I found this image on the internet. It is not mine, but I will give credit to the artist if he or she comes forward.
December 8 - The Immaculate Conception
We have had this Feast twice already and have reflected on the connection between the sin of Eve and the special divine blessing conferred on Our Lady. She was preserved from all "Original sin" from the first instant of her conception and was thus conceived in that state of justice and holiness which is the effect of divine friendship and, as a result, was withdrawn from the influence of Satan and subjection to the law of concupiscence. However, like all human beings, she is redeemed by the merits of her Son, not freeing her from the stain of sin but preventing her from contracting it.
These concepts are included in the First Reading describing the sin of Adam and Eve followed by the Responsorial Psalm, not something sorrowful but filled with joy that this sin has resulted not in disaster but in a further display of God's goodness: instead of (as we might be tempted to do) wiping out our First Parents He confirms them in their original vocation and then - through the mediation of Our Blessed Lady - Himself pays for their sin and ours!
No wonder that Paul in the Second Reading bursts into an exuberant hymn of gratitude for this unspeakable gift which we can appreciate only with difficulty.
The Gospel tells a well-known story highlighting the sublime perfection and maturity of the great Lady who made all this possible.
Pray for us, 0 holy Mother of God,
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
~December 2011 Concord
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