St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Thursday, July 31, 2014

August 1, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, August 1
Jer 26: 1-9
Ps  69: 5-14
Mt 13: 54-58


Day of adoration, praise and thanksgiving to God, the only and absolute principle of any good that the Pauline Families have received since 1914 until today (SP Aug-Sep 1949). Let us pray for our brothers and sisters of the Pauline Family in Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Poland.

From Father Tom: August! Always a special month for Pauline but never more special than this year. The intention for the month this time goes back not to 1914, but to 1949 and it highlights what we must never forget: everything comes from God, not us and so in times of prosperity we attribute all our progress  to Him and in lean times we turn to Him with confidence.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Antoinetta Marello PD (1958)--Sr. Alessandrina Mirto PD (1976)--Sr. M. Giacoma Collotto PD (1981)--Bro Gianfrnco Patella SSP (1984)--Sr. M. Timotea Alasia FSP (2002)--Nunzia Riccobene IAM (2002)--Marina Alvardo de Gonzalez HFI (2004)--Fr. Paolo Saorin SSP (2005)--Maria del Socorro Munoz Parez IAM (2011)--Elizabeth Meneses (2012)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 31, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, July 31
Jer 18: 1-6
Ps  146: 1-6
Mt 13: 47-53

Piety, study, apostolate, poverty: these are the four wheels of the cart which must proceed together. If one wheel is forgotten, either there is no going forward, or the whole cart goes to the precipice (UPS II, 117, 117. 118).

From Father Tom: The cart! It seems to have made an indelible impression on Alberione's life! Onus, the impression will be doubtless less but we can never ignore the reality it illustrates. As we conclude the month, why not ask the obvious question: which of our "four wheels" could do with some more grease?

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Anita Ghirlanda PD (2007)--Fr. Jose' Ignacio Fernandez de Larrea SSP (2011)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 30, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, July 30
Jer 15: 10, 16-20
Ps  59: 2-18
Mt 13: 44-46

Our life, for each one as for the institute, is a continuing history of graces: grace after grace. It is religious life for sanctification and spirituality in Christ and apostolate according to the needs of the times. The horizon of heaven is every (even? ever?) more resplendent if we are always tending towards perfection (SP Jul-Aug 1964).

From Father Tom: "The horizon of heaven is ever more resplendent". Resplendent, yes, promising endless rest and happiness, yes...but not automatically following a well-spent life. We are always "useless servants," not conferring some benefit on God but rather receiving everything. When He rewards us, He simply crowns His own gifts.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Edmonda Natale FSP (1986)--Sr. M. Francesca Bertello FSP (1991)--Sr. Apollonia Schiava FSP (2001)--Geroge M. Jones HFI (2005)--Sr. M. Silveria Vitiello FSP (2006)--Sr. Lidia Bianco FSP (2007)--Sr. M. Romana Frigerio PD (2008)--Sr. M. Fedes Marengo--Maria de Ceu Mesuita IAM (2010)

Monday, July 28, 2014

July 29, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and Father Tom

Tuesday, July 29
Jer 14: 17-22
Ps  79: 8-13
1 Jn 4: 7-16
Jn 11: 19-27

Providence make itself manifest in our spiritual life, in our study, in our apostolate and in our poverty. This means that God gives us the grace for out sanctification, for the acquisition of the needed knowledge, for the useful editions, for the sustenance of the persons and of the works (SP Jan 1953)

From Father Tom: Providence...meaning the plan of God for each of us. In general it's always the same: "Live as well as you know how and I will reward everything good you do." In particular it has a precise role for each of us but a role depending on our freewill. Real success in life means doing what God wants no matter what it is.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Angelica Santus HFI (1973)--Margherita Bottaro IAM (1992)--Sr. M. Savina Boni PD (1999)--Wilma Spegne HFI (2000)--Domenica Fina HFI (2001)--Rosa Emma Alarcon HFI (2002)--Sr. ester Manna FSP (2003)--Dorothy Papania HFI (1998).

