP (2010)
Friday, January 6
First Friday of the month—the Sacred Heart
1 Jn. 4: 19-5: 4
Lk 4: 14-22
Your apostolate does not aim solely at making individual souls progress, but aims at forming a new mentality in society (VMC 1337).
Father Tom: But first we must renew our mentality? Have we? Am I reasoning differently about life and about religion than I reasoned before I met the HFI? Or have I packed it away with all my other “devotions” and “good Causes”?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Gilberto Aldaco SSP (1985)—Esuperanzio Sdrubolini HFI (1987)—Bro Gilberto Zanchin SSP (1990)—Sr. Marta Prinotti FSP (1993)—Fr Fiuseppe Cuva IJP (2002)—Sr. Antida Labrettini FSP (2004)
First Saturday of the month—Mary, Queen of Apostles
1 Jn. 5: 5-13
Lk 5: 12-16
We should be careful to avoid trying to twist God’s arm—so to speak—in an effort to get what WE want. Much wiser to pray, ask for light, and then apply our talents of mind and heart to find what we should do (VMC 8).
Father Tom: Very nice thought, but not too nice to put into practice. We say we believe in God but in practice we believe far more in ourselves. And so our lives are not lived to the full as God wants them. And we have only ONE life!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Ambrosina Vargas Suena FSP(1996)—Sr. M. Oliva Garcia Allende FSP (1997)—Fr. Vincenzo Caterino IJP (1997)—Fr. Giovanni Scalone IJP (2002)—Fr. Luigi Cristofani IJP (2009)—Sr. M. Sebastiana Miki FSP (2010)
Friday, January 6
First Friday of the month—the Sacred Heart
1 Jn. 4: 19-5: 4
Lk 4: 14-22
Your apostolate does not aim solely at making individual souls progress, but aims at forming a new mentality in society (VMC 1337).
Father Tom: But first we must renew our mentality? Have we? Am I reasoning differently about life and about religion than I reasoned before I met the HFI? Or have I packed it away with all my other “devotions” and “good Causes”?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Gilberto Aldaco SSP (1985)—Esuperanzio Sdrubolini HFI (1987)—Bro Gilberto Zanchin SSP (1990)—Sr. Marta Prinotti FSP (1993)—Fr Fiuseppe Cuva IJP (2002)—Sr. Antida Labrettini FSP (2004)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
January 4-5., 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Please forgive me the late and double posts. I am recovery from wrist surgery (on January 2nd). God bless and Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 5
First Thursday of the month—the Angel Guardians
1 Jn. 3: 11-21
Jn 1: 43-51
The Society of St. Paul should often ask itself: Why did you come here?” And it should have the intellectual types in mind—get them on your side and it’s like fishing with a net, rather htan a line (VMC 1329).
Father Tom: And don’t we already have these good people among our members? We do, and we are very happy to have them!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Giacinta Cocciolone FSP (1945)—Bro Antonio Mollo SSP (1989)—Sr. Cristina Bertello FSP (1990)—Paterniano Falcioni HFI (1995)—Alfonso Romano HFI (2000)—Sr. Elena Roallos FSP(2002)—Sr. Monica Lunkes FSP (2002)—Fr. Leonardo Zega (2010)—Henry J. Berlo (1994)—Charles A. Bujol (1939)
Wednesday, January 4
First Wednesday of the month—St. Joseph
1 Jn. 3: 7-10
Jn 1: 35-42
Sometimes we look idly at a map of the world or of some particular nation. But do we ever stop to think of the millions living in those places who may not yet have heard of Christ and the Church or who have stopped practicing their religion? (VMC 1321).
Father Tom: This comment occurs in a writing of the Founder going back to 1933. Pray for these souls, living often in danger of damnation.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Luigina Gradi FSP (1974)—Sr. Maria Agostina Agnettin FSP (1988)—Sr. M. Emanuella Pintus FSP (1989)—Fr. Remo Andelmi IJP (1990)—Fr. Alfredo Bordon IJP (1986)—Sr. Cristina Leonardo FSP(1997)—Sr. Adriana Monti FSP (2008)—Joan Avitabile (2010)—Priscilla Romero (2010)
Thursday, January 5
First Thursday of the month—the Angel Guardians
1 Jn. 3: 11-21
Jn 1: 43-51
The Society of St. Paul should often ask itself: Why did you come here?” And it should have the intellectual types in mind—get them on your side and it’s like fishing with a net, rather htan a line (VMC 1329).
Father Tom: And don’t we already have these good people among our members? We do, and we are very happy to have them!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Giacinta Cocciolone FSP (1945)—Bro Antonio Mollo SSP (1989)—Sr. Cristina Bertello FSP (1990)—Paterniano Falcioni HFI (1995)—Alfonso Romano HFI (2000)—Sr. Elena Roallos FSP(2002)—Sr. Monica Lunkes FSP (2002)—Fr. Leonardo Zega (2010)—Henry J. Berlo (1994)—Charles A. Bujol (1939)
Wednesday, January 4
First Wednesday of the month—St. Joseph
1 Jn. 3: 7-10
Jn 1: 35-42
Sometimes we look idly at a map of the world or of some particular nation. But do we ever stop to think of the millions living in those places who may not yet have heard of Christ and the Church or who have stopped practicing their religion? (VMC 1321).
