St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Thought from Rev. John A. Hardon

"Fr. Alberione is the prophet of the Communication age. God raised him in our times to inspire the faithful to recognize the responsibility to use the communication media to extend the kingdom of Christ to the farthest reaches of the globe. My hope is that bishops, priests, religious and the laity will capture his spirit and use the media in the interest of the Truth. Father Alberione will be remembered as the St. Paul of our day!

~~ Rev. John A. Hardon, SJ Theologian

June 1, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, June 1
Acts 1: 1-11
Ps 47: 2-3, 6-9
Eph 1: 17-33
Mt 28: 16-20


"It is necessary using rapid and effective means to form a mentality that is closer to Christianity, or better, to Catholicism" (SP (1949) Let us pray for our brothers and sisters of the Pauline Family in Israel, Italy, Kenya, Macau, Madagascar, Malaysia.

From Father Tom: This quote from the Founder--decades old--shows thinking far ahead of his time. In 1949 the Church, if I recall properly, was riding high: vocations, missions and one of the truly great Pope in the Vatican--Pius XII.  Alberione was less confident--his own reading and his contacts with the learned Canon Chiesa painted a less rosy picture.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Spes Marengo PD (1958)--Sr. Giuditta Pagliana FSP (1995)--Fr. Stefano Lamera SSP (1997)--Fr. Girolamo Sgambettera IJP (1999)--Sr. Rosalia Ciccarello FSP (2002)--Sr. M. Giovanna Grandi FSP (2003)--Sr. M. Fiorentina Cecconi PD (2006)--Sr. M. Alfonsina Anzalone FSP (2006)--Fr. Estanislao Conde SSP (2008)--Sr. M. Celsa Taricco PD (2008)

May 31, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, May 31
Zep 3: 14-18
Is 12: 2-3, 4-4
Lk 1: 39-56

Let us thank God with the sentiments of Mary in her Magnificat. This one is all the more because toward the Madonna of Flowers of Bra and the Madonna of the Moretta of Alba we have special duties of gratitude (SP 1950)

From Father Tom: This is a particularly interesting and important Mystery for us Paulines. Elizabeth cries out: "As soon as your voice sounded in my ears, the babe in my womb leapt for joy." Mary's voice only? Of course not! It was the presence of the Lord within her speaking through Mary. This leads to an important question: Is the Lord speaking through me and you when "our voice sounds?"

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Margherita Imparto PD (1963)--Sr. M. Luisa Laurenti FSP (1967)--Sr. M. Vittorina Vellone PD (1976)--Fr. Giovanni Ev Robaldo SSP (1977)--Sr. M. Nives Ferrari FSP (1998)--Sr. Pierina Columbro FSP (1999)--Fr. Angelo BEllanzon SSP (2003)--Raimondo Orru HFI (2003)--Alfred Vance Ducote (1949)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

May 30, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, May 30
Acts 18: 9-18
Ps 47: 2-7
Jn 16: 20-23

Let us honor our Mother, Teacher and Queen so as to accomplish through our rosaries, the apostolate of editing, the technical apostolate, the apostolate of propaganda, the apostolate of priestly service, the liturgical apostolate and every apostolate, in the spirit of Mary (RSP 245).

From Father Tom: Here we have a list from the Founder of the different "apostolates" or means of spreading the Good News. Whichever one we are asked to exercise or which we find most congenial, they must all refer back to their Foundation--the Divine Master--or to the great Lady who was instrumental in making the Master present in our world.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Lorenzina LIgari FSP (1935)--Sr. M. Alessandrina Migliardi FSP (1973)--Fr. Aldo Varaldo SSP (1997)--Sr. Pacis Ferrero PD (2000)--Sr. M. Veritas Grau FSP (2004)--Sr. M. Amalia Bertolusso PD (2007)--Maria Ascanio IAM (2009)--Armida Primavera (1999)--Philip Smelka (1995)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 29, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, May 29
Acts 1: 11,
Ps 47: 2-3, 6-9
Eph 1: 17-23
Mt 28: 16-20

The Pauline Family has the mission to make known, imitated and lived Jesus Christ inasmuch as He is our Teacher; she will fulfill this privileged mission in a holy way by making people know, love and pray to Mary out teacher (UPS 242).