Sunday, July 27, 2014

July 27-28, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, July 28
Jer 13: 1-11
(Ps) Dt 32: 18-24
Mt 13: 31-35

Sanctity and apostolate: Oh, what a divine vocation we have! Oh, the confusion of still not knowing how to exercise conveniently our apostolate! (RS, p 43).

From Father Tom: Very interesting comment and a comment that sounds very authentic. it is the same impatience and zeal which are at the root of the Founder's well-known recommendation to "DO SOMETHING," and so leave a foundation, however shaky, on which others can build.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Bede Dillon SSP (1952)--Fr. Licio Guidi IJP (1993)--Bro Mario Peressuti SSP (2006)--Sr. M. Nohemy Gomez PD (2007)--Ramon Albano (1963).


Sunday, July 27
1 Kgs 3: 5-12
Ps 119: 57, 72, 76-77, 127-130
Rom 8: 28-30
Mt 13: 44-52

The Lord does not measure merits from what one does, but from the love with one does. A soul can reach great sanctity in a short time, even after a few months, if she acts with great fervor and with vivid love (Maggiorino Vigolungo, biography 84).

From Father Tom: Interesting comment, the thought of a young boy full of life and energy. We can--and must--show love not only by what we do but by the intensity of our dedication to doing it. Quite a program! Have you tried, e.g., saying the Hail Mary or the Our Father without getting distracted very early on?

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Ven. Maggiorino Vigolungo SSP (1918)--Fr. Bartolomeo Oberto SSP (1968)--Sr. M. Giuditta Sawal PD (1969)--Sr. Emma Ciaccarella SGBP (1998)--Chiaro Arixi HFI (2001)-- Sr. Anastacia De Marinis FSP (2008)--Sr. M. Donata Farisco FSP (2011)

Friday, July 25, 2014

July 26, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, July 26
Jer 7: 1-11
Ps 84: 3-11
Mt 13: 24-30

The sign of fervor in a house is always the flowering of vocations, since vocation and its success are the fruit of exuberant spirituality (UPS I, 17).

From Father Tom: If this rule still holds true, we have to ask ourselves to how many religious groups today does it apply? Are there instances of growth in numbers here and there? Yes, there are. And we will pass over, discreetly, the obvious question: What about the Pauline Family?

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr Guido Paganini SSP (1994)--Aurora Ivas de Hurado HFI (1998)--Sr. Felicina Luci FSP (2001)--Sr. M. Candida Pirrone FSP (2010)--Bro Paolo Grossetti SSP (2011)--Sr. Elza Maria Corrarello FSP (2011)--Sr. M. Pierina Camargo Pires FSP (2011)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

July 25, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, July 25
2 Cor 4: 7-15
Ps 126: 1-6
Mt 20: 20-28

A religious life is truly Pauline implies a continuing and intense activity: the work of sanctification and the exercise of the apostolate. It is a life of toil and demands a continuing renunciation, but it constitutes a continuing redemption (Calendario Paolino 1959, 16 Sept)

From Father Tom: We might ask: Can a life which is not marked by continuous and intense activity" -no mater what the spirituality involved-be even human, not to talk of religious? Nobody can live in endless idleness and not feel uneasy. From the Lord we received talents to be spent, ideally for Him. And how many unfortunates yearn today for work, but cannot find it!.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr Anna Maria Scifo FSP (1989)--Marta Mendoza HFI (1995)--Ines Parenzan HFI (1998)--Giuseppe Valenza HFI (2000)--Rosina Di Malta HFI (2006)--Sr. Alfonsa Marsico FSP (2007)--Sr. M. Urbana Pollini FSP (2007)--Sr. M. Natalina Argentin PD (2011)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 24, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, July 24
Jer 2: 1-3, 7-13
Ps 36: 6-11
Mt 13: 10-17

If there is enough piety, there will be blessings from the Lord for study and for the apostolate; there will be correct and regular administration, and the Lord will not allow his apostles to miss their needed bread. (RSP p. 61)

