St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

"Have the Vows" is Enough?"

"Have the vows" is enough? No! Have them... and LIVE THEM!

January 15 - 2nd. Sunday in Ordinary Time

When we joined the Institute we may have felt an initial sense of doubt or insecurity - what IS this "Institute" anyway? - then a gradual awareness of the Tightness of our decision and, finally, a conviction - more or less strong depending on the insights the Master gives us - that we were among the lucky ones in our church. We were called . . . they were not! It's as simple as that. " You did not choose Me, it was I who chose you."

Today's Readings have a similar message. The First Reading Highlights the young Samuel, born after his mother has long yearned for a son, dedicated to the Lord as she has promised,living in the Temple and in this Reading hearing a mysterious and repeated call which he finally answers properly. And we also may have had repeated calls before we finally got our thinking straight.

The Responsorial Psalm makes a point on which we have many times reflected: the secret of real success in life is to discover the will of God and to obey the will of God. Why? Because what God wills or wants for us in this time and place is the best thing possible. God is never confused about what should be done. His limitless awareness, His precise view of the entire sweep of human history, tell Him that for you at this time nothing could be more profitable.

In the Second Reading our holy Patron invites us to make the right choice of respect for our bodies which are meant to be the "instrument" - enlivened by our spirits - by which we find God's will and observe it. After Baptism our bodies are incorporated into Christ who wants to serve his Father through you and me just as he did in Palestine two thousand years ago. This is our great privilege - constant union with the Lord as he loves and serves his Father in and with us.

The Gospel highlights the transition from the Forerunner, John,to the Messiah. John's followers were good people in good faith and, as Jesus passes by, John indicates who he is and probably gives a sign to his disciples to find out more about him. There is then an interesting dialog: Jesus: "What do you want?" The disciples: "Where do you live, Rabbi?" So they are concerned about his behavior, his attitudes, and not just his teaching. And Jesus accepts the challenge: "Come and see." And they do and they are convinced.

We, too, went through these stages in our preparation for Institute membership, but the question is: how? Just letting the months and years pass, taking one step after another, but mostly with the intent of "being professed, having vows." Or instead turning our life over to God, profession or not, knowing that it is the living of the Institute lifestyle with conviction and for the love of God that counts, not just the recitation of the formula. Let's check back on our lives this Sunday and see where we are.

~ January 2012 Concord

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