St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 30, 2018 With Blessed Father Alberione

1 Pt 1: 18-25
Ps 147: 12-15, 19-20
Mk 10: 32-45

The model book, divine and source of what we say, is the Gospel. Each House therefore has two centers: Tabernacle and Gospel; above, the Eucharistic Jesus; beneath, the Gospel. That is why the solemn blessing is made and is exhibited in apostolic places (ACV (ACV, p. 196)

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED: Sr Lorenzina Ligari FSP (1935)—Sr M Alessandrina Migliardi FSP (1973)—Fr Aldo Varaldo SSP (1997)—Sr M Pacis Ferrero PD (2000)—Sr M Veritas Grau FSP (2004)—Sr M Amalia Bertolusso PD (2007)—Maria Ascanio IAM (2009)—Anna Maria Cocci HFI (2009)—Sr Eugenia Milan SGBP (2013)—Andrea Colaluce HFI (2014)—Philip Smelka (1995)—Armida Primavera (1999)

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