Thursday, March 31, 2011
March 31, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Jer 7: 23-28
Lk 11: 14-22
In our union with Christ, He becomes our personality and, if we try to become part of Jesus, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity will take us over, dominating our personality, guiding it, living in us (VMC 310).
An amazing thought as we bring March to a close! Nor should we rule it out. Even now, as we try to live better, He is--literally-- growing in us! Thinking with our good thoughts, speaking our good words. What a privilege! Jesus, my other self!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Giuseppe Zilli SSP (1980)-- Fr. Giuseppe Morini SSP (1985)-- Fr. Gennaro Di Nucci IJP (1994)-- Luigi Giovanni Giacio HFI (2006)-- Guido Bosio HFI (2007)-- Sr. M. Margherita Crici PD (2008)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Holy Family Rosary

Act of Consecration of the Family
to the heart of Mary
Come, 0 Mary, our most loving Mother!
Come, to live with us in this house which we entrust to you
and consecrate to you.
We accept you with hearts that, though unworthy, desire to
be yours, in life, in death and for all eternity.
Remain with us as you did in the house of Zachary and
Elizabeth; as you were the joy of the spouses at Cana, as
you were Mother to the Apostle, John.
Bring Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life into our family.
Drive sin far away from us forever and free us from all evil.
0 good Mother, grant each of us material and spiritual
graces, and in particular increase our faith, hope and
charity toward God and toward our neighbor.
Raise up many vocations from among us.
Be with us always, in joy and in sorrow, and most of all,
grant that one day all the members of this family may find
themselves united with you in Paradise. Amen.
Blessed James Alberione
The Holy Family Rosary
Litany of the Holy Family
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ graciously hear us
God the Father in Heaven
God the Son, Redeemer
of the world
God, the Holy Spirit
Holy Trinity, One God
Jesus, Son of the living God,
who became man for love of us
and sanctified family living
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, honored
by all as "the Holy Family,"
Holy Family, reflection on earth
of the Most Holy Trinity,
Holy Family, perfect model of
every virtue,
Holy Family, glorified by the song
of angels,
Holy Family, honored by the shepherds
and by the gifts of the Magi,
Holy Family, exalted by holy Simeon,
Holy Family, persecuted and forced to
take refuge in a pagan land,
Holy Family, most faithful to God's laws,
Holy Family, whose head is model of
paternal love,
Holy Family, whose Mother is model
of maternal love,
Come to our aid
The Holy Family Rosary
First Mystery: Mary and Joseph accept the will of
From the Gospel of Luke: In the sixth month the angel Gabriel
was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a
virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David;
and the virgin's name was Mary. He went in and said to her:
"Rejoice, so highly favored! The Lord is with you . . ."
But Mary said to the angel, "How can this come about, since I
am a virgin?" "The Holy Spirit will come upon you," the angel
answered and the power of the Most High will cover you with its
shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of
God . . ." And Mary said: " I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it
be done to me according to your word." (1, 34-38).
Our Father. . .
Hail, 0 Family of Nazareth, Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
blessed are you by God and blessed is the Son of God born to
you, Jesus.
Holy Family of Nazareth, we consecrate ourselves to you.
Sustain and protect our family in your love. Amen (10 times).
Second Mystery: Mary and Joseph adore their
Son, born for us.
From the Gospel of Luke: Now at this time Caesar Augustus
issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken . . .
Everyone went to his own town to be registered. So Joseph set
out from the town of Nazareth in Galilee and traveled up to
Judea to the town of David called Bethlehem . . . in order to be
registered together with Mary, his wife, who was with child.
While they were there the time came for her to have her child,
and she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped him in
swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was
no room for them at the inn. (2, 1-7).
Our Father, etc (as after the First Mystery).
Third Mystery: Mary and Joseph endure the
sufferings of exile.
From the Gospel of Matthew: The angel of the Lord appeared
to Joseph in a dream and said: "Get up, take the child and his
mother with you, and escape into Egypt, and stay there until I
tell you, because Herod intends to search for the child and to do
away with him." So Joseph got up and, taking the child and his
mother with him, left that night for Egypt, where he stayed until
Herod was dead. (2, 13 - 15).
Our Father, etc.
Fourth Mystery: Mary and Joseph return to
From the Gospel of Matthew: After Herod's death, the angel
of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said:
"Get up, take the child and his mother with you and go back to
the land of Israel, for those who wanted to kill the child are dead.
So Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him,
went back to the land of Israel. But when he heard that
Archelaus had succeeded his father, Herod, as ruler of Judaea he
was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he left for
the region of Galilee. There he settled in a town called Nazareth.
In this way the words spoken through the prophets were to be
fulfilled: He will be called a Nazarene.
Our Father, etc.
Fifth Mystery: Mary and Joseph share suffering
when Jesus seems lost.
From the Gospel of Luke: Every year his parents used to go to
Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve
years old they went up for the feast as usual. When they were
on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in
Jerusalem without his parents knowing it . . . Three days later
they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors,
listening to them and asking them questions. And all those who
heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies.
They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to
him, "My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried
your father and I have been looking for you." And he replied:
"Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must
be busy with my Father's affairs? " But they did not understand
what he meant. ( 2,41-50).
Our Father, etc.
Holy Family, whose Son is model of
obedience and filial love, Come to our aid.
Holy Family, Patron and Protector of
all Christian families
Holy Family, our refuge during life and
hope at the hour of death "
From whatever deprives us of
peace or a union of hearts, 0 Holy Family, save us.
