St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 17, 2013 With Blessed Father Alberione and With Father Tom

Tuesday, December 17
Gen 49: 2-10
Mt 1: 1-47

We quote this author and that one...Quote God! This is what God taught...this is what Jesus Christ preached. At times we want to display what we know. Let us display what God knows! (Pr B 268)

From Father Tom: On the other hand, we must be ready to speak about the HFI without fear. But not immediately about vows or commitment---might scare away good people. So first perhaps family, then prayer, direction, etc. Other things such as shortness of life, sudden deaths, etch., may open the door.

Please Pray for Our Deceased: Sr. Matilode Gastaldi FSP (2000)--Giuseppina Mscali IAM (2005)--Demetrina Schirra IAM (2005)--Howard Nephew  (1959)--Johnny Preston (1983)--John Banahan (no year)

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