From Father Tom: The "she" in this translation should of course be "it." Apart from that we have a whole program of spiritual work enshrined in her a few words. We move toward the close of a very important Marian month and we come to a very important Marian conclusion: We go to Jesus through Mary or we go less effectively. The problem today of course is to at least want to go to Jesus.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Gemma Magno FSP (1945)--Fr. Adolfo Lotta IJP (1998)--Sr. Veronica Glassmann FSP (2008)--Elvira Targa IAM (2008)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 28, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, May 28
Acts 17: 15, 22-18:1
Ps 148: 1-2, 11-14
Jn 16: 12-15

Mary is an apostle in the interior life. she is an apostle due to her very holy examples, her suffering, her word, her action. The whole life of Mary is an apostolate, and this apostolate now continues in heaven (RSP).

From Father Tom: "The life of Mary is an apostolate." So writes the Founder and then he goes on to list the ways in which it is. An interestin and very important question we might ask ourselves is: if we have these qualities in our lives, what is the foundation for them? Are they real virtues or simply expressions of our human nature?

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Sofia Jimenez FSP (1998)--Sr. M. Beatrice Dante PD (2004)--Rosanna Paoloni HFI (2007)--Sr. M. Ecclesia Gastaldo PD (2009)--Vincenzo Rossi IJP (2009).

Monday, May 26, 2014

May 27, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, May 27
Acts 16: 22-34
Ps 138: 1-3, 7-8
Jn 16: 5-11

It is the hour of the Queen of Apostles. Today apostolates are multiplying, and we have the consoling awakening of the apostolate of the laity. Mary has an apostolic mission for all times (UPS 268-269)

From Father Tom: Our holy founder seems swept up in joy and enthusiasm as he finds himself in the very powerful Marian atmosphere of his most active years influenced especially by the Fatima apparitions and the devotion of Pope Pius XII. But there is always a reason for joy and satisfaction where Mary is concerned--our present Holy Father is once more confirming this.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Fr. Giovanni Casuccio IJP (1982)--Fr. Felice Carosso SSP (1985)--Antonio Pigiona HFI  (1985)--Sr. M. Flores Marsili FSP (1985)--Sr. Sabina Meneghelli FSP (1998)--Sr. Vincenzina M. La Pio FSP (2001)--Illuminato Dainotto HFI (2001)--Sr. Annunziata Desogus FSP (2002)--Mary Knefler (1999)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 23-26, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, May 26
Acts 16: 11-15
Ps 149: 1-6, 9
Jn 15: 26-16:4

Mary ordinarily is represented in the act of carrying Jesus, not only because being the Mother of God is her glory, but above all to indicate what she brought to the world in general and to every soul in particular (RDA 20).

From Father Tom: The reference here is to Mary's maternal function which, for everyone, is fundamental--without a mother, what are we, how did we come into existence? And it is also true that all through life we think and act with the heritage she left us: physical, psychological and sometimes intellectual.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Cleric Artemio Valenti SSP(1935)--Sr. Crocifissa Benvenuti FSP; Sr. M Agata Rizzo PD (1964)--M Teresa Alcibar HFI (1989)--Sr. Angela M. Pavesi FSP (1990)--Sr. M. Virgilia Romanelli FSP (1991)--Giuseppe Corona HFI (2001)--Fr. Vincenzo Buongiorno SSP (2009)--Sr. M. Teresina Melis FSP (2010)--Br. Mario Celestino Rizzo SSP (2011)

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Sunday, May 25
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17
Ps 66: 1-7, 16
1 Pt 3: 15-18
Jn 14: 15-21

