St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 29, 2012 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Sunday, January 29
Dt 18: 15-207
1 Cor 7: 32-35
Mk 1: 21-28

He began (Fr A.) began to pray for the Shepherdess Sisters in 1908, but they did not become a reality for 30 years (VMC 125).

Father Tom: We should do the same for the HFI and believe that the Divine Master will continue to assist and enlarge.

Personal Note: The Founder’s perseverance reminds me that sometimes God doesn’t answer prayers right away, that he wants us to continue to ask Him, even when it seems like He is silent. God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, keep us free from discouragement. Help us to persevere in our prayers to you, that you may not only give us what we desire, but also what is best for us, when it is best for us. Jesus, Master, Way, Truth and Life, have mercy on us.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Anthony Colella FSP (1985)—Sr. Assunta Gagliardelli SGBP (1987)—Fr. Desiderio Costa SSP (1989)—Sr. Providenza Arigo FSP (1989)—Sr. Providenza Arrigo FSP (1989)—Sr. M. Isaia Cendron PD (91997)—Fr. Paolo Solomon IJP (1997)- Bro Christopher Toppo SSP (2001)—Hernando Hurtaato HFI (2003)—Fr. Ugo Zecchin SSP (2004)—Br. Paulus Jate SSP (2005)—Felicitas Morales (2006)

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