St. John's Adoration Chapel

St. John's Adoration Chapel
"Do Not Fear: I am with you. From here I will cast light Be sorry for sin."

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

June 10 - The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

This great devotion goes back to the twelfth century. It was not forgotten that the Eucharist is a sacrifice but  the focus was on the Real Presence and of the need to pay the Divine Master special attention in splendid surroundings. One reason for this trend was the relative severity of penitential discipline which (in a very different age from our superficial and sinful one) prevented some from receiving Communion, so much so that there were those who went from church to church just to be present at the Elevation. On the other hand the Church in this period had to contend with doubts about the reality of Christ's presence in the  Blessed Sacrament. All this led to the institution of today's great Feast.
The First Reading brings us back to the Old Testament where Moses sacrifices young bulls, reads aloud the book of the covenant and sprinkles the people with the blood of the sacrifice. It is not difficult to see in this passage a parallel with our Eucharist today. We, too, read "the book of the covenant" i.e. the Gospel which records the "covenant" or agreement God made with His People through His Son. and we receive the Body and Blood of Christ. An interesting point here are the words of Consecration: "this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant." God made his Covenant or Agreement with the chosen People, appointing an individual as a go-between. Each of these died and another was chosen. Then came Jesus and the Covenant made with him - and sealed with his blood - is eternal, because he will never die.

The Responsorial Psalm is a little different from the usual. We would expect it to confirm the First Reading whereas it is really more geared to the Gospel. However it's general tone and relevance are obvious.
The Second Reading speaks about the Holy of Holies the tent containing the presence of God, which accompanied the Israelites on their desert journey for forty years and even later, and which the High Priest  entered once a year to perform sacrifice. The Reading says that Christ made use of, so to speak, his own body as the real Tent and his own blood as a sacrifice and through this "tent" entered heaven at his death. (His Ascension was simply a gesture for our benefit but on Calvary he completed his sacrifice). As a result he is now the new and eternal Mediator -between his Father and humanity
The Sequence makes a number of points: a) the glory of Christ who by his Passion and Death replaces the sacrifices of the Old Law; b) at the Last Supper the Lord gave us his Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine and when we receive him he does not undergo any lessening and is not harmed by being received by people in mortal sin ( very likely in our time, unfortunately). Sadly, the people will feel the effect if they die in that state.
The Gospel is chosen because it also underlines the aspect of "covenant" and includes detail about the preparation for the Passover and of the room where meal will be eaten. It also contains the lines: " this is my blood of the covenant which will be shed for many."

~ June 2012 Concord

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