Our Pauline teaching office will be immensely more effective if it is inspired, guided and encouraged by Mary. Our Pauline discipleship is to be grafted completely in Mary, who will form Jesus Christ in every aspirant: that means becoming Christians, apostles, and saints (UPS 242)

From Father Tom: I guess we all feel that we are saying the words, or writing the page, but is that everything? Clearly, no, because "without Me you can do nothing," all the more in the spiritual field. We are effective if we act in and with the Master and that effectiveness in the long run comes through Mary.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Flaminia Di Nezza FSP (1947)--Fr. Joseph Kilencheril SSP (1997)--Fr Valerio Cascia IJP (1997)--Fr Giovanni Basigli IJP (1999)--Sr. M. Gesualda Aureli FSP (2004)--Salvatore Iannelli HFI (2004)

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Saturday, May 24
Acts 16: 1-10
Ps 100: 1-2, 3
Jn 15: 18-21

Let is be considered as certain that a soul cannot be truly devoted to Mary if the soul does not thirst for souls as Jesus. She would resemble neither Jesus the Apostle, nor Mary the apostle (RDA 40-41)

From Father Tom: We "cannot be truly devoted to Mary if we do not thirst for souls as Jesus does." One sign of this "thirst" is an anxiety that the dying should all be saved. Looking at today's world, we can sometimes have grave doubts on this point. But, how then explain the apparent lack of enthusiasm among us for our Save the Dying devotion? Divine Mercy? We are PAULINES, dear members, and the blessing of God on our life and prayer is strictly linked to our fidelity to the Pauline Family.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Bro Serafino Bertolotti SSP (1979)--Sr. M. Rossa Giardino FSP (1987)--Sr. M. Silvia Magniarotti FSP (1999)--Bro Pietro Pisani SSP (2001)--Maria Caforio HFI (2006)--Sr. M. Consilia Spedaliere FSP (2009)--Rev Fr. Fidel (1976)

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Friday, May 23
Acts 15: 22-31
Ps 57:8-12
Jn 15: 12-17

In the sanctuary of the soul, Mary is sometimes absent. There is need for the vital marian spirit, the true spirit of humility, of supernaturalness, of love, of confidence that forms the Christian. There is need for interior life which makes fertile all the activity and apostolate of the Christian (RDA 7)

From Father Tom: "There is need for interior life which makes all our actions and apostolate fertile. "Fertile" Yes,an important thought. It is very easy to measure our spiritual state as we measure our bank account...and come to very erroneous conclusions. I have said ten Rosaries so there's no doubt that I am more pleasing to God than you who have said only one--or, maybe, none. Illusion!! Our relationship with God goes back to our first willful act as a tiny child and builds up from there. We have to live by pure trust.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Columba Crepaldi FSP (1997)--Lina Mierva AIM (1997)--Sr. M. Angela Sanino PD (2000)--Irene Osorio IAM *2008)--Sr, Pierina Marras FSP (2009)--Sr. Sylvia George FSP (2011)--Dr. James Glosser (2000)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 22, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, May 22
Acts 15: 7-21
Ps 96: 1-3
Jn 15: 9-11

When a soul is strongly impressed, she feels the need to communicate  that impression. Thus it was with Mary's soul after the Son of God became incarnate in her womb (RD 130)

From Father Tom: Certainly, Mary was filled to overflowing (so to speak) with the Holy Spirit. But the Spirit is everywhere and constantly at work, so we should not rule out a feeling of special enthusiasm in our own lives but should thank the Lord and ask ourselves what we might be able to do about it.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Giovanna Liverani PD (1974)--Sr. Gesuina Baschirotto PD (1979)--Sr. M. Felicina Belli FSP (1994)--Sr. M. Benedetta Marigliano PD (1996)-Pietro Monaldi HFI (1998)--Fr. Alfonso Tsukamoto SSP (2003)--Fr. Attilio Tempra SSP (2003)--Sr. Costanza Catagnolo FSP (2006)--Sr. Elena Marsiglia FSP (2008)--Sr. M. Loredana Vito PD (2009)--Sr. Bernarda Vicario FSP (2010)--Escolastica Garcia (1988)--John Tomaso (2011)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 21, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, May 21
Acts 15: 1-6
Ps 122: 1-5
Jn 15: 1-8