Father Tom: This comment occurs in a writing of the Founder going back to 1933. Pray for these souls, living often in danger of damnation.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Luigina Gradi FSP (1974)—Sr. Maria Agostina Agnettin FSP (1988)—Sr. M. Emanuella Pintus FSP (1989)—Fr. Remo Andelmi IJP (1990)—Fr. Alfredo Bordon IJP (1986)—Sr. Cristina Leonardo FSP(1997)—Sr. Adriana Monti FSP (2008)—Joan Avitabile (2010)—Priscilla Romero (2010)
Monday, January 2, 2012
January 2-3., 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Hello, everyone. I'm going to post today's and tomorrow's thoughts now, since I might not be able to get to my computer tomorrow. God bless...
Tuesday, January 3
First Tuesday of the month—The Souls in Purgatory
1 Jn. 2: 29-3: 6
Jn 1: 29-34
We have to love those we see on the street, in the train, in the stores, in the doctor’s waiting –room and…everywhere (VMC 1321).
Father Tom: We have also to ask ourselves what we believe about our vocation as contrasted with what we know. If we are convinced of the significant spiritual advantages of membership…can we ever stop at least looking for someone to share it with?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Davide Cordero SSP (1958)—Fr. Antonio Sabarino SSP (1963)—Sr. M. Domenica Bassi FSP (1984)—Ch. Jairo Enriquie Galtan Aguilar SSP (1987)—Fr. Benedetto De Stefano IJP (1989)—Fr. Nicola Cavotta IJP (1993)—Sr. M. Santos Gamez PD (2000)—Gianna Panico HFI (2006)—Robert Walton Cadenhead (1995)—Emily Renda (2008)
Monday, January 2
First Monday of the month—St. Paul
1 Jn. 2: 22-28
Jn 1: 19-28
Our promotion work must try to reach everyone and especially, perhaps, the unlikely types. We must be Good Shepherds, secure in our own vocation and yearning to bring it to others (VMC 1324).
Father Tom: Let’s begin the new year with great plans for that special ONE we intend to enroll (forgetting the ones who ‘got away!”).
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Rosaria Nazzazri SGBP (1950)—Fr. Jozef Labedz SSP (1967)—Sr. Aloisia M. Acciarri FSP (1977)—Fr. Sperandio Ravendoldi IJP (1985)—Sr. M. Benedicta Aimo PD (1997)—Sr. Quirina Angeli FSP (1999)—Sr. M. Matilde Garzitto FSP (2000)—Sr. Nathalia Martins Assis FSP (2006)—Sr. Leonarda Loris PD (2009)—Ulderico Serafini HFI (2010)—Mateo Albano (1945)
Tuesday, January 3
First Tuesday of the month—The Souls in Purgatory
1 Jn. 2: 29-3: 6
Jn 1: 29-34
We have to love those we see on the street, in the train, in the stores, in the doctor’s waiting –room and…everywhere (VMC 1321).
Father Tom: We have also to ask ourselves what we believe about our vocation as contrasted with what we know. If we are convinced of the significant spiritual advantages of membership…can we ever stop at least looking for someone to share it with?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Davide Cordero SSP (1958)—Fr. Antonio Sabarino SSP (1963)—Sr. M. Domenica Bassi FSP (1984)—Ch. Jairo Enriquie Galtan Aguilar SSP (1987)—Fr. Benedetto De Stefano IJP (1989)—Fr. Nicola Cavotta IJP (1993)—Sr. M. Santos Gamez PD (2000)—Gianna Panico HFI (2006)—Robert Walton Cadenhead (1995)—Emily Renda (2008)
Monday, January 2
First Monday of the month—St. Paul
1 Jn. 2: 22-28
Jn 1: 19-28
Our promotion work must try to reach everyone and especially, perhaps, the unlikely types. We must be Good Shepherds, secure in our own vocation and yearning to bring it to others (VMC 1324).
Father Tom: Let’s begin the new year with great plans for that special ONE we intend to enroll (forgetting the ones who ‘got away!”).
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Rosaria Nazzazri SGBP (1950)—Fr. Jozef Labedz SSP (1967)—Sr. Aloisia M. Acciarri FSP (1977)—Fr. Sperandio Ravendoldi IJP (1985)—Sr. M. Benedicta Aimo PD (1997)—Sr. Quirina Angeli FSP (1999)—Sr. M. Matilde Garzitto FSP (2000)—Sr. Nathalia Martins Assis FSP (2006)—Sr. Leonarda Loris PD (2009)—Ulderico Serafini HFI (2010)—Mateo Albano (1945)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
January 1., 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

I got this image from Donna Frierson's FB page. I will gladly give credit to the artist/photographer.
Sunday, January 1
First Sunday of the month—the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
Nm. 6: 22-27
Gal. 4: 4-7
Lk 2: 16-21
Father Tom: That in this special time of preparation for our anniversary in 2014, we may become more aware of the life and work of the Founder and its development.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Pierina Giovannini FSP (1972)—Fr. Francesco Gatto KJP (1995)—Sr. Diomira Sossi FSP (1999)—Sr. Gerardina Cundo FSP (2002)—Bro Clestino La Perna SSP (2003)—Fr. Mario Zappa SSP (2010)
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