St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Pauline Chaplets

The Pauline chaplets are said the first seven days of each month (one chaplet for each corresponding day) and can also be said at any other time.


The first Sunday is dedicated to Jesus Mster and Mediator, so that in him, through Him and with Him, the Blessed Trinity may be glorified, thanked and petitioned. Let us remember the last things, especially our goal: heaven.

1. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the Word Incarnate sent by the Father to instruct us in lifegiving truths. You are uncreated Truth, the only Master. You alone have words of eternal life. We thank you for having imparted to us the light of reason and the light of faith, and for having called us to the light of glory. We believe, submitting our whole mind to your and to the Church. Master, show us the treasures of your wisdom, let us know the Father, make us your true disciples. Increase our faith so that we may attain to the eternal vision in heaven.

Jesus Master, Way and Truth and Life, have mercy on us.

2. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the Beloved of the Father, the sole Way to him. We thank you beause you made yourself our model. You left us examples of the highest perfection. You have invited us to follow you on earth and in heaven. We contemplate you in the varous periods of your earthly life. We docilely place ourselves in your school and follow your teachings. Draw us to you so that by following in your footsteps and renouncing ourselves, we may seek only your will. Increase active hope in us and the desire to be found similar to you at the judgment, and to possess you forever in heaven.

Jesus Master...

3. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the only-begotten Son of God, come on the earth to give Life, the most abundant life, to humanity. We thank you becuse by dying on the cross, you merited life for us, which you give us in baptism and nourish in the Eucharist and in the other sacraments. Live in us, Jesus, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that we may love you with our whole mind, strength, and heart, and love our neightbor as ourselves for love of you. Increase charity in us, so that one day, called from the sepulcher to the glorious life, we may be united with you in the eternal happiness of heaven.

Jesus Master...

4. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you living in the Church, your Mystical Body, and our sole ark of salvation. We thank you for having given us this infallible and idefectible Mother, in whom you continue to be for humanity the Way, the Truth and the Life. We ask of you that those who do not believe may come to her inextinguishable light, the erring return to her, and all peoples be united in faith, in a common hope, in charity. Exalt the Church, assist the Pope, sanctify the clergy and religous. Lord Jesus, our wish is yours: that there be one fold under one Shepherd, so that we may all be reunited in the Church exultant in heaven.

Jesus Master...

5. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you with the angels who sang the reasons for your Incarnation: "Glory to God and peace to all people." We thank you for having called us to share in your own apostolate. Enkindle in us your own flame of zeal for God and for souls. Fill all our powers with yourself. Live in us so that we may radiate you through our apostolate of prayer, suffering and social communication, as well as by word, example and deed. Send good laborers into your harvest. Enlighten preachers, teachers, writers; infuse in them the Holy Spirit with His seven gifts; dispose minds and hearts to receive Him. Come, Master and Lord! Teach and reign, thorough Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen.

Jesus Master...

Before or after meditation, or during the Hour of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, the following is said or sund: Master, we know that you are truthful and teach the way of God in truth. (See "Other Prayers" for the Magnificat)



On the first Monday we draw close to St. Paul to know him and to pray to him, to obtain and form good vocations, to ask for the spirit of the apostolate for ourselves and for the cooperators.

1. I bless you Jesus, for the great mercy granted to St. Paul in changing him from a bold persecutor to an ardent apostle of the Church. And you, great saint, obtain for me a heart docile to grace, conversion from my principal defect and total configuration with Jesus Christ.

St. Paul, the Apostle, pray for us.

2. I bless you, Jesus, for having elected the Apostle Paul as a model and preacher of holy virginity. And you, St. Paul, my dear Father, guard my mind, my heart, and my senses, in order that I may know, love, and serve only Jesus, and employ all my energies for his glory.

St. Paul, the Apostle, pray for us.

3. I bless you, Jesus, for having given through St. Paul examples and teachings of perfect obedience. And you, great saint, obtain for me a humble docility to all my superiors, for I am sure that in obedience I shall be victorious over my enemies.

St. Paul, the Apostle, pray for us.

4. I bless you, Jesus, for having taught me, by the deeds and by the words of St. Paul, the true spirit of poverty. And you, great saint, obtain for me the evangelical spirit of poverty, so that after having imitated you in life, I may be your companion in heavenly glory.

St. Paul, the Apostle, pray for us.