From Father Tom: Very true. And true also for ordinary life. The widespread practice of ignoring the dictates of religion leads to the widespread practice of ignoring human rights and the Lord, understandable, allows human problems not to punish humanity but to bring it back to its true peace and happiness.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr M. Letizia Rigoni FSP (1939)--Fr. Nicola Rocco IJP (1993)--Sr. M. Maggiorina Bortolettto PD (1995)--Sr. Augusta Bertazzon FSP (1997)--Sr. M. Assunta Usai FSP (2002)--M. Elena Serrano HFI (2002)--Sr. M. Recenta Zaccagnino FSP (2007)--Maria Lourdes Medeiros Tavares IAM (2011)--Calista Jones (1999)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 23, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father T0m

Wednesday, July 23
Jer 1: 1, 4-10
Ps 71: 1-6, 15-17
Mt 13: 1-9

There is study, there is the apostolate, there is the human part, but the first wheel of the cart is always piety. Piety is the foundation because religious life is by nature supernatural. Without piety the religious life collapses (FSP spiegazione delle Costituzioni 209.210)

From Father Tom: "Without piety the religious life collapses."  And with piety, the practice of prayer and a prayerful attitude, secular life is a "a thing full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." The problem is to remember this when the sound and fury (= human success) are at their loudest. Won't happen to you or me, but has happened for past Paulines.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr Silvio Restelli SSP (1945)--Sr. M. Grazia Filippi FSP (1996)--Giovanni Iorio HFI (2002)--Sr. Stefanina Cillario FSP (2006)--Fr. Domenico Molino SSP (2007)--Sr. Elizabeth Agius FSP (2011)--Chas Drouhard (1965)

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 22, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, July 22
Mi 7: 14-20
Ps 85: 2-8
Jn 20: 1-2, 11-18

Always it has been said that the Congregation is like a cart that travels on four wheels: the spirit, study, apostolate and poverty. This is the cart on which the Gospel is brought to souls and on which we must stay to hand over the Gospel to souls. Let us bear in mind what the Congregation is and what the Pauline Family is (FSP54, p. 144).

From Father Tom: Back to the cart again! We can't claim that our Founder was a brilliant writer, capable of holding our attention with sparkling metaphors (or sparkling oratory if it goes to that). But he said so himself: If the Lord could have found a more incompetent individual, He would have chosen that one... What about you and me? Are we the key people...?

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Elisabetta Franchi SGBP (1961)--Bro Pietro Gazzano SSP (1998)--Giovanni Marongiu HFI (2004)--Fr. Aristide Marson SSP (2007)--Sr. M. Egenia Cecchinato FSP (2010)--Bro Elbio Juvenal Rodrigues Dias SSP (2011)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July 21, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, July 21
Mi 6: 1-8
Ps 50: 5-9. 21-23
Mt 12: 38-42

Poverty is understood in the evangelical=Pauline meaning; it is at the same time mortification, justice, providence, work, production. The economy has for its natural and supernatural base the vow and virtue of poverty. (SP Apr 1957)

From Father Tom: Interesting second sentence: "the economy has for its (...) base the vow and virtue of poverty."  And all around us people are starving because this rule was not observed: some with too much, others nothing. Our part is to observe strictly what we have promised and to re-read the STATUTE. The time to correct excesses is NOW and not when the doctor tells us what we don't want to hear.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Vincenzo Ferraro SSP (1960)-Manuel Martinez Garcia, Gabrielite (1986)--Sr. Addolorata Baldi FSP (1999)--Angelo Lendri HFI (2004)--Bro Antonio Donato SSP (2010)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

July 20, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Alberione

Sunday, July 20
Wi 12: 13-19
Ps 86: 5-5-10, 15-16
Rom 8: 26-27
Mt 13: 24-43

Sound administration is wanted and at the same time regulated by our Constitutions: neither avarice nor luxury, but what is necessary to live decorously and according to the religious spirit. A moderate debt is a stimulus; an exaggerated debt is oppression (SP Apr 1957).