The world needs Jesus Christ the Way and the Truth and the Life. Mary gives Him through the apostles and their apostolates. She gives rise to them, trains them, assists them and crowns them with good results and glory in heaven (AD 182).

From Father Tom: Understood in this sense, the role of Mary is truly gigantic, involving everyone on the face of the earth who is called to spread the Good News --and we are all, some more, some less. What a contrast between her and the reality and limitations of our role in the Church.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Fr. Francisco Villena SSP (1983)--Sr. Nair De Bona FSP (1983)--Teresa Ugenti HFI (1984)--Sr. M. Pia Crosiio FSP (1990)--Sr. M. Albina Fasolo FSP (2001)--Sr. M. Pierina Vicari FSP (2007)--Sr. M. Olimpia Tuninetti FSP (2008)--Lt. James A. Ducote Jr. USMC (1995)

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 20, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, May 20
Acts 14: 19-28
Ps 145: 10-13
Jn 14: 27-31

Publishers own the word, they reproduce it, and distribute it guised in paper, type and ink. They have, on the human level, the mission that on the divine level that Mary had: who was the mother of the divine Word; she has seized the invisible God and has made Him visible and accessible to men, presenting Him in human flesh (SP 1954).

From Father Tom: This is a favorite quote from the Founder and fits in nicely with his thought of "wrapping" the Word of God in paper, ink, etc. When we use the "social media," with what do we "wrap" the word of God? Sight and sound, I suppose, remembering that we reach more souls but not necessarily profoundly.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Immacolata Panero PD (1976)--Sr. M. Gisella Mercanti PD (1998)--Fr. Maggiorino Testi SSP (2001)--Mario Bonati, Gabrielite (2003)--Serafin Santiago (1988)--Pilar Albano HFI (2000)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 19, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, May 19
Acts 14: 5-18
Ps 115: 1-4, 15-16
Jn 14: 21-26

The Blessed Virgin Mary was the most humble person and offered to the world Jesus Christ in her simplicity. Jesus Christ is given in so many ways: to you is assigned the apostolate of the editions. It is the word of God brought to men (FSP 331)

From Father Tom: True humility is invisible--perhaps cataloged as being "nice" or "helpful". Mary was certainly an "extra nice" young maiden and mother and that is our example. That leaves the other part of the comment: are we to be humble and nice also as we preach the Word of God?

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Giovanna Deidda FSP (1987)--Sr Dionisia -- Sr. M. Scolastica Chisari PD (1960)--Sr. M. Ave Garuti FsP (1972)--Sr. Capecci FSP (1998)--Sr. M. Lorenzina Ellena PD (2003)--Sr. M. Rosetta Polloni PD (2006)--Sr. Lucia Lestuzzi SGBP (2006)--Sr. M. Elisa Comi FSP (2008)--Franc Portella IAM (2009)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

May 18, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, May 18
Acts 6: 1-7
Ps 33: 1-2, 4-5, 18-19
1 Pt 2: 4-9
Jn 4: 1-12

There is need for Jesus: Mary gives Him. She has not given Him only for humanity in general, but gives Him for each on e in particular, for every soul that desires Him, that accepts Him with love to always keep Him within oneself (SP 1962)