From worldly allurements "
From despair of heart "
From attachments to worldly goods,
From vanity and presumption, "
From indifference and superficiality
in the service of God,
From an unprovided death,
By the perfect union of your hearts,
By your poverty and humility,
By your perfect obedience,
By your pain and affliction,
By your labor and challenges,
By your prayer and silence,
By your purity of intention,
By the perfection of your actions,
Lamb of God you take away the sins
of the world Spare us 0 Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world Graciously hear us 0 Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins
of the world, Have mercy on us.
Let us pray. Merciful Father, grant us the grace to follow the
examples of the Holy Family, so that, after the trials of this life,
we may be united in the glory of heaven. Through Christ, our
Lord. Amen.
0 Holy Family hear us.
March 30, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Dt 4: 1-9
Mt 5: 17-19
If you don’t control your tongue, who knows what you will say before the day ends! Some people talk just for the yen to talk—without having anything worthwhile to say. And then they have something to regret (VMC 308).
Following the Founder’s advice, I’ll say nothing.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Bertilla Urbani FSP (1962)—Fr. Vincenzo M. Urbani IJP (2000)—Sr. Agnese Magarotto SGBP (2001)—Maria do Carmo Goomes Oliveira IAM (2005)—Fr. Giuseppe Ferrazzano IJP (2006)— Sr. M. Leonia Diez FSP (2007).
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Having Some Technical Difficulties
March 29, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Dn. 3: 25-43
Mt 18: 21-35
What happens when the driver loses control of the car? We know. He has to pay more attention. And, talking about control of ourselves, doesn't the same rule apply? (VMC 308)
Yes... now... let's apply it!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Michele Sarullo IJP (1993)-- Sr. Teresa Bianco FSP (1995)-- Sr. Guglielmina Olivoni FSP (1995)-- Sr. M. Cornelia De Toffoli PD (1996)-- Egidio Pitzus HFI (1997)-- Isabel Sabugo HFI (2002)-- Fr. Felipe Gutierrez SSP (2004)-- Sr. Mansueta Chiesa FSP (2005)-- Sr. Lucia Migliore FSP (2007)-- Giuseppina Sanfilippo IAM (2009).
Monday, March 28, 2011
March 28, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Kgs 5: 1-15
Lk 4: 24-30
What path has Jesus taken from the cradle, to the cross and to the sepulcher? The path of poverty, fatigue and humiliation (APD 1957).
Yes, but in everyday life, He did not give any signs of the terrific humiliation it is for the Son of God to be reduced to the level of-- what else are we?--a piece of clay?! The life and work of Jesus is a profound mystery which we can only admire and try to imitate as best we can.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Michele Perillo HFI (2996)-- Sr. M. Tarcisia Spadaro PD (2008)-- Veronica Burnieika (no year).
Sunday, March 27, 2011
More Information Regarding the Film about Blessed Fr. Alberione
March 27, 2011
March 27 -Third Sunday in Lent By the time you read this, how will things be in Haiti? These poor people seem to have experienced every possible trial: a violent earthquake, heat and lack of food and water, then too much water ... a situation, therefore, even worse than the one described in today's First Reading. Not that the Chosen People had it easy. Absolutely not. They have been on the march for a long time, not sure of their destination, no sense of unity, no central organization, a leader who speaks to them - correctly - about the goodness of a God Whose goodness, however, they quickly forget in the long, weary days of going nowhere Their cry, in fact, is not a call for help but a bitter complaint. They have turned against God and their despair - however understandable - will be remembered, e.g. in Ps 78, 17-19.
Then comes relief - a typical God-provided relief and from the most unlikely source: an old rock in the desert. Even the faith of Moses did not fit the occasion. The Reading does not say so but we know that he struck the rock twice and for this seemingly minor infringement he was not allowed actually to lead the people into the promised land - merely to view it from a distance. Very sobering incident. How readily we talk about faith and obedience ... and how difficult it is to have either!
Rousing us out of this touch of depression we have a joyful Responsorial Psalm which it would be wonderful to sing if we had the music. Anyway, music or not, this Psalm lifts our spirits. Oh that we could listen to His voice and try to avoid rebellion in the midst of our own "deserts." It's not easy but perhaps in Lent we will make a special effort?
The Second Reading touches again on the theme of water but in the sense mentioned in the Gospel: "the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit." Or, to put it more accurately, after Baptism we have within us not only the Master but also the Father and the Spirit - they are inseparable. - and from the Spirit flows the water of life. Mystical language, certainly, but we don't have to understand it, just believe in the love of God for us.
From the First Reading - and the Second - we pass to the Gospel which has so many ideas and themes that we have to make a choice. There is the weariness of Christ - the infinite Creator of all things. There is the fact that he is in Samaritan country - not without some danger to his life. There is the meeting of a public sinner with the Lord of heaven and earth. There is the nonchalance of Jesus who chats freely with this woman, although we read that "his disciples, returning, were surprised to find him speaking with a woman." Why? Because it was simply "not done" in Jewish circles. In other circumstances he might have been accused of propositioning her!There is the interesting dialog showing that the woman - though far from perfect - did have some religious background. And finally - and most astonishingly - when the woman mentions that she and her people expect the great Messiah . . . the Lord reveals his identity to her, woman, a sinner, a member of a people heartily detested and despised by the true Jews!! Go figure!
Perhaps the reason was that she had faith which the religious certainly did not have. So this is one more possible theme in this exceptionally rich Gospel passage. Of course the major interest for us in it is the reference to water which the woman understands in its ordinary sense while Jesus is speaking of something greater: not just water alone but water transformed by the power of Christ. And here again we return to the great event of the Baptism of Jesus who was not changed by stepping into the water of the Jordan but rather changed that very water to become, in the Sacrament of Baptism, the door admitting him into our lives.