From Father Tom: Poverty for us is mostly expressed in living simple lives...even if we are quite well off. It cannot be something which varies with your bank account, but must always include a fundamental decision not to spend anything unless the expense is really necessary. A common example is the temptation to buy another article of clothing just because it's the "in" thing to do.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Eugenio Banuelos SSP (1995)--Sr. M. Lourdes Bilches Rios FSP (1999)--Fr. Emilio Stefanoni SSP (2009)--Sr. Paola M. Uchino FSP )2010)--Hazel Murray (1989)

Friday, July 18, 2014

July 19, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, July 19
Mi 2: 1-5
Ps 10: 1-4, 7-14
Mt 12: 14-21

Poverty in an Institute guarantees good spirit and good development, especially beautiful and numerous vocations. God does not send candidates where people do not work or where there is waste, even in small things (USP I, 452-453).

From Father Tom: Poverty for us is mostly expressed in living simple lives...even if we are quite well off. It cannot be something which varies with your bank account, but must always include a fundamental decision not to spend anything unless the expense is really necessary. A common example is the temptation to buy another article of clothing just because it's the "in" thing to do.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Agnese Giuglardi PD (1981)--Sr. Immacolata Ascedi SGBP (1994)--Sr. M. Fabiana Lucido PD (2000)--Pierina Corsagni IAM (2003)--Sr. M. Ester Ercolino FSP (2000)---Sr. Pierpaola M. Mariotto FSP(2010)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 18, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, July 18
Is 38: 1-6, 21-22
Ps 38: 10-16
Mt 12:1-8

To govern means to precede in sanctity, prayer and example: to be a leader in everything. Jesus had his apostolic college. Jesus had his apostolic college, of which he was the only Master: making himself its Way, Truth and Life (SP Apr 1957).

From Father Tom: Very true but it is not easy to "proceed (precede?) in sanctity, prayer and example" in the home, for example. To strike a healthy balance we must also know how to laugh (at ourselves) and avoid censuring other family members, either mentally or vocally. If you succeed in this, you may be closer to holiness than you think.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Camilla Razzino PD (1988)--Fr Francisco Limeta SSP (1993)--Sr. Attilia Giacomarra FSP (1997)--Sr. M. Elena Borghetti FSP (2003)-- Sr M. Battistina Pisoni FSP (2007)--Bro Francesco Torti SSP (2011)--Sr. M. Rosa Zamudio PD (2011)--Michel C. Costello, Sr (2004)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July 17, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, July 17
Is 26: 7-19
Ps 102: 13-21
Mt 11:28-30

As regards community life: first, see that there is unity of spirit, thought, intention, sentiment; then comes the works of the community, that is, writing, printing and distributing (SP May 1947)

From Father Tom: We don't give comm-unity but I think there is an admirable spirit of ordinary unity among us: awareness of members' needs, concern for their health and joy in meeting each September [hint] and in general a very good spirit. Deo gratias!

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Olimpia Fruci PD (1947)--Sr. Anna Maria Mazzara PD (1975)--Sr. Ofelia Melis FSP (1976)--Eugenia Orlandi IAM (1984)--Sr. Teresina M. Cutino FSP (1999)--Fr. Michael Byrnes SSP (2004)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 16, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, July 16
Is 10: 5-16
Ps 94: 5-10, 14: 15
Mt 11: 25-27

This is Pauline life: think like the Congregation, love what the Congregation loves, do the works of the Congregation, live ever more in the spirit of Saint Paul, of the Divine Master and of the Queen of Apostles (FSP 55, P. 432).

From Father Tom: Please read this thought carefully. If your marriage would suffer if you had a roving your membership suffers if you quietly slip in your "favorite devotion", the prayers your mother taught you, the infallible novena, etc. Prayers are sounds and only the right sounds help you sing well.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Paolina PIsano PD (1961)--Fr. Palmiro Soligo SSP (1978)--Fr. Paolo Bergamini IJP (1980)--Sr. Concetta Dondi FSP (1982)--Sr. Maria Pia Conterno FSP (1989)--Sr. Felcina Campedelli SGBP (2005)--Msgr Angelo Rizzo IJP (2009)

Monday, July 14, 2014

July 15, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, July 15
Is 7: 1-9
Ps 48: 2-8
Mt 11: 20-24

The apostolate is the flowering of true charity toward God and toward souls. It is the fruit of an intense interior life. It presumes a blazing heart that can no longer contain and compress its inner fire. Therefore it expands and expresses itself in all forms that are in conformity with the Church (SP Nov 1950).

