St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 25-26, 2013 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Hello, everyone,

I'm back from retreat and hope to get back on schedule now.

God bless...

Wednesday, September 25
Ezr 9: 5-9
Lk 9: 1-6

While on Earth, Jesus had those who admired Him and others who had the opposite attitude. So also the Church, on its way through history (BM 543).

From Father Tom: We should determine as soon as possible that our attitude toward the Church and her ministers will be eminently positive, not being alarmed by human weakness or blindness defects.

Please pray for Our Deceased: Maria Concetta Citarda IAM (1974)-- Sr. Rosa M. Onofre FSP (1989) Sr. M. Giovanna Nicosia FSP (1993)--Sr. Emiliana Miserere (1997)

Tuesday, September 24
Ezr 6: 7-20
Lk 8: 19-21

People owe each other mutual love, respect and collaboration (BM 168).

From Father Tom: How then explain the messed-up situation of our world? Very simple. Satan has taken over a large slice of man kind and is creating havoc where there should be "respect and collaboration. "only the presence of the Evil One can explain certain situations. Let's make sure that the good qualities listed shine forth from our lives.

Please pray for Our Deceased: Sr. M. Consilia Marello FSP (1983)--Sr. Francesca Cordero FSP (1985)--Br. Michele Lando (1996)

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