In a way it's a pity that most people receive Baptism as infants and thereafter pay scant attention to it not to talk of wanting to undo it. ( Last year we read of quite a few people who, shocked and disgusted by the many Church scandals, asked to be "unbaptized." My understanding is that this is not possible - Baptism marks you forever (just like Ordination), so the meaning may be that the people concerned felt the Church was not good enough for them. There were many of these cases in Ireland where the priesthood and the Church have taken a terrible beating. But this move is a mistake. You can't reform a Movement by leaving it - that reduces to zero your possibility of doing something positive. Moreover can the offended laity not identify with the good priests and the good laity in the Church? )
But these considerations musn't distract us from the messages of hope and future happiness contained in our liturgy.
~March Concord Ch 6
March 27, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Ex 17: 3-7 Rom 5: 1-8
Jn 4: 5-42
It is fundamental that we gradually move toward sacrifice and a supernatural spirit. "The one who wishes to come after Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me."
Interesting last line: "take up the cross"-- and we all do, some members very painfully. But then the last line: "Follow me". So our suffering is not just to be borne but oriented in some specific direction: for the souls reached by the Pauline Family, for SSP vocations, for the Sisters, for ourselves.
Please Pray for Our Deceased:
Sr. M. Fulgenzia Rapagnani PD (1979)-- Fr. Gino Grimaldi IJP (1983)-- Sr. M. Nazarena Andolfi PD (1994)-- Sr. M. Enrichetta Morbito PD (1998)-- Sr. Giacinta Prescio FSP (1999)-- Msgr Bernardo Antonini IJP (2002)-- Assunta Gramaglia HFI (2002)--Lillie Cusack (1994)-- Rober Walter Cadenhead Jr. (1988)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
More Lenten Prayers
This is another prayer that is very Lenten (and very Pauline), but can be used at any time at all.
O, my most sweet Jesus, I ask You for the most perfect love: love of the cross. Not of those heroic crosses whose splendor only feeds my self-love, but of those daily crosses of which life is full and which we meet every hour on our journey: contradictions, feeling left to one side, failure, prejudice, the coldness and impatience of some, the refusals and contempt of others, bodily ills, mental darkness, the silence and the dryness of our hearts. When these things happen to me it is only then that You will know that I love You--even if I do not know it myself or feel it. Crosses, my Lord, with no "buts" and no exceptions! In me and in everything that concerns me, let Your will be perfectly done. Make my heart be courageous enough to suffer, to bear patiently, even to love what disgusts me. And not to complain.
March 26, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Ml7: 14-20
Lk 15: 1-32
Money is a gift of God. Use it well and, if you can get more of it, multiply the work for His glory (VMC 306).
A thought here is not so much about money as about he last phrase..."for His glory". Do I always think of doing things for the glory of God...and not for some other reason? Do you? As often as convenient, stop to say a short prayer of offering: the next hour, the next task, the next trial...whatever. God "pays" only for work done for Him!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Ausilia Cristino PD (1964)-- Br Giuseppe Zemiti SSP (1975)-- Sr. M. Paolina Pivetta FSP (1990)--Fr. Raffaele Tonni SSP (1995)-- Fr. Adelmo Barbati SSP (1999)-- Fr. Aldo Ferraboschi IJP (2004)-- Angelo Alessi HFI (2008).
Friday, March 25, 2011
March 25, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Is 7: 10-14; 8:10
Heb 10: 4-10
Lk 1:26-38
>> Feast of the Annunciation of Mary Institute
The special end of the Institute of Mary of the Annunciation is to serve and cooperate with the Church in giving Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life to the world through the dissemination of Christian thought, morality and whatever improves individual and social life.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Guerrino Pelliccia SSP (1991)-- Fr. Antonio Giovinazzo IJP (1992)-- Sr.M. Faustina Audisio PD (2003)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Please Help Us Fund Blessed Father Alberione's Film

Your prayers would also be very much appreciated.
Many Blessings, in Jesus our Divine Master,
with God all things are possible
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
You can help us make the "Alberione Film" in an easy, fun, yummy way!
Just buy this cookbook!
"Bless Us, O Lord...."
Only $20 (includes postage)!
This cookbook includes 640 unique recipes from 40 countries and comes with a built-in stand!
(Compiled by the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary, Palatine, IL)
Tell your friends!
Send cash, check or money order (we also accept Visa/MC) to:
Sr. Helena Raphael Burns, fsp
Pauline Books & Media
172 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601
Checks payable to: Daughters of St. Paul
(memo can be: Alberione Film)
Posted by Sr. Helena Burns, fsp at 9:22 PM 0 comments Monday, March 21, 2011
March 24, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Jer 17: 5-10
Lk 16: 19-31
Here I have the holy Tabernacle, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Communion every day. I have my good mother, Mary. I have the sweet hope of Paradise that soon awaits me. What more could I want. (Mother Scolastica)
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Scolastica Rivata, first sister in charge of the Sister Disciples-- Sr. Teresinha Michels FSP (1993)-- Cesarina Rossi FSP ( 1995)-- Antonia Farruggio IAM (1996)-- Fr. Bernardo Zorzetto IJP (1996)-- John Albert Vicenzo HFI (2004)-- Sr. Gabriella Marcazzan FSP (2005)-- Felicismo Quinto (2004)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
March 23, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Turibio de Mogrovejo, Bishop
Jer 18: 18-20
Mt 20: 17-28
After ten years of Profession what remains of certain Religious? Often they are reduced to living like everyone else (FSP 41).