From Father Tom: This certainly sets the bar very high indeed for us "apostles"! On the other hand, our holy Patron, St. Paul, had tremendous highs and lows. What we should aim for is "it expands and expresses itself." Don't feel you have done all when you have finished your prayers: in some way GET OUT, GO OUT, PREACH, GIVE CONCORD COPIES.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Cleric Francesco Rollino SSP (1973)--Arcangela Airo' HFI (1982)--Msgr. Francesco Spanedda IJP (2001)--Sr. Teresa Furlano FSP (2002)--Fr. Vito Lecci IJP (2003)--Sr. M. Angelica Ferroni PD (2006)---Demos Gotti HFI (2007)--Filomena Poddighe IAM (2011)--Jose' Saenz Sr (2004)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 14, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, July 14
Is 1: 10-17
Ps 50: 8-9
Mt 10: 34-11-1

Seeing ourselves so lacking in everything: in knowledge, spirit, apostolate and poverty, we commit to use every means for the glory of God and for what is good: the peace of men, renewing at the same time our confidence in God (RSP p. 557).

From Father Tom: This is a frequent Alberionian thought: we will combine our limited efforts and act in good faith and to the best of our abilities. For many years a somewhat different philosophy prevailed: let's do things in a big and bold way. The Founder was aware of this and remarked wryly that this system left big and bold debts--which he had to pay!

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Valentino Brignone SSP (1955)--Fr. Marco Testa SSP (1971)--Fr. Agostino Gilardi SSP (1975)--Fr Angelo Pettinati SSP (1991)--Fr. Benevenuto Cocuzza IJP (1993)--Sr. Teresa Vesentini FSP (1994)--Sr. M. Paul Beauchesne PD (1996)--Fr. Pietro Tateishi SSP (1999)--Sr. Rita Brena FSP (2002)--Sr. M. Alba Ospina FSP (2005)--Fr. Angelo Lambiasi IJP (2006)--George H. Graff (1980) Peter Candla (1962)--Antonio E. Boado (1975)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 13, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, July 13
Is 55: 10-11
Ps 65: 10-14
Rom 8: 18-23
Mt 13: 1-23

A terrible enemy that entraps and often dominates in every sphere education, study, initiatives, administrations, etc., is the spirit of self-sufficiency, that leads to proceed according to one's own viewpoint, without consulting or getting advice. It has all its confidence in its own ideas (SP Sep-Dec 1964)

From Father Tom: Evidently some actual resistance to authority--perhaps his own--occasioned this cry of pain from a man who knew what it was to have his plans disrupted (often by the Vatican!) but always bent his will to what he perceived as the will of God. Today things are no different except that those, now old, who showed the spirit of self-sufficiency, may have reason to cry out for God's mercy.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Cecilia Sciarrone SGBP (1976)--Sr. Imelda Kim SGBP (1990)--Fr. Sandro Clementi IJP (1990)--Sr.  M. Evangelina Cavasin PD (2002)--Sr. M. Gabriella Di Nicola FSP (2004)--Fr. Mario Manca SSP (2009)--Sr. M. Metilde Shindate PD (2010)--Rose Kern (1985).

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 12, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Saturday, July 12
Is 6: 1-8
Ps 93: 1-2, 5
Mt 10: 24-33

The greatest contribution to the Pauline Family, on the part of the Pious Disciples, is given by their hours of adoration (UPS III, 189)

From Father Tom: I like the Sister Disciples, who express their mission as people of prayer but also as helpers of the sick. The Lord has blessed them also with skill in liturgical design and in many other ways. Sustaining everything is their constant prayer to the Divine Master for badly-needed blessings on the whole Pauline Family.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Oscar Metello Dominguez HFI (1990)- Sr. Costanza Grasso FSP (2001)--Salvtore Martina HFI (2005).

Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 11, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, July 11
Hos 14: 2-10
Ps 51: 3-17
Mt 10: 16-23

Study is necessary for individual perfection and for the apostolate. It is always to be directed to better knowledge of Jesus Christ the Master in our mind, heart and will and preach him through our apostolate (SP May 1957).

From Father Tom: Better knowledge of Jesus in our mind, heart and will? Yes, that is possible but challenging. Mind? No great problem. Just hit the books. Heart? Ah, that's where the first doubts may hit us: should I have been a priest? Should I have married John rather than Bill? Should I have been a Sister? The heart can deceive any of us, and we must turn decisively to our will and ask the Lord to help us forget useless regrets.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Giovanni Di Loreto IJP (1984)--Fr. Umberto Muzzin SSP (1986)--Bro Giacomo Bortolotti SSP (1986)--Sr. M. Serafina Smiriglia PD (2002)--Mary McMillan Ducote (no year).

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 10, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, July 10
Hos 11: 1-9
Ps 80: 2-3
Mt 10: 7-15

Education must not suffocate our energies, but guide them and use them all for what is good (Maggiorino Vigolungo, biography 11).

From Father Tom: This is the thought of our young aspirant and a very mature thought, too, unless we assume that he was simply repeating something he had heard. In any case, whatever about Pauline aspirants, many of us have similar young people in our homes and --if we can decisively wean them from the media--they may yet be our greatest consolation.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Teresio Costa SSP (1962)--Sr. Rosina Orsettin FSP (1988)--Sr. Imelda Zampese FSP (1993)--Fr. Matteo Saladino IJP (1997)--Massimo Costantini HFI (2007)--Christopher Pontzer (1984)--Maria Santiago (1980)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 9, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, July 9
Hos 10: 1-12
Ps 105: 2-7
Mt 10: 1-7

The following words of Saint Paul act as a guide for religious and clerical formation: "Donec formetur Christus in vobis--until Christ be formed in you." Piety, study, apostolate of editions, education and poverty are of capital importance in the formation of the Pauline religious (UPS II, 190).

From Father Tom: "Until Christ be formed in you." The important point here is that we are not alone. After Baptism (and if we have not unfortunately lost Him by serious sin), CHRIST HIMSELF is working through, speech, understanding to become not the Christ who live in Palestine but the same divine spirit acting in and through our body and mind.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Maddalena Frigerio IAM (1964)--Sr. Nicolina Savoiardo FSP (1984)--Sr. Luigia Napodano FSP (1993)--Sr. M. Monica Panero PD (1994)--Sr. M. Riccarda Dal Corso FSP (1998)--Giuseppe Martines HFI (2002)--Fr. Justo Fernandez SSP (2005)--Sr. M. Santina Tintoni PD (2008)--Sr. Myriam Ichikawa FSP (2011)--Linda Finn (no year).

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 8, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, July 8
Hos 8: 4-13
Ps 115: 3-10
Mt 9: 32-38

The present times lead to a superficiality and an exteriority that easily penetrate even the religious Institutes. There needs to be depth in our studies, in examination of conscience, in our works of zeal and in all our life (SP Jul-Aug-Sep 1952).

From Father Tom: "Superficiality"...1952? And what would our dear Founder say if he confronted today's mass confusion and open sin, today' mass confusion and open sin, openly and loudly presented as a human right or some-thing which those involved should be free to live without people like you or I querying their lifestyle...

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Enzo Manfredi SSP (1977)--Fr. Angelo Cozzani SSP (1982)--Sr. M Immacolata Gargiulo FSP (1993)--Sr. Francesca Ruzzante FSP (2002)--Agnese Spandrio IAM (2003)--Sr. Julia Del Valle FSP (2006)--Arcangelo Capoccia HFI (2006)--Sotero Albano (no year)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 7, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Monday, July 7
Hos 2: 16-22
Ps 145: 2-9
Mt 9: 18-26

Not a colorless piety, but a piety with a Pauline color. In other words a piety that is directed to the Divine Master, to the Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul.  Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul.  Our piety is that which conserves the Pauline: will give joy to the religious life, will lead to sanctification and to a wide and fruitful apostolate (RSP, p. 556).

