St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Monday, June 25, 2018

June 26, 2018 With Blessed Father Alberione

2 Kgs 19: 9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36
Ps 48: 2-4, 10-11
Mt 7: 6, 12-14

In each nation, vocations must be formed. The first work of one who goest to a nation is this: to approach young people, to seek vocations, to begin the apostolate immediately, which gives the means to live and the means to form the Pauline (RSP, p 571-572).
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED: Fr Antonia IJP (1988)—Sr M Angiola Pecorelli PD (1994)—Carmelo Carmazza HFI (2006)—Sr Hilda Eva Breve SGBP (2007)—Concetta Arcione HFI (2009)—Bro Luigi Montanaro SSP (2010)—Sr Immacolata Marruco SGBP (2012)—Fr Gianfranco Capoferri IJP (2013)—Sr REnata M Correggioli FSP (2014)—Raimondo Pirracchio HFI (2014)—Angelo Bassi GABRIELITE (2016)—Fr Andrés Gainzaraín SSP (2017)—Ralph Dorsey Johnson (1991)

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