I have adapted this from similar remarks addressed by the Founder to the Daughters of St. Paul. Does it apply to us if our First Profession is now only a memory? If so, there is time this Lent to begin again with new energy and new enthusiasm. God has not changed.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Angelica Dondi FSP (1944)-- R. Lorenzo Bertero SSP (1991)-- Fr. Antonio Bosticco SSP (2000)-- Sr. M. Onorina Mussi FSP (2002)-- Fr. Michele Gargano IJP (2002)-- Bro Antonio Piva SSP (2004)-- Sr. M. Scholastica Aoki PD (2004)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
March 22, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Is 1: 10, 16-20
Mt 23: 1-12
If we are faithful to our prayer, desirous of the glory of God and the salvation of souls, we will find a dozen ways to get the word out (VMC 279).
And if we are not finding these ways, are we really praying or just rattling off formulas? Or saying other prayers besides the Institute ones? Is that not like a spouse taking his old girl friends to dinner? Not sinful, maybe, but...
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Armando Pesaresi IJP (1985)-- Sr. Elena Ramondetti FSP (1999)--Msgr. Achille Plamerini IJO (2000)-- Guiseppe Izzi HFI (2006)-- Sr. M. Franca Riba PD (2007)-- Sr. Maria da Conceicao Aneiro Azevedo FSP (2008)-- Luciano Andreoni HFI (2008)
Monday, March 21, 2011
March 21, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Dn 9: 4-10
Lk 6: 36-38
If we have a defect or an habitual sin it is first of all in some way in our minds. Oh, make your mind holy according to the Lord's truth and use it well! (VMC 274)
The evil media are aware of this basic principle and with sound and color and well-planned "soaps" they have succeeded in perverting the minds and so the whole lives of millions all over the world.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Felicia Acellato PD (1967)-- Sr. M. Franca Calo FSP (1991)-- Sr. M. Caterina Bertolino PD (1992)-- Sr. Annita Loi (FSP (1998)-- Bro Francisco Menegon SSP (2004)-- Sr. Iracema Gattelli FSP (2004)-- Anne Nephew (1991)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Blessed Timothy Giaccardo
Blessed Timothy
We begin now a series of extracts from the "Diary" of Blessed Giaccardo, not certainly all of it (he left behind him 80 school-type copybooks plus a legion of notes written on the first bit of paper he could find!) but that part that has been edited by the Center of Spirituality. As the Diary begins he is still a Seminarist in the Alba Seminary and the young priest, Fr. Alberione, is Seminary Spiritual Director. From his notes it appears that he was given several important appointments and he is constantly reflecting on his spiritual life in general and on his various duties, revealing from the beginning those qualities which would lead him eventually to Sainthood. We, of course, are not seminarians nor Religious and should always work for holiness especially in and throush the stress and strain of everyday family life. Having said that, however, we must also recognize that there are basic spiritual rules applying to every lifestyle and in the Diary of Blessed Timothy we find these rules exemplified and lived.
With the help of the Saints and Angels, my guardians, I place in the hands of Mary and, through her in the hands of Jesus, this firm resolution. My particular goal will be "humility towards God, based on my conviction that I am nothing and can do nothing and that I must give to Him everything I do and receive; however, with the help of God I can do great things and carry out perfectly my duties as Prefect and clerical student. And so I will have the maximum trust in Him alone. I who am nothing must obey God Who desires that I should make my own contribution to the duties given me and so, going back to my first point, that I should be gentle but also firm with my young people.
These resolutions, and especially the first one, I resolve to keep not just for a short time but for a long one and perhaps even for a whole lifetime, because I am convinced that they are essential if my priesthood is to be successful and also because the two other points - - humility toward people and toward myself - are linked to these. I will continue this with all my being and never fall back. I will choose the motives and the means which will be most helpful in my self-conquest.
Because of my basically defective human nature, past experience leads me to foresee many falls but, no matter how many they are, I will put my sorrow for them in the hands of Mary, I will fight against them and will ask again this dear and loving Mother for help. Strengthened by her blessing, I will begin to fight again. I am also convinced of my utter Inability to conquer even one proud thought, even one opportunity to practice gentleness and firmness and so I will place myself totally into the hands of the Immaculate Virgin, consecrating to her my body and soul and especially my goodwill. This Lady, who never lets herself be beaten in generosity, will give herself entirely to me.
And I want really to put my resolutions into practice, I want it whatever the cost and in the first place and everywhere the first one. May the Lord give me his graces in abundance. I will renew these resolutions in Confession.
I approve and bless these resolutions with both hands in the certainty that following humility you will give the greatest pleasure to God. (Note by his Spiritual Director — Fr. Alberione)
Maximum distrust of myself and complete confidence in God, attributing to Him whatever succeeds.
Universal obedience to Superiors and total submission to the Head Prefect.
Good relations with the other Prefects and readiness to ask their advice.
Being a mother rather than a father to my young charges, a mother in speaking gently to them and in doing for them what a mother might do.
Gentleness generally but with certain boys also more seriousness. Gentleness, but also firmness. Try to get them to do things because they want to do them and not because they are afraid of the consequences of disobedience.
Study the character of each boy and use this information in educating them. Let them be the object of my thoughts and words and always of my prayers.
Experience shows me how difficult it is to conquer oneself and correct certain habits and so I will sympathize with my boys when they do wrong and I will not fail to correct them.
Have no preferences towards one or the other and watch that I do not develop a special affection toward any of them.
My most sweet Jesus, because you have chosen me today to be your victim for them, I offer myself as a victim even now through the hands of Mary Immaculate. And because the nature of a Victim requires total self-renunciation, I too with your help intend to renounce my own will totally and, so as to be a pleasing victim, to give a very special attention to even the smallest aspect of the rule.