From Father Tom: The Founder speaks of a Pauline "color" but he might also have spoken of a Pauline but he might also have spoken of a Pauline content.  All of us had our favorite devotions and prayers before we became members and each of these mus now be carefully studied to see if they express the Pauline spirit. Rest assured that our Pauline prayers fully substitute  all our other concerns even if we don't mention  them.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro Camillo Cendron SSP (1972)--REnata Armati IAM (1984)--Bro Claudio Chasolari SSP (1991)--Msgr Giuseppe Petralia IJP (2000)--Fr. Carlo Petroncini IJP (2000)--Virginia Waltz (1999)

First Profession among the Daughters of St. Paul

This is inspiring and amazing. May God bless them, and bless us with many more vocations, both to the religious life and to the priesthood.


Jesus, Divine Master, Who said: "The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few," we lovingly accept your invitation: "Pray the Heavenly Father to send forth laborers into His harvest."

Inspire a devout crusade for vocations:"All the faithful for all vocations." More priests! May they be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, the city placed on the mountaintop for the salvation of humanity redeemed by Your Blood. More religious, both men and women, to fill the earth with religious houses which welcome your favored children, and which will be centers of light and warmth, sources of piety, gardens of saints singing "glory to God  and peace to men and women of good will."

Mary, "God's chosen one," Mother and guardian of holy vocations, pray with us, pray for us, and for all those called by God. Amen. (from The Prayers of the Pauline Family)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 6, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, July 6
Zec 9:9-10
Ps 145
Rom 8:9-13
Mt 11: 25-30

True piety invests all our being to lead it to love for God. It is the fulfillment of all the first commandment: love the Lord with you mind, your sentiment and your will. (UPS I, 183)

From Father Tom: The rule here is pretty straightforward, but the effective practice of the rule--serving the Lord with our minds, hearts and wills--is undoubtedly the work of a lifetime. However we must approach it in a serene way: begin by doing something specific: control of thoughts and emotions then moving on to control of speech and action. The will is the important factor, plus perseverance,

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Amalia Ortega FSP (1968)--Bro Giacomo Valdameri SSP (1991)--Donata Uperto HFI (1993)--Sr. Vitaliana Lot FSP (1997)--Sr. M. Agnese Inga PD (2006)--Sr. Teresa Maria Bernardini FSP (2010)--Andrew Gretchko (1978)

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 5, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Friday, July 5
Am 9: 11-15
Ps 85: 9-14
Mt 9: 14-17

Our practices of piety are abundant and all of them are necessary, although in various degrees. They are in proportion to our apostolic activities. They must have a well--defined Pauline color because they prepare for Pauline life (SP Apr 1957).

From Father Tom: All the "practices" are contained in our Prayer Book and there is no doubt that fidelity to them will bring God's blessing on our lives even if our external activities are rather limited. In fact the spiritual is the aspect to watch and cultivate. Once this is done, any activity is effective provided it's the best we can do in that time and place, and of course, suffering is always effective.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Domenico Valente SSP (1988)--Fr. Mario Fogagnolo IJP (1988)--Sr. M. Elisa Rios FSP (1990)--Sr. M. Paulo Anselmo PD (2000)--Roberto Mozzachiodi SSP (2002)--Ada Barria HFI (2007)--Sr. M. Govanna Morbini FSP (2008)--Epifania Lo Nigro IAM (2008)--Luigi Tisbi HFI (2009)--Sr. Angela Magri FSP (2010)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 4, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Thursday, July 4
Am 8: 4-12
Ps 119
Mt 9: 9-13