From Father Tom: "There is need for Jesus." True, but is this as widely recognized as the need for more food, proper housing and better jobs? We must not, of course pretend that this first need will ever match the second in popular estimation; but on the other hand we cannot allow ourselves to become social workers only--a difficult balancing act in our difficult times.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Rosita Diez PD (1966)--Sr. Angelina Valsania FSP (1974)--Fr. Marco Grossi SSP (1988)--Fr. Francisco Sierra SSP (1990)--Sr. M. Palma Rigoni PD (1999)--Piergiorgio Guerreschi HFI (1996)--Sr. Regina Caro FSP (1999)--Sr. Franceschina Colavecchio FSP (2008)--Enza Alaimo IAM (2009)--Fr. Rui Prates SSP (2010)--Sr. Marcellina M. Dal Corso FSP (2010)--Minnie Madeline (1965)--Jeannete Downey (2007)

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 17, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, May 17
Acts 13: 44-52
Ps 98: 1-4
Jn 14: 7-14

The inner life of the holy Virgin is summed up in what ought to be the ideal of every Christian: all for Jesus, all with Jesus, all in Jesus (AE 204)

From Father Tom: Our own "inner life" is, so to speak, brought specifically to our notice every morning (and why not also many times during the day) as we recite "Divine Heart of Jesus." Yes, why not? Life is short even for the venerable among us and it depends on us to utilize it to the maximum:...through the Immaculate Heart of Mary."

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Ann Grub, IAM (2003)--Giovanni Giove HFI (2004)--Fr. Giuseppe Perna IJP (2009)--Wilfred WAltz (2009)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 16, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, May 16
Acts 13: 26-33
Ps 2: 6-11
Jn 14: 1-6

Mary became Queen of the Apostles at the time moment she became the Mother of Jesus. She became the Mother of the Apostles and was at that same moment apostle, because she would have accomplished and was about to accomplish the greatest apostolate: give Jesus Christ to the world (RSP 245).

From Father Tom: We speak about different "apostolates," (a rather mysterious term when first we began to study the HFI!) or different ways of making Christ and Christianity known and loved. There are many aspects to promoting Christ but one embraces them all: promoting Mary who is not just the physical mother of Jesus but also, in union with the Holy Spirit, gave Him to us as Savior.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Loreto Mari HFI (1995)--Fr. Giovanni Carrano IGS (1996)-Bro Angelico Abrate SSP (1999)--Sr.M. Casta Menocini PD (2007)--Sr. Paola Macalli FSP (2008)--Sr. M. Amabilis Esposito FSP (2011)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 15, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, May 15
Acts 13: 13-25 
Ps 89: 2-3, 21-22, 25
Jn 13: 16-20

You who want to bring everyone to the Lord and to eternal salvation, establish true devotion to Mary in every soul, in every family, in every region, in the Church, in the world. It will happen, repeated on every occasion, what was of the first who search for Jesus Christ: the Shepherds and the Magi found the Child in the arms of Mary (SP 1950)

From Father Tom: "Per Maria ad Jesum"--another ancient and venerable Latin devotional, highlighting the truth that we find Jesus most effectively in the arms of Mary and, once found, can hope that she herself will ensure that we continue to relate Him in that context

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Marta Altomani PD (1964)--Sr. James Marie Roos FSP (2001)--Sr. M. Redenta Campana FSP (2005)--SR. Clara Boffi FSP (2007)--Bertha T. Sipos (2004/7?)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, May 14
Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26 
Ps 113: 1-8
Jn 15: 9-17

The soul that is devoted to Mary Most Holy will never be poor. The Holy Virgin cannot stay in our heart as its principal object, but she wants to put there Jesus (FSP 73).

From Father Tom: "De Maria nunquam satis"--the old Latin tag meaning you can never overdo devotion to Mary. And why not? Because the more we Honor her, the more we honor her divine Son. (Just as it can be said that we are not only honoring and praising a splendid work of art but also those who made it possible).

