I found this image of St. Joseph on the internet.
Thurssday, March 1
First Thursday of the Month—The Angel Guardians
Est. 12: 14-25
Mt 7: 7-12
When faith in Providence is alive, the entire meaning of human history is clearly defined, elevated and profound. It is God Who conducts all things and makes them converge, rather than a chance succession of events (FP 86).
Father Tom: This applies also to my vocation and your. They were perhaps apparently chance events but in reality arranged by God. We were free to choose one way or the other, but had that extra grace to choose where we are now.
Please Pray for Our Deceased: Teresa Ragazzini HFI (1987)—Sr. Maurilia Curto FSP (1994)—Sr. Paolina Marianelli FSP (2002)—Fr. Giovanni Ingravallo IJP (20002)-- Sr. M. Franca Lo Monaco FSP (20009)—Bernard Natkus (1965)—Josephine Merlene (2000)—Robert Piatt (2002)—Emily Randa (2008)
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