Let us update our life to the Constitutions: it is necessary to read them, meditate on them, conform to them our thought and our entire life. They trace our particular life for the spirit, for study, for the apostolate and for poverty (UPS 1, 44)

From Father Tom: "Let us update..." A rather scalding experience sometimes if we have been letting the spiritual side of our life slide and have not looked through the Statute recently. Much more so far me--I look through our Constitutions and realize how I have literally forgotten certain points.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Gervasina Zinnamosca PD (1950)--Fr. Antonio Brotto SSP (1981)--Sr. M. Mercedes Milani PD (1996)--Sr. Pia Geraci FSP (2010)--Giovanna De Stavola HFI (2010)--Ignacio Jamais (1965)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 3, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Wednesday, July 3
Eph 2: 19-22
Ps 117: 1-2
Jn 20: 24-29

The whole person in Jesus Christ, for a total love for God: intelligence, will, heart and physical strength. Everything: nature, grace and vocation for the apostolate. A car that runs based on the four wheels of sanctity, study, apostolate and poverty (AD 100).

From Father Tom: Here we're back to the Alberione we know and honor. The concept of "all" was very dear to him: let's give "all" to God: time, energies, intelligence, commitment--- everything we have to give. He introduces again the example of the four-wheeled cart--very familiar to him and very practical.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Rosaria Avellaneda FSP (1952)--Fr. Mario Ianuale SSP (1974)--Sr. M. Igina Giuliano PD (1988)--Sr. Yvonne Briffa FSP (2000)--Sr. M. Leontina Fiorani PD (2004)--Rosangela Rantucci FSP (2011)--Maria Astudillo IAM (2007)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

July is the Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. Litany found on the EWTN Website.  Image found here:

Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Jesus, hear us.

God, the Father of Heaven,
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God, the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, One God, 
Blood of Christ, only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father,
Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of God,
Blood of Christ, of the New and Eternal Testament,
Blood of Christ, falling upon the earth in the Agony,
Blood of Christ, shed profusely in the Scourging,
Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the Crowning with Thorns,
Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross,
Blood of Christ, price of our salvation,
Blood of Christ, without which there is no forgiveness.
Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls,
Blood of Christ, stream of mercy,
Blood of Christ, victor over demons,
Blood of Christ, courage of Martyrs,
Blood of Christ, strength of Confessors,
Blood of Christ, bringing forth Virgins,
Blood of Christ, help of those in peril,
Blood of Christ, relief of the burdened,
Blood of Christ, solace in sorrow,
Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent,
Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying,
Blood of Christ, peace and tenderness of hearts,
Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life,
Blood of Christ, freeing souls from purgatory,
Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
You have redeemed us, O Lord, in your Blood.
Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy

Jesus, graciously hear us.

Have mercy on us.

Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.
Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.
Save us.

Save us.
Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Save us.

Spare us, O Lord

Graciously hear us, O Lord.

have mercy on us.

And made us, for our God, a kingdom.
Let us pray, ---  Almighty and eternal God, you have appointed your only-begotten Son the Redeemer of the world, and willed to be appeased by his Blood. Grant we beg of you, that we may worthily adore this price of our salvation, and through its power be safeguarded from the evils of the present life, so that we may rejoice in its fruits forever in heaven. Through the same Christ our Lord. 

July 2, 2014 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, July 2
Am 5: 14-15
Ps 50: 7-13
Mt 8: 28-34

"THE PAULINE CART" -- The Congregation can be compared to a cart that travels on four wheels: piety, study, apostolate, poverty (SP Feb 1950).

From Father Tom: When I went to Alba in 1950, farmers were still using these "carts" (drawn by oxen) and used to set them up in the square outside the main Society building. They frequently filled the carts with fresh grapes and supplied wine by walking on the grapes (I am not joking!).

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro John Vianney Mavara SSP (1985)--Fr. Giuseppe Fumi IGS (1992)--Sr. M. Celeste Carini FSP (1999)--Sr. Rosa Cimarelli FSP (2006)--Sr. Colomba Pallavicino FSP (2008)--Sr. Eugneia M. Rocchetto  (2009)