Jesus, from this moment I offer to you through the hands of Mary Immaculate and in union with her prayers and her merits, all my actions and sufferings of this day on behalf of my classmates and in particular on behalf of N.N. . . And you, O Blessed Jesus, accept all this and offer it to your Eternal Father, in union with your infinite merits, asking Him to pour out on me and on my classmates and on the whole Seminary the abundance of his graces and mercy, so that we my be fervent and holy seminarists and one day be zealous Priests, your true imitators.
Mary Immaculate most holy, obtain for us the grace of perseverance all through this day.
~ March 2011 Concord Ch. 4
Sunday, March 20, 2011
March 20 - Second Sunday of Lent
All of Lent is a preparation for Easter and for reception of Baptism - this tradition is as old as the Church and has been renewed in recent decades in most parishes. Perhaps we Christians take our Baptism for granted - especially the "cradle Catholics" but scarcely one in 6 of the world's population are Christian and the number of Catholics even less. This is a cause for concern: the Lord brings no one into existence without a specific role for that individual to play but disheartening numbers of Christians in our time- including Catholics - are getting many things right in their lives . . . except "the only thing necessary."
Baptism, in fact, is a real "call" or "vocation" - the basic one, in fact, without which we are not Christians and Catholics and so not inside the "one fold" under the guidance of the One Shepherd. Certainly, all human beings are loved and cherished by God but we are not sure how He relates to them in particular.
The First Reading this Sunday has, thus, a profound significance for all of us who can see in it a foreshadowing of our own call. Abraham, "our father in faith" is a splendid figure. No longer young (at least by our standards) he sets out on a journey to a land he knows not, leaving behind him all the security of home. In this he is an example for future priests in our time who set out on a difficult road and for a life to be lived in uncertain circumstances. They need more faith than usual and need our prayers.
The Responsorial Psalm, as usual, confirms the main thought in the Reading. We trust in the Lord because we are not orphans but beloved sons and daughters whom he calls to live in the same conditions as he lived - some good days but quite a few bad ones - and with the total confidence he had in His Father."
God has saved us and called us to be holy." Why, because we are good people? No, but because God wanted us and loved us long before - and even now far more totally - than we love Him. This was God's plan from all eternity but it took practical shape in Christ our Savior who "abolished death" i.e. removed its destructive power in his Passion and Resurrection, and brought us the Good News of immortality and a future full of happiness.
St. Paul gives us this message in the Second Reading. Finally, the Gospel is strategically placed both in the context of the overall liturgy and also – harking back to the days when Lent was a major challenge and people really did penance - when the enthusiasm of the first week had begun to fade and they needed a word of encouragement and a vision to help them on the rocky path to Easter.. Moses and Elias appear with Jesus - all three of them fasted for forty days and were called to close friendship with God the Father. The message is clear: no life is free of suffering but the suffering is never meaningless for those who understand the total picture and the glorious conclusion if we take God at his word. Not that this is automatic. "The first words are "six days later," i.e. after Peter has declared that Christ is the Son of God (and then told him not to bother getting executed in Jerusalem!). These three men, who are now stunned by the vision of the transfigured Jesus, will so forget it in Gethsemane that . . . they fall asleep! And Peter, to cap it all, will go on a short time afterwards to deny that he ever heard of anyone called "Jesus," and confirm his denial with the strongest language he knows! This, too, is an encouragement. If Peter could come back from a situation like that and be re-confirmed by the Master ... there is hope still for the worst of us!
~ March 2011 Concord Ch. 6
March 20, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Gen 12: 1-4
Tim 1: 8-10
Mt. 17: 1-9
If it takes you two hours to study a subject, you should take two more hours to study how you will bring what you have learned to the notice of those needing to know (VMC 273).
That seems to apply to the Institute except that by now you have spent MUCH more than two hours learning about it. So...where do you go from here?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Battista Bettinelli PD (1993)-- Sr. Rosangela Pasquino AP (1993)--Emilio Tomassini HFI (1993)--Sr. Adele Aimasso FSP (1997)-- Sr. M. Fortunato Arrotta FSP (1999)--Fr. Antonio Diaz SSP (2008)-- Joyce Sablone (no year)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
March 19, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Friday, March 18, 2011
Lenten Prayers

March 18, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor
Ez 18: 21-28
Mt 5: 20-26
Before our study always we should invoke the Master, the Queen of Apostles and St. Paul (VMC 268).
Which we do every time we say our well-known invocation. but we can recite it even more often: when we go out to shop or to work, for example. We may meet someone important and need the guidance of our Holy Patrons.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March 17, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione
St. Patrick, Bishop
Est C 12: 14-25
Mt 7: 7-12
Our mind directs us to the extent that it has learned something. We have to build up a constructive mind founded on the great religious principles (VMC 253).
The mind, yes, but...there's also the will. To know what is right is the first step, but then we have to do it--or avoid it. So mind and will have to be built up together. How many times have I said "no" to myself today?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Natalia Colavecchio FSP (1949)-- Sr. M. Alba Prest SGBP (1967)-- Sr. Romana Migliardi FSP (1988)-- Rene Montes HFI (1998)--Sr. Raffaella Cappai FSP (2008)-- Giovanni Cleri HFI (2008)--Rev Joseph E. Lappet (1965)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March 16, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Jon 3: 1-10
Lk 11: 29-32
Through faith in Providence we discover God Who takes care of everything, big or small, from the lilies of the field to the heights of the greatest mountains (VMC 250).