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Mary Alfonsa Maliakel FSP (1988)--Sr. M. Addolorata Boffa PD (1985)--Fr. Giovanni Ciesa SSP (1990)--Sr. M. Lucia Osorio FSP (1994)--Sr. M. Fedele Pellizzoni FSP (1997)--Maria Sara Leite IAM (1997)--Giovanni Patera HFI (2000)--Sr Raffaella Gravina FSP (2008) Rose Piampiano (1988)

Monday, May 12, 2014

May 13, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberoine and With Father Tom

Tuesday, May 13
Acts 11: 19-26 
Ps 87: 1-7
Jn 10: 22-30

Filial devotion toward our great Mother, Teacher and Queen starts from a true dedication, that is, from a complete giving of oneself to her and through her to God (AE 120).

From Father Tom: Giving oneself totally to Mary as recommended by St. Grignon de Montfort has various degrees and various stages depending on our overall devotion. Perhaps a practical might be practice putting Mary first, e.g., stopping for a moment before beginning an important work, taking time out to recite the Angelus, even if in a hurry, resisting for a minute the desire to fall asleep.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Immacolata Satriani FSP (2002)--Sr. Tecla Zillianti FSP (2007)--Sr. M. Bianca Sepulveda PD (2011)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 12, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, May 12
Acts 11: 1-18 
Ps 42: 2-3, 43: 3-4
Jn 10: 11-18

Who will attain identification with Christ? The way to reach this union is Mary. One who is more devoted to Mary will ujnite himself more closely to Jesus Christ (FSP 545).

From Father Tom: Identification--or at least a degree of union-with the Master is essential. Who in fact gets the real work--done? It has to be with Jesus. If we accomplish something it is because of our union with Him and that union is most effectively brought about with Mary.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Tommasina Simonato(1940)--Fr. Giovanni Gramaglia SSP (1981)--Sr. Serafina Milani FSP (1984)--Fr. Michele Grillo IJP( 1993)--Fr. Giovanni Chiavarino SSP (1994)--Sr M. Piera Giarrizzo FSP (2004)--Bro Giuseppe Omodei SSP (2011)--Rev. James F. Redding (1960)--Dale Baldwin (2000)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 11, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, May 11
Acts 2: 14, 36-41 
Ps 23: 1-6
1 Pt 2: 20-25
Jn 10: 1-10

The life of the Shepherdess Sister must be like that of Jesus the Good shepherd: live like Jesus, speak and pray like Jesus; love like Jesus; try to work out the greatest good and then live hidden in holy humility and appear only when there is something good to be done (Alle Suore di Gesu Buon Pastore, 1957, 163)

From Father Tom: This description of how the Founder sees this group of Sisters can in fact be applied universally. In every vocation we need concern and affection for others, sacrifice for their welfare and concealment of our actual work for them. This latter condition is sometimes the most difficult to ensure as we are tempted to take credit instead of leaving all credit to God.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Imelda Marianni FSP (1971)--Sr. M. Gesualda Rota FSP (1974)--Sr. M. Brigida Perron FSP (1977)--Aldo Antonelli HFI (1991)--Luis Harnan Luna HFI (1999)--Fr. Lamberto Schiatti SSP (2002)--Fr. Manfredi Caroli IJP (2004)--Bro Luke Bedard SSP (2006)--Sr. M. Leonzia Manera FSP (2007)--Sr. M. Adalgisa Tozzi PD (2010)--Sr. Celestina M. Delpoggetto FSP (2010)--Maria Sciarratta IAM (2010)

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 10, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, May 10
Acts 9: 31-42 
Ps 116: 12-17
Jn 6: 60-69

In vocations Mary is Mother, Teacher and Queen due to her very special vocation. Stir up an array of apostolic souls and let Mary be their leader! Here is an ideal that is in the plans of God: that is according to the heart of Jesus Master; that is in the intentions of the Church (SP 1947).

