St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5-6, 2013 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

I apologize for being late with today's thoughts.  Time got away from me.

Saturday, April 6
First Saturday of the month--Mary, Queen of Apostles
Acts 4: 13-21
Mk 16: 9-15

God counts on me. He wants my words and works to extend His kingdom (BM  270).

From Father Tom: It isn't difficult to believe this? We have heard it so often that it just doesn't sink in.  No one can take your place, use your talents, do your work. If you fail on this point...the Church will be different and not so complete!

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Francisca Saveria Anton PD (1967)-- Sr. Bernardina Spadaccini FSP (1970)-- Fr. Francesco Zecchinati SSP (1994)-- Sr. Stefanina Lonardoni FSP (2003)-- Sr. Teresa M. Musso FSP (2004)-- Sr. M. Assunta Vadacherry FSP (2005)-- Sr. M. Rossaura Ravera PD (2005)-- Anna Butani


Friday, April 5
First Friday of the month--the Sacred Heart
Acts 4: 1-2
Jn 21: 1-14

The law of God, vocation and the will of God are superior to human dispositions (BM 293).

From Father Tom: A consoling thought: WE may be inferior to whatever challenge but as long as we TRY, MAKE A MOVE, DO OUR BEST, we can--so to speak--untie the Lord's hands to help us.

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