5. I bless you, Jesus, for having given to St. Paul a heart so full of love for God and for the Church, and for having saved so many souls through his zeal. And you, our friend, obtain for me an ardent desire to carry out the apostolate of the media of social communication, of prayer, of example, of activity and of word, so that I may merit the reward promised to good apostles.

St. Paul, the Apostle, pray for us.


For the Souls in Purgatory

The first Tuesday is dedicated to the souls in purgatory to send them suffrages and to avoid purgatory ourselves.

1. Lord, my Creator and Redeemer, I believe that in your justice you established purgatory for those souls who pass into eternity before having totally paid their debts of sin or punishment. I also believe that in your mercy you accept suffrages, particularly the holy sacrifice of the Mass for their relief and liberation. Stir up my faith and infuse in my heart sentiments of pity toward these dear suffering brothers and sisters.

~Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them...

2. Lord, Jesus Christ, King of glory, through the intercession of Mary and all the saints, free the souls of the faithful departed from the punishments of purgatory. And through the intercession of St. Michael, standard-bearer of the heavenly army, guide them to the holy light promised to Abraham and to his descendants. I offer you, Lord, sacrifices and prayers of praise. Accept them for these souls and admit them to eternal joy.

~Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them...

3. Jesus, good Master, I plead with you on behalf of the souls toward whom I have a greater debt of gratitude, justice, charity and family bonds: parents, benefactors, brothers and sisters of the Pauline Family and relatives. I recommend to you those who had greater responsibilities on earth: priests, religious, civil authorities, superiors. I plead with you also for forgotten souls, and for those who were more devoted to the Divine Master, to Mary, Queen of Apostles, and to St. Paul the Apostle. Lord, deign to admit them soon into eternal happiness.

~Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them...

4. Jesus, divine Master, I thank you for having come down from heaven to free us from so many evils by your teaching, holiness, and death. I plead with you on behalf of the souls who are in purgatory because of the press, motion pictures, radio and television. I have confidence that these souls, once freed from their sufferings and admitted into eternal joy, will supplicate you on behalf of the modern world, so that the many means you have granted us for elevating this earthly life may also be used as a means of apostolate and life everlasting.

~Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them...

5. Merciful Jesus, by your sorrowful passion and by that love which you have for me, I beg you to cancel the punishments which I deserve in this life or in the next because of my many sins. Grant me, Lord, a spirit of penance, purity of conscience, hatred for every deliberate venial sin, and the dispositions necessary to gain indulgences. I resolve to help the holy souls in purgatory with suffrages as much as I can. And you, infinite Goodness, infuse into my soul ever greater fervor, so that when my soul is separated from the bonds of my body, it may be admitted into heaven to contemplate you forever.

~Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them...

I found this picture of St. Joseph on the internet. I do not know who the artist is.

To St. Joseph

The first Wednesday is dedicated to St. Joseph for these intentions: protection for the universal Church; assistance for each one of us and a good death for all those dying during the month; divine Providence in all our needs.

1. St. Joseph, faithful cooperator in our redemption, have pity on poor humanity, still wrapped in so much error and so many evils. You were a docile instrument in the hands of the heavenly Father, in arranging everything for the birth and childhood of Jesus, for the preparation of the Victim, of the Priest, and of the Divine Master of the world. St. most docile to the will of God, obtain for us zeal for vocations and for their formation. For ourselves, we ask you for generous and constant correspondence to the precious gift of God’s call.

~St. Joseph, pray for us.

2. St. Joseph, model of every virtue, obtain for us your interior spirit. In loving and active silence, in the practice of all religious and civil laws, in docility to everything God willed, you arrived at a high degree of sanctity and heavenly glory. Obtain for us an increase of faith, hope and charity, an ample infusion of the cardinal virtues, an abundance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

~St. Joseph, pray for us.

3. St. Joseph, we venerate you as the model of laborers, the friend of the poor, the consoler of the afflicted and those forced to leave their own land, the saint of Divine Providence. On earth you represented the universal goodness and concern of the heavenly Father. You were the carpenter of Nazareth and work- teacher to the Son of God, who became a humble laborer for us. Assist with your prayers all who labor in intellectual, moral and material work. For the nations obtain legislation inspired by the Gospel, the spirit of Christian charity, a way of governing in accord with justice and peace.

~St. Joseph, pray for us.