From Father Tom: "Stir up an array of apostolic souls and let Mary be their leader." Was this not what happened at the founding of the Legion of Mary? Until Frank Duff--overcoming his natural reluctance--sat down and read the True Devotion carefully, his dreams were just that...dreams. Then he went into action..and the rest we know.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Fr. Ilario Formento SSP (1934)--Olimpia Colombo IAM (1968)--Bro Daniele Parisella SSP (1979)--Sr. M. Angela Brigo FSP (1984)--Sr. M. Germana Lazzarotto PD (1997)--Fr. Edoardo Molina IJP (2005)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

May 9, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With FatherTom

Friday, May 9
Acts 9: 1-20 
Ps 117: 1-2
Jn 6: 52-59

Mary has the role of training the Apostles in every age, giving them support and crowning them with fruits. Our apostolates, in their wide-ranging variety, receive light, strength, correctness and surety if everything is consecrated to Mary (UPS 271-272)

From Father Tom: In every age Our Lady is involved with every work for the Church, meaning that prayers and activities are never purely our work, but must be oriented through her. The True Devotion of St. Grignon de Montfort is the special way devotees of Mary make their work most fruitful.

Please Pray For Our Deceased:Domenico Nuccio HFI (1995)--Maria Onesto HFI (1995)--Sr Alberta Scalet SGBP (2004)--M. Guadalupe G. de Montauriol HFI (2010)--Anna Maricante (2003)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 8, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, May 8
Acts 8: 26-40 
Ps 66: 8-9, 16-17, 20
Jn 6: 44-51

Let our works be done well: started well, continued well, ended well. Everything under the gaze of God, under the gaze of Mary; in simplicity, delicacy and love (BM 189)

From Father Tom: The Founder often uses this expression..."under the gaze of..." apparently having in mind little children playing and working while their loving parents look on approvingly. Certainly it can be applied most effectively to the Power that enables and the Channel that conveys.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Rita Credico FSP (2009)--Prima Juntilla IAM (2009)--Sr. M. Elisabetta Ragoso PD (2011)--Margaret Di Fazio (2007)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 7, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberoine and With Father Tom

Wednesday, May 7
Acts 8: 1-8 
Ps 66: 1-3, 4-7
Jn 6: 35-40

"Under the Gaze of the Queen of Apostles"--Mary is the Queen of Apostles. She is such due to her mission, and it is such because she has accomplished the greatest apostolate: that of giving Jesus Christ to the world (RSP 240).

From Father Tom: Without Mary, there would have been no Jesus. "Giving Christ to the world, " is for her far more than just giving a name, a personality. She is also the perfect means, allowing the perfect God-Man to enter the world in the most perfect way. We, too, give Jesus, but limited by our ignorance and defects

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Bro Matteo Cattazzo SSP (2001)--Michele Miraglia HFI (2004)--Sr. M. Chiara Sergi FSO (2005)--Fr. Ivo Pazzaglini SSP (2007)--Francesco Accosso HFI (2007)--Bro Marion Santoro SSP (2009)--Assunta Atzori HFI (2010)--Fr. Francesco Dattilo IJP (2011)

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 6, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Fathr Tom

Tuesday, May 6
Acts 7: 51-8:1
Ps 31: 3-4, 7-8, 17, 21
Jn 6: 30-35

The divine goodness has accumulated on the Pauline Family such a wealth of graces and has opened for her paths so wide that much more she can and must operate. We must therefore often repeat the Magnificat and the Gloria in excelsis Deo (SP July-August 1954).

From Father Tom: In the bulletin--"San Paolo" for July of '54, the Founder looks back over forty years to see with amazement how much his work has been blessed by God: 1954 was a moment of particular richness in apostolate and in vocations and in the Vatican the Society had a true friend in Pope Paul VI.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Innocenza Bottaro PD (1954)--Sr. M. Monica Battajello PD (1976)--Msgr Luigi Liverzani IJP (1995)--Sr. M. Dominika Gonciarz PD (2008)--Sr. Maria Grazia Mannini FSP (2009)--Bro Paolino Camparno' SSP (2010)--Sr. M. Raffaella Magsarili FSP (2011)--Caroline Guggio, (2002)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, May 5
Acts 6: 8-15
Ps 119: 23-24. 26-27, 29-30
Jn 6: 22-29

