St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Sunday, November 4, 2018

1st Sunday of the Month: Chaplet of the Divine Master

The Pauline chaplets are said the first seven days of each month (one chaplet for each corresponding day) and can also be said at any other time.


The first Sunday is dedicated to Jesus Mster and Mediator, so that in him, through Him and with Him, the Blessed Trinity may be glorified, thanked and petitioned. Let us remember the last things, especially our goal: heaven.

1. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the Word Incarnate sent by the Father to instruct us in lifegiving truths. You are uncreated Truth, the only Master. You alone have words of eternal life. We thank you for having imparted to us the light of reason and the light of faith, and for having called us to the light of glory. We believe, submitting our whole mind to your and to the Church. Master, show us the treasures of your wisdom, let us know the Father, make us your true disciples. Increase our faith so that we may attain to the eternal vision in heaven.

Jesus Master, Way and Truth and Life, have mercy on us.

2. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the Beloved of the Father, the sole Way to him. We thank you beause you made yourself our model. You left us examples of the highest perfection. You have invited us to follow you on earth and in heaven. We contemplate you in the varous periods of your earthly life. We docilely place ourselves in your school and follow your teachings. Draw us to you so that by following in your footsteps and renouncing ourselves, we may seek only your will. Increase active hope in us and the desire to be found similar to you at the judgment, and to possess you forever in heaven.

Jesus Master...

3. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you as the only-begotten Son of God, come on the earth to give Life, the most abundant life, to humanity. We thank you becuse by dying on the cross, you merited life for us, which you give us in baptism and nourish in the Eucharist and in the other sacraments. Live in us, Jesus, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that we may love you with our whole mind, strength, and heart, and love our neightbor as ourselves for love of you. Increase charity in us, so that one day, called from the sepulcher to the glorious life, we may be united with you in the eternal happiness of heaven.

Jesus Master...

4. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you living in the Church, your Mystical Body, and our sole ark of salvation. We thank you for having given us this infallible and idefectible Mother, in whom you continue to be for humanity the Way, the Truth and the Life. We ask of you that those who do not believe may come to her inextinguishable light, the erring return to her, and all peoples be united in faith, in a common hope, in charity. Exalt the Church, assist the Pope, sanctify the clergy and religous. Lord Jesus, our wish is yours: that there be one fold under one Shepherd, so that we may all be reunited in the Church exultant in heaven.

Jesus Master...

5. Jesus, Divine Master, we adore you with the angels who sang the reasons for your Incarnation: "Glory to God and peace to all people." We thank you for having called us to share in your own apostolate. Enkindle in us your own flame of zeal for God and for souls. Fill all our powers with yourself. Live in us so that we may radiate you through our apostolate of prayer, suffering and social communication, as well as by word, example and deed. Send good laborers into your harvest. Enlighten preachers, teachers, writers; infuse in them the Holy Spirit with His seven gifts; dispose minds and hearts to receive Him. Come, Master and Lord! Teach and reign, thorough Mary, Mother, Teacher and Queen.

Jesus Master...

Before or after meditation, or during the Hour of Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, the following is said or sung: Master, we know that you are truthful and teach the way of God in truth. (See "Other Prayers" for the Magnificat)

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