4. St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, we bless the Lord for your intimate communication with him during his infancy and youth at Bethlehem, in Egypt, and at Nazareth. You loved him with a father’s love and he loved you with the love of a son. Your faith made you adore in him the incarnate Son of God, while he obeyed you, served you, listened to you. You held pleasant conversations with him, shared work, great sufferings and most tender consolations. Obtain for us the grace never to offend Jesus by sin. Pray for us that we may always receive the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation fittingly, attain to a great intimacy with and a tender and strong love for Jesus while on earth, and possess him forever in heaven.

~St. Joseph, pray for us.

5. St. Joseph, pure spouse of Mary, we humbly ask you to obtain for us a true devotion to our tender Mother, Teacher, and Queen. By divine will, your mission was associated to Mary’s. With Mary you shared sufferings and joys; with her there was a holy rivalry in virtue, work and merits; union of mind and of heart. St. Joseph, pray for fathers and mothers. Obtain for us the grace to know the Blessed Virgin Mary, to imitate her, to love her, to pray to her always. Draw many souls to her maternal heart.

~St. Joseph, pray for us.

6. St. Joseph, protector of the dying, we supplicate you for all the dying, and beg your assistance in the hour of our own death. You merited a happy passing by a holy life, and in your last hours you had the ineffable consolation of being assisted by Jesus and Mary. Deliver us from sudden death; obtain for us the grace to imitate you in life, to detach our heart from everything worldly and daily gather treasures for the moment of our death. Obtain for us the grace to receive the sacraments of the sick well, and with Mary, inspire us with sentiments of faith, hope, love and sorrow for sins, so that we may breathe forth our soul in peace.

~St. Joseph, pray for us.

7. St. Joseph, protector of the universal Church, look kindly upon the Pope, the episcopate, the clergy, the religious and laity. Pray for the sanctification of all. The Church is the fruit of the blood of Jesus, your foster Son. We entrust to you our supplications for the extension, liberty and exaltation of the Church. Defend her from errors, from evil and from the powers of hell, as you once saved the threatened life of Jesus from the hands of Herod. May the desire of Jesus come true: “That there be one fold under one shepherd.”

~St. Joseph, pray for us.


To The Guardian Angels

The first Thursday is dedicated to the guardian angel: to know him; to be delivered from the wiles of the devil in spiritual and material dangers; to follow our angel in his concern and effort to lead us to heaven.

1. Heavenly Father, I thank your infinite goodness for having entrusted me from the moment my soul came forth from your creative hands to an angel to “light and guard, rule and guide” me. I also thank you, my guardian angel, for accompanying me daily on my return journey to my heavenly Father. Your holy inspirations, your continual protection against spiritual and material dangers, and your powerful prayers to God give me great comfort and sure hope.

~Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen.

2. My guardian angel, you contemplate the Lord at all times and you want me as your fellow citizen in heaven. I beseech you to obtain for me pardon from the Lord because I have so often been deaf to your advice, have sinned in your presence, and recall so seldom that you are always near me.

~Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen.

3. My guardian angel, faithful and strong in virtue, you are one of the angels led by St. Michael who overcame Satan and his followers. That battle which one day took place in heaven now continues on earth: the prince of evil and his followers oppose Jesus Christ, and try to ensnare souls. Pray to the Immaculate Queen of the Apostles for the Church, the city of God, which fights against the city of Satan. St. Michael the Archangel, together with your followers defend us in battle; be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May the Lord subdue him! And you, prince of the heavenly host, thrust back into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

~Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen.

4. Angels of heaven, watch over those who write, produce and distribute audiovisual media and all those who make use of them. Defend them from evil, guide them in the truth, and obtain for them true charity. For the apostolate of the audiovisual media, ask of God the necessary vocations and be with them in their delicate mission. Inspire everyone to contribute to the apostolate of social communication media with deeds, prayer and offerings. Enlighten, guard, rule and guide the world of audiovisual media, so that it may serve to uplift the level of this present life and direct all peoples toward eternal goods.

~Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen.

5. All you angels of the Lord, you are called to pay noble homage, give praise and incessantly bless the august Trinity, to make reparation for our negligence. You are true lovers of God and of souls, and you continue to sing “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will.” We beseech you on behalf of humanity that all may know the one true God, his Son whom he sent, and the Church, the pillar of truth. Pray that the name of God may be held sacred, the kingdom of Jesus Christ may come, and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Extend your protection over civil authorities, working people and those who suffer. Obtain blessings and salvation for those who seek truth, justice and peace.

~Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen.

I found this image on the EWTN website.

Friday Chaplet

To The Sacred Heart

The first Friday is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to know, esteem and correspond to his great gifts: the Gospel, the Holy Eucharist, the Church, the priesthood, the religious state, the blessed Virgin Mary, his own life.

1. Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most generous Heart for the great gift of the Gospel. You said: “I was sent to evangelize the poor.” Your words bring eternal life. In the Gospel, you revealed divine mysteries, taught the way of God in truth, offered the means of salvation. Grant me the grace to preserve your Gospel with veneration, listen to it and read it according to the spirit of the Church, and promote it with the love with which you preached it. May it be known, honored, and received by all! May the world conform its life, laws, morals and teachings to it. May the fire brought by you upon the earth inflame, enlighten and warm everyone.

~ Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

2. Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most lovable Heart for the great gift of the Holy Eucharist. Your love makes you dwell in the holy tabernacle, renew your passion in the Mass, and give yourself as food for our souls in Holy Communion. May I know you, hidden God! May I draw salutary waters from the font of your Heart. Grant me the grace to visit you everyday in this sacrament, to understand and actively participate in Holy Mass, to receive Holy Communion often, with faith and love.

~ Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

3. Jesus, Divine Master, I bless and thank your most sweet Heart for the great gift of the Church. She is the Mother who instructs us in the truth, guides us on the way to heaven, and communicates supernatural life to us. She continues your own saving mission here on earth, as your Mystical Body. She is the ark of salvation; she is infallible, indefectible, catholic. Grant me the grace to love her as you loved and sanctified her in your blood. May the world know her, may all sheep enter your fold, may everyone humbly cooperate in your kingdom.

~ Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

4. Jesus, Divine Master, I bless and thank your most loving Heart for the institution of the priesthood. Priests are sent by you, as you were sent by the Father. To them you entrusted the treasures of your doctrine, of your law, of your grace, and souls themselves. Grant me the grace to love them, listen to them, and let myself be guided by them in your ways. Jesus, send good laborers into your harvest. May priests be the salt which purifies and preserves; may they be the light of the world; may they be the city placed on the mountain. May they all be formed according to your heart. And one day in heaven, may they have around themselves, as a crown of joy, a multitude of conquered souls.

~Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

5. Jesus, divine Master, I thank and bless your most holy Heart for the call to consecration in the religious life. As in heaven, so also on earth the mansions are many. You have chosen your favored children. You have called them to evangelical perfection. You made yourself their model, their help and their reward. Divine Heart, multiply religious vocations. Sustain them in the faithful observance of the evangelical counsels. May they be the most fragrant flowerbeds in the Church. May they be souls who console you, who pray, and who work for your glory in every apostolate.

~ Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

6. Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most merciful Heart for having given us the blessed Virgin Mary as our Mother, Teacher and Queen. From the cross you placed us all in her hands. You gave her a great heart, much wisdom and immense power. May all humanity know her, love her, pray to her! May all permit themselves to be led by her to you, Savior of the world! I place myself in her hands, as you placed yourself. With this Mother I want to live now, in the hour of my death, and for all eternity!

~ Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

7. Jesus, Divine Master, I thank and bless your most meek Heart, which led you to give your life for me. Your blood, your wounds, the scourges, the thorns, the cross, your bowed head tell my heart: “No one loves more than he who gives his life for the loved one.” The Shepherd died to give life to the sheep. I too want to spend my life for you. Grant that you may always, everywhere, and in all things dispose of me for your greater glory and that I may always repeat: “Your will be done.” Inflame my heart with holy love for you and for souls.

~ Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.

Saturday Chaplet

To The Queen Of The Apostles

The purpose of the first Saturday is to know, love, imitate and pray always more to Mary, our Queen, Mother and Teacher.

1. Most loving Queen of heaven and of earth, favored Daughter of the Father, sublime Mother of the divine Son, illustrious Spouse of the Holy Spirit, I honor and praise you for your unique privilege. You pleased God in your humility and faith, and so, while preserving your spotless virginity, you became the great Mother of the divine Savior, our Master, true Light of the world, uncreated Wisdom, Source of all truth and first Apostle of truth. You gave the world the book to read: the Eternal Word. For the indescribable joy you felt and for the privilege so sublime, I bless the august Trinity. I ask you to obtain for me the grace of heavenly wisdom, to be a humble and fervent disciple of Jesus, a devoted child of the Church, the pillar of truth. Make the light of the Gospel shine to the farthest bounds of the earth, overcome errors, gather everyone around the See of Peter. Enlighten doctors, preachers and writers, Mother of Good Counsel, Seat of Wisdom, Queen of All Saints.

~Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

2. Mary, Queen of all the angels, full of grace, conceived without sin, blessed among creatures, living tabernacle of God, remember that painful and solemn moment in which the dying Jesus from the cross gave you John as your son, and in him all humanity and especially all the apostles. What tender love flooded your heart at that moment, for those consecrated to the apostolate, to the following of the cross, to the love of Jesus. In virtue of your unspeakable sufferings and those of your divine Son, through the love of your motherly heart, Mary, increase the number of apostles, missionaries, priests and virgins. May those called be resplendent for sanctity of life, integrity of morals, solid piety, the deepest humility, the most firm faith, the most ardent charity. May they all be holy, purifying salt of the earth and light of the world.

~ Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

3. Virgin most pure, noble Queen of Martyrs, Morning Star, safe Refuge of sinners, rejoice for the days in which you were Teacher, Comforter and Mother of the apostles in the Cenacle. You invoked and received the divine Paraclete, the Spirit with the seven gifts, Love of the Father and of the Son, Transformer of the apostles. With your all-powerful intercession and your humble and irresistible prayers, which always move God’s heart, obtain for me the grace to realize the value of every human person ransomed from hell with Jesus’ most precious Blood. May each one of us be enthusiastic about the beauty of the Christian apostolate. May the charity of Christ urge us on. May the spiritual misery of poor humanity move us. Grant that we may feel in our hearts the needs of childhood, of adolescence, of adulthood, of old age. Grant that vast Africa, immense Asia, promising Oceania, troubled Europe, the two Americas may exercise a powerful attraction in our being. May the apostolate of example and word, of prayer and the press, of films, radio and television, of the souls in purgatory, may win over the hearts of many generous persons, even to the point of the most heroic sacrifices. Mother of the Church, Queen of the Apostles, our Advocate, to you we sigh, mourning in this valley of tears.

~Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

4. Our tender Mother Mary, Gate of heaven, source of peace and happiness, Help of Christians, trust of the dying and hope even of the desperate, I recall the blessed moment for you in which you left the earth to fly to the loving embrace of Jesus. It was the omnipotent favor of God which assumed you into heaven, beautiful and immortal. I see you exalted above the angels and saints, confessors and virgins, apostles and martyrs, prophets and patriarchs, and even I, from the midst of my faults, dare to add the voice of an unworthy but repentant sinner to praise and bless you. Mary, convert me once and for always. Give me a repentant life, that I may have a holy death and one day join my voice to that of the saints to praise you in heaven. I entrust myself to you and through you to Jesus. With full awareness and here in the presence of all the heavenly court, I renew the resolution, which I place in your heart, to fight my self-love and to combat unceasingly against my principal defect, which so often has cast me into sin. Mary, gain for yourself the greatest glory: change a great sinner into a great saint, Refuge of sinners, Morning Star, Comforter of the afflicted.

~Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

5. Mary, Star of the Sea, my gentle sovereign, our life and Queen of peace, how great and how wonderful the day on which the august Trinity crowned you Queen of heaven and earth, dispenser of all graces, our most lovable Mother – what a triumph for you! What happiness for the angels, for the saints, for the earth, for purgatory! I know, Mary, that those who love you will be saved, and that those who love you greatly will be holy and will participate one day in your triumph in heaven. I do not doubt your clemency nor your power; I fear my inconstancy in praying to you. Obtain for me perseverance, Mary; be my salvation. I feel my passions, the devil, the world. Mary, hold me close to you and to your Jesus! Do not permit me to fall, do not leave me even for an instant, Mother. It is consoling to cast the first glance upon you in the morning, to walk under your mantle during the day, to fall asleep under your gaze at night. You have smiles for innocent children, strength for struggling youth, light for working men and women, comfort for the elderly awaiting heaven. Mary, to you I entrust my entire life; pray for me now and in the final battle at the hour of my death. Receive my soul when it breathes its last and do not leave me until I kneel before your throne in heaven, to love you for all eternity. Mary, my Queen, my advocate, my sweetness, obtain for me holy perseverance.

~Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.