It has pleased the Lord that I still find myself in the state of health and possibility to be able to complete the Pauline Family through three Secular Institutes started after the General Chapter of 1957, which is making good steps (UPS 375)

From Father Tom: These words go back to 1960 when the Founder completed the building of our Retreat House in Albano (which this year housed the Lenten Vatican Retreat) and held a month of reflection for pioneers who had founded the Society in other lands. At this time, too, he introduced our three Institutes. The HFI was still clarifying itself in his mind

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. Paulina Campos FSP (1964)--Sr. Imelda Bianchi FSP (1987)--Bro Vincenzo Tommasini SSP (1994)--Sr. M. Pasqualina Giaccardi PD (1998)--Fr. Lorenzo Rossno IJP (2004)--Sr. M. Paola Bergadano FSP (2008)--Luigia Pendinelli HFI (2008)--Sr. Gisella Codias FSP (2011)--Delores Bressler (1997)--Ruth Ann Baker (1975)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

May 4, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, May 4
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Ps 16: 1-2, 7-11
1 Pt 1: 17-21
Lk 24: 13-35

In the prayer that he (Alberione) presented every morning to the Lord with the chalice, the first thought was the part of the Cooperators which today (Dec. 1953) is still limited, and it is their intellectual, spiritual and financial cooperation; the second thought was the Pauline family: intentions that Jesus the Master listens favorably to every day (AD 25).

From Father Tom: Probably you could see our Cooperators as a Pauline Third Order and they have always fully understood our work and spread it widely, especially in Italy. We have Cooperators in the States also and they are notably helpful to the work of our Sisters.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Giacomina Adriano PD (1967)--Sr. Bertilla Lorenzi FSP (1991)--Franceca Kopcho IAM (1997)--Sr. M. Emanuela Sauro FSP (1998)--Sr. M. Elisa Baggio PD(2008)--Maria José Raoso IAM (2008)--Sr,--. Leontina Facchiano FSP (2009)--Sr. Letizia Turra SGBP (2011)--Daniel McParland (1997)

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 3, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, May 3
1 Cor 15: 1-8
Ps 19: 2-5
Jn 14: 6-14

Monthly Intention: The Institute of Mary Queen of the Apostles for vocations advances according to Jesus Christ, Way,Truth and Life, His examples and teaching. Good and sufficient vocations constitute the greatest contemporary need of the Church in every part of the world (SP 1957).

From Father Tom: This Institute (founded in 1957) incorporates the graces of a saintly lifetime now oriented to a basic Church need: religious and priestly vocations. It was a challenging idea in an increasingly de-Christianized world but the Sisters carry their work with energy, intelligence and zeal

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Fr Giuseppe Ronconi SSP (2006)--Marie Ductoe Smelka (1995)--Joseph Mahoney-Winnie Williams--Darrell Locker (no years)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 2, 2014 With Blessed Father James Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, May 2
Acts 5: 34-42
Ps 27: 1, 13-14
Jn 6: 1-15

Monthly Intention: The Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd carry out an apostolate with direct contact to souls and families. That this institute responds to a need of the times, the many requests of parish priests to have them as helpers demonstrate it (UPS 377).

From Father Tom: The Good Shepherd Sisters were originally seen by the Founder as valuable assistants to Pastors--perhaps especially in the field of direct contact with parishioners which for him may be difficult or even impossible. Another important Good Shepherd activity in more recent times are schools.

Please Pray For Our Deceased: Sr. M. Silvestrina Rustico PD (1946)--Sr. Elena Montemezzo FSP (1983)--Columba Pennesi HFI (1997)--Antoni Szulcek, Gabrielite (1999)--Sr. M. Lourdes Rodriguez PD (2000)--Aurelio Bellavista HFI (2004)--Imogene Kozak, (2006)