And when we lose faith, then all sorts of weird theories begin to run our lives, leading us infallibly nowhere...because, outside of God, there is nothing.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Domenico Ravina SSP (1982)-- Italo Beretta HFI (2002)-- Sr. Giuseppa Dell'Aira FSP (2003)-- Sr. M. Immacolata Tresham PD (2004)-- Sr. Lorenzina Davico FSP (2005)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
March 15, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Jon 3: 1-10
Lk 11: 29-32
Study is for life; life is for eternity; everything is for God (VMC 231).
Study...good for Institute people also. Attempt have always been made to add to members' religious awareness so that they not only do right but KNOW WHY they are doing it. Is there something being recommended that you don't' agree with? And, if so, why don't we dialog?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Amabile Lombardi FSP (1952)-- Fr. Luigi Borio (1970)-- Fr. Ercole Canavero SSP (1975)-- Fr. Giovanni Boccaleoni IJP (1982)-- Placido Airo HFI (1982)-- Fr. Giovanni Rossi SSP (1983)-- Marianna Zaccaria HFI (2000)-- Fr. Vincenzo Di Renzo IJP (2007)-- Nunzia Zinni IAM (2008).
Monday, March 14, 2011
March 14, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Lv 19: 1-18
Mt 25: 31-46
If we die fighting, we win. If we abandon the struggle, we lose. And the losers end up in hell (VMC 229).
Today we might say: "If we don't even realize that a struggle is needed." One of the disasters of modern Catholic life is the forgetfulness of so many--and especially of those old enough to know better. Once they did did they go so wrong? Can they be excused? Very serious question. Let us stop several times daily to pray for these dying.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Adeodata Gallo FSP (1974)--Maria Tommaso HFI (1996)-- Sr. Pilar Roggero FSP (2005)-- Sr. Magdala Castelliino FSP (2005)-- Fr. Giovanni Bandini SSP (2009)-- Leo Converse (1961).
Sunday, March 13, 2011
March 13, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Gen 2: 7-3;7
Rom 5: 12-19
Mt 4: 1-11
>> Fr. Alberione makes public and perpetual vows.
We hear talk of a "new" and modern theme in our preaching to suit a "new morality". New in presentation, yes, but in content, now. Death is always the same. Following this line of thought, we gradually destroy our ministry and much else (VMC 216).
This comment, going back to 1957, might be called prophetic--but a prophecy that went unheard like so many more. Now we have the results.
LET US PRAY: "Lord, cast out every evil imagination from me, and every impure thought and base desire, all envy, vanity, hypocricy, lying, deceit, anger, blasphemy, and every motion of the flesh and spirit that is not in accordance with Your holy will."
~ A Year with the Church Fathers Closing Prayer: p. 69
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Barberina Sacco FSP (1967)-- Domenica Dellerba HFI (1995)--Sr. Guadenzia Sanino FSP (2005)-- Thomas Endress (1991)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
March 12, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Is 58: 9-14
Lk 5: 27-32
Our prayer places our entire life before God: mind, heart, will and body. They derive from the basic teaching of the Church, are aimed at forming strong and pious apostles (VMC).
And, we can add, active apostles. There is no doubt that it is hard to find new Institute people in this faithless world but -- if we have given up looking-- can we pray sincerely?
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Irene Venturi FSP (1990)-- Fr. Leonardo Zardi SSP (1991)-- Sr. Chiara M. Bellinato FSP (1998)-- Joseph Rene Pelletier HFI (1999)-- Bro Isidoro Porello SSP (2000)-- Fr. Givoanni Battista Mabritto SSP (2001)-- Sr. Martha M. Morales FSP (2005)-- Fr. Francesco Manca IJP (2009)-- Joseph J. Burnieika (1993).
Friday, March 11, 2011
March 11, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Is 58: 1-9
Mt 9: 14-15
We need an intense and constant spiritual work. This is the most fatiguing task but it is also noble, consoling and necessary (VMC 296).
The secret of a successful spiritual life is not many books or many inspirations, but most of all a strong will--and sometimes a strong "won't". This, the most noble human faculty, reinforced by prayer for perseverance and (in our case) marked by obedience to the Statute, can produce marvellous results.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Matteo Plassa SSP (1965)--Fr. Ciacomo Giraudo SSP (2003)-- Sr. M. Melania Ravarotto FSP (2004)-- John Vincenzo Sr. (1980)-- Josephine Merlene (2000)-- August Schenziner-- Liddy (no years)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
March 10, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Dt. 30: 15-20
Lk 9: 22-25
Peace of soul, the joy of a good conscience, the gift of feeling oneself united to God and loved by Him...are some of the fruits of our piety (VMC 293).
That seems to say everything--let's make sure that we don't just understand it but practice it. MORE prayer and reflection, less TV, less time wasted in one of the many ways provided to waste time. "I offer myself to this Institute with all my heart...and right up to my last breath."
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Gisella Gallinaro FSP (1991)-- Sr. Amalia Zanatta FSP (1994)-- Sr. M. Daria Riccitelli PD (1994)--Fr. Italo Fabbri SSP (2005)-- Fr. Nazzareno Amantini (2007)-- Sr. Paulina M. Tibaldo FSP (2007)-- Ciara Greco HFI (2008)-- Laura Drouhard (1974)-- Maryellen Donnelly (2002)-- Cristina Quega Tarloit (2002).
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
March 9, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Jl 2: 12-18
2 Cor 5: 20-6:2
Mt. 6: 1-6, 16-18
Never let us think that prayer is a waste of time--it helps everything (VMC 200).
If we fail to understand and apply this simple rule, we have failed in everything else. This is true of the Institute and it is even more true of the other branches of the Pauline Family whom we should always keep in mind.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Bro. Andrea Degani SSP (1986)-- Sr. Marcellina Bertero FSP(1990)-- Berna Munoz De Zicari HFI (1996)-- Regina Giorgi HFI (1998)-- Sr. M. Raffaela Astolfi PD (1999)-- Giuseppe Di Caro HFI (2001)-- Sr. M. Cadida Komine FSP (2002)-- Sr. America Gervasi FSP (2005)-- Sr. Ambrosina Baldi FSP (2007)-- Sr. M. Agneses Romeo SGBP (2008)-- Sr. M. Gertrudis Fabbri PD (2009)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March 8, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
St. John of God, Religious
Tb 2: 9-14
Mk 12: 13-17
The souls who make real progress in the spiritual life are of immense advantage to the community-- they reveal the spiritual fervor, they reveal in their hearts because it is impossible to be warm and not warm others (VMC 200).
Do such members help the Institute which has no community life? Why not? They influence those they contact on a regular or even an occasional basis, and this effect spreads.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Carmine Vitiello FSP (1972)-- Fr. Alvise Soppelsa SSP (1978)-- Fr. Giuseppe Gregoris IJP (2000)
Monday, March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Tb 1: 3-8
Mark 12: 1-12
First Monday of the month--St. Paul
When we make Profession we put our head on the altar--that is our mind; we put our heart on the altar: our life; we put our will on the altar (AAP, 1960, 177).
This was the "Thought" on March 7 last year. It's so good I thought we could repeat it without comment.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Domenico Ambrosio SSP (1971)-- Sr. Adelaide Bertolin SCBP (1979)-- Michele Piccininni HFI (2003)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
As We Approach Lent
God and Us
Once again we approach another Lent - that important
time when we try to improve our relationship with God.
We speak every now and then of "worship," meaning that
we raise our hearts and minds to God to honor Him and
acknowledge our dependence on Him. But this
understanding to some extent misses the point: it puts the
emphasis on OUR action in turning to God. It says
nothing about the real action: God TURNING TO US.
In fact a better description of worship is to call it a "dialog"
between God and us in which God speaks first - as He
always does. Indeed, He always must. He takes the
initiative and He expects our reaction in the form of prayer
and praise - but also sometimes in the form of questions
or even complaints. The main thing is that there should be
SOME dialog, no matter what the quality. God is more
sensitive than we give Him credit for. Naturally, He is hurt
and sometimes outraged when we do wrong, but perhaps
He feels an even greater hurt when we ignore Him. Have
we not all seen our kindness forgotten, our gifts
unacknowledged if not actually rejected, our best efforts to
build harmony treated with contempt? Yes, we have, and
that is precisely what happens in almost every life in every
age. People have a thousand things to do but none of
them is related to God.
Actually, "dialog" does not involved only SPEECH. The
very WORD of God came on earth in the form of an active
human being who saved us not just by what he SAID but
also by what he DID - he was the Way, the Truth and the
Life. And so our response to this gracious Man cannot be
just words, sounds disappearing into thin air (even if we
call them "prayers") but must be an offer of our whole life
to him. St. Paul says the same thing when he exhorts the
Romans to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and
acceptable to God (Rom 12, 1 - 2).
We call this sort of offering true worship or spiritual
worship - as contrasted with purely material statements
or even material actions having little or nothing to do with
our internal attitude which may be quite irreligious. Such
spiritual worship takes in ALL our life: our awareness of
ourselves, our relationships to others, our openness to the
problems of our time and our readiness to do something
about them. So we are talking about something much
greater than merely "saying" prayers or "singing" hymns.
These are part of "formal" worship. But true worship is
on-going and takes place all the time.
In this sense, our Pauline activity in the Church is equally
worship: handing on the faith, preaching the message of
salvation or doing anything else which in some way
contributes to this process - including, of course, our
support of it with our prayers.
In this sense the whole life of everyone is a form of
worship, sometimes clearly as when the individual leads a
good Christian life but also on other occasions when
people work to help others though they have no special
intention of worshiping God. In this case we are tempted to
say "They're paid for it." Perhaps, but it still requires a spirit
of sacrifice to work with certain gruesome illnesses, to
bear patiently with ungrateful people, to continue to render
service even when we are blamed more than praised.
Ideally, of course, they should have what call a "right
intention" but in the rough and tumble of an average day -
and perhaps even more in the dreary length of a workless
day common in our time - a loving God bends over them
constantly and is not offended if they officially deny Him or
work to repair - as they may say - the mess He has made
of the world. There will be surprises in heaven and some
of the most surprised may well be those people who were
far closer to God than they realized.
It is good to think of these realities as we move into the
time or season of Lent which for far too many is an
irrelevancy - one more series of signs and symbols clearly
indicating that the Church is dead but refuses to bur/
herself in some forgotten ditch. At most, they would
say, Lent is tolerable because of Easter and better
weather and vacation-time.
But they are wrong. It is in Lent that we underline a great
truth: the world belongs to God, not to people and He has
no intention of giving up on it not matter what people think
or say.
In fact, when we reflect on it, there is no real separation of
the sacred and the profane - God is present everywhere
and for Him everything and everyone is "sacred" meaning
"special" or "set aside" for a particular role in life. The car
companies make cars that nobody wants. God is a lot
smarter and nobody comes into the world without His
concurrence - even in the most desperate circumstances
such as, for example, because of a rape which is so
common today in countries torn apart by war and
revolution. The circumstances are wrong but the human
being involved is a child of God and has work to do in the
context of the enormous divine plan for humanity.
Because the world we live in often resembles a mad-
house, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing," the
work of the Church, far from being marginal or irrelevant, is
in fact absolutely central because it enables the sincere
enquirer to make sense of so much that is apparently
senseless and out of control.
When we take the world as it is, sometimes good and
more often perhaps anything but good, - and by this we
mean accepting in faith the events and people we
encounter daily; if we see in these people God
approaching us, then we are really building that "new
world" we hear so much about but never seem to see
The "new world" everyone wants is not something material
we can build if we have enough money or the right plan.
No. It is actually the present world but approached
differently. Is it not true that even a proportion of the
money and materials scandalously wasted by
Governments would be more than sufficient to feed all the
world's starving people, to build proper living conditions, to
cultivate the available land and eliminate many diseases?
Yes, it is, and it shows that God has not failed His world:
His world - His people - have failed Him but that is not a
problem because His action is unstoppable and creative
and all human beings have to do is to reach out to God -
meaning, reach out to other people in whom God lives and
If only we could be convinced of this simple truth: what the
world needs is the worship of God, not a superficial hour in
church on Sundays followed by a week spent exploiting
others, but rather a constant effort to see and serve Him
in others and, as a result, to see and serve Him honesty in
the weekly religious ritual.
This is not likely to happen any time soon. It all began in
the Garden when Adam and Eve ran away from God, each loudly blaming the other. Cutting God out of their lives they cut others out as well. In the next generation this was dramatically shown by the death of Abel and that was the beginning of all the pain and suffering in today's world.
But God has not given up on us - He can't. We are His
people, the flock He shepherds and among the scabby
sheep - and not a few wolves - He moves with great love
every day and every hour of the day. Let this Lent be a
time of greater reflection on our call to life and to the
Institute in which we serve Him and serve countless
~ February 2011 Concord
March 6, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Dt 11: 18-32
Rom 3: 21-28
Mt 7: 21-27
First Sunday of the month--the Divine Master, Way, Truth and Life
The person who prays is not deceived by false theories, passing pleasures or earthly treasures, but seeks the Lord in everything (VMC 197).
Not only [that]. He or she will make less mistakes, even in practical life. How often we wish we had thought more--or prayer more--before an important decision. With prayer, it will work out. With thought we can't be sure.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Nazareno Capozucca IJP (1977)-- Rosa Cimino IAM (1997)-- Sr. Pancrazia Musso FSP (1999)-- Sr. M. Assunta Lecco FSP (2000)-- Sr. M. Gemma Dal Masetto PD (2000)-- Salvatore Castiglia HFI (2003)-- James Seifert (1980)-- Lucille R. Madeline (2002)-- Manuel Loera (1941)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
March 5, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
First Saturday of the month--Mary Queen of Apostles
Why so much study, work, occupations and preoccupations? For just one reason: Paradise! (VMC 196)
The concept of Paradise dominated Fr. Alberione's life and was one of his last words. Sounds good for us too--if we could keep our minds on it!
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Natalina Rivetti PD (1961)-- Francesco Luperto HFI (1992)-- Fr. Giovanni Mana SSP (2007)-- Leo Helline (1993)
Friday, March 4, 2011
March 3, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
St. Casimir
First Friday of the month--The Sacred Heart
Sir 44:1, 9-13
Mk 11: 11-26
Finally, we share in the LIFE of Christ by His gracious presence and assistance. And so Christ, Way, Truth and Life gradually takes us over (VMC 191).
We had this consideration before. The Master wishes to live all over again in each of us the tremendous life He lived for His Father in Palestine! Sounds crazy, maybe, but the love of Jesus for us knows no bounds.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Annina Strano PD (1949)-- Sr. M. Vincenza Adamo PD (1980)-- Fr. Amedeo La Mattina IJP (1983)-- Fr. Mario Senettone IJP (1990)-- Sr. M. Labertina Parma PD (1999)-- Sr. M. Redenta Alessi PD (2002)-- Sr. Nazarena Merigo SGBP (2004)-- Isabel Marquez IAM (2008)-- Frederick Tarlit (2003)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
March 3, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
St. Catherine Drexel, Virgin
Sir 42: 15-25
Mk 10: 46-52
First Thursday of the month--the Guardian Angels
Jesus Christ is Way, Truth and Life and our spiritual work requires that we imitate Him as He marks out the WAY by His examples We find all these well detailed in the Gospel (VMC 191).
Especially, perhaps, His skill in avoiding the traps the Pharisees set for Him: the woman taken in adultery; the tribute to Caesar plus the incident of the guards returning saying they could not arrest Him: "no one ever spoke like this man speaks."
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Edvige Vitali FSP (1946)-- Bro. Salvatore Paglieri SSP (1997)-- Paul Douglas (2004)--Buna Wecker (2010)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
March 2, 2011 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom
First Wednesday of the month--St. Joseph
Sir 36: 1-17
Mk 10: 32-45
We cooperate with the virtue of faith when we meditate, study and read spiritual material (VMC 189).
And above all, when we put our meditation, study and reading into practice! What good is knowing everything and doing nothing? The joy of acting even if in the process we make fools of ourselves! Fools before people, maybe. Not fools before God.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Fr. Giovanni Tronci IJP (1980)-- Fr. Francesco Bonfiglio SSP (1988)-- Sr. M. Emilia Demarie PD (1999)-- Egidio Gazzola, Gabrielite (2002)-- Sr. M. Elisa De Paolis FSP (2003)-- Angelina Mencarini HFI (2004)-- Anna Muneroni IAM (2006)-- Olandia